Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 23, 1996, Page 12, Image 12

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    Ot i out k 23, 1996 • Tm P ori land O bserver
P age B6
Sub-Kids Requested
U.S. Postal Service
Sub-Bids and Material Quotes Requested
Hedges Green Retail Shopping Center
Tualatin. Oregon
Bid Date: October 25. 1996 @ 4:00 p.m.
Wheeler Basin Phase 2, unit 3 Sewer Reconstruction
Rebid No. #27
Bids by 5pm Oct. 28 1996
(Bid Date: Oct 29, 1996)
Andersen Construction Co., Inc.
6712 N. Cutter Circle, Portland. OR 97217
(503) 283-6712 Fax (503) 283-3607
Oregon Contractor’s Board Registration #63053
S u b B ids R e q u e s te d
Inverness Jail Expansion & Remodel
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from
disadvantaged, minority, women and emerging small business
enterprises. All Federal requirements apply to this project.
P. 0. Box 30569 Portland, OR 97294-3569
Phone: (503) 252-1180 Fax (503) 408-8119
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvan­
taged, women, and emerging small business enterprises. CCB#28397
P o rtla n d , O re g o n
BP#2 - Dormitory Shell and Core
Public Hearing Notice
Concete Work - Bids Due: 2pm, October 29, 1996
at Mutlnomah County Purchasing
All Work Except Concrete - Bids Due 2pm, October 30, 1996
at Hoffman Construction Company
There will be a public hearing on the proposed
L m JI
Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934
1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417
We are an equal opportunity employer an request sub bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterpnses.
Public Notice
The Oregon Lottery is seeking proposals for a multimedia
software program to be used to train Lottery retailers.
An informational session will be held Thursday, October 31,
1996, 2:00 pm, at Oregon Lottery headquarters in Salem.
For more information, please contact Debbie Velasco at 503-
Our Most Important Asset is People
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon/HMO Oregon is currently
recruiting for the following positions: For more information about
current openings call our Job Information Line:
Decision Support Analyst (#370)
Member Service Rep. (#339)
Short Term Medical Coordinator (#371)
Programmer - Medicare Systems Group (#259)
We are strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases of employ­
ment. Blue Cross and Blue Shield is a smoke-free workplace.
BlueCross BlueShield
of Oregon
HMO Oregon
Sub-Bids Requested
LTD E u g e n e T ra n s it S tatio n , P h ase 2
1080 Willamette Street
Eugene, OR 97401
Bid Date: 10-30-96
Bid Time: 6:00 P.M.
Lee Construction Company is an
equal opportunity employer and requests sub-bids
from small disadvantaged businesses, women and
minority business enterprises. CCB #63579
Phone: 541-683-3607
Fax: 541-485-1344
Request for
Bids and/or Proposals
Metro, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, herby requests
written bids and/or proposals for the following goods and/or
1) Metro Inform ation on Long-Range Transportation
(MILT), RFP #96-22-TR. Metro is requesting proposals
for a consultant to create an interactive multi-media envi­
ronment complete with touch-screen computer program
technology housed on a Tri-Met bus. The consultant will
maintain the multi-media environment, including the com ­
puter program, for one year and provide training to per­
sonnel responsible for operating and updating exhibits
and computer programs.
Contact: Jodie Nilsen, Transportation Department, (503)
Proposal Due Date: 4:00PM, Friday, Novemeber 15,1996
Pre-Proposal Meeting: 9:30AM, Friday, November 1,
1996 at the Metro Regional Center, located at 600 NE
Grand Avenue, Room 270. For more inforamtion, contact
Jan Faraca at (503) 797-1756.
2) Collection and Analysis of Commodity Flow Inform a­
tion for Metro and the Port of Portland (RFP#96R-32-
TR). Metro is currently seeking the service of a qualified
consultant to collect and analyze commodity flow inform a­
tion. Metro and the Port of Portland desire information to
help them better understand the freight system. In order to
ensure an efficient system, information is needed about
the quantity and type of goods being handled, where the
goods are going in the region, how they are being carried,
and what the key factors are that businesses consider in
making shipment decisions.
Contact: Karen Thackston, Transportation Department,
(503) 797-1590
Proposal Due Date: 5:00PM, Monday, December 2,1996
Pre-proposal Meeting: 9:00AM, Tuesday, November
12,1996 at Metro Regional Center, Room 370A.
3) Pioneer Cem eteries Burial Services. Metro is request­
ing bids for Pioneer Cemeteries Burial Services (RFB#96B-
37-PK). the length of the contract will be for four (4) years
(December 1,1996 through November 30.2000) with two
(2) additional one (1) year optional renewals.
Contact: Dan Kromer, regional Parks & Greenspaces,
(503) 797-1844
1997 C o m m u n ity S e rv ic e s B lo ck G ra n t S ta te Plan.
Wednesday, October 30, 1996
10:00 am
Location: Director’s Conference Room
Oregon Housing and Community Services
1600 State Street
Salem OR 97310-0302
The purpose of this hearing is to obtain public comment on
the proposed 1997 Oregon State Plan for the Community
Services Block Grant Program (CSBG). Persons interested
in testifying should bring their written comments to the
hearing. Requests for copies of the plan should be made to
the Community Services Section of the Oregon Housing and
Community Services Department at the following address:
Oregon Housing and Community Service Department
Community Services Section
1600 State Street
Salem OR 97310-0302
(503) 986-2000
Written comments may be submitted to the Oregon Housing
and Community Services Department in advance of the
public hearing and will become part of the public record if
received by 5:00 pm, October 30, 1996.
Sub-Bids Requested
S a n d y W a s te w a te r T re a tm e n t P lant
Im p ro v e m e n t P ro je c t
Bid Time: October 29,1996 3:00 PM
Run Dates: 10/23
Lan e T ra n s it D istrict E u g e n e
T ra n s it S tatio n P h a s e 2
Bid Time: October 30,1996 6:00 PM
Run Dates: 10/23
Bid to: W ild is h B u ild in g Co. (C C B # 34 4 2 9 )
P. 0. Box 7428
Eugene. Or 97401
Contact: Bob McDonald or Tom Lambe
Phone: (541)485-1700
Fax: (541)683-7767
We Request Bids and Encourage Pre Bid Contact From Firms Certified As
Disadvantaged, Minority, Women, And Small Businesses.
City Of Vancouver, Washington
Request For Proposal
R Street Improvement Project
Negotiation And Acquisition Services
The City of Vancouver is seeking qualified individuals or firms
to assist city staff to negotiate and acquire property in
conjunction with the R Street Improvement Project.
Proposal packets may be obtained from the office of Pur­
chasing and Contracts, Vancouver City Hall, Lower Level,
210 East 13th Street, Vancouver, Washington, (360) 696-
Questions regarding this Request for proposal may be
directed to William W hitcomb at (360) 696-8290.
Sealed proposals will be received by the Purchasing Agent
of the City of Vancouver, W ashington up to the hour of 3:00
PM, Tuesday, November 5,1996. Proposals delivered later
will not be accepted. The City of Vancouver is not responsible
for delays in delivery.
All responses to this request shall be addressed to the
attention of the Purchasing agent, City of Vancouver, PO Box
1995, Vancouver, W ashington 98668-1995. All delivered
responses shall be delivered to the Purchasing Agent, City of
Vancouver, Lower level City Hall, 210 East 13th Street. All
proposals shall be placed in a sealed envelope which is
clearly marked:
“R Street Improvement Project Property
Negotiation and Acquisition Services"
Responses by FAX will not be accepted.
This project is financed through the Community Develop­
ment Block Grant program with funds obtained from the U.S.
Department of Housing and Urban Development. The con­
tract will be subject to regulations of the Department of Labor
and Housing and Urban Development.
Attention is called to Federal Provisions for Equal Opportu­
nity, HUD Section 3 requirements, and the minimum wages
as set forth in the contract documents.
The City of Vancouver is com m itted to providing equal
opportunities to State of W ashington certified Minority, Dis­
advantaged, and W omen's Business Enterprises in contract­
ing activities. (Section 4 of Chapter 56, Laws of 1975,1 st Ex.
Sess., State of Washington.)
The City of Vancouver reserves the right to cancel this
invitation or reject any and all proposals submitted or to waive
any minor formalities of this call if, in the judgm ent of the City
Council, the best interest of the City would be served.
V. Marcelyn Jandreau
Purchasing Agent
Sub-Bids Requested
Sub-Bids Requested
New B e a v e rto n E le m e n ta ry S c h o o l F in d le y S ite
Bid Package #3 - Building Finishes and Landscaping
Bid Date: November 6 ,1996 2:00pm
D O N A L D M. D R A K E C O M P A N Y
t-i in i.r iv -i- m .j-i-i/z c r
1740 N.W. Flanders
Portland, OR 97209
(503) 243-2775
Fax (503) 243-2775
C C B 1184045
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, minority,
women, Vietnam era veterans, disabled veterans, or emerging small business enterprises.
Request for Informal Bids
Metro, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, solicits informal
bids/proposals for the following goods, services, and projects
by the deadline(s) specified below or no later than one (1)
week following this publication.
ArcView Upgrades and New product. Metro is seeking
quotes for ArcView software which is manufactured by
Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). ESRI
is located at 380 New York Street, Redlands, California
92373, (909) 793-2853.
Contact: Alan Hoisted, Data Resource Center, (503) 797-
Bid due Date: 5:00PM, Wednesday, October 30,1996
All interested parties must contact the project manager(s)
listed, secure all information and documentation necessary,
and comply with all requirements of the informal, competitive
Any conflicts or disputes shall be resolved pursuant to
Chapter 2.04 of the metro code and the decision of the
Procurement Officer shall be final and bind all participants.
This is the only public announcement to be made regarding
this informal process.
Metro may reject any/all submittal which are noncompliant,
noncompetitive or not in the public interest.
Metro extend equal opportunity to all; will not discriminate
against any person/firm based on race, color, national origin,
sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handicap,
political affiliation or marital status; and encourages minority
and women-owned businesses to participate in all Metro
procurements, projects, or programs.
Notice Of Opportunity
For Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given that a public hearing, if so requested
by any interested person, will be held by the Tri-County
Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) at
3:30 p.m., W ednesday, November 20,1996, at the Portland
Building, 1120 SW 5th Ave., 2nd floor, room C, for the
purpose of considering two projects for which federal assis­
tance from the Federal Transit Administration, under U.S.C.
§5309, is being sought. Persons requesting that this hearing
be convened should contact Tri-M et’s Grants Administrator,
by telephone at 503/238-4920, or in writing at 4012 SE 17th
Ave., Portland, OR, 97202, by Wednesday, November 6,
The Banfield Comm unications Retrofit project will make
improvements in the communication and control com po­
nents of the existing MAX System to make them compatible
with the Westside Light Rail system. The project includes
systems for overview display of train movements; remote
shutdown of substations; remote monitoring of ticket vending
machines; remote control of powered track switches; and
CCTV security surveillance for three elevator stations. Par­
tial funding for this project was approved by FTA in February
1996. FY97 fixed guideway modernization form ulafunding of
$1,164,940 federal ($1,456,175 total) will be requested in
this grant application. About half of these funds ($647,373
federal) will be used to complete the Communications Retro­
fit project. The remainder will be used for purchase of
equipment needed for the Banfield system.
The other project under consideration Is the replacement of
approximately 19 40-ft. Transit buses and seven minibuses
used for fixed-route services. Section 5309 bus funding of
$4,962,500 federal ($6,203,125 total) will be requested for
this project. All buses to be replaced are well beyond the
retirement age specified by FTA.
No significant displacement of persons, families or business­
es will be incurred by the projects. Projects described above
are in conformance with com prehensive land use and trans­
portation Improvement programs.
In the event a hearing is held, Tri-Met will afford opportunity
for interested persons or agencies to be heard with respect
to the social, economic, and environmental aspects of the
A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give
Tri-Met at least 48 hours notice of the request by contacting
Tri-Met at 238-4952 or TDD 238-5811, Monday through
Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
A copy of the grant application and Tri-Met’s transit develop­
ment plan are available for public Inspection at the Tri-Met
Grants Department, 4th floor, 4012 SE 17th Ave., Portland,
Bruce C. Harder
Executive Director
Tri-Met Finance & Administration