r ir s . F r a n c e s Sc E in e n -N e w s ) o f O re g o n L ib i E u g e n » , O re g o n »r F U ni v e r s i t v Committed to cultural di Volum e X X V I, N um ber 43 October 23, 1996 '■J7 4 0 3 What is an American? Mexican Pre-Columbian Art 7 0 2 No Doubt Meet 702, three brilliant new stars lighting up the R&B scene like a Vegas slot machine. Three student essays from Albina Youth Opportunity School. Explore the artwork that existed before Columbus. Observador inside. See Entertainment, page B3. See Metro, page BI. (Lbe Díúxtíattít WEEK IN First Lady speaks to youth REVIEW Congress authorizes King memorial The U.S. Congress has passed legisla­ tion authorizing Alpha Phi Alpha, the na­ tio n ’s oldest African-Am erican fraternity to begin a national fund-rasing campaign and design competition for a memorial to Rev. M artin Luther King, Jr. A fter 12 years and rejection by four previous Con­ gresses, the b ill passed unanimously in the House and then slipped through the Senate quietly October 3 as part o f the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act. First Lady H illary Rodham Clinton was fea­ tured guest on Black Entertainment Television's “ Teen Summit'' recently. “ Teen S um m if’which features African-Am er­ ican teens and focuses on critical issues affecting all young people. The First Lady had a question and answer sessions with the young audience on issues rang­ ing from education to diversity to inner city concerns. She also discussed the importance o f the upcoming November elections. Mrs. Clinton is seated with "Teen Summit” Host Ananda Lewis (left), and Associate Produc­ er Fran Toliver (right). To the left is the Posse, members o f the teenage audience who asked questions about Mrs. C linton's work on b e h a lfo f families and children. World hunger map Fifty years after Brazilian w riter Josue de Castro wrote his hard-hitting Geogra­ phy o f Hunger, the leaders o f nearly 200 countries are planning to draw up a world map o f hunger in order to wage a more effective battle against the problem, re­ ports IPS. The W orld Food Summit to be held from November 13-17 in Rome w ill outline the location o f the h a lf o f the world, which in de Castro’s words cannot sleep because o f hunger, and which keep the other h a lf from sleeping from fear that the hungry h a lf w ill “ awaken.” Persian Gulf chemical Search The Pentagon w ill notify some 20,000 U.S. G u lf War troops that they may have been exposed to chemical weapons in the destruction o f an Iraqi ammunition dump, defense o ffic ials say. The new figure would greatly expand the search for possible vic­ tims from a blast cloud containing Sarin and Cyclosarin nerve agents from the Kamisiyah dump in southern Iraq in March 1991. Clinton sets 1999 as NATO target President Clinton set 1999 as a target date for admitting new members to N A TO , saying the Iron Curtain must not be re­ placed “ by a veil o f indifference.” The United States is sympathetic to the request by most former Soviet satellites since the collapseofcom munism in 1989 to jo in the alliance but is wary o f alienating Russia. N A T O ministers w ill meet in December to pave the way for an alliance summit in 1997 that would name the first candidates for membership and lead to the start o f negotiations. Dozens dead in Venezuelan prison fire As many as 40 prisoners are dead after a fire apparently caused by guards in a Venezuelan ja il, o fficials and human rights activists said. The fire started when a wing o f the prison was closed o ff and tear gas canisters thrown. It was unclear why the guards had locked up the prisoners and an investigation w ill be conducted. Clinton widens lead over Dole President C linton edged a little farther ahead o f Republican Bob Dole in the Reuters daily tracking poll released today. His lead now stands at 11.3 percentage points. Exactly tw o weeks before Election Day, Clinton led with 46 percent over Dole's 34.7 percent. 11.5 percent said they had still not made up their minds. ■ Former E & M Sentry Market takes leap of faith by L ee P erlman he prime backer of the new store at 9 0 9 N. Killingsworth St., known for the time being as the E & M Community M arket, is the Eman­ uel Community General Services Corpo­ ration, an offshoot of Emanuel Temple Church. T Starting November 5, it w ill be open from 7 a m. to 9 p.m. daily. A fter an official grand opening in January it may have a new name, possibly something suggested by the com­ munity, according to W illiam Turner o f the store’s management team. The venture is receiving financial support from the Portland Development Commis­ sion, Albina Community and Key banks, Union Gospel Mission and Portland Com ­ m unity College Cascade Campus. Also, there start-up staff o f 15 - which w ill later expand to 28 or 30 - w ill be supplemented by Eman­ uel Temple volunteers. They w ill need all o f it. As E & M Sentry, the market closed earlier this year. A t 24,000 square feet the building is small for a full-service market, and it must compete with such larger and well-estab­ lished stores as Safeway and Fred Meyer. EDITORIAL A2 BUSINESS A3 Johnny Olive makes repairs at the new E&M Market. Added to this, the new store begins by turning its back on one a prime source o f revenue - cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. "W e felt that in this neighborhood these were things that contributed to crim inal activity," Turner says. Perhaps, but they also generated Photo by Curtis Huff $260,000 in sales for the old market in its last year o f operation. How w ill the new store generate enough business to close the gap? A big element w ill be "customer service and a family atmosphere,” Turner says "O ur key w ill be service, which we hope to make the best in town." It w ill also offer value and specialty items. These w ill include African- American. Asian and Hispanic ethinic foods, the Fleming and Marquee food lines, organic produce, beauty care products and items like Henry Weinhard root beer. “ We ll have one o f the largest selections o f pop in Portland,” Turner promises. After January, they w ill also have a deli and prepared foods. The venture also boasts experienced man­ agement. I he manager w ill be Robert Malone, the old store's last manager. "It was im por­ tant to have him here," Turner says. He him selfworked atJ.C. Penney’s for 18 years. Other management team members include Roger Pender o fK Mart and Paul Marshall o f I B M . “ We have a wealth o f experience from various backgrounds," Turner says. Marshall also serves as president o f a board o f trustees that includes Bishop Welles o f Emanuel Temple, Marcus Pollard, Garry W in field , Rosemary Daniels and C urtis Kimbrough. A ll in all, the new market seems to offer all the elements in merchandise and direction community leaders have longcalled for. Now w ill come the test o f whether it pays off. DEQ Assists In Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Revitalization he Oregon Department of Envi­ projects to address them. One o f the strate­ ronmental Quality is holding a gies includes environmental cleanup efforts series of free workshops de­ that w ill allow redevelopment o f vacant, con­ signed to assist Martin Luther King Jr. taminated industrial/commercial properties Boulevard property owners and local (“ brownfields") in the area. DEQ is support­ businesses with environmental issues. ing the revitalization through technical assis­ T DEQ is a partner on the M L K Jr. Boule­ vard Action Committee, which includes com­ munity, state, city, and M etro representative. The committee has been meeting since early June as a result o f a revitalization program initiated by G overnor Kitzhaber. Since then, the committee has identified key community issues and proposed short- and long-term tance to area businesses and contractors. The DEQ workshops w ill provide specific information about responding to environ­ mental hazards such as asbestos, underground oil or fuel tanks, hazardous waste, and con­ taminated soil. Information w ill also be pro­ vided on what is needed to star! an environ­ mental contracting business. The workshops are scheduled f o r : W orkshop I : Environmental Manage­ ment in Business Activities; Wednesday, October 30; 6:00-8:15 P.M. Metro Regional Center; 600 NF Grand. Room 370 A & B W orkshop 2: How io Stan an Environ­ mental Contracting Business, Wednesday, November 13; 6:00 - 8:00 P M Metro Re­ gional Center; 600 NE Grand. Room 370 A&B To reserve a space at the workshops, call DEQ at 229-5209. DEQ recently distributed a brochure to local businesses and contrac­ tors describing what to do and w ho to contact i f hazards such as asbestos, hazardous waste, contaminated soil and underground tanks, are encountered. DEQ is also w orking with the Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Action Com m it­ tee in addressing potential contamination and soil cleanup concerns along the boule­ vard. The goal o f this assistance is to accelerate the cleanup process so that redevelopment can occur in a timely manner. For more information about DF.Q’s activ­ ities and technical assistance resources, con­ tact Kevin Masterson, 229-5615. Nike establishes labor practices department Carter mediates Nicaragua Former President Jimmy Carter is try­ ing to defuse an election crisis in Nicara­ gua after Sandinista candidate Daniel Ortega refused to accept defeat, alleging fraud in the count. W ith more than h a lf the vote counted, o ffic ia l results pointed to a big victory for right-w ing lawyer Am oldo Aleman. First Lady Hillary Clinton answered questions on issues ranging from education to diversity to inner city concerns from members o f the teenage audience on “Teen Summit. ’ Mrs. Clinton stressed the importance o f all citizens voting on November 5th. N IK E Inc. recently established a new de­ partment with a mandate to continue to evolve its m onitoring o f subcontracted manufactur­ ing facilities and continue to upgrade condi­ tions for workers in subcontractor factories around the world. The creation o f a dedicated Labor Practic­ es Department is a further step in N IK E 's ongoing commitment to have products made HEALTH A4 only in the best facilities with the best work­ ing conditions in the sports and fitness indus­ try. The department w ill be headed by Dusty Kidd, and staffed with managers and inspec­ tors based in production centers around the world. Kidd, a long-time N IK E employee, has held positions in marketing communica­ tions and business management in Asia Pa- EDUCATION AS FAMILY A7 cific. He has worked as a professional ob­ server o f manufacturing environments for almost 20 years. W orking with Ernst & Young, he set up the first ongoing system o f independent m onitoring o f subcontracted consumer products manufacturing for N IK E in 1994. Combined with a worldwide force o f more than 1,000 N IK E employees w ork­ ing w ith subcontractors in more than 30 METRO BI countries, this ongoing m onitoring system is the most comprehensive in the industry The new Labor Practices Department w ill work closely with N IK E ’ s production staff, and with production partners in source coun­ tries around the world Specific emphasis w ill be on Indonesia, China and Vietnam, which together account for 75% o f N IK E 's worldwide athletic footwear production ARTS & ENT. CLASSIFIEDS OBSERVADOR B3 £5 Cl