Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 16, 1996, Page 6, Image 6

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    P agi
( ) ( IO BLR
Maas Sworn In As Police Chief
that tune
couver's new C h ie f o f Police on
Monday, Oct 7, in front o f a room
packed fu ll o f friends and co -w o rk ­
ers Maas now heads a 120-em-
ployee department w hich w ill grow
as the city proceeds w ith annex­
Maas thanked his fa m ily fo r itsl
Maas was introduced by M ary Jo
B riggs, deputy c ity manager A fte r
listin g M aas’ s previous experience
in police w ork and budget. Briggs
said she knew him to be "a man o f
integrity, a decision maker and a
person who looks at the com m unity
w ith visio n .” C ity attorney Ted Gathe
department as the interim p o lic e |
performed the swearing-in ceremony .
support. He commented that p o lice !
department employees had been
helpful, w elcom ing, and friendly asl
he prepared to step into the c h ie f si
role and he thanked Captain I erry [
Rosenquist fo r his service to thel
as parks
New development
review manager
( ity Manager Vernon Stoner an­
DiCesare has been employed
by the city since July, 1993, as an
assistant to the c ity manager. Ilis
background includes w ork on the
heritage program.
D iv is io n goals include im prove­
ment in service de live ry to the com ­
m unity and effective customer ser­
vice w ith applicants and neighbor­
hoods. The w orkgroup w ill be com ­
prised o f about 54 employees in­
c lu d in g some building, planning and
lire code staff.
The d ivisio n is part o f the C om ­
m unity Developm ent Department.
D iC esare w ill re p o rt to Karen
I sther Short Redevelopment Plan
and the One Place Across Tim e
Haines, C om m unity Development
director, beginning Oct. 14.
nounced the selection ot David
DiCesare as the c ity ’ s new Devel­
opment Review Manager. I JiCesare
w ill manage a new di vision in Com­
munity Development designed to
streamline the review process for
planned developments in the city.
C ity M anager Vernon L Stoner I
has selected Larry J Smith as d ire c­
tor o fth e C ity o f V ancouver's Parks|
and Recreation Department.
Smith, age 53, has w orked as an I
assistant to the c ity manager fo r the
past five years. His focus has been
on expanding the c ity ’ s service)
Parks and Recreation
¡announces essay contest
Vancouver Parks and Recreation
J is launching the first “ H ow Van­
couver Parks and Recreation En­
riched M y L ife " contest. People
who feel their health, w ell-being, or
life in general has been enhanced
by participating in any parks and
recreation program may enter by
w ritin g a b rie f essay describing their
W inners w ill be chosen in 16
categories includingyouth program,
teen program, adult enrichm ent,
citizens o f d is a b ility , senior enrich­
ment. S N A P /M e a ls on W heels,
He was hired by the city in 1991
after he concluded a distinguished |
assignment as service advisor to the
104th D ivision Vancouver Barracks.
During his m ilitary career, he was
involved w ith parks and recreation at |
gram, Foster Grandparents, Heritage
Services, Fitness, Tennis, Special
Events, Aquatics, Sports, Facilities
and Parks and Trails.
several m ilitary installations.
Smith assumed his new responsi-1
Category winners w ill receive a
$25 g ift certificate to apply toward
registering in Parks and Recreation
b ilitie s Oct. I He w ill report to
D eputy C ity M anager M a ry J o l
Briggs. The parks d ire cto r salary |
programs. There w ill also be a $50
grand prize certificate winner.
Entry deadline is Jan. 15. Entry
forms may be picked up at Bagley
range is $59,832 to $76,368
Smith is a native o f V irg in ia . He |
Center, 4100 Plomondon or Marshall
Center, I009E . M cLoughlin B lvd .,o r
by calling Toni Syverson, 735-8801.
is active in V ancouver Rotary. He
lives in the Cascade Park area w ith
his w ife and daughter, who is a I
student at M ou n ta in V ie w H ig h )
Spirits entertain on Officers Row
The second annual Ghost Sto­
ries on O ffice rs Row' scares up sp ir­
The tour includes performances
by personalities who live on the Row
including singing soldiers and a gov­
Row, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Tuesday-
ited entertainm ent Saturday and
Sunday, O ctober 26 and 27. Ghost
Stories takes visitors on a w alk along
erness w ho hanged herself.
“ This is not a haunted house, and
♦ M a rs h a ll C e n te r, 1009 E .|
M cL o u g h lin B lvd , 8 a.m. to 5 p.m
M onday-Friday.
O fficers Row to meet the spirits o f
V ancouver's first neighborhood.
Some are humorous, some are ee­
rie. 75-m inute tours start at 6 p.m.
not suitable fo r children under age
seven," cautions Jane M orrison, her­
itage services coordinator.
A ll tickets are $3, available from:
♦Bagley Center, 4100 P io n ,o n - 1
don, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., M onday-
Friday. O r call Bagley Center at I
696-8219 and charge tickets to |
Maps are on the back o fth e tickets.
♦ G ra n t House,
1101 O ffic e rs
V IS A or Mastercard.
Citizens and Agencies become Habitat Partners
C lark C ounty citizens and public
agencies have formed a private non­
p ro fit group to preserve, enhance,
and support the acquisition o fw iId-
life habitat in C lark County and the
low er C olum bia region. Through
public private partnerships and d i­
rect private sector support, the co­
a litio n is concentrating on the ar­
112, C la rk Public U tilitie s , the city
o f R idgefield, C lark County, the Si­
erra Club, Audubon Society, Cannard
K in g and Associates, Pioneer P rint­
ing, and Loom is, Inc.
ea's highest q u a lity shore lands,
floodplains, wetlands, forests, and
“ Interagency and com m unity co­
operation are an essential part o f
habitat management and enhance­
m ent," Dygert said. “ The group es­
p e cia lly wants to encourage p u b lic/
private partnerships and direct p ri­
other habitat and open space lands.
vate sector support."
O rg a n iz a tio n p re s id e n t B ill
Dygert said anyone can belong to
Habitat Partners and he urged c iti­
zens to get involved in upcom ing
projects In addition to individuals,
the fo llo w in g organizations have
O ctober 12 Tree Planting Event
The g ro u p ’ s first m ajor project
involves restoring vegetation to river
banks along the south shore o f the
East fo rk o f the Lew is River, Dygert
said. Volunteers plan to plant w il­
lows, Oregon ash, red oiser dog­
at the State H ighw ay D epartm ent’ s
269th Street park and ride parking
loteas, o f Interstate 5 D rive north
on 1-5 to the R idgefield (269th
S tree,)junction. Turn easton269th
Street and d rive about 100 yards to
the park and ride lot on the north
side o fth e street. C ar p o oling and
caravanning w ill occur from this
Dygert said anyone who wants
to participate is asked to RSVP by
call ing Kathe Thomas, C lark Coun­
ty C om m unity Developm ent. 699-
2375, ext. 4936.
w ood and other trees at a spot that is
about 1/4 m ile east o f Paradise Point
State Park. The property is owned by
C lark C ounty and is part o fth e lower
ing trees. C offee, ju ic e , pastry, and
other light refreshments w ill be
Natural Resource Conservation Ser­
vice, Educational Service D istrict
Lew is R iver Urban W ild life Habitat
and Greenway System.
provided. A barbecue lunch w ill
also be provided at no cost.
Learn to d rib b le w ithout a bib.
I ocal rem odeling specialist A rt
offense and defense, maneuvering
skills, coordination and fundamen­
tals o f basketball. Participants w ill
learn through d rills and scrim m ag­
Patrick w ill lead participants in plan­
es and have fun learning from coach
ning rehabilitation o f old e r houses
M m Spaulding, I uesdays, October
Saturday, O ctober 19 at the Grant
House. 1101 O ffice rs Row.
The workshop is 9 a.m. to noon
on the second
flo o r o f G ra n t
Class w ill cover an assessment
o f goals and planning projects that
are cost-effective and realistic.
Register at Bagley Center, 4 100
Plomondon. 6 9 6 -8 2 19 or M arshall
| Center, 10091 M cL o u g h lin B lvd ,
I fthey have them, volunteers are
asked to bring shovels, hand prim ­
ers, gloves and buckets fo r water­
Kids learn to dribble
Beginning O ctober 15, boys and
g irls at age 9 - 14 years can improve
g ravated b a tte ry and o rd e re d
held on $ 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 bond fo r
hursday n ig h t’ s a tta ck on his
fa th e r. R ic h a rd . 44.
A p o lic e m a n c a lle d to the
home in the a fflu e n t C h ic a g o
suburb o f H ig h la n d P ark. I l l i ­
nois, was c re d ite d w ith sa v­
in g th e l i f e o f th e e ld e r
G ro ssm a n by s to p p in g the
heavy flo w o f b lo o d fro m his
neck w o u n d.
H ig h la n d Park P o lic e C h ie f
D a n ie l D a h lb e rg was q u o te d
in S a tu rd a y ’ s C h ic a g o Sun-
T im es th a t M ic h a e l G rossm an
‘ was d o in g his h o m e w o rk and
d id n 't w a n t his fa th e r to p la y
the p ia n o .”
severely beaten and was hospital­
ized with head injuries.
Investigators w ould like to lo-
Officer Henry
Acting PIO
I (Lieutenan C. M adison) w ill
be away from the o ffice , starting
at 5:00PM. Thursday, O ctober
10, 1996 and w ill be returning
Monday, (October2 1, 1996 at 8:00
O ve r 2.500 people participated in the program in 1995, in clu d in g 50-plus
singles and couples.
have any inform ation on his where­
abouts, contact local police, o r Pa­
role O ffic e r B ill Davis at248-5056.
C rim e Stoppers is o ffe rin g a cash
reward o fu p to $ 1,000 for inform a­
tion, reported to C rim e Stoppers,
w hich leads to an arrest in this case,
or any unsolved felony crim e, and
you can remain anonymous. C all
Crim e Stoppers at ( 503 ) 823-HELP.
In v e s tig a to r: Investigative Ser­
geant Wayne S vilar, Portland Po­
lice Bureau;
A lte rn a te C rim e S toppers C o ­
Assault Victim: Zelma Yvette Smith
A D ru g E n fo rc e m e n t A d ­
m in is tra tio n (D E A ) agent has
been a rre s te d fo r a lle g e d ly
se e kin g a b rib e fro m a d o c to r
u n der in v e s tig a tio n fo r d iv e r t­
in g c o n tro lle d substances fo r
his personal use, p ro s e c u to rs
said on M o n d a y.
E b ru s a lle g e d ly
to ld
The Portland Police Bureau man­
ages a Senior Locks program w hich
in s ta lls , at a b s o lu te ly no co st,
deadbolt locks and other security
hardware on the houses o f e lig ib le
and in re tu rn E brus a lle g e d ly
p ro m ise d to send the d o c to r
o f f i c i a l g o v e rn m e n t d o c u ­
m ents sh o w in g the case ag a inst
h im had been d ro p p e d
T o qualify a person must:
1) Be 55 years o r older.
2) Own o r buying the house you
are liv in g in. Renters are not e lig i­
Senior homeowners.
3) Live in the Portland C ity limits.
The program is funded through
the Bureau o f Housing and C om m u­
nity Development. A trained Locks
4) Meet federal income guide­
The income and age lim its can
be w aived in case o f an emergency.
These are considered on a case by
case basis.
Senior citizens, who want to ap­
ply fo r the program, should call the
screening to basement windows and
Portland Police Bureau's Fam ily
w indow s in doors, as needed.
Service D ivision at (503) 823-0284.
Call 503-288-0033 to advertise in'
ffilje Jîortlanh (Oh senior
(Limited to whats
n stock I
$10.00 & UP
(503) 283-9437
M onday thru friday
9atn ti 6pm
9am to 4pm
No Need to Drive Across Town • We Honor Competitors Coupons!.
omfort M u to
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^ acto ryT jg ln ed T e ch n lcla n »2 Shops Same Location
d o c to r to m ake the p a ym e n t in
cash so it c o u ld not be tra ce d
(503) 8 23-H E LP
(5 0 3 )8 2 3 -0 8 3 0
Free deadbolt locks for seniors
on the first flo o r and attach metal
o rd in a to r: O ffic e r John W rigley,
Portland Police Bureau;
cate a subject o r subjects Smith may
have been w ith p rio r to the assault
e xte rio r doors, d rill and pin w indow s
fo r a frie n d w h o was p a ra ly z e d
in a s p o rtin g a c c id e n t.
space, pre-registration is encour­
Supervision Status: The o f Parole
issued a warrant for A lle n 's arrest on
8/5/96 for fa ilin g to report to his
parole o ffic e r and drug use. I f you
His pager number is 323-6036.
In my absence. O ffic e r Henry
A special Halloween Mystery T rip is set Thursday, O ctober 31 from 9
regional, national and foreign destinations.
motel and discovered Keys. He was
placed into custody and transport­
ed to T ra ffic D ivisio n .
parole violations. He has another
conviction fo r Burglary II.
Groepper w ill be the A cin g PIO.
a.m. to 6 p.m. It is sponsored by the Vancouver Parks and Recreation
Departm ent Senior T rip s Program.
696-8236 fe e is $7. Due to lim ited
stay ing at the motel located at 320
SI 99th ave. O ffice rs went to the |
M arch o f 1987, but has been re­
turned to custody many times fo r
C rew is sent to e lig ib le homes to
perform a variety o f security proce­
dures. They install deadbolt locks on
The o n e -co u n t c o m p la in t a l­
leges E brus to ld the d o c to r the
$ 2 5 .0 0 0 w o u ld be a c h a rita b le
d o n a tio n to a fu n d e sta b lis h e d
Lunch is included. I he afternoon w ill be spent v is itin g a ghostly factory.
I he $46 fee includes transportation and lunch. C all 696-8236 to register.
I he c ity 's Senior T rip Program offers over 225 trip s a year to local,
enough evidence to charge him with
the listed crimes.
Police received a tip that he was |
150 lb s . black hair brown eyes
A re a o f last residence: N l Rodnes
Convicted in 1983 for Assault I,
after A lle n beat a man with a tire iron,
causing severe facial injuries and
o n goingdisabilities. Sentencedto 10
_ 'A
years in prison, he was paroled in
Killm gsworth Street. Smith had been
e n d in g the in v e s tig a tio n o f the
d o v to i.
Planners w ill o n ly disclose that the trip is along the C olum bia R iver to an
unknown destination
feel that Keys actions, and the com ­
pletion o f evidence gathering, have
led them to believe that there is |
f u g a tive : Christopher A llen, age 43, 5 ' 11,
On Wednesday, August 14,1996,
Zelma Yvette Smith, a 37-year-old
Northeast Portland resident, was
found lying naked and unconscious
in A lberta Park, located at NE
reation Department. C all 696-8006
to r more inform ation.
Seniors secret destination trip
je c t assisted him in leav mg the hos­
pital w ithout checking out.
T ra ffic D iv is io n investigators |
Fugitive alert
person o r persons responsible fo r
an assault.
This course is presented by the
C ity o fV a n co u ve r’ s Parksand Rec­
Fees are $34, $30 fo r c ity resi­
dents. Register at Bagley Center,
4100 Plomondon.
Joseph Paul Keys, Jr. was arrested
at approxim ately 11:00 PM Wednes­
day O ctober 9. 1996, at the M onta-
v illa M otel in SE Portland. Key had
been a suspect in a case in vo lvin g
erratic d rivin g that led to a co llisio n
w ith a special education bus at SF.
32nd A ve and SE Couch Street,
M onday afternoon.
Key, along with Fawn A. Haskins
and Duane Coburn were injured when
attem pting to flee from police con­
tact Keys had been in the care o f
O S H U hospital when another sub­
Crime Stoppers: Assault
N eal E b ru s, 33, a d iv e rs io n
c o m p lia n c e in v e s tig a to r w ith
the D E A , is ch a rg e d in a c o m ­
p la in t file d in W h ite P la in s,
N e w Y o rk fe d e ra l c o u rt, a l­
le g in g he d e m a n d e d th e
$ 2 5 ,0 0 0 b rib e in re tu rn fo r
15 through N ovem ber 12, 6:30-8
Bus Collision
suspect arrested
Portland Police Bureau investi­
gators, in cooperation w ith C rim e
Stoppers, are asking fo r your help
in identifying and apprehending the
The Saturday planting project is
scheduled from 8:30 a.m. to noon.
Participants w ill meet at 8:30 a m.
representatives participating: Fish
firs t, U S. Fish and W ild life , C o­
lumbia Land I rust. State Fish and
W ild life . Pacific Rock Products,
Clark County Conservation District/
Old house
B ond was se, S a tu rd a y fo r
a 1 7 -y e a r-o ld s tu d e n t w h o
stabbed his fa th e r in the neck
w ith a c a rv in g k n ife because
the m a n 's p ia n o -p la y in g was
d is tu rb in g h im , p o lic e said
M ic h a e l G ro ssm a n , a h ig h
sch o o l s e n io r, was ch a rg e d
w ith a ttem pted m u rd e r and ag­
26-year A rm y career w ith his last
Retired and Senior V olunteer Pro­
P o l i c e X c ii fi
'L e t’ s go to w o rk,” said Doug
Maas alter he was sw om -in as V an­
16, 1996
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