Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 16, 1996, Page 5, Image 5

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Im i*< »ui i and Pusi rv i R • O ctober 16, 1996
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What to do with a babysitter and sick child
With so many parents working
full-time, there is an increasing reli­
ance on childcare providers, espe­
cially when a child is ill and the
parents are unable to miss work. But.
according to a recent survey o f over
1,000 working parents conducted by
Bruskin/Goldring Research on be-
halfof Whitehall-Robins Healthcare,
55% o f parents surveyed said that
leaving a sick child with a sitter is one
o f the most stressful childcare situa­
tions they face.
While there are many aspects o f
caring for sick children that can con­
fuse parents, one reason for th is con­
fusion may be some parent’s lack of
know led g e ab o u t how to treat
their child’s fever or other minor
This lack o f knowledge can make
it difficult for them to communicate
proper instructions to childcare pro­
viders. In tact, more than a quarter
(28% ) o f parents surveyed said that
determining something as basic as
the appropriate dosage for an OTC
children's pain reliever/fever reduc­
er can be confusing.
“ Parents who feel they are lacking
the information to make informed
healthcare decisions on behalfoftheir
children, will have difficulty decid­
ing how to instruct sitters when a
child is sick," said Loraine Stern,
M.D., associate clinical professor,
UCLA Department o f Pediatrics.
“Parents may worry about leaving a
sick child with an uniformed sitter.”
Developing a Solution— The
Children’s Advil( R) Childcare Kit
To help alleviate some o f this
stress, Whitehall-Robins I lealthcare,
which recently announced the avail­
Children elect Clinton
If children in the New York met­
ropolitan area were the deciding
factor, President B i 11CI i nton would
easily win re-election in Novem­
This outcome was determined
by a mock election sponsored by
The Greater New York Savings
Bank. More than 800 children
turned up at “ polling p laces”
throughout the region to express
their Presidential preferences.
Clinton received 81% o f the
votes cast, while Dole received
14%. Independent candidate Ross
Perot garnered 5% of the votes
In addition to casting their votes
using authentic elections equip­
ment, the children also responded
to a specially designed exit poll
that was developed to gauge young
New Yorkers' views on a series o f
According to the poll, by a slim
margin, children feel that the coun­
try is getting better. O f those sur­
veyed, 39% said the country was
getting better, while 26% indicated
that it was getting worse. Approx­
imately 35% o f the children said
things were staying the same.
When asked what was the most
important issue facing the country',
38% responded world peace, while
36% said it was education. Other
factors included the economy and
the environment.
“ We are extremely pleased with
the turn-out at our special Kids’
Bank election-day,” said Greater
Chairman Gerard C. Keegan. “ It is
interesting to see how children view
the state o f the country. I also think
it is amazing how strongly they feel
about voting and what issues are of
most importance to them.”
The Greater sponsored the event
as part o f its on-going Kids’ Days
special banking days for chil­
dren that are part o f the Greater
K ids'B ank Program. Kids’ Bank is
designed to teach children about
money and the importance o f sav­
ing. Greater Kids’ Bank accounts
are interest-bearing savings ac­
counts with no minimum balance
requirementsor service charges. To
date, The Kids’ Bank has helped its
more than 12,000 participants save
over $3.7 million.
ability ofC hildren’s Advil (pediatric
ibuprofen), created the Children’s
Advil Childcare Kit. The kit con­
tains useful information to help edu­
cate parents and childcare providers
about how to care for a sick child.
The kit includes a magnetic memo
board that parents can complete with
information such as emergency con­
tact and telephone numbers, a tip
sh e e t on c o m m u n ic a tin g w ith
childcare providers, and a brochure
on treating a child with fever.
The Children’s Advil Childcare
Kit is free to consumers who write to
the Advil Forum on Health Educa­
tion (TM).
Choosing the Right
Children's Medication
With all the new over-the-counter
choices available for treating fever
and the aches and pains associated
with a cold or the flu, parents may be
confused when try ing todifferentiate
between them. In fact, 42% o f par­
ents surveyed expressed confusion
about which over-the-counter chil­
dren's medications can be used to
treat different symptoms.
Children’s Advil, recently ap­
proved by the Food and Drug Ad­
ministration (FDA) for marketing
over-the-counter, offers parents sev­
eral benefits, including a convenient
and effective dosing schedule, dem­
onstrated safety profile, and a deli­
cious fruit-flavored taste.
“Children's Advil is very effec­
tive at reducing fever and can be
administered every eight hours, un­
like Children’s Tylenol(R) (acetami­
nophen), which may be dosed every
four hours to reduce fever,” said Dr.
Stern. “ Parents can use C hildren's
Advil and feel confident that the
child s fever will be controlled for
six to eight hours. Their child can
take a dose at bedtime and sleep
through the night without having to
be awakened for remedication.”
In addition to the benefits associ­
ated with Children’s Advil’s conve­
nient dosing schedule, pediatric
ibuprofen has an excellent safety pro­
"W hile parents should always read
medication labels carefully, they
should contact their pediatrician if
they are still unsure about dosing,”
adds Dr. Stern. “Children’s Advil’s
excellent safety profile can offer par­
ents additional peace o f mind re­
garding their medication choices for
their children,” said Dr. Stern.
The Advil Forum on Health Edu­
cation was established by Whitehall-
Robins, maker o f Advil, in 1987 to
develop and support non-profit co­
operative health education programs.
The goal o f The Advil Forum on
Health Education is to educate con­
sumers and professionals about a
variety o f healthcare issues through
programs, publications, conferences
and lectures.
W hitehall-Robins Healthcare, a
division o f American Home Prod­
ucts Corporation, is a leader in the
development and marketing o f a
broad range o f consumer healthcare
To request a free copy of the
Children’s Advil Childcare Kit,
write to:
The Advil Forum on Health Edu­
cation; ATTN: Dept CAM; 1500
Broadway, 25th Floor; New York,
NY 10036.
A l i K i n n e y G o e s T o W a s h i n g t o n D .C .
Miss Ali Kinney o f Portland has
been selected to attend The Young
Leaders Conference from Novem­
ber 12 to November 17, 1996, in
Washington, D.C.
The N ational Young Leaders
Conference is a unique leadership
developm ent program for high
school students who have dem on­
strated leadership potential and scho­
lastic merit. Ali, a Senior will be
among 350 outstanding National
Scholars attending the conference
from across America.
Ali Kinney has been recognized
as a national merit scholar and is a
member o f the national honors soci­
ety. She is currently involved in the
Lincoln high school student govern­
ment and is a member o f the varsity
cheerleading team. She spent three
years on Lincoln’s Peer Helper Pro­
gram, also recognized and trained in
conflict mediating. This year she co­
presidents the Culture Club, consist­
ing o f various minority groups o f
Lincoln’s student body.
Outside o f school, Ali participates
in the local NAACP youth board.
She w asa finalist in las,year’s ACT-
SO co m p etitio n pu, on by the
NAACP, competing in film and vid­
eo. Recently, she completed her first
screenplay and is anxious to work on
the second.
When Ali is not being active in
various com m unity events, she
spends the remainder o f her time
working part-time at a w om an’s
clothing store. The theme o f the Na­
tional Young Leaders Conference is
The Leaders o f Tomorrow Meeting
Ali Kinney
The Leaders o f I’oday. Throughout
the six-day conference, Ali will in­
te ra c t w ith key le a d e rs and
newsmakers from the three branch­
es o f government, the media and the
diplomatic corps.
To com plem ent these special
meetings and briefings, Ali will par­
ticipate in a number o f leadership
skill-building activities.
In one activity, “ If I Were Presi­
dent", students role-play the Presi­
dent, members o f the Cabinet and
representatives from Capitol Hill
who must respond to an internation­
al crisis involving Russia
Culminating the National Young
Leaders Conference is "M odel Con­
gress”, in which Scholars assume
the roles o f United States Represen­
tatives by debating, amending and
voting on proposed legislation for
an official language and immigra­
tion reform.
Halloween “Spooktacular”
A d v e r t i s e In
® Í)C
|L lo x * tla n b
(O h s e r n e V
Call 503-288-0033
All children age 10 and under are
invited to the 1st Annual Stable
“Spooktacular” at the Jenkins Es­
tate, Saturday October 26th, This
historic stable building at Jenkins
Estate will be transformed into a
Halloween adventure.
The “not-so-spooky” activities
will include face painting, fun carni-
val games, a “pumpkin walk", lots of
prizes, cookie decorating and a free
picture for every child accompanied
by a parent - parents are free!
The admission price includes all
games, activities, a cookie and a free
picture for each child. Jenkins Estate
is a 68 acre estate located on the
Northwest slope o f Cooper Moun-
The Estate is on the national His­
toric Register, and is owned and op­
erated by Tualatin Hills Park and
Recreastion District. Jenkins Estate
is located a, 8005 S. W. Grabhorn
Road in Aloha. For more informa­
tion regarding this event, call 642-
Prices Effective 10/16/96 thru 10/22/96 a t your nearby Safeway store.
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