P agi B 8 O ctober 16, 1996 » Tm P oru and O bserver Serving Portland s Hispanic Communities IHIISIPAINID^ W M MUNITFy CALEN® Human Rights Awards Dinner The M e tro p o lita n Hum an Rights Commission w ill hold its annual dinner honoring winners in several categories o f public service on Wednesday, O ctober 16, at 6:30 pm, at Beaumont Middle School, 4043 NE Fremont, in Portland. Tickets are $12. For reservations, call 823-5136. Award winners w ill include Portland Public Schools M ig ra n t Educa­ tion Program . Pre-Columbian art exhibit coming to Portland An exhibition o f Pre-Columbian art from Mexico, Central and South America w ill be shown in Portland beginning O ctober 17 at Abante Fine A rt. a private art gallery located on the corner o f Second Street and Yam hill, adjacent to the M A X line. For information, call Rudi Milpacher at (503) 295-2508 Mexico environmental issues "M e x ic o 's E n viro nm e nt and N atural Resources, Strategic C h a l­ lenges and O p p o rtu n itie s ", w ill be presented by J u lia C a ra b ia s L illo , M e x ic o 's S e c re ta ry o f the E n v iro n m e n t, N a tu ra l Re­ sources and F is h e rie s at 2:00 pm on Thursday, O c to b e r 17, at the H ilto n H otel in P ortland. The p u b lic is in v ite d . T his free m eeting is sponsored by the W o r ld A f fa ir s C o u n c il o f O re g o n and the U .S .-M e x ic o C h a m b e r o f C om m erce. MECHA conference begins The M EC H A Leadership Conference w ill take place at Portland State University O ctober 1 8 ,19 and 20. The public is invited. For information, call La Raza (503) 725-5665. Salute to cultural diversity N ordstrom and U nited W ay o f the C o lu m b ia-W illia m e tte w ill host the first annual "Salute to Cultural Diversity" on Saturday. O ctober 19. at Nordstrom's downtown store. Tickets are $35, or $10 for students with ID. This event is a benefit for United Way. and is expected to raise $ 19,000 for distribution to a number o f local minority-focused charities. Call (503) 224-6666, ext 1840 for tickets. THE PORTLAND OBSERVADOR IS PUBLISHED TWO TIMES EACH MONTH. THE PORTLAND OBSERVADOR SE HA PUBLICADO DOS VECES POR CADA MES. Coming next week in The Portland Observador: REGULAR FEATURES: • Observando — The Editors view may not he your view • In Our Own Words —Hispanic youth write about their experiences • Through Our Own Eyes —The youth perspective via photography • Hispanie Community Calendar —Events, networking opportunities • Merrill on the Market —Investment advice from Maurice Valdivieso Amigos de las Americas Amigos de las Am ericas provides summer service opportunities to young people who want to get to know another culture and improve living conditions in Latin America. Meet O ctober 23 at the Metropolitan LearningCenter, 2033 N W Glisan. For information call: 2 3 1 -9355 or234- 7790. Hispanic Poetry Conference Renowned Argentinian poet Juan Gelman heads the cast o f guest poets from Bolivia, Chile, Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Peru and the U.S. reading at the U niversity o f Oregon In te rn a tio n a l Poetry Conference O ctober 24-26 in Eugene. Call (541) 346-4039 for information. "Che" Guevara film shown ALSO COMING NEXT WEEK: • News and special features • Business and technology • Education • Cultural issues The Argentinian-born revolutionary's life is reconstructed in the docu­ mentary "The Bolivian Diaries". O ctober 25 & 26, at 7 & 9 pm, at the Northwest Film C enter Call 287-9806 for information. Gloria Rolando, Cuban film director Afro-Cuban film director Gloria Rolando, head o f the Havana-based independent film -m aking group. Imagines del Caribe, w ill show and discuss her films "Oggun" and "M y footsteps in Baragua" on Wednesday O ctober 30, at 7:30 pm. at the N orthwest Film Studies Center Call 287- 9806 for information regarding the showing and reception. Photographs exhibited at Miracle Theater * Photographs by award-winning photographer Francisco Rangel are on display in the lobby o f the M ira cle Theater, at 525 SE Stark Street in Portland. Call 236-7253 for viewing times. Prepare yourself to take charge of your life. You don’t have to be rich to retire with over a million. Vote November 5! Votale! A Merrill Lynch Financial Consultant can show you how \O u r vote is you r voice. Su voto ex xu voz. R etirem ent is a tim e to enjoy life , not a tim e to w orry about money or to start scaling down your lifestyle Hut i f you don ’t start planning now. that's exactly what could happen B y the tim e you retire, you may need 60 per cent to 80 per cent o f your preretirement an­ The power of compounding V < J « < b l> w u ,d You cannot afford to m iss the opportunity to vote and help set the agenda for the future. annually A ttra n t F'c l u d e te rre d ’ Michoacan copper vessels A rt o f the People is hosting an exhibition o f handmade copper vessels from Michoacan through the month o f October at 818 SWFirst Street in Portland These vessels were each created from solid copper ingots in a Pre-Columbian method used by the Purepecha Indians for centuries before Europeans arrived in the Americas. Call (503) 221-0569. "Chavez" play continues "Chavez reflects the fo lklo ric tradition o f Latino theater that arises from the Miracle plays in Medieval Europe. The message is couched in iconic symbols and it is both simple and pow erful"—Steve Friedman o f the Metropolitan Human Rights Commission comments. Call 236-7253 for show times for the play inspired by Cesar Chavez. Oregon Latino Voter Registration Drive needs volunteers O L V R E P needs volunteers to help encourage voter participation in the November 5 general election Cash contributions are welcome, too. Contact (503) 375-3808 in Salem for more information on how you can help this statewide effort. Su voto ex xu voz. Portland Observador seeks youth writers The Portland O bservador is seeking essays by young w rite rs fo r our In Our Own W ords (En Nuestras Proprias Palabras) feature We w ould like to p u b lish yo u r thoughts, feelings and experiences from a H ispanic perspective. C ontact E d ito r, The Portland O bser­ vador, 4747 NE M a rtin L uth er K in g Jr. B lv d . Portland (JR 972 I I . Please include the name o f the school you attend and a daytim e phone number. ) T h e M ultnom ah C ou nty election o ffice may he reached at 248-372(1. I he nu m b ers for W ash in gton C ounty are 648- 8670 and C lack am as C ounty 655-8510. The Oregon Hispanic community is growing at Four Times the State Average! Do you have an effective strategy to win a share o f the business this vital and resourceful population represents ? You can wait until they call you.... or call us now! Quatra Research Group (503)977-0358 Specialists in Marketing and Communications to the Hispanic Community nual income for liv in g expens­ es. That is w hy getting an early start is critica l For ex­ ample. i f at age 25 you contributed $5,000 annually to a tax- deferred retirement account and earned an 8 percent annual return on a diversified p o rtfo lio , by age 65 you could end up w ith $1,398,905 B y com parison, i f you waited u n til age 40 to make the same con tributio n, you could end up w ith $394,772 * Y o u r M e rrill Lynch Financial Consultant can make a d iffe r­ ence He or she w ill help you develop a long-term financial plan, advise you on investments and an asset allocation strategy that can help meet your fina ncial goals Can you afford to retire? c,n vnu srn vnu d o n ’t have fn h r rich to retire with n v rr n m illio n Y ou ju s t have to know how to get it The difference is M errill Lynch. •any taxable investment earnings would be taxed in Ihe year earned, so they would grow less quickly The actual raleo f return w ill depend on factors such as die securities selected and market conditions Investors should lake into consideration currency and investment risks Maurice Valdivieso 503-699-7201 FAX 699-41 13 “Se Habla Español” 1-800-667-9346 Call now to advertize in IPOIRTILAIh® (503) 288-0033 For more info rm atio n on w hat steps you should take to atl'ord the retirement you want, call the number below Merrill Lynch A tra dition o f trust «'1996 M c m ll Lynch Ptcrcc Fenner A Smith Incorporated Member SIPC I