9 *. I ki P oru \ \ d O ksi rvi k • O l roBER 16, 1996 P agi B3 ' rh h ¿The |Jo rtIan h ÖOhscruer ENTERTAINMENT The Lviuj Hiss Good night & M ttb 'p'ucGuf (6 e f Z(A, Lew J o n e s . G u ita rist and folksinger, Friday, October 18, 4 to 6 p.m., Heathman Bakery and Pub, 901 S.W. Salmon St., 227- 5700 C hange of H eart. Christian Bluegrass, Friday, October 18, 7 p.m., Sonnyside Coffee House, 3520 S.E. Yahmill St., 235-8726. C hip & Drifty. Irreverent folk music and comedy, Friday Octo­ ber 18, 9 p.m.. Lucky Labrador Brew Pub, 915 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., 236-3555 Sueno Flam enco. Featuring Rafaela de Cadiz and Victor el Aqua, Friday, October 18, 7 p.m.. Cafe Sol, 620 S.W. 9th Ave., 243- 2181 Lloyd Jones. Friday and Satur­ day, October 18 and 19,9:30 p.m., Harrington’s Bar & Grill, S.W. 6th Ave. and Main St., 243-2932 Kelly B roadw ay Q u a rte t. Fri­ day and Saturday, October 18 and 19, 9 p.m., Jimmy M ak’s Bar & Grill, 300 N.W. IOth Ave., 295- 6542 Sdtccndag t£e f 9 Tom G ra n t. Jazz piano, Satur­ day, October 19. Heathman Hotel and Restaurant, S.W. Broadway and Salmon St., 241-4100 H um m ingfish. IJpbeat alterna­ tive pop, Saturday, October 19, 9 p.m., Lucky Labrador, 915 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd., 236-3555 Kerosene Dream.Original folk & rock, Saturday, October 19, 7 p.m.. Dublin Pub. 6 8 2 1 S.W. Bea­ verton-Hillsdale Hwy., 297-2889 Boka M arim ba. Portland’s Af­ rican dance group headlines con­ cert to celebrate opening o f newly expanded William Temple House Thrift Store; also featured are Kells Irish Bagpipes, W ayne’s Golden Tones, Gypsy Caravan and the Bella Low, Saturday, October 19, 10a.m. to6p.m .,2230N .W .G Iisan St., 222-3328 StotcGzg 2 0 t6 Lynn M o rris Band. Named 1996 Female Vocalist o f the Year by the International Bluegrass Music Association, Morris and her band kick off the Oregon Blue­ grass Association’s 1996-97 con­ cert series, Sunday, October 20, 8 p.m.. Duffy 's Pub. 8203 N. Ivanhoe St., 289-7798 M arcel Khalife. On a mission to revitalize the Lebanese musical art o f the difficult and demanding 11 -stringed oud, master Marcel K h alife and his q u a rte t Al Mayadine have been diligently traveling the world spreading the gospel of this exotic and spiritual music. The ensemble comes to Bridgetown Sunday October 20.8 p.m., at the Aladdin Theater, 3 0 17 S.E. Milwaukie Ave., $20 in ad­ vance from TicketM aster—Boyd Martin O regon Sym phony Classical C oncert. Featuring Ravel's Bole­ ro, Dzubay’sSymphony No. I and Barber's Violin Concerto, Sun­ day, October 20.7:30 p .m , Arlene Schnitzer C oncert Hall, S.W Broadway and Main St., 2 2 8 -1353 Packed w ith energy, dram a, hum or and su spense. New Line C inem a kisses tra d itio n a l a c ­ tion film s goodbye in The Long Kiss G oodnight, a non-stop th rill­ er sta rrin g G cena D avis (above left) and S am uel L. Jackson (above rig h t), and d ire c te d by Renny H arlin. In this latest adventure from re­ nowned screenwriter Shane Black (Lethal W eapon), Davis portrays Samantha Caine, a suburban school teacher suffering from amnesia. When C aine's mysterious past be­ gins to haunt her idyllic life, she sets out on a desperate search to discover her true identity. A ided by M itch H en essey (Jack so n ), a d e a d -b e a t private d etectiv e, the tw o follow a trail o f clu es in to the m iddle o f a co n sp iracy led by rogue e le ­ m ents o f the U.S. in tellig en ce com m unity and a n o to rio u s in­ tern atio n al arm s d ealer. Billboard Country Singles Charts - more than any solo act in the history o f music, and he has placed at least 2 singles on the Country charts yearly for 33 consecutive years. June Cash is a legend in her own right From the beginning of her pro­ fessional career at age ten with her Mother. Maybelle Carter, and The Carter Family, June Cash has forged a diverse and distinguished record of achievements in music, writing, pro­ ducing and acting. Most recently, June has had a piv­ otal role as a traveling evangelist on episodes o f “ Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman” Johnny Carter Cash and J une Cart­ er will be performing at the Rose Garden Wednesday, November 6th at 8:00 PM. Tickets to Johnny Cash go on sale this Friday, September 27th at all G T Joe’s I ickelMaster outlets, the Rose Quarter Box O f­ fice, and Charge-bv-phone (503) 790- Arts or (503) 224-4400 1FCC presents Luminaries The interstate Firehouse Cultural C e n te r’s Main G allery presents “ L u m inaries,” an ex hibition o f blown glass sculptures by Rebecca Newell and Randall Perkins, with oil paintings by Rebecca Newell. The exhibition opens Thursday, Novem­ ber 7, with a free, public reception honoringtheartists front 5:30to 7:30 pm, and will remain on view through November 29. A luminary is defined as both a source o f light and an inspiring indi­ vidual. With these works, Newell and Perkins present a vision o f lumi­ naries in both glass and painting. Rebecca Newell is a painter and sculptor who graduated from the Rhode Island School o f Design. Glass artist Randall Perkins teach­ es glassblowing under the auspices o f the Pacific Northwest College of Art. Perkins’ fine art glass has been exhibited in museums and galleries throughout the U.S. and Europe. The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, a nonprofit, multicultural center for the performing and visual arts, is located at 5340 N. Interstate Avenue. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday from noon to 5:30 pm. For more information, call 823- 2000. Daniel Olsen’s art The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center’s Entry Gallery presents new works by Daniel Olsen: chalk draw­ ings and oil paintings o f American life as seen through the eyes o f a young South African. The exhibition opens Thursday. November 7 with a free, public reception honoring the artist from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, and will remain on view through November 29. Dan Olsen was raised in both Cali­ fornia and South Africa. However, like many young people around the world, he was even more entranced by aspects o f American culture: specifi­ cally, jazz music and skateboarding. Chalk drawings ofjazz musicians reveal Olsen’s technical proficiency with the medium Taken from photo­ graphs. the images are still and mut­ ed, hinting ofsmoky, jazz-tilled clubs. The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, a nonprofit, multicultural center for the performing and visual arts, is located at 5340 N. Interstate Avenue. Gallery hours are Monday through Friday from noon to 5:30 pm. For more information, call 823-2000. h? bZ" h? h? White Dove Traders W hat are angels? M any people believe in angels, b u t few can define these enigm atic spirits. N ow theologian M atth e w fo x and biologist Rupert Sheldrake-pioneers in m odern religious th in k in g and scientific th e o ry-la u n ch a ground-breaking exploration in to the ancient concept o f the angel in The Ï T V K K lG ? À S H IO M 9 A ngels (HarperCollins). A n d in Omens o f M illennium (Riverhead Books) Harold Bloom reveals how the concept o f angels have High Tech Styles' 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -7 1 6 4 RELOCATING SALE Itoln ciitin g S ale! G roat S avin gs Kvgwlarly Physics o f Short Sets Double B reasted Suits Snake Skin Belts Silk Shirts (with & without collar) $29.95 $139.95 $9.00 $42.00-49.00 W alking Suits (all colors) $99.00 Sale $19.95 $119.95 $7.99 $32-39 $89.00 All women’s outfits.................................................................. 20% off Snake Skin Shoes & b o ots.............................................................20% off always played a central role in Western culture. available at POWELL’S C IT Y OF BOOKS 1005 W Burnside, downtown Portland • 503-228-4651 POWELL’S BOOKS AT CASCADE PLAZA 8775 SW Cascade Avenue, Beaverton • 503-643-313 1 ARTIFACTS • JEWELRY POTTERY • KACHINAS SANDPAINTINGS • ORIGINAL ART • ANT) MORE If i October 18-19-20 Washington County Fair Complex 872 NE 28th St. Friday I0A M -9PM Hillsboro, OR S atu rd ay HIAM-6PM Featuring: Sunday I0A M -6PM 0 Jacky Terrason at 3017 SE Milwaukie at Powell on Tuesday. October 29th 8:00 pm. Tickets are $16.00 in advance/ $18 0 0 day o f show, rickets avail­ able at I icketmaster outlets, or charge by phone 503-224-4400. Also available with no service charge al these locations; Old Friends True Brew, 3384 SE Milwaukie Ave. Call 5O3-23I-O3OI The Aladdin box office during show hours. Call 503-234-9694 Dee Dee Bridgewater Dee Dee Bridgewater is among the greatest jazz singers currently gracing the planet. Together with dynamic young pianist I errason, she presents a tribute to the F irst Lady ol Song, Ella Fitzgerald. One o f the jazz events o f the year, a must for true jazz fans! Dee Dee Bridgewater and The Jacky Terrasson Trio “A Tribute to Ella Fitzgerald" will be appearing in concert at Aladdin Theater, located New perspectives on an age-old idea American Indian Art Show & Sale Direct reservation buyers from New Mexico and Arizona Let’s Get The Mood Right Concerts at The Aladdin Cash, The Living Legend Johnny Cash is a living Legend - The songwriters Hall o f Fame, the Country Music Hall o f Fame, the Rock and Roll Hall o f Fame. No entertainer has been awarded this triple crown in the history o f record­ ed music. He has placed 26 albums on the Pop Charts since 1955, and is one o f the very few people in the history of music to sell more than 50 Million records, has won 7 Grammy Awards, has posted more than 130 hits on the Jolmiuj (iill: In the resurgence o f romance, Johnny Gill is the man. A star since the early eighties when he was only 16, Gill has matured into the most passionate balladeer o f his genera­ tion. His new album. Let’s Get The Mood Right, is filled with sensuous expressions o f G ill's intimate ap­ proach to love. With songs and productions by the country ’s hottest talents— R Kelly. Babyface, Jam & l ewis, T ony Rich, Big Bub, Charles Farrar and Troy T aylor-G ill establishes himself as the young master worker in the most dramatic direction in pop m usic- widely romantic rhythm and blues. In the sixties and seventies, it was Marvin Gaye and Teddy Pendergrass; in the eighties, Luther Vandross; now the nineties belong to Johnny Gill. Jewelry, Pottery, Music, Kachinas, Oils, Prints, Artifacts, Rugs, Clothing, Blankets; Original Art & Much Much More FREE ADMISSION 10] bZ1 1 0 h ? h ? hZ1 h ? h ? Don’t miss this event 3 DAYS O N LY Artwork from Over 150 Artists Sold Below retail to the Public Friday, S a t, Sun Also A Selection o f Southwestern Art bZ1 I VISA MC Discover Personal Checks Accepted 4 I b 0 ia l 2929 NE Alberta 281-7 164 VISA, M C, Personal Checks, Layaw ay