T he P o r u and O bserver • O ctober 9, 1996 ENTERTAINMENT NBC, CBS winners in new TV season Tw o w eeks into the 1996-97 primetime Nielsen season, the trends are clear: solid growth for NBC and CBS, and alarming losses for ABC and Fox, which are both hoping for turnarounds from late-premiering series. NBC ran away with the Sept. 23- 29 week, winning in households by 3 shares and in adults 18-49 by 6 shares. Excluding weeks o f excep­ tional sports and the "Cheers" fi­ nale, it was N BC's widest margin of victory in the 18-49 demographic in more than seven years, since May 22-28, 1989. CBS remains well behind ABC in most key demographics, but is lop­ ping off big chunks of A B C s advan­ tage. So far this season, CBS is up an impressive 6% in its target dem o­ graphic, adults 25-54, while ABC is down by 18%. Biggest CBS gains are coming on Sundays and Wednes- How to s u c c e e d . H ow to su c c e e d in b u sin e ss w ith o u t r e a lly tr y in g is a P u litzer-w in n in g m usical sta r­ ring Ralph M acch io (K arate Kid) as an early '6 0 s co rp o ra te clim b er, 7 :3 0 p .m . (S at. & Sun. m atinees at 2 p in ). C ivic A u ­ d ito riu m , 222 SW C lay St., 790-A R ES. S tarts the 8th, c o n ­ tinu es until the 1 3th. S to ry v ille . T exas g u ita r rock, 8 p.m ., at the A laddin T h eater, 3017 SE M ilw aukie A ve. tic k e ts from T ic k e tM a ste r, 224-4 4 0 0 . O th e llo Produced by T y g res H eart 8 p.m ., (runs through N ov. 10) D olores W in n in g stad T h eatre I I I I SW Broadw ay, 222-9220 R hythm Jones L a s t g ig , 9 :3 0 p . n B e rb a ti’s Pan, 23 1 SW Anke St., 248-4579. F lam en co G uitarists V ictor el A gua and Steven S eavey, sin g e r R ap h ­ aela de C ad iz, 8 p.m ., C afe Sol, 620 SW 9th A v e., 243- 2181. Dan Perz Duo. 8 p.m . to m id n ig h t, B rasse rie M o n tm artre, 626 SW Park 224-5 5 5 2 . Tho W ho. F eatu rin g o rig in al m em bers plus guest stars B illy Idol and G ary G litte r, 8 p.m , R ose G a r­ den A rena, T ic k e tM a ste r, 224- 4400. Lonnie Brooks comes to Portland ready to belt our the blues, Wednesday, October 16, at Berbati's Pan, 231 SW Ankeny miere-week rookies, A BC’s “Spin C ity ," N B C ’s “ M en B ehaving Badly" and CB S’ “Cosby." Addi­ tional "Cosby" losses on Monday of this week suggest the sitcom is headed for a relatively ordinary rookie season. Meanwhile, ABC got a sparkling start Friday from “Sabrina, the Teen­ age W itch." NBC’s "Suddenly Su­ san” is hanging in as a solid addition to N BC’s killer Thursday lineup. NBC is also making news with its all-rookle Saturday schedule, up 26% last week among adults 18-49 vs. year-ago results, to win the night in that demographic for the second week in a row. T hat’s something NBC hadn't managed on a Saturday with entertainm ent programming since November 1991. Both N B C 's “ Pretender" and CBS’ "Early Edition "enjoyed strong premieres on that night, while ABC’s debuting rookies, "Common Law" and "Relativity,” fizzled. Fox's pre­ miering "Love and Marriage” got The week featured some cooling for each o f the three hottest pre- Comedian Chris ‘J{o ensigns recorddeal S ta n d u p c o m e d ia n C h r is Rock, a form er “Saturday N ight L iv e ” cast m em ber, has signed a c o n tr a c t w ith th e f le d g lin g Basketball's Buddy get's movie First Shaq, then Michael, now Buddy the golden re­ triever? Joining the growing ranks of basketball players turned actors, the hoops-shooting pooch — and TV veteran — is set to star in the upcoming family adventure, “Air Bud.” The feature, which starts shooting in Vancouver on Oct. 29, also stars 12-year-old Kevin Zegers (" L ife With M ikey” ), Michel Jeter(C B S ’ 'E v e n in g S h a d e ” ), Bill Cobbs and Cynthia Stevenson (NBC’s Hope and Gloria” ). D ream W orks R ecords label. His deal com es at a tim e when alb u m s by such c o m e d ia n s as A d a m S a n d le r , " W e ir d " Al Y ankovic and Jeff F o xw orthy, have been hot sellers. M ore than a dozen d iscs from an asso rtm en t o f funnym en are set to hit store sh elv es in the com ing m onths. “ H e ’s one o f the few c o m e d i­ ans to com e along in years who rates up there with R ichard Pryor, Bill C osby or L enny Bruce in term s ol talent and o rig in a lity ,” D ream W orks execu tiv e M ichael O stin told D aily V ariety. “ W hen we saw his HBO sp ecial, it blew us aw ay. We knew that he w ould be a perfect fit w ith the la b e l." Since that HBO special in June, Rock has gone from playing clubs and sm aller venues to se llin g out 3,000-seat a m p h ith e a te rs. Rock has also a p p eared on F o x ’s “ In L iving C o lo r" for several e p i­ sodes and has recen tly done n e t­ work TV sp o ts fo r N ike. The album , w hich is expected to be released early next year, will be p roduced by Paul H o u s­ ton, w hose c re d its include De La Soul. Rock is also w riting a book. S B A R R I G? Geneva’s Shear Perfection Barber - Beauty Salon NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED Business Award of Excellence Best of Portland (Williamette Week) Hair - Nails • Pedicure Facials • Shoe Shine “High Tech Styles” 5 0 3 -2 8 1 - 7 1 6 4 JL a sh io w 9 5601 NE ML King Blvd, Hours: 9-6 Mon-Eri; 8-6 Sat 503-285-1159 R e lo c a tin g S ale! G reat Short Sets Double Breasted Suits Snake Skin Belts Silk Shirts Regularly $29.95 $139.95 $9.00 $42.00-49.00 “We Do All Type Hair” (with & without collar) Walking Suits itself into immediate ratings trouble. M ost other first-y e a r show s roughly maintained their premiere- week status, but there were notewor­ thy ladeouts for A BC’s "Townies,” CB S’ "Mr & Mrs. Smith" and, on Monday of this week, NBC’s "Jeff Foxworthy.” The em erging netw orks have come up with a few developing hits of their own, particularly W B 's “Jamie Foxx” and “Steve Harvey” and U PN’s "Malcolm & Eddie.” ABC and Fox continued to lose large segments of their audience last week, compared to year-ago results. Fox can take solace in the still-to- come premieres of "The X-Files” and "The Simpsons,” as well as 18- 49 growth last week (compared to the previous week) for seven of its 11 hours of series programming. ABC still has "NYPD Blue" waiting in the wings and is hopeful its strong rookies, “Spin City” and "Sabrina,” can help reverse across-the-sched- ule declines. ïflÆMfS SAMUEL $99.00 (all colors) NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT O f COLORED PEOPLE NAACP All women's outfits.................................................. Snake Skin Shoes & boots........................... 2929 NE Alberta 281-7164 VISA, MC, Personal Checks, Layaway MIX & M INGLE $10.00 Donation Suggested Friday, October 11, 1996 W ID M ER 6:00 - 9:00 PM Isaac & Peggy Brooks Building 3620 N. Williams Ave. SE BREWING CO N ew perspectives on an age-old idea M IL W A U K IE AT PO W ELL • 2 3 3 -1 9 9 4 VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT:www.tclcport.com/-showtnnn TICKETS AT ALL TICKETMASTER OUTLETS OR CHARGE BY PHONE 224 4400 .iiiicmnmimiui» amici cimici si mi sisoom ioi onici on i mi ms truc m » jju a «iinstsii ? n mm H SI i I What are angels? Many people believe in angels, but few can define these enigmatic spirits. Now theologian Matthew Fox and HI biologist Rupert Sheldrake-pioneers in modern religious thinking and scientific B theory-launch a ground-breaking exploration into the ancient concept of the angel in “---------- Physics of B Sight f u n aga aha la ti har mamary Nata, a Salatura am ai half har Ihr f aal Il hanaa th an hath U H oj Millennium (Riverhead Books) Harold Bloom reveals how the concept of angels have always played a central role in Western culture. available at POWELL’S CITY OF BOOKS 1005 W Burnside, downtown Portland • 503-228*4651 TRIBUTE TO ELIO FITZGERRID A T B E R B A T I’S P A N • W BLUES MASTER Z rn S Sniffi sijpmHif