O ctober 9, 1996 « T he P ortland O bserver P age A 2 I J I '' Editorial Articles Do Not Necessarily Reflect Or Represent The Views O f ^Jortlaxib ffibseruer J b \ P eter K ornbuh “Z / T ’ C IA ,” R epresentative f l Cynthia McKinney (D- VLJ»-' GA) stated on the floor of Congress, has come to mean “Central Intoxication Agency.” Around the nation, public fury continues to mount over allega­ tions of U.S. government com­ plicity in the trafficking of drugs. This controversial issue cam e back into public view after a series o f articles in the San Jose M ercury News by reporter Gary Webb. It cam e up again in both o f Rev. Jesse Jack so n ’s debates with form er Reagan W hite H ouse aide Lt. C ol. O liver N orth, the first in Denver, and the second on the Larry K ing Show (CNN). D uring the D enver debate, Col. N orth denied that the National Secu­ rity m anagers o f the contra w ar ever condoned drug smuggling. “ I have never met in my 22 years o f govern­ ment service,” he declared, “any gov­ ernm ent official who would tolerate the delivery o f drugs into this coun­ try for distribution to anyone ” T o the contrary, we know from N o rth 's own diaries, m em oranda and E-M ail m essages (obtained through the Freedom o f Inform ation A ct by the public interest N ational Security A rchive), that U.S. officials knew about, tolerated, p rotected—and in som e cases, even paid—know n nar­ cotics traffickers who had a contri­ bution to m ake to the covert w ar against the Sandinistas in N icara­ gua. C O A L IT IO N CIA, Contras & Crack C onsider just som e o f the evi­ dence: ♦ O liver North, who to ld Congress it was "a neat idea " to use the A ya ­ tollah K hom eni s m oney to support the contras, also w a n ted to use drug m oney f o r the sam e purpose. Two DEA agents testified before C on­ gress that North w a n ted to take S I. 5 m illion o f the M edellin C artel s m on­ ey that was on a p la n e b eing used in a drug sting a n d give it to the contras The DEA ju s t sa id no. ♦ O n.July 12, 1985, N o r th ‘s m ain weapons suppl ier rep o rted that "SI 4 m illion to fin a n c e " a n arm s "super­ m a rke t" in H onduras, w here the contras were b uying weapons, ‘ 'came fro m drugs. " There is no re co rd that North ever p a sse d this inform ation on to the DEA and/or law en fo rce­ m ent officials. ♦ O n A ugust 9, 1985, North s c h ie f liaison with the contras rep o rted to him that a "H onduran D C -6 which is being used fo r runs out o f New O rleans is p ro b a b ly being used fo r dru g runs into the U.S. "Again, there is no reco rd that North ever p a sse d this inform ation on to the DEA a n d / or law enforcem ent officials. ♦ Ten weeks after the New York Times ran a fro n t-p a g e story on G en­ e r a l M a n u el N oriega, "P a n a m a S trongm an S a id to Trade in Drugs, A rm s a n d Illic it M oney, ” W hite H ouse andC IA officials a ll sought to help N oriega "clean up his image, ” a ccording to N o r th ’s diaries a n d E- m ail memos. ♦ N o r th a d v o c a te d p a y in g N oriega one m illion dollars—fro m d iv e rte d fu n d s fro m the sa le o f arms to Iran—to fin a n c e sa b o ta g e opera­ tions N oriega a g reed to conduct in­ sid e N icaragua. R ea g a n 's National S ecu rity A dvisor a the time, John Poindexter, a uthorized North to meet secretly in London with N oriega to work out the details. "I have nothing a g a in st him other than his illegal activities, " P oindexter sta ted ♦ A cco rd in g to a Sept. 1 7 ,1 9 8 6 E -m a il m essa g e, O liv e r N orth, D uane ( 'larridge (the ( 'IA agent who ran the co n tra w a r betw een 1981 a n d 1985), a n d o th er high officials a ll "ca b a l[ed ] q u ie tly " to "look at options: pardon, clem ency, d ep o r­ tation, reduced sentence, "fo r a H on­ duran g en era l n a m ed Jo se B ueso Rosa. B ueso R osa h a d been caught in a co n sp ira cy Io traffic 345 kilos o f co ca in e into the U S — street value 540 m illio n —in p a rt to fin a n c e the assassination o f th e civilian p re si­ d en t o f H onduras! But since he was a key CIA liaison in the H onduran m ilitary w ho h a d h elp ed fa c ilita te th e co vert war against N icaragua, U.S. officials w a n ted to save him fr o m a j a i l sentence to keep him fr o m "spilling the beans " (E ventu­ a lly he se rv e d less than fiv e ye a rs in a w hite co lla r “C lub F ed " in F lo r­ ida—th a t sam e sentence that is now m a ndatory f o r 5 bags (529) worth o f crack.) These declassified docum ents cast serious doubts on the integrity o f the CIA. Did A m erican officials “ nod and w ink," in Rev. Jack so n ’s w ords, at the delivery o f drugs across our border, into our central cities, and into the bodies o f our young? T his charge m ust be fully investi­ gated, so that the rum ors can be re­ moved, or the culprits captured. The San Jose M ercury News story re­ mains a hot topic on talk radio, and in this natio n ’s ghettoes and barrios. It will rem ain so until these allega­ tions are fully investigated in a p u b ­ lic forum. Light Rail: Coasting Towards An Ideal To The E ditor: he dream is alive and thriving. From Septem­ ber 8 -1 0 ,1 9 9 6 , 6 75 be­ lievers In the dream descended on Washington, D.C. for Rail- Volution, a national conference on light rail. W e cam e from six countries and we shared w ays in w hich to m ake the dream com e true. W e reaffirm ed the necessity o f brin g in g light rail to the Portland M etro area as a m eans o f im proving our neighborhoods, city, and regional area. I had the p rivilege o f attending the conference as a scholarship p ar­ ticip an t from the C itizens A dvisory C o m m itte e fo r the S o u th /N o rth Line. I was inspired by the enthusiasm , d edication, and creativity o f the co n ­ ference attendees and left W ashing­ ton, D.C. thoroughly convinced o f the need to prom ote the active in­ volvem ent o f my neighbors, co w o rk ­ ers, governm ent officials, and fel­ low O regonians in planning co m ­ m unities around light rail stations. S ocial ju stice , crim e prevention, consolidation o f resources, en v iro n ­ m ental protection, em ploym ent o p ­ portunities, and energy co n serv a­ tion w ould all be positively enhanced by the developm ent o f light rail in our area. I saw several exam ples o f how light rail has transform ed isolated, concrete barriers w ithin cities and tow ns to w elcom e, inviting g ath er­ ing places w here people o f all ages can work, shop, or ju st hang out. I saw and felt the w arm th o f main streets that have been resurrected from m ajor arterial speeding vehi­ cles through areas with total disre­ gard to pedestrians, cyclists, or the ow ners o f business. W hat I saw and learned has en­ couraged me to actively w ork for the developm ent o f planned com m uni­ ties focusing around light rail We cannot continue to build m ore and more suburbs, resulting in longer and longer driving distances w ithout further destroying the integrity o f our beautiful state and negatively im pacting the everyday lives o f our citizens. We have a chance to m ake a very real and im portant difference in the quality o f life we all hope to attain. It is w ithin our pow er and ability to create the kind o f place w here chil­ dren thrive and people can live, work and recreate in a safe, satisfying and com fortable way. —Irene J. Park Reconsidering the death penalty by D eni S tarr J. D. was reading about the jl slaughter in Rwanda on the day that we, the Peo­ ple of the State of Oregon, killed Douglas Franklin Wright. O’ “ H ow could this happen?” puz­ zles Tergal Keane o f the BBC, w it­ nessing the slaughter in a church. We pass a classroom and inside a m other is lying in the co m er surrounded by four children. T he chalk m arks the last lesson in m athem atics are still on the board But the desks have been upturned by the killers. It looks as if the w om an and her children had tried to hide underneath the desks. We pass around a corner and I step over the rem ains o f a small boy. A gain, he has been decapitated. To my im m e­ diate left is a large room filled with bodies T here is blood, rust colored now with the passing w eeks, sm eared on the w alls. 1 do not know w hat else to say about the bodies because I have already seen too m uch. “ T his is —unbelievable.” Tony w hispers in my ear. W e are all w hispering, as if we m ight som ehow wake the dead with our voices. “ It i s ju s t- u nbeliev­ able. C an you imagine w hat these poor—w ent through?” And 1 answ er that no, I cannot imagine it because my pow ers o f visualization cannot possibly encom pass the m agnitude o f the terror. A m illion people were m urdered in R w anda in 1993, m ost o f them hacked to death with m achetes by th e ir n e ig h b o rs. R w an d a is not unique. Such genocide is still going on in Bosnia. Iraqis are still m urder­ ing Kurds. G enocide, the m urder o f Jews by the N azis, A rm enians by the Turks, T usis by the Hutus, K urds by the Iraqis, the indigenous peoples o f the A m ericas by Europeans, is not lim ited by tim e, geography, race, or level o f technological developm ent. W e in Am erica look at Bosnia, Rw anda, K urdistan, and say, it can ­ not happen here. It has already hap ­ pened here. Ask the A paches about Cam p Grant. Ask the Cheyenne about Sand Creek. Ask the D akota about W ounded Knee. These killings are all done by ordi­ nary people. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Amin, Obote may all have been evil and insane, but the tens ofthousands o f ordinary people w ho helped them were not. Ordinary people like your neigh­ bors, like the guy your sister is married to, will do things like this if two things happen; they are convinced that kill­ ings solves problems and they are con­ vinced that a particular minority is responsible for their problems. M ost people believe that killing other people can solve problems. M ost o f the people who supported the execution o f D ouglas Franklin W right believed that killing him solves problem s. It certainly keeps him from killing anyone else. But along with that doctrine com es its logical, inevitable, horrifying sequel: if killing people solves problem s, then the more people w e kill, the more problem s we will solve. Do Am ericans really believe this? C onsider that recently o u r D em o­ cratic president and Republican con­ gress ju st changed the law so that instead o f three federal crim es being punishable by death, now over 60 federal crim es are punishable by death. The more people w e kill, the m ore problem s w e’ll solve. W ith the end o f the cold war, we are also seeing an upsurge in scapegoating. The Hutu people were told that the T usi were responsible for all their prob­ lems. The Germans were told that it was the Jews who caused a 11 the suffer­ ing in the world. Killing them was an act o f self defense. The populace was told over and over again “these people are a threat to us, we must defend ourselves.” The more people we kill, the more problem s w e’ll solve. W here is this b elief taking us? Is that w here we w ant to go? Standing against measure 34 To th e E ditor: ome misleading state­ ments made by support­ ers of Initiative measure 38 deserve a response. In th e O re g o n ia n , S e p te m b e r 22nd, D enzel Ferguson, an activist, says “ In 1920 populations o f all sp e­ cies o f anadrom ous fish in the C o ­ lum bia R iver w ere in precipitous decline 13 years before the first dam (R ock Island) w as built.” He follow s this with a sentence, “ Livestock graz- ing is the leading im pedim ent to fish and w ildlife production in the W est.” It would seem that a voter is sup­ posed to make a connection between these two subjects. W hat he does not say is that livestock, which came with settlers in the 187O's had nothing to do with the fish decline in 1920 T his decline, I'm told, was the result o f over harvesting the fish, particularly using huge “fish w heels” that scooped salm on out o f the river in areas w here the runs were co n cen ­ better ‘*£0 '£he (Svitar Send your letters to the Editor to: Editor, PO Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208 A note of approval *7d the editor... Just would like to comment on your September 25, 1996 issue... thrilling and newswatching!...99 -Thanks, Anan Shachaq / trated. They w ere so deadly efficient that they w ere outlaw ed, and the runs began building up again. I well rem em ber that when my father took me to see a fish wheel in the early 1920’s. It was aw esom e, for me as a child, to view that stream o f big silver fish sliding dow n its chute. It should also be noted that the D EQ w rote a letter to Bill M arlett, the activist w ho started Measure 38 about another m isleading statement, w hich said “the D E Q ’s assessm ent S ubscribe to o f w ater pollution found that range- land livestock grazing is the leading s o u r c e o f w a te r p o llu tio n in O regon."T he DEQ said that it felt the statem ent “ is m isleading and does not accurately portray our position.” These are only two o f the many reasons why I’m against this pro­ posed law. There are many others, and I urge all responsible citizens to study the issues closely and to vote N O on m easure 38. —Linda Bow m an anje fliortianh onitacruer The Portland Observer can be sent directly to your home for only $30.00 per year Please f ill out, enclose check or money order, and mail to: SUBSCRIPTIONS T he P ortland O bserver ; PO B ox 3137 P ortland , O regon 97208 N a m e :_______________________ A d d r e s s :_____ < ’ ity. State: _________ _______ Zip-Code: ______ ;______ __________________ ___ _____________________________ T hank Y ou F or R eading T iif P ortland O bserver P e r s p c c / i p c s Book Of Revelations; according to McKinley x t seems that I made a promise last week that my copyright attorneys pray was “not written in stone.” O’ I T he A frican experience o f re­ m ote an cesto rs to the contrary, s o m e tim e s it m ay b e ‘better to conceal than to rev eal-p articu larly when a prudent delay in these much later and highly com petitive tim es can avert theft, trade-m ark infringem ent and litiga­ tion. W e’re talking “bottom line” h ere-ed u catio n al curriculum and toys, vide cassettes, instructional gam es com pany and product must be named. Ms Phyliss G aines, a local A fri­ can A m erica business w om an, put these and sim ilar issues in p erspec­ tive during an interview in the Sun­ day O regonian business section for January, 14, 1996. H er experience- based advice-”T he N am e G am e”- has been cited by many as having been extrem ely valuable in struc­ turing legal protection from the very beginning o f their new enterprise. In any case I will hold back for now on any vain revelations co n ­ cerning som e m ore-than-success- ful applications o f finalized learn­ ing m odels in trail runs ranging from the “ Saturday A cadem y” as I’ve described here several tim es (M ichael Grice, D irector), to sever­ al selected W ashington C ounty Schools to a few trial tutoring en- gage-with the children or g rand­ children o f fellow m em bers o f the A ssociation o f O regon Industries. Several m odels for teaching the very I ittle ones (head start age) have developed over the years since that 1971 Lake O sw eg o M ontessori School ex p erien ce o f d esig n in g com puter program 'b o a rd s’ for the five and six year o ld ’s; decision trees built around sibling priorities for bathroom , brushing teeth, school day or not, etc . I w as successful but not sure exactly why. Now, twenty five years later, hav­ ing plowed through the literature and suffered accordingly--"M ontessori Play And Learn, Young Children Invent Arithmetic, The Life And Growth o f Language, the Language Instinct, Patterns In The Mind, Lan­ guage, T hought By A nd R e a lity Professor (W h o rf), L an­ Mcklnley g u ag e T h o u g h t Burt A nd A ctio n (Hayakawa), The Alphabet Effect and on and on" - 1 think I may have the hang o f it Anyway its been fun. There follow s tw o poem s that have proved oh so useful in pro­ voking older children and youth to speculation about ‘tim e’ and posi­ tions (hyperbation) so im portant in understanding physics. O f course I use my own as well (sm iles). "Tim e p resent a n d tim e p a st A re both perhaps present in tim e future. A n d tim e fu tu r e co n ta in ed in tim e past. I f a ll tim e is eternally p resen t A ll tim e is unredeem able. W hat m ight have been is an a b ­ straction R em aining a p erp etu a l p o ssi­ bility O nly in a w orld o f speculation. W hat m ight have been a n d what has been Point to one en d w hich is alw ays p re se n t" T.S. Eliot, Four Q uartets "Som etim es / p la y that I catch up with m yself. / run w ith what I was a n d w ith what / w ilt be, on the race o f w hat / cwt A n d som etim es I p la y th a t! pass m yself. Then m aybe T run in the race o f w hat ! ’m not. But th e re's still another race in w hich / 7/ p/cry that I m over­ taken a n d that will be the real one. " R oberto Juarroz, Vertical P oet­ ry, p 75 N orth Point Press S. F , ! 988 (N ext week: H Z,«/ works at the b a rrica d es a n d w hat d o e sn 't - B u rt’s solutions") Attention Readers! Please take a m inute to send us your com m ents. W e’re alw ays trying to give you a better paper and w e c a n ’t do it w ithout your help. Tell us w hat you like and w hat needs im provem ent... any suggestions are w elcom ed and ap preciated. W e take criticism well! Get your pow erful pens out NOW and address your letters to: Editor, R eader R esponse, P.O. Box 3137, P ortland. O R 97208, ^ la r tla n h O O b s e ru e r (USPS 959-680) Established in 1970 Charles W ashington P ublisher & E ditor M ark W ashington D istribution M anager G ary Ann T aylor Business M an ager Sabrina Sakata N ew s/C opy E ditor Danny Bell A dvertising S ales M an ager Sean Cruz C on su ltan t & E ditor P ortlan d O bservador G ary W ashington Public Relations Tim othy C ollins P hotography Paul N eufeldt Iesha W illiams Production & D esign Rovonne Black Business A ssistan t C on tributing Writers: Professor M cK inley Burt, Lee Perlm an, Pamela Jordan 4747 NE M artin Luther K ing, Jr. Blvd., P ortland, O regon 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 -288-0033 • Fax 503-288-0015 Email: Pdxobserv(a)aol.com Deadline for all submitted materials: A r tic le s :F r id a y , 5 : 0 0 p m A d s: M o n d a y, 1 2 :0 0 p m PO STM A STE R : Send A ddress C hanges To: Portland O bserver, P.O. Box 3 137, Portland, O R 97208. S ec o n d C lass p o sta g e p a id a t Portland, Oregon. S u b set iptiuns. 5 30.00 p e t y e u r The Portland O bserver w elcom es freelance subm issions. M anu­ scripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned ifaccom panied by a se lf addressed envelope All created design display ads becom e the sole property o f the new spaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage without the w ritten consent o f the general m anager, unless the client has purchased the com position o f such ad. © 1996 TH E PO R T LA N D O B SE R V E R . ALL RIG H TS RESERV ED , R E PR O D U C T IO N IN W H O LE O R IN PART W IT H ­ O U T PER M ISSIO N IS PR O H IB IT E D . The Portland O b se rv e r-O re g o n ’s O ldest M ulticultural Publica- tio n - is a m em ber o f the N ational N ew spaper A sso ciatio n -F o u n d ed in 1885, and The N ational A dvertising R epresentative Am algam ated Publishers. Inc, N ew York, NY, and The W est C oast Black Publishers A ssociation • Serving Portland and Vancouver.