Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 09, 1996, Page 14, Image 14

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    T he P ortland O bserver • O ctober 9, 1996
P age C 3
Through our own eyes
Por nuestros proprios ojos
Photo by Janette Luna from Ontario, OR.
Entitled: “Friends on the Last Day o f School. ”
for the
1997 Legislative Session
1997 Session Positions
Data Communications Tech B
User Support Specialist
Bill Digester
Admin Support Specialist 1
Committee Administrator
Copy Editor
Word Processing Specialist
Office Manager
Legislative Session Guide
Counter Clerk
Mail Bill Clerk
Custodian I
For application information call (503) 986-1373. Employee Services,
Room 140 State Capitol Salem, OR TTY: (503) 986-1684 Fax: (503)
986-1684. Act fast, some positions close as early as October 11,
Garlington Center
Behavioral Healthcare
(Open job listing as of October 4, 1996)
Child and Family Therapist needed full-time. Duties include provid­
ing outpatient services to culturally diverse population of children
ages 0-21. Experience with crisis intervention outreach and working
with minority youth & families desirable. Masters degree in a mental
health related field and 2 years clinical experience required. QMHP
required. Ref#CH-CFT
Team Leader needed for the voc. rehab, team duties include clinical
and administrative supervision of team and participating in provision
of community outreach, therapy and case management services to
clients. Minimum of 2 years supervisory experience required. QMHP
required. Ref# VC-TL
"When I take a picture 1 fe e l like
! am making art The thing I like
most about photography is that when
I take a picture, I know that no one
else co u ld ever take a picture exactly
I ike it When someone sees one ofm y
pictures, I want them to se what ¡saw
and f e ll what ! felt, but I also want
them to have their own feelings. That,
to me, is the most important thing
about art "—N ick Long, student
“ In a time where life seems in­
creasingly fragile, it is difficult for
anyone to stand tall. We w ill all be
knocked down. Grow ing up in such
real and underprivileged worlds, it is
inconceivable to imagine finding the
strength that these young adults find
each and every day. The young pho­
tographers in straight shooting face
their world with a sensitivity that, at
many times, seems too perceptive.
They are consciously aware o f the
failures o f our society.
“ Flooding our darkrooms with
clearly seen photographs o f magical
and beautifully truthful images, these
students remind us o f the power o f
photography as an art It is an art o f
looking at our world. While anyone
can take a picture, only these young
adults could have made these photo­
O nly theseyoungadultscould have
Hispanic American Profiles
Hispanic Americans have a long
and proud history in the United States.
Hipanic Am erican Profiles isaneasy-
to-use reference that provides a record
of more than 150 role models whose
conntributions have influenced every
aspect o f American life.
Included in the collection are biog­
raphies o f farm labor leader César
Chávez, novelist Oscar Hijuelos,
Tejano singer Selena, and actor and
activist Martin Sheen. Robert Goizueta,
former Chairman and C E O o f Coca-
Cola, and Elian Ochoa, the first Latina
selected by N A S A and a space shuttle
Discovery astronaut also profiled.
Both inspiring and informative,
H ipan ic Am erican Profiles (One
World/Ballentine Trade Paperback;
$9.00, 1996) serves as an excellent
introduction to the variety and rich­
ness o f Hispanic American culture.
evoked these dreamlike scenes o f
oppression, or their undying love for
fam ily in a single image. We are all
privileged to learn from their work.
“A ll o f us involved, the students
and the mentors, had to reach out
towards each other’s worlds. The
understanding and strength gained is
inexplicable. The relationships formed
and photographs created in this pro­
gram are testament to the extreme
value o f our society working together.
There is pain, sorrow, and oppression
in our country. There is also self-
confidence, grace and pride amidst it
all. The students in Straight Shooting
have taught us this with their insightful
photographs and strength o f spirit. I
thank them all.”— Adam O gilvie,
Mentor and Coordinator.
Th e Portland O b se rvad o r en­
courages the development o f pho-
tojournalists among the south of
our community. Send in sour
w o rk w ith a se lf-a d d re sse d ,
stamped envelope to Photo E d i­
tor, Th e Portland O bservation
4747 N E M artin Luther K in g J r .
B lsd , Portland O R 97211. No
more than two submissions at a
time, please. Include something
about yo u rself and a daytim e
phone number.
Register and vote!
Y o u r vote is your voice. Su voto es su voz.
You cannot afford to miss the opportunity to vote and help set the
agenda for the future.
There is still time to register to vote in the November 5 general
election. Registration cards must be postmarked by O cotber 15.
Ify o u have moved o r changed party affiliation since you last voted,
you must re-register by the same deadline.
The M ultnomah Co unty election office may be reached at 248-
3720. Th e numbers for W ashington C o u nty are 648-8670 and
C la cka m a s Co unty 655-8510.
Minority Journalists meet, salsa
University October 18, 19 and 20. The public is invited. For information,
call La Raza (503) 725-5665.
The Oregon L a tin o M edia Association (O L M A ) w ill sponsor an evening
o f salsa dancing and tapas at Fern and o 's H id eaw ay, 824 SW 1st Avenue,
near the M A X line, Thursday O ctober 10, from 6 to 8 pm. The Portland
Association o f B la c k Jo u rn a lists. Asian A m erican Jo u rn a lists A sso cia­
tion, and the N ative A m erican Jo u rn a lists Association w ill also attend.
R S V P at (503)294-7651.
Nordstrom and United W ay o f the C o lu m bia-W illiam e tte w ill host
the first annual "Salute to Cultural Diversity" on Saturday, O ctober 19, at
Nordstrom's downtown store. Tickets are $35, or $ 10 for students with ID.
This event is a benefit for United Way, and is expected to raise $ 19,000 for
distribution to a number oflocal minority-focused charities. C all (503)224-
6666, ext 1840 for tickets.
Senate Debate Party
Amigos de las Americas
Am igos de las Am ericas provides summer service opportunities to young
people who want to get to know another culture and improve living
conditions in Latin America. Meet O ctober 23 at the Metropolitan
Learning Center, 2033 N W G Iisan . For information call: 2 3 1-9355 or 234-
Human Rights Awards Dinner
The M etropolitan Hum an R ig h ts C om m ission w ill hold its annual
dinner honoring winners in several categories o f public service on Wednes­
day, O ctober 16, a, 6.30 pm, at Beaumont Middle School, 4043 N E
Fremont, in Portland. Tickets are $12. For reservations, call 823-5136.
Award winners w ill include Portland Pu b lic Schools M ig ran t Education
Program .
Photographs exhibited
Photographs by award-winning photographer Francisco Rangel are on
display in the lobby o f the Miracle Theater, at 525 S E Stark Street in
Portland. C a ll 236-7253 for viewing times.
Michoacan copper vessels
Art o f the People is hosting an exhibition o f handmade copper vessels
from Michoacan through the month o f October at 818 SW First Street in
Portland. These vessels were each created from solid copper ingots in a Pre-
Colum bian method used by the Purepecha Indians for centuries before
Europeans arrived in the Americas. C all (503) 221-0569.
Pre-Columbian art exhibit
coming to Portland
An exhibition o f Pre-Columbian art from M exico, Central and South
America w ill be shown in Portland beginning O cto ber 17 at Abante Fine
A rt, a private art gallery located on the corner o f Second Street and Yam hill,
adjacent to the M A X line. For information, call Rudi Milpacher at (503)295-
Competitive salary and benefits. Send/fax cover letter and resume to:
Garlington Center, 911 N. Skidmore Portland, OR 97217 Att: HR Fax:
249-8740 EOE. Committed to diversity. No phone call please.
Contact our Job Line at 727-5947 for additional job opportunities.
Public Relations Manager
Portland Rose Festival Association is looking for an experienced
public relations professional to oversea the communications and
publicity efforts of the award winning Rose Festival. Full-time, year-
round position requiring strong written and verbal skills, plus a
demonstrated ability to produce high quality material in a fast-paced,
team-oriented environment. Experience with special events and
volunteer organizations desirable. Successful candidate will have
strong organizational, project management and interpersonal rela­
tions skills, plus the creativity and enthusiasm necessary to thrive in
the dynamic special events industry Information packet available at
220 NW Second Ave., 503-227-2681. Application materials due
October 15, 1996.
Linfield College seeks part-time adjunct instructor of mathematics for
spring semester. MA required with teach experience, college teach­
ing preferred. Teaching duties include course in intermediate algebra
and maintaining office hours. Send letter of application, resume,
three references and transcripts of college and university study to:
John S. Alin, Chair, Dept. of Mathematics, Linfield College, 900 SE
Baker, McMinnville, OR 97128. Application review will begin on 11/
15/96. AA/EOE.
Northwest Natural Gas Company...
...seeks to fill a senior position on the internal audit team
performing assessments o f business risk in our automated envi­
ronments, evaluating user/processing controls, system security,
safeguarding software/hardware and systems recovery.
Requirements include a college degree in computer science/related
studies, with documented experience in the information systems field.
Experience/education in accounting/auditing/business administration pre­
ferred We offer an excellent benefit package and career advancement
Please direct resume, salary history/requirements and letter of
application relating to the qualifications:
Northwest N atural Gas Com pany
H R ; Employment - Rcq. #96129
220 N. W. Second Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97209
F a x -(5 0 3 ) 721-2506
Em ail: jsl@ gasco.com
An Eq u al O pportunity Em ployer
Oregon Latino Voter Registration Drive needs
O L V R E P needs volunteers to help register voters for the November 5
general election. Cash contributions are welcome, too. Contact (503) 375-
3808 in Salem for more information on how you can help this statewide
effort. Su voto es su voz.
Mexico environmental issues
"Mexico's Environment and Natural Resources, Strategic Challenges and
Opportunities", w ill be presented by Ju lia C a r a b ia s L illo , M exico's Secre­
tary of the Enviro nm ent, N atural Resources and Fisheries at 2:00 pm on
Thursday, O ctober 17, at the Hilton Hotel in Portland The public is invited.
This free meeting is sponsored by the W o rld A ffa irs C o u n cil o f O regon and
the U .S.-M exico C h a m b e r of Com m erce
Portland Observador seeks youth writers
The Portland Observador is seeking essays by young writers for our In
Our Own Words (En Nuestras Proprias Palabras) feature. We would like
to publish your thoughts, feelings and experiences from a Hispanic perspec­
tive Contact Editor, The Portland Observador, 4747 N E Martin Luther
K in g Jr. B lvd, Portland O R 9 7 2 11. Please include the name o f the school
you attend and a daytime phone number.
MECHA conference begins
The M E C H A Leadership Conference w ill take place at Portland State
Secretary needed for a growing counseling center. Motivated,
personable, detail oriented, highly organized professional with good
phone personality and ability to work independently. Min. Qual:
Typing 60-70 wpm., familiarity with windows, WP & Excel, knowledge
of billing & insurance claims procedures. Ref # PC-SC
Salute to cultural diversity
Th e L u c k y L a b r a d o r Brew ing C o m p an y, 915 S E Hawthorne Blvd, w ill
be the scene o f a debate party featuring T h o m as B ruggere, candidate for
U S. Senate 6-8 pm on Sunday, O ctober 13 R S V P at (503) 226-7199.
Children are welcome
Bookkeeper needed to process payroll and employee benefits.
Experience with ADP & Peachtree general ledger software required.
This position requires general bookkeeping experience. Ref # FN-BK
Miracle Theater's "Chavez", a play based on the life and work o f
Cesar Chavez, is being presented by the award winning Miracle
Theatre. Written by Martin Milagro and directed by Jose Gonzalez,
the play will run through October 26. The Miracle Theater is
located at 525 SE Stark Street. For ticket and event information
call 236-7253.