Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 09, 1996, Page 10, Image 10

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    P age B4
O ctober 9, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver
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Scholar scries (oofçs
at 'Ecumenism
The Archdiocese o f Portland con­
tinues its Catholic Scholar series on
the Church in the Third Millennium
with noted scholar Father Avery
Dulles, S.J.
The Cathol ic Scholar series is pre­
sented by the Archdiocese in honor
o f its 150th anniversary as an Arch­
diocese, the second oldest archdio­
cese in the United States.
Father Dulles will address the state
o f ecumenical relations in his pre­
sentation “The Impact o f Pope John
Paul Il’s Ecumenical Vision and
He will speak on Sunday, October
13 at St. Mary ’s Cathedral in Port­
land (N.W. 18th and Couch), and on
Monday, October 14 at St. M ary’s
Church in Eugene ( 1062 Charnelton
Street). His presentation will begin
at 8:00 p.m. both evenings.
Father Avery Dulles, S.J., is cur­
rently the Lawrence J. McGinley
Professor o f Religion and Society at
Fordham University in New York.
Bom in Auburn, New York, Fa­
ther Dulles graduated from Harvard
University in 1940. After spending a
year and a h alf in Harvard Law
School, he entered the United States
Navy and emerged with the rank o f
Upon his discharge in 1946, he
entered the Society o f Jesus. He
earned a Licentiate degree is philos­
ophy from W oodstock C ollege,
Woodstock, Maryland in 1951. He
was ordained a priest by Cardinal
Francis Spellman on June 16, 1951.
He received a Licentiate degree in
Sacred T heology in 1957 from
Woodstock College, and a doctorate
in S a c re d T h e o lo g y from the
Gregorian University in Rome, in
Father Dulles has written exten­
sively. His twenty books include
Models o f the Church, The Resilient
Church, and The Assurance o f Things
Hoped For: A Theology o f Christian
He has written more 500 articles
and book reviews on such topics as
revelation, Church, faith, apologetics,
and ecumenism. He has received fif­
teen Honorary Doctorate degrees.
The Cathol ic Scholar series is open
to the public, and there is no charge
for the event.
Morning Star
(Baptist Church
G reeting in the name o f our Lord
and Savior. The Pastor and members
o f Morning Star invite you to our
Annual Christmas Banquet to be held
at The Portland Hilton Hotel, De­
cem ber 8, 1996, 6.00 P M. The
theme, “ A Never Ending Circle O f
Learning”, Phil 2:5. Our Keynote
Speaker is Reverend Dr. Benjamin
Hooks o f Memphis, TN.
During the civil rights movement,
and still today. Dr Hooks’ voice
rings out against the oppression o f
segregation, inequalities o f educa­
tion and criminal injustices. He is
one o f the most sought after speakers
in the nation, his attributes include:
Pastor o f both Middle Baptist
Church in Memphis and the Greater
New Mount Moriah Baptist Church
in Detroit, MI.
1972, Nominated by President
Richard M. Nixon to become the first
black member o f the FCC.
Former Executive Director o f the
National Association For The Ad­
v an cem en t O f C o lo red P eo p le
Dr. Hooks is serving on and has
served on many Boards: League o f
“7th Heaven” focuses on the dev­
astating aftermath of a church burn­
ing crime and the personal toll it
exacts on two families involved.
A special episode o f the critical­
ly acclaimed new drama series “7th
Heaven” which explores the per­
sonal traumatic toll a church burn­
ing exacts on two families, will air
Monday, October 14 (8:00-9:00
PM. ET/PT )onT he WB Television
In the episode. Reverend Eric
Camden (Stephen Collins) comes
to the aid o f his close friend and
fellow seminary student Reverend
M organ Ham i I ton (guest star Dor ian
Harewood), when his church is
burned to the ground and his fami­
ly's safety is threatened.
When the Hamiltons move in
with the Camdens, both families
come to realize the traumatic after-
math that such a hate crime can have
on them personally as well as pro­
Even the children o f both fami­
lies learn the meaning o f racism
first-hand -- young Simon Camden
(David Gallagher) is harassed by
schoolm ates after defending his
A frican A m erican friend Nigel
(D avid N etter). And, after the
Hamilton kids tell the Camden clan
the story o f Rosa Parks, pubescent
Camden daughter Lucy (Beverley
Mitchell) dons corn-rows in sup­
port o f the plight o f the African
American race.
Entitled “The Color o f G od,” the
episode looks at the vicious crime of
church arson from a very personal
standpoint and depicts the devastat­
ing aftereffects on all involved.
In the end, both ministers and
their respective fam i I ies look to their
faith in God, humanity and each
other in a celebration o f life in what
could have been dire detriment.
“ In this episode, we didn't try to
solve any problems or make any
judgements, we just told a story that
will hopefully make people think
about what we can do to make rela­
tionships better between blacks and
whites in this country — what are we
teaching our chi Idren today that will
makes things better tomorrow?,”
comments Brenda Hampton, exec­
utive producer/series creator and
writer o f the episode.
S ta rrin g S te p h e n C o llin s,
Catherine Hicks, Barry W atson,
D avid G a lla g e r, Je ssic a B iel,
B everley M itchell, M ackenzie
Rosman and Happy the Dog.
Women Voters, The National Con­
ference o f Christians and Jews, Pub­
lic Broadcasting Corporation, The
A. Phillip Randolph Institute, The
Council On Foreign Relations, The
Southern Christian Leadership Con­
ference and The National Alliance
O f Business and Jobs For American
Our Banquet is supported by the
United Food and Commercial Work­
ers AFL-CIO, CLC Unions and the
Northwest Oregon Labor Council
The tickets are $45.00 per person
or a table o f ten for $450.00. Please
call the Morning Star Baptist Church
Office, 2 8 1 -4925 or Christian Wom­
en Against Crime Office, 282-1316
for ticket information.
Deadline For Ticket Purchases
And Child Care Registration: Fri­
day, November 8, 1996. Tickets are
non-re fundable and will not be avail­
able at the door.
For your convenience, child care
will be provided at Morning Star for
children 13 and under. Please regis­
ter your child/chiIdren when you re­
ceive your ticket.
Best-selling author and former
Oregon law school dean Derrick Bell
returns to Portland to do a reading/
concert for the release o f his new
book. Gospel Choirs: Psalms o f Sur­
vival in an Alien Land Called Home.
He will be a c c o m p a n ied by
Emmanuel Temple Church Choir
The event is scheduled for 7.00
p.m., October 9, at PCC Cascade,
Cascade Hall, 705 N. Killingsworth.
A $5.00 donation is requested.
W riter and civil rights lawyer
Derrick Bell has never been one to
back away from or avoid controver­
In his latest book. Gospel Choirs,
Bell confronts the growing “white
rage” and the inevitability o f racism
in this country and chai lenges Amer­
icans—black and white—to rethink
our basic assumptions about the rela­
tion between the law and race.
According to Bell, racial equality
may be a legal imperative, but in
today’s explosive economic and po­
litical climate, the law alone is woe­
fully ineffective in guaranteeing pro­
tection o f black people’s rights and
well being.
African Americans are both bear­
ing the brunt o f unemployment and
the anger o f many whites who, fear­
ful fortheirow njobsand future well­
being, are convinced that the black
population is at the heart o f their
In this “environm ent o f black
blame," Bell contends, "the tradi­
tional sources o f relief—the courts
and the political process-are not like­
ly to prove useful.”
Chauncy Rae McCleary, girl
5 lb. 9.4 oz.-18", 9-11-96
Mother: Misty Anne McCleary
Divorce Hurts!
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Girl, 6 lb. 15 oz.-20.5", 9-9-96
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