P age B2 O ctober 2, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver lattò bseruer Portland YouthBuilders Selected for HUD Award Vice President A l Gore has an­ nounced that the Department o f Housing and Urban Development (H U D ) w ill award $700,000 to the C ity o f Portland’s Bureau o f Hous­ ing and Community Development and Portland YouthBuilders to op­ erate a YouthBuild program “ Through community initiatives like YouthBuild, we are empower­ ing distressed communities and their residents, increasing opportunity. and building hope,” the Vice Pres­ ident said at a White House event. The highly successful Portland YouthBuilders program was one o f only 29 award winners selected from a pool o f 412 appl icants from across the country. This is the second time the organization has received this aw ard, h a v in g been granted $ 8 7 1,000 in 1995 to begin the pro­ gram. Portland YouthBuilders is a non­ profit organization, providing edu­ cation, vocational training, and lead­ ership development to very low in­ come youth inner North and North­ east Portland During the course o f the full year program participants acquire education and skills to lead self-sufficient and productive lives while they help revitalize their com­ munity by building affordable hous­ ing. Participants spend h a lf their time in the classroom preparing for their high school diploma or GED and the other h a lf o f the time on the construction site. Follow ing gradu­ ation, participants receive a year o f ongoing follow -up and support. “ W e’ re thrilled to receive this award,” notes J ill Walters, Portland YouthBuilders’ Executive Director “ We’ ve seen such excitement chang­ es in the participants in the nine months we’ ve been in operation. Seeing this growth. I ’m convinced that this kind o f program changes lives. W ith these funds, we can continue our w ork.” W ith notification o f the award, recruitment for the 1997 program year is now underway. Portland YouthBuilders welcomes applica­ tions from motivated young men and women who are interested in the YouthBuild program design and are ready to take positive steps to im ­ prove their lives. Interested individ- Waterfront hot real estate market W ith many N orth w e st com m u­ n itie s located in areas su rro u n d ­ ed by lake, riv e r, stream and o ce a n -fro n t p ro pe rtie s, the w a­ te rfro n t m arket is an im p o rta n t rea l estate segm ent. H e re ’ s a ro u n d -u p o f w h a t’ s happening in several w a te rfro n t co m m un ities. R e s o rt areas e x p e rie n c e a stron g w a te rfro n t m arket. W a te rfro n t is always a hot m ar­ k e t , ” s a id P a ul B r o p h y o f W in d e re m e r’ s San Juan Island, W a s h ., o ffic e . “ W e ’ ve seen steady g ro w th and w e ’ re g e ttin g to be a p re tty e xclu sive m arket. W hen we do see a nice piece, i t ’ s e x p e n s iv e .” A c c o r d in g to B ro p h y , San Juan Island w a te r­ fro n t begins at rou g h ly $250,000 fo r a hig h bank home, fo r exam ­ p le , on the is la n d ’ s n orth side w ith a sm all lo t, less lig h t and little view . B ut a home on a la rg ­ er lo t w ith low bank, p riv a c y , good w ater and perk, western exposure, and protected m oo r­ age o r d ock is a hot item that w ill sell q u ic k ly . “ I t ’ s not g e ttin g any cheaper but everyone wants to be here,” said the lo n g -tim e island re si­ dent, w ho rece ntly sold tw o small 5 0-plus year o ld cottages on a sm all steep lo t, but w ith com ­ m e rc ia l z o n in g fo r $ 65 0,0 0 0. “ I t ’ s a little piece o f paradise in W ashington state.” “ The w a te rfro n t m arket is a l­ ways g oo d,” echoed W inderm ere agent Lisa N elson. Nelsen’s Oregon Coast neighbor C ra ig Weston o f W inderm ere’ s Gearhart office is seeing vacant wa- terfront land going fast in his area, citing a number o f developments with lots ranging from $150,000 to $500,000, she said. He says buyers in his area are now purchasing proper­ ties with existing homes, then tearing them down or remodeling. This is a trend Weston predicts w ill only grow as oceanfront land becomes less available. “ I f y o u ’ re g o in g to be buying w a te rfro n t in the fu tu re ,” said W eston, who has sp ecialized in w a te rfro n t since 1981, “ y o u ’ re g oing to be b u yin g p ro pe rty w ith an e xistin g structure. M ost o f the value o f w a te rfro n t is in the land. I f y o u ’ re paying $500,000 fo r a w a te rfro n t home, fo r exam ple, th e lo t is p r o b a b ly w o r th $400,000 maybe m ore.” Buyers looking for a second home in an inland location, such as Wash­ ington’ s Lake Chelan, may be sur­ prised by the prices but they general­ ly have greater variety to choose from. According to Windermere’s Lake Chelan office owner Tim Flood, his area currently has a large invento­ ry o f diverse propertiess along the lake’ s 38 miles o f waterfront. But he said many people are surprised by the prices, with homes beginning in the mid $300,000s and moving up to $700,000 or more for more exclu­ sive properties. According to Flood, prices in his market don’t fluctuate much up or down. Sellers in his market tend to hand on to a property-offen a long­ time fam ily hom e-until they get their price But he said that those properties with good waterfront tend to go fast. Portland and the Oregon Department o f Transportation. 1 9 9 6 Award recipients include: M a jo r C on tracto r: F.E. Ward, Inc. M id -S iz e C o n tr a c to r : Park- Northeast Paving Company S-2; Con­ tractors, Inc. Sm all C o n tra c to r: J.E.C., ln c .& Capital Concrete; Construction, Inc.; Joint Apprentice; International Union o f Operating T ra in in g C om m ittee: Engineers Local 701 & AGC Successful A pprentice: Robert “ E lijah” Cochran Carpenter C om m un ity Partners: Portland Com m unityCollege/B-FIT; Pre-Ap­ prenticeship Training Program Attending this reception w ill be Mayor Vera Katz; Bureau o f Labor Commissioner, Jack Roberts; T ri- Met General Manager, Tom Walsh; ODOT. Deputy D irector, Ken Husby; IBEW Business Representatives and Chairperson o f the Construction Workforce Clearinghouse Oversight Committee, Kieth Edwards; N orth­ east W orkforce Center, Inc., Board Chair, Roger Busse; numerous rep­ resentatives from local construction industry organizations as well as ap­ prentices currently undergoing train­ ing. “ It ’s a great honor to recognize these individuals and organizations,” said Jennie Portis, Executive Direc­ tor o f the Northeast Workforce Cen­ ter, Inc. “ They’ ve all gone the extra A d v e rtis e In (The ^ L ln r tk u tb (Observer ( all 503-288-0033 RENT YOUR NEXT WASHER & DRYER FROM THE HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS With option to buy. This C o u p o n G o o d F o r $ 1 0 Off DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION FEE 251*7415 H 0 ren ta l Co. w a sh er 1 6 5 7 S . E. TACOMA ST. U I G N ‘«g Construction Industry Leadership Awards are being presented to leaders in the local construction in­ dustry who have significantly con­ tributed to the efforts o f the contrib­ uted to the efforts o f the Construction Workforce Clearinghouse and the community during the past year. Over 45 apprentices have been suc­ cessfully employed in various con­ struction industry trades in the Port­ land area: Operating Engineers, Car­ penters, Electricians and Laborers. The C o n s tru c tio n W o rkfo rce Clearinghouse was established two years ago to assist minorities and women obtain employment in the c o n s tru c tio n in d u s try . The Ciearhousing is a project ofthe North­ east W orkforce Center, Inc. And funded in part by T ri-M et, C ity o f uals are encouraged to visit the pro­ gram, located at 5432 N. Albina, or call 286-9350 for information. 70 O mile in the training and hiring o f individuals we have referred. The entire community benefits when we are able to place hardworking, m oti­ vated individuals such as Elijah Cochran, in well-playing jobs in the local construction industry, “ she commented. The Construction Industry Lead­ ership Awards Reception is being held Thursday, September 26, 1996 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Northeast Workforce Center, Inc., offices, located in the Cascade Plaza, 4134 N. Vancouver Avenue, Port­ land, Oregon. o JO m œ cn NOW AVAILABLE PCRÏÏ 2.3.4 Bedroom Rehabilitated Single Family Homes in the King. Humboldt. Piedmont. Vernon and St. John neigh­ borhoods. Income restrictions apply. Rent ranges from $350 to $800. Apply: MON-FRI 9AM-4:30PM Apply at: 2045 N.E. MLK/Tillamook Portland, Or 97212 (503) 288-7572 Community in Motion PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL CUSTOMERS, SUPPLIERS AND ASSOCIATED FAMILIES OF DURHAM NW INC DUE TO THE ON GOING DISPUTE WITH ONE OF MY CLIENTS, IT HAS BECOME NECCESARY TO ASK YOU TO ACCEPT MY SINCERE APOLOGIES FOR NOT BEING AS RESPONSIVE TO YOUR NEEDS OR CONCERNS AS WHEN WE FIRST TEAMED UP; STEWART G RO UP REALTY Cd a. tyidtucny &d*n*H4c*t¿Cef’ Fred Stewart, President Office; (503) 289-4970 Fax:(503)289-3435 E-Mail: Fstewart@stewreal.com Lyda Overton, Broker John Roach, Sales Associate Office: (503) 289-4970 Fax: (503)281-2309 E-Mail: Lyda2@aol.com Office: (503) 289-4970 Fax: (503)289-3435 E-Mail: Jroach@stewreal.com Kim Hoffman, Sales Associate Office: (503)289-4970 Fax: (503) 249-0406 E-Mail: Khoffman@stewreal.com tl THIS WILL BE A TEMPORARY BUSINESS SET BACK THAT WILL BE DECIDED BY A NON AFFECTED THIRD PARTY SOON. DURING THIS PHASE: I, EDWARD T. DURHAM Jr., PLEDGE TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES THAT I WILL DO WHATEVER IS WITHIN MY POWER TO SEE THAT YOU ARE PAID, YOUR PROJECTS GO FORWARD, AND THAT NO FURTHER INCONVIENCE IS PLACED UPON YOU! IT IS DURING THIS MOMENT OF CRISES THAT COOLER HEADS PREVAIL. FOR NO MATTER WHAT SHE MAY THINK, OR ATTEMPT TO DO TO ME AND MINE, WE ARE IN THIS TO SUCCEED AND CONTINUE INTO THE FUTURE, NOT TO PROFIT BY, DECI£T AND BETRAYEL, BUT TO DO A DAYS WORK, EXPECTING A DAYS PAY! búWl u h LuP fARD T. DURHAM Jr. PRESIDENT DURHAM NW INDUSTRIES INC. i