Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 02, 1996, Page 18, Image 18

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    P AGE C 4
O ctober 2, 19 9 6 • T he P ortland O bserver
Clinton sets up panel to
shore up black support
The Clinton/Gore campaign
national and state
Saturday announced the creation
steering groups to
of a national steering committee
drum up support for
to shore up support among Afri­
Clinton, Davis said.
can-Americans in 30 keytates, in­
The Clinton cam­
cluding California, Texas and
paign said 1995 Cen­
sus Bureau statistics
President Clinton kicked off
showed that incomes
the effort with a conference call
rose faster last year
with black leaders and grassroots
than in any year in a
activists at 160 sites across the
decade and the pov­
country, telling them their sup­
erty rate among Af­
port was crucial to his re-elec­
r ic a n - A m e r ic a n s
tion campaign.
was at the lowest
"I intend to build on my record
level in history.
of the last four years,” Clinton
D avis said the
told national steering committee
ty p ic a l
members and state senators,
fam ily’s income had
church leaders and activists in
risen by $3,000 since
the 30 states.
He said his administration's
Ernie Green, hon­
p o licies and the im proved
orary co-chair of Af­
economy had won enthusiastic-
rican-Americans for
support nationwide among black
C lin to n /G o re ’96
groups and said this was “a stun­
lauded the admini­
ning validation of how we can do
stration’s efforts to
well and do good at the same
promote community
banks in low- and
C linton cam paign sp o k e s­
m o d e ra te -in c o m e
woman Lisa Davis said the cam­
com m unities, and
paign planned similar steering
the campaign’s de­
committees for a variety of eth­
posits of $5 million
nic and other interest groups —
in four m inority-
including women and educators
owned community
— over the coming weeks.
On Tuesday, the campaign will
“These and many
unveil a Jewish leadership coun­
other accom plish­
cil, followed by an announce­
ments demonstrate
ment Wednesday of environmen­
why we should work
tal activists supporting Clinton’s
to make sure that
re-election bid, she said.
P resid en t C linton
Ethnic groups and individuals
with Italian, Polish, Armenian.
years," Green said.
Lithuanian, Greek and Asian-Pa-
The national steer­
ci f t i ' f i e r itage would also form
ing committee includes
Betty Shabazz, wife of slain civil rights leader
Malcolm X, Representative Donald Payne, D-NJ,
and Representative
Jefferson, D-La..
Happy Birthday
Afisjane’ ‘Williams
From your big sister
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A Street Faire w ill be held:
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Saturday, O ctober 5, 1996
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Homes will be open to tour
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Corporate Sponsors: Portland Development Commission, Blazers Boys and Girls Club, Emanuel
Legacy Hospital, NW Natural Gas Safeco Insurance and Washington Mutual