Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 02, 1996, Page 12, Image 12

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O ctober 2, 1996 • T hi B orii and O bsi rver
P age B 6
Finance Coordinator
Portland Development
$45,706 - $68,559
Solicits, originates and under­
writes real estate loans and
other financing products to
owners of large income pro­
ducing properties. Financing
products include loan pro­
grams, City tax exemption pro­
grams, bond financing, and
the C ity’s fee waiver program.
Analyzes financial feasibility
and n e g o tia te s fin a n c in g
terms and conditions. Works
within self-m anaged team,
sharing responsibility for team
performance, decision m ak­
ing and continuous improve­
ment. Requires: abilitytocom -
municate, negotiate, and work
in a team setting; ability to
solve problems and identify
innovative financing solutions
to complex financing struc­
tures; background in bond fi­
nancing, tax credits and other
financing packaging; knowl­
edge of federal housing pro­
grams, word processing and
spreadsheet programs; five
years related experience in
real estate loan origination,
processing and underwriting,
including 4 years of income
property financing.
Interested applicants should
pick up a more detailed job
description and application
packet at PDC. If outside Port­
land metro area, call the job
hotline at (503) 823-3463 and
request a packet. Application
packets and resumes must
be returned by 5:00 p.m., Oc­
tober 11, 1996.
Portland Development
Attn: HR/ Fin Coord
1120 S. W. 5th Avenue, #1100
Portland, OR 97204
The P ortlan d D e ve lo p m e n t
Commission values diversity
in its workforce and is com­
mitted to equal employment
opportunity and affirm ative
Bank Of N e w p ort is seeking a
qualified applicants for the po­
sition of Loan Processor in
...Formal training in an appro­
priate discipline, or equiva­
lent on-the-job training and
...solid understanding of depart­
m ental p ro fe s s io n a l/fu n c -
tional goals and how they con­
tribute to the Bank’s business
...Effective verbal, written com ­
munications, and presenta­
tion skills
...D e m o n s tra te d
e ffe c tiv e
project/tim e m anagem ents
...Ability to work effectively in a
team environment as well as
accomplish work assignments
under minimal supervision
and under sometimes tight
...Ability to meet bonding re­
quirements for employment
Please call (503) 315-2836 for
an application or apply at the
affiliate nearest you and for­
ward to Human Resources,
702 Church St NE, Salem OR
Come grow with the “SUPER
com panies of West Coast
Bancorp and its Affiliates:
C o m m e rcial B ank, V alley
Commercial Bank, Bank of
Newport, Bank of Vancouver
West Coast Trust and West
Coast Data Services.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Employer M/F/V/D
P ro d u c tio n P o s itio n O pen -
Experience required. Must be
versatile -possessing the abil­
ity to create p rom os and
sweepers and results oriented
co m m e rcia ls. D ig ita l/co m -
puter experience (session 8/
audio/vault. Writing skills a
must. Send tapes and resume
to attention General Manager,
0234 SW Bancroft - Portland,
OR 97201 - No phone calls.
Equal opportunity employer.
Finance Specialist
Portland Development
$39,435 - $59,205
Solicits, originates and under­
writes real estate loans and
other financing products to
ow ners of rental housing
projects, which generally con­
sist of 1 to 8 units. Financing
products include loan pro­
grams, city tax exemption pro­
grams and fee waiver pro­
gram. Analyzes financial fea­
sibility of projects and negoti­
ates financing terms and con­
ditions. W orks within self-
managed team, sharing re­
sponsibility for team perfor­
mance, decision making and
c o n tin u o u s im p ro ve m e n t.
Requires: ability com m uni­
cate, negotiate, and work in a
team setting; knowledge of
income property/commercial
real estate practices; back­
ground in federal, state and
local housing finance pro­
grams; computer skills; three
years related experience in
real estate loan origination,
processing and underwriting,
including 2 years of income
property financing.
Interested applicants should
pick up a more detailed job
description and application
packet at PDC. If outside Port­
land metro area, call the job
hotline at (503) 823-3463 and
request a packet. Application
packets and resumes must
be returned by 5:00 p.m., Oc­
tober 11, 1996.
Portland Development
Attn: HR / Fin Spec
1120 S. W. 5th Avenue, #1100
Portland, OR 97204
The P ortlan d D e ve lo p m e n t
Commission values diversity
in its workforce and is com ­
mitted to equal employment
opportunity and affirm ative
Marshall Caring
Prevention Project
Seeking three youth workers to
coordinate school-based ac­
tivities for Outer Southeast
Portland middle school and
high school girls. Qualifica­
tions: experience with indi­
vidual, group and educational
activities with low-income, cul­
turally diverse girls; knowl­
edge of com m unity/school
collaborations; team work;
prefer knowledge of com m u­
nity; evening, weekend hours.
One position requires project
equivalent work experience.
Starting full-time salary range
$15,717 - $23,556; project co­
ordinator $16,711 - $25,038
depending upon experience.
Positions contingent on fund­
ing. For application call (503)
222-9661, ext. 117. Deadline
October 11, 1996. Equal op­
portunity employer.
Pick up application at The Boys
& Girls Aid Society, 018 SW
Boundary Ct., Portland or call
Bank Of N ew port is seeking a
qualified applicants for the po­
sition of PBX Operator, P/T,
in Newport.
...Good telephone, communica­
tion, and interpersonal skills
...S o m e c o m p u te r s k ills :
WordPerfect and Qauttro Pro
Please call (503) 315-2836 for
an application or apply at the
affiliate nearest you and for­
ward to Human Resources,
702 Church St. NE, Salem
OR 97301
Come grow with the “SUPER
com panies of W est Coast
Bancorp and its Affiliates:
C om m e rcial B ank, V alley
Commercial Bank, Bank of
Newport, Bank of Vancouver
West Coast Trust and West
Coast Data Services.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Employer M/F/V/D
Advertise In
(The ijjo v tla n ò (D hscvuev
’ Call(503) 288-0033
. '4
Head Start Of Yamhill
Now accepting applications for
the following positions:
Education Coordinator —- In­
sures compliance with head
Start performance Standards.
Plans/implements staff train­
ing and developmental pre­
school curriculum. Effectively
communicates both orally and
in writing. Must have the dem ­
onstrated ability to supervise.
FT $11.06 - $13.19/HR A u g .-
June BA/BS in ECE or related
field and 2 yrs exp. or equiv.
combination. Bilingual (Span-
Eng) desirable. Open until suf­
ficient applications are re­
Fam ily E du ca tor — Provide
Family Support and A dvo­
cacy. Plan/implement devel-
o p m e n ta lly
a p p ro p ria te
Teaching Home Visits and
Classroom for 3 yr olds. Su­
pervise classroom staff and
volunteers. AA in ECE or CDA
required plus 2 yrs exp. FT
Sept-May $8.98 HR. Closes
Oct 1 1 .5:00PM
Positions require ability to meet
basic physical qualifications,
current ODL. and insured ve­
hicle or acceptable alterna­
tive available for use on the
Apps and infor available at 800
NE Second St. McMinnville.
472-2000. Include resume w/
Head Start of Yamhill County
offers an excellent benefits
package and is an Equal O p­
portunity Employer.
Excellent Career Opportunities!
Washington Mutual is seeking
self-motivated, sales oriented
individuals for full and part-
time teller positions. We cur­
rently have full-time openings
at the following branch loca­
tions: Glisan, Beavercreek,
Clackamas So., Woodburn,
Tualatin, Portland, Canby,
Gresham, Hollywood West,
Peninsula, Raleigh Hills, and
Johnson Creek. Current part-
time location include: reg. 13
flo a t, S u n se t E sp la n a d e ,
T ig a rd T o w n e
S q u a re ,
Rockwood, Lake O swego,
Hollywood West, McMinnville
and Hawthorne. Starting sal­
ary is $1260-1540 a month,
plus performance awards and
opportunities for adva n ce ­
Anyone interested in a CR posi­
tion must participate in Teller
A ssessm ent. The a sse ss­
ment will give you a better
u nd e rsta n d in g of the d e ­
mands of the job and will help
us obtain an objective mea­
surement of your aptitude for
atellerposition. Previous teller
experience is not a require­
ment. To obtain a teller as­
sessment form, stop by any
bank branch or call 231 -8981
to have one mailed to you.
Applications for teller positions
will only be accepted from can­
didates who have passed the
Teller Assessment. Call our
Job Hotline at 1-800-952-
0787 for a complete list of
current openings.
Equal Opportunity Employer m/
West Coast Data Services is
seeking a qualified applicants
for the position of Proof O p­
erator, Peak time, in Salem.
...Good hand-eye coordination
and manual dexterity
...Basic 10-Key operations skills
and familiarity with com put­
ers and other general office
...Ability to work well with others
in a team environment
Please call (503) 315-2836 for
an application or apply at the
affiliate nearest you and for­
ward to Human Resources,
702 Church St NE, Salem OR
Come grow with the “SUPER
com panies of W est Coast
Bankcorp and its Affiliates:
C o m m e rcial B ank, V alley
Commercial Bank, Bank of
Newport, West Coast Trust,
Equal Employment Opportu­
nity Employer M/F/V/D
Portland Development
$25,404 - $36,352
Responsible for administering
the City of P ortlan d ’s fee
waiver program and property
tax e x e m p tio n p ro g ra m s ,
monitoring compliance of fed­
erally funded Davis Bacon
projects and responding to
audits. Requires: ability to in­
terpret feaeral and local stat­
utes and program regulations;
knowledge of real estate and
construction terminology, real
e s ta te d e v e lo p m e n t p ro ­
cesses and loan processing
procedures; spreadsheet and
word processing skills; atten­
tion to detail; ability to work
collaboratively within a self-
managed team; one year ex­
perience in construction or a
regulatory compliance related
field and six months experi­
ence in monitoring Davis-Ba­
con Act or similar prevailing
wage law.
Interested applicants should
pick up a more detailed job
description and application
packet at PDC. If outside Port­
land metro area, call the job
hotline at (503) 823-3463 and
request a packet. Application
packets must be returned by
5:00 p.m., October 11, 1996.
Portland Development
Attn: HR/PDT
1120 S. W. 5th Avenue, #1100
Portland, OR 97204
The P ortlan d D e v e lo p m e n t
Commission values diversity
in its workforce and is com ­
mitted to equal employment
opportunity and affirm ative
Loan Processor/
Portland Development
$27,849 - $40,391
Responsible for closing loans
and other financing agree­
ments. Prepares commitment
letters; drafts loan documents;
and facilitates information col­
lection between housing de­
livery team and external con­
tacts, including custom ers,
title companies and others
involved in the development
and fin a n cin g of h ou sin g
projects. Technical kn ow l­
edge of real estate law and
finance, including expertise in
acquisition and disposition
closing services. Minimum 3
years loan closing experience
and a cq u isitio n /disp o sitio n
closing experience. Strong
attention to detail and ability
to work collaboratively within
a self-managed team. Active
listening skills in customer and
teamwork setting required.
Interested applicants should
pick up a more detailed job
description and application
packet at PDC. If outside Port­
land metro area, call the job
hotline at (503) 823-3463 and
request a packet. Application
packets must be returned by
5:00 p.m., October 11,1996.
Portland Development
Attn: HR I LP
1120 S. W. 5th Avenue, #1100
Portland, OR 97204
The P ortlan d D e ve lo p m e n t
Commission values diversity
in its workforce and is com ­
mitted to equal employment
opportunity and affirm ative
Customer Service Representative
Public relations work receiving the general public both in person and
over the telephone, directing calls, providing bus schedule and route
information, selling bus passes, assisting customers with complaints,
and assisting customers with lost and found inquiries. Starting wage
$8.51 per hour. Detailed description and application form available at
Salem Area Mass Transit District, 3140 Del Webb Ave., N.E., Salem,
OR 97303. Completed applications must be received at District by
5:00 p.m. October 11, 1996. an equal employment opportunity
Survey Field
W&H Pacific, a rapidly growing
leader in engineering, plan­
ning, surveying and consult­
ing services, is seeking a tal­
ented professional who can
provide creative solutions and
superior service.
Requires two years experience
in all aspects of surveying.
Familiarity with electronic the­
odolites and data collection
required. Experience with wild
total station/data collection a
plus. LSIT registration or col­
lege education in a related
field also a plus.
As one of the Oregon Business
100 Best companies to work
for in Oregon, we can offer
excellent benefits, advanced
equipment, and opportunities
for growth and development.
If you value a team oriented
environment with profession­
als who work hard and play
hard, w e’d like to hear from
you. Please mail or fax re­
sumes to:
W&H Pacific
8405 SW Nimbus avenue
Beaverton, OR 97008
Fax: (503) 526-0775
Attn: Human resources
We value diversity and are an
equal opportunity employer.
Bank Of N ew port is seeking a
qualified applicants for the po­
sition of Teller, P/T, in Toledo.
..Prior teller experience re­
...Good customer service and
cash handling skills
..Attentive to detail
Please call (503) 315-2836 for
an application or apply at the
affiliate nearest you and for­
ward to Human Resource, 702
Church St NE, Salem OR
Come grow with the “SUPER
com panies of West C oast
Bancorp and its A ffiliates:
C o m m e rcial B ank, V a lle y
Commercial Bank, Bank of
Newport, Bank of Vanocuver
West Coast Trust and West
Coast Data Services.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Employer M/F/V/D
Manufacturing Plant or a Limited Maintenance
Electrical License is required. Announcement
No. 0L177009. Position closes October 9,
Communications Specialist
($ 2 ,3 7 4 to $3 ,010 monthly)
/ n Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a
large variety of careers available statewide Currently, openings exist in the
following agencies:
Oregon Department of Transportation (0D0T), is known throughout the nation
as a progressive government agency and as a leader in team development and
performance measures. ODOT is responsible for the coordination of
transportation programs between and among all governmental organizations
within the state. We have immediate opportunities for the following positions:
Environmental Program Coordinator
(Assistant Project Manager)
We are seeking applicants for position in Salem. Will assist in the preparation
of environmental reports and documents; participate in project development;
and monitor progress on assigned projects. Requires a Bachelor's degree with
30 quarter or 20 semester hours in an environmental science, a physical
science, a natural science, land use planning, engineering, or a closelyrelated
field; OR three years of technical office, lab, or field work experience developing
environmental programs. Preference may be given to applicants with computer
database and spreadsheet software experience. Salary $2,135 • $2,922
monthly + benefits. Completed application materials must be received by
October 1 8 ,1 9 9 6 . Announcement No. OCDT6322. Call (503) 986-4030 (TTY
503-9863854) to request application p a c k e t
Photogrammetry Technician
We are seeking applicants for a position located in Salem. Will perform field
survey work required to obtain photogrammetric control surveys for
photogrammetric mapping to prepare plans. This position works statewide
establishing the horizontal and vertical control necessary to produce
topographic and digital terrain maps and establishes geodetic control
monuments using conventional and Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) surveying
methods. Requires an Associate's degree in Engineering Technology from a
recognized community college or technical school of engineering and two years
of experience directly related to engineering; OR three and onehalf years (42
months) cf engineering experience. A related Bachelor's degree may substitute
for the Associate's degree in Engineering Technology. NOTE: Position requires
extensive statewide travel. Salary $1,758
$2,399 monthly + benefits
Completed application materials must be received by October 14, 1996.
Announcement No. 0CDT6335. Call (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 503-9863854) to
request application packet.
For other 0D0T opportunities call our Recruitment JOBLINE at (503) 9 863847.
opportunities with the uregon Lottery! Recognized as a national leader! We
invite applications for the following positions:
Internal Auditor ($ 3 ,0 5 4 monthly)
This is a one-year, limited duration position. (December 1 ,1 9 9 6 to December
1 ,1 9 9 7 ) The Internal Auditor supports the assessment of the Lottery control
structure, legal compliance, performance and operation efficiency by planning
and performing audit activities, preparing audit recommendations and reviewing
Lottery activities to prevent and detect concerns. To qualify, you must have a
CPA, CIA, CISA or CFE certificate and three years of accounting experience
a nd /or financial auditing experience. Position is located in Salem.
Announcement No. 0L177006. Position closes October 4 ,1 9 9 6 .
Senior Maintenance Technician ($2,606 to $3,309 monthly)
The Senior Maintenance Technician performs manual work in the maintenance
and preventive maintenance of the Lottery building and grounds. To qualify, you
must have 4 years of trades/m aintenance experience which includes
completion of a formal or informal apprenticeship program In the following
areas: heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical, and/or mechanical equipment; and
carpentry, painting, janitorial, and/or landscaping; and responsibility for
coordinating the work of other trades/maintenance personnel A Limited
The Communication Specialist will consult,
plan, design, implement, instail, modify, test,
diagnose and maintain the systems hardware
and software of the Lottery's data/voice communication networks You must
have 2 years of technical communications experience which included the setup,
operation, maintenance, analysis and trouble shooting of data/voice
communication hardware and software: OP 2 years of technical training in
data/voice communication and 6 months of experience in data/voice
communication. Preference will be given to applicants with the following
experience and/or certifications: Telematics frame relay management system
experience; Northern Telecom PBX Certification; and/or limited electrical/low
voltage license. (Be specific in describing your experience and/or training on the
application.) Announcement No. 0L177008. Position closes October 8, 1996.
Field Representative 1 ($ 1 ,9 6 5 to $2 ,488 monthly)
The Field Representative 1 maintains, services, accepts and enrolls Lottery
equipment in retail outlets in an assigned area of the state, and/or at the
warehouse location in Salem. To qualify, you must have one year of electronic
experience which included digital electronics or one year of equivalent training.
This position is located in the Portland Metro area. Announcement No.
OL177OO5. Position closes October 4 .1 9 9 6 .
For these positions, you must complete a Lottery application or a State of
Oregon application form (PD100). Job announcements and application forms
are available at the Lottery office located at 500 Airport Road SE In Salem or
at any local office o f the Oregon Employment D epartm ent Applicants are
subject to an extensive background check. Women, minorities and persons with
disabilities are encouraged to apply. For more Information call (503) 5 4 6
1323. Send completed application materials to Oregon Lottery, Human
Resources, P0 Box 12649, Salem, OR 97309.
Assistant Executive Director
If you are a self-motivated team player with management and public relations
experience, read onl The Board of Medical Examiners, a licensing and
disciplinary board, is looking for a half-time Assistant Executive Director to share
In the administration of the agency and to serve as chief of public relations/
public educatlon/communlcations. Our successful candidate must have six
years experience in supervision, staff-technical, or professionaHevel work
related to public relations/communications. Strong public relations skills and
excellent verbal and written communications ability are essential. Media
experience a definite plus. Half-time salary range is $1,527 to $2,150 monthly,
with good benefits package. Call (503) 2 2 6 5 8 7 3 ext 2 2 5 for application
p a c k e t Job closes October 2 1 ,1 9 9 6 .
Administrative Assistant
(Registration Coordinator)
If you are looking for a challenging experience which can prepare you for a career
advance, this is the position for you. The Board of Medical Examiners, a
licensing and disciplinary board, seeks a detaikoriented person with supervisory
skills to fill a one-year limitedduration position as head of its registration and
data processing departments. The person in this position will supervise two
data entry positions in addition to having responsibility for biennial license
renewal of 12,000 licensees. The successful candidate must have 3 years of
clerical/secretartal experience which included two years at a full performance
level performing typing, word processing, or other generation of documents, and
lead work responsibility or coordination of office procedures. Training may
substitute for up to 1 year of experience. Salary range is $1,704 to $2,261
monthly, with excellent benefits package. Call (503) 2 2 6 5 8 7 3 ext 222 for
application packet Job closes October 21. 1996.
Th es e are Just some of the current openings available with the State
of Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the State of Oregon
Application Form and more complete announcement listings, call the
State Jobline (Oregonian Inside Line) (5 0 3 ) 2 2 6 5 5 S 5 « 7 7 7 7 , TTY (5 0 3 )
3 7 6 4 8 7 2 , visit your local Employment Department, or log onto our web
site at http://w w w .das.state.or.us/Jobs/. The State of Oregon and aN
Its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers.