Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 25, 1996, Page 9, Image 9

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    Tm: P oru
an »
O bserver • S eptember 25, 1996
<ni|v }Jorthuxh OPhscruer
Tupac dies, we must reflect
m P am L ew is
/ ren d so m e w h e re th a t T u p a c
S h a k u r h a d p re d icted h is o w n vio­
lent death. H e is sa id to h a ve to ld a n
interview er: “This was th e ro le I
was g iv e n ."
This gifted young perform er, who
played so many p a n s in his sh o n life
-- gangsta rap artist, convicted sex
offender, son (his m other had been a
member o f the Black Panther Party),
celebrity - apparently believed that
he had been cast in the role o f som e­
one condem ned to die at an early age.
Like Tupac, all too many o f our
young people believe that they have
no choice but to act out one or another
destructive role: a perpetrator o r a
victim o f violence; a drug user or
dealer; a school dropout; a teenager
with an unw anted pregnancy; a hood­
lum or a “ho” ; a "dum m y” ; a "trou-
‘T 'tiday t6e 27t6
Something Different.
B op-a-ganda & the Zen M onk
Punks present hip stories from the
A m erican Jazz Rap genre as per­
form ed by Dr. Francesco Patricolo.
w ith
m u s ic ia n s
M ig u e l
M aldonado, Tim A cott and Sam
Henry, 8 p.m ., Rexall Rose Cafe,
2403 N .E. A lberta St., 282-9781
R&B Vocals.
Linda H ornbuckle. 9:30 p.m..
Key Largo, 31 N .W First Ave.,
Jazz Guitar.
H ear the cool sounds o f Larry
A dair, 7 p.m., Edgefield W inery,
2126 S W Halsey St.. Troutdale.
Sa&cideuf t/ie 2%tA
CD Release.
Pete M iser’s Solo C D release
party gets busy at 9 p.m .. L.aLuna,
215 S.E 9th Ave., 241-LU N A .
Saturday Market
B anjo2 from 11:30 a.m . to
12:30 p.m .; M oe N elson from 1 to |
2 p.m ., Robbie Kaye Band from
2:30 to 3:30 p.m., Portland S atur­
day M arket’s M ain Stage, 108 W.
B urnside, 222-6072.
Seattle Punk
Featuring Dumas, Rubber, Flat
Earth and M avens, Ash St. Sa­
loon, 225 S.W . Ash St., 226-0430.
G o see the V ictoria Corrigan
Q u a r te t a t th e
B r a s s e r ie |
M ontm artre, 626 S.W Park Ave.
224-5552. (they also perform on
Stephen Cohen.
A coustic guitar, percussion and
vocals, 7 p.m ., Edgefield W inery,
2126 S.W . Halsey St., Troutdale,
2 9 (6
Best Seller.
R o ger W illiam s, A m e ric a ’s
best-sellingpopularpiam st in his­
to ry p e rfo rm s at th e A rle n e
S chnitzer Concert Hall. 3 and 8
p.m., S.W . Broadw ay and Main
St.. 228-1853.
No metal.
Molly M cG uire plays heavy
rock w ithout the metal, Satyricon,
125 N.W . 6th Ave., 243-2380.
Harvest Jam.
C eleb ratin g the beat o f life
through the drum , beginning Fri.,
at the O ld Ranch in Silver Creek
Falls State Park, call for times,
It's Elementary.
A cadem y A w ard-w inning d i­
rector D ebra C hasnoff and pro-1
ducer H elen C ohen host this ben­
efit prem iere o f their study o f the I
roots o f hom ophobia and how |
schools can encourage change, 7
p.m . N orthw est Film Center, 1219 |
S.W . Park Ave , 221-1156.
that supports them so that they do not
have to act out their anger, or their
sexuality, in w ays that are hurtful or
In honor o f T upac Shakur, I invite
all o f you to follow the lead o f the
tens of thousands o f young people
w ho have given their talent and their
energy over the last 12 years to build
the All Stars. And I urge you to ask
all the adults w ho say they are con­
cerned about violence -- your par­
ents, your teachers, and the elected
officials in y o u r com m unity -- to
support program s that support our
Pam Lewis, 35 years old, is the Na­
tional Producer o f the A ll Stars Talent
Show Network. An accomplished ac­
tress and a performer, Ms. Lewis Is also
the Assistant to the Artistic Director o f
theCastillo Theatre in theSoHo area o f
New York City.
C h u n p sp Oppirw E v fp iii c o m <
th p TV o r th w p s t
Larry Nobori Trio.
F e a tu rin g v o c a list V icto ria
C orrigan and Randy Porter, 6 to 9
p.m., W illam ette C afe 4949 S.W
Landing Drive. 225-1068
blem aker"; a “ loser" with no skills,
no jo b and no future.
As the national p ro d u ce ro fth e All
Stars Talent Show N etw ork - the
largest and m ost successful anti-vio­
lence program for inner city youth in
the country -- my jo b is to support
young people to grow and develop
by breaking out o f such deadly and
deadening roles.
The All Stars Talent Show N et­
work does not practice censorship.
We recognize that there is a differ­
ence between the perform ance o f a
gangsta rap on a stage and pulling a
gun on the street! l.ikew ise, there is a
difference between the perform ance
o fa sexy dance routine on a stage and
having sex on the roof! We think it is
positive for young people to make
w h atev er cu ltural statem ent they
choose to m ake in an environm ent
Cuban natives Terisita and Sandy Perez, formerly with the
famed Afro-Cuba de Matanzas ensemble presents a two-day
workshop, entitled “Afro-Cuba!" Oct. 5 and 6 noon each day at
Literary Arts Awards
The L iterary Arts, Inc. A dvisory
Council has announced that Eloise
Jarvis M cG raw , a ju v e n ile w riter,
will receive the C.E.S. W ood A w ard
for a distinguished career in letters.
Brain Booth, law yer, w riter, and
founder o f O regon Institute for L iter­
ary Arts, was selected to receive the
Stewart H. H olbrook A w ard for o ut­
standing curren t co n trib u tio n s to
O regon’s literary life.
Elosie Jarvis M cG raw has been
w riting fiction since she w as eight
yearsold. She has lived in O regon for
over forty years. She is know n as a
great w riter o f ju v en ile literature.
Her first book. Saw dust in H is Shoes,
was published in 1950 and since that
tim e she has published 20 books. She
has been the recipient o f a N ew bery
Award for her books, M occasinT rail
and G olden G oblet, and an Edgar
Award for the best ju v en ile m yster­
ies o f the year for her tw o books.
Tangled W eb and A Really W eird
Summer. Besides her ju v e n ile nov­
els, she has published an adult novel
and a play, and a book on the T ech ­
niques o f W riting Fiction.
Brain Booth is a long-tim e ad v o ­
cate o f the literary arts com m unity in
O regon. He is the founder and has
served as President for the O regon
Institute for Literary Arts, currently
known as Literary A rts, Inc. after
m erging with Portland A rts & Lec­
tures in 1993. Booth is also a w riter,
h av in g re c e n tly w ro te his book
W ild m en , W o b b lies & W histle-
punks: Stew art H olbrooks’s Low ­
brow N orthw est wh ich was pub I ished
by O regon State U niversity Press.
T heC .E .S. W ood A ward is named
for C h arles E rskine Scott W ood
( 18 5 2 -1944), a w riter, poet, soldier,
lawyer, orator, bibliophile and patro
o f the arts who had great impact on
P o rtlan d ’s cultural and political life.
The H olbrook Award honors Stewart
H. H olbrook o f Portland, a colorful,
popular historical w riter w ho was
know n as “ Lum berjack B osw ell’’ for
his w riting on loggers and the tim ber
industry. U n derthe nam e “ Mr. O tis,"
H olbrook also painted in a style he
described as “m odern prim itive.”
M cGraw and Booth will be pre­
sented with their awards at the tenth
annual Oregon Book Awards cerem o­
ny, scheduled for Novem ber 14,1996
in the Scottish Rite Center. Author
Ivan Doig will serve as master o f cer­
em onies at the event, O regon’s prima­
ry celebration o f the written word. The
public is warmly invited to attend.
The 1996 O regon Book Awards
will also honor the authors o f out­
standing w orks in fiction, literary
nonfiction, poetry, dram a, and young
readers literature. Finalists in eacl
category will be announced in earl)
O ctober W inners will not be an
nounced until the night o f the aw ards
All w inners as well as the recipient:
o f the C .E .S W ood and H olbrool
aw ards will receive $ 1,000.
Sample Global Theatre
A revival production, a w orld pre­
miere and special guest artists mark
University T heatre’s 1996-97 main-
stage season w hose five productions
span various periods and styles rang­
ing from a traditional Italian com edy
to a contem porary A m erican m usical
to an Asian fusion piece.
Each o f the plays will be per­
formed on the Robinson Theatre stage
at Villard Hall, 1109 O ld C am pus
Laane in the northeast corner o f the
University o f O regon cam pus. All
regular perform ances begin at 8 p.m.
An additional pertorm ance, b enefit­
ing a local nonprofit, social service
agency, will be scheduled for each
Tickets for individual Robinson
Season plays, on sale Oct. I , are $9 for
the general public; $7 for senior citi­
zens, UO faculty and staff, and non-
UO students; and $4.50 for UO stu­
dents. Season tickets currently are on
sale at a considerable savings from the
single-show price, and group rates are
available for 10 or more patrons.
The U niversity T heatre Box O f-
fice is open from noon to 6 p.m.
T uesdays through Friday and from
noon to 8 : 15 p.m. on days o f perfor­
m ance. For inform ation, call the box
office, ( 5 4 1) 3 4 6 -4 1 9 1.
Kirk Boyd, associate artistic d i­
rector o f the O regon Shakespeare
Festival at A shland, will guest direct
the 18th-century Italian com edy “The
Servant o f Tw o M asters” by C arlo
G oldini, set Nov. 8 -9 ,1 4 -1 6 , and 22-
Boyd, w ho grew up in Eugene,
re tu rn s ho m e a fte r 15 y e a rs at
A shland. He began his theater career
as an actor, director and stage m an­
ager with the O regon Repertory T h e­
atre in Eugene.
In recent years, Boyd had directed
“ M uch Ado A bout N othing,” “ Light
in the V illage,” “ H eathen V alley”
and “ Tw o R oom s” at the O regon
Shakesphere Festival;” “ A M idsum ­
m er N ight’s D ream ” a, the Idaho
S hakespeare Festival; “All in the
T im ing” at C entralia C ollege; and
’ The G o v e rn m e n t In sp e c to r” at
Southern O regon State College.
A fu ll-p ro d u c tio n ( h iñ e se O pera
will ta k e p la c e a t th e W a sh in g to n
C enter f o r P erfo rm in g A rts in d o w n ­
tow n O lym pia a t 7:30 p .m . on O cto­
ber 5.
Tickets for the opera are $ 16 g en ­
eral adm ission. $13 students and se­
niors. $10 for groups o f 20 or more;
forticket inform ation, call the W ash­
ington C enter Box O ffice, 360/753-
Portland residents can take a g u id ­
ed bus tour to see the event for $60
(includes bus to and from O lym pia
that evening, box dinner and talk by
Reed Professors C harles Wu and
Harry Kuoshu along the way, and
opera ticket): m ake your reservation
by calling the Northwest China C oun­
cil. 503/725-4567.
Fhe evening features episodes o f
The Monkey K ing,T he W hiteSnake,
and The W oman W arrior; three o f
the m ost popular C hinese operas.
Beijing O pera (Peking O pera) is
the quintessence o f Chinese theatri­
cal art. Its colorful and highly styl­
ized perform ance requires the skill­
ful blending o f singing, dancing,
martial arts, acrobatics, costum e, and
m akeup.
Personify ing this beautiful but dif­
ficult art is the lead perform er (play­
ing the W om an W arrier), M argaret
Li, w ho rose to fame in the early 80s
as an outstanding descendant o f the
greatest Beijing O pera artist o f the
century, Mei Lanfang. Chen Cao.
also from Beijing, plays the M onkey
King, Prom inent N orthw est m usi­
cian W arren C hang, professional
m usicians from C hina, and accom ­
plished am ateurs perform the music.
Rose Jang, faculty m em ber at The
Evergreen State C ollege, is project
director and organized this event
The even in g ’s perform ance is pro­
duced by the E vergreen State C o l­
lege, whose students (trained by Chen
C ao) participate in episodes o f The
M onkey K ingand The W hite Snake
C osponsors o f the event include
the Hwa Sheng C hinese O pera Club
o f Seattle, S en io r’s Research G roup
o fC h in ese O pera and M usic o fV an -
couver, B.C.. the C hinese Art and
Music A ssociation, and the* N orth­
west China C ouncil, located in P ort­
A... My name is still Alice
I niversity Theatre will kick o f f the
1996-97schoolyear on Oct. 3 with three
p e rf ormances o f the m usical revue
“A... M y Nam e Is Still Alice, ” a revival
fr o m its 1996M a d Duck Repertory The­
atre S u m m er Season.
Conceived by Joan M ickl in SI iverand
Julian Boyd,“A...MyNameIsStill Alice”
will continue on Friday and Saturday,
Oct. 4-5. All performances will begin at 8
p m. at Robinson Theatre, 11 ()9Old Cam­
pus Lane next to the law school on the
University o f Oregon campus.
Pickets are $9 for the general public;
$17 for senior citizens, UO faculty and
staff, and non-UO students; and $4.50 for
UO students.
"A . My Name Is Still Alice” is the
critically acclaimed sequel to the hit revue
“A...My Name Is Alice,” which itselfhad
a successful run in University Theatre’s
Mad Duck Repertory Theatre during the
summer o f 1995. This latest collection of
songs and sketches - created by a wide
variety ofcomposers, lyricists and writers
- featuresa lively and richly comic explo­
ration o f what it means to be a woman in
the 1990s. Both very funny and extreme­
ly topical, “A.. My Name Is Still Alice”
includes music that runs the gamut from
gospel to rock and from country to pop.
Dion Reschedules
C eline Dion, o rig in a lly sc h ed ­
u le d to p la y th e T heater o f th e
C louds in th e R o se G arden on A u ­
g u s t 31st has been rescheduled.
The new date is Saturday, M arch
29th at the T heater o f the C louds in
the Rose G arden. Show tim e re­
m ains 8pm. Tickets from the Au­
gust 31st show will be honored at
the new March 29th show.
Som e tickets w ere still available
for the original show. T hese tickets
will go on sale now at the Rose
Q u a rte r T ic k e t O ffic e an d all
I icketniaster ticket centers or charge
by phone at (503) 224-4400.
G ram m y aw ard w inning artist
C eline Dion is one o f pop m usic’s
fast-rising stars, and has been tour­
ing in support o f her last album,
“ Falling into Y ou,” featuring the
smash it "B ecause You Loved M e.”
New perspectives on an age-old idea
W h a t are angels? M an y people believe in
M <« T < ti e vv 1 . » A .Sr
»< II r
I t " li I I (I I n k I
angels, b u t few can define these enigm atic
spirits. N ow theologian M atthew Fox and
biologist Rupert Sheldrake-pioneers in
m odern religious th in k in g and scientific
-J a p '
th e o ry -la u n c h a ground-breaking exploration
in to the ancient concept o f the angel in The
Physics o f
A n d in Omens
o f M illennium
Books) H a rold
Bloom reveals
how the
concept o f
angels have
always played
a central role
3 ®
in Western
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215 SE 9TH • 241-LU N A
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