•W I * • ! U '.< ’«•> • "* I- • * ' J M S epi 'E mber 25, 1996 Isaac Hayes cites church burnings Lcvendarv p entertainer n le r h iin n r Isaac I V • I i* Z • U • 1 ! X» Legendary Hayes recently joined leaders ot diverse eth­ nic minority groups from as far away as Nigeria and Holland to work out solutions to a growing international trend ol intolerance and indifference towards ethnic minorities. Using the burning of African Amen- can houses of wi irship i n the United States as an example, Hayes laid out how the escalatingprublemsfacingtheBlackcom- munity today are very similar to problems facing ethnic minorities the world over. Hayes was joined by Rev. Heber Jentszch, the President of the Church of Scientology International; Professor Múrice Glele-Zhanhanzo, United Na­ tions Special Rappoteur on Racism, Ra­ cial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerances; Shaykh Latif Ali, head of the American Muslim Admiral 1995-2005, NGO’s and Human Rights: Power to the People". As part of the conference activities, M r Hayes and actress Ann Arc her hi isted the third annual Lift Every Voice, Inc. Human Rights Awards event. Three posthumous awards were given. These went to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Scientology religion and Ken Saro-wiwa Nigerian writer and vocal critic of the Isaac Hayes (center) m a k e s his thoughts known at a recent international hum an rights conference as Rev. Herber .Jentzsch (right), looks on. Family Circle and representatives of sev­ eral other organizations concerned with the human rights and freedom. Organized by Lift Every Voice, Inc. (LEV-I), a California- based group dedi­ cated human rights education and the enforcement of the Universal Declara­ tion of Human Rights, the human rights symposium wasentitied "United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education government who was abruptly sentenced to death last December. Proceeds from the awards event will fund scholarships for university, college and high school students spe­ cializing in the field o f human rights, to participate in the United nations Sum ­ mer Human Rights Internship Pro­ gram in Geneva, Switzerland. Education Space still is available for fall term adult and youth Continuing Educa­ tion classes at Pacific Northwest College o f Art Classes run from six to 12 weeks duration beginning Sept. 23 through Sept. 28 with many classes not re­ quiring prerequisites. Openings exist in the following classes: M ultim edia Production; ( om puter Paint and A nim ation; Black and W hite Photography; Ba­ sic Sculpture- Mixed M edia;Lithog- raphy and Monoprint, and various youth classes for ages 4-16. Fall course catalogs and registra­ tion information are available by call- mg (503) 226-0462. To register in person, please visit (he Pacific Northwest College o f Art Continuing Education Office located at 1219 S.W Park Ave. Pacific Northwest College of Art is an independent, accredited institu­ tion offering the Bachelor o f Fine Arts degree, certificate programs and continuing education classes. The College is accredited by the Northwest Association o f Schools and Colleges, and the National A sso­ ciation of Schools o f Art and Design. For more information about Pacific- Northwest College o f Art, please call (503) 226-4391. to raise your child’s IQ The follow ing ideas are valuable in developing reasoning and think­ ing skills in young children between two and 10. You will need to d is­ crim inate on the appropriate activi­ ties for each age. 1. Line a pie plate with uncooked beans. Ask your chi Id to remove these beans into a one quart plastic milk jug. He may not rem ove one bean at a time. Stand back and avoid giving him any hints. Ask your child to think carefully before taking any action. 2. G ive your child a list of 10 nam es. Say the nam es once, and ask by D r . your child to recite this list to you. A llow him three chances. G radually increase the num ber o f item s on the list. 3. Read or sing nursery rhym es to your child. H elp her to repeat these nursery rhym es. 4. H old up the picture o f a rooster or another animal. A sk y o u r child to study it for one m inute, and then lay the picture face-down. A sk the child to draw what he saw. 5. Lay 12 painted popsicle sticks on a table. Ask your child to regroup the sticks so that they are only three in each group. 6. Read a story to your chi Id every day. 7. E nlarge a m ap o f your city. C ircle the street where you live and circle the street o f y o u rch ild ’s school. Ask your child to use a red m arker to trace the shortest route from hom e to school. First, show him how to use the map. 8. G i v e y o u r c h i l d a larg e p rin t d ic tio n a ry . A sk h er to w rite a w o rd and its m e a n in g on an in d ex c a rd ; d o th is tw ic e e a c h w eek. P o st the w o rd s on th e r e f r ig e r a ­ to r w ith a m a g n et. 9. Require your child to read for 10 m inutes from each o f three text­ books every school night. During the sum m er encourage him to read from any book. 10. Ask your chi Id to lay out a plan for evaluating a selected consum er product. For exam ple: D eterm ine w hether one brand of popcorn should be ranked as good, poor, or ex cel­ lent. V iv ia n O w en s is the a u th o r o f a n e w ly - p u b li s h e d c h i l d r e n ’s n o v e l. "T h e R o s e b u sh W itc h ," F ro m E sc h a r P u b lic a tio n s , P.O . B o x 1 1 9 6 , W a y n e s b o r o , VA 22980. Some education inspires K ieth O rlando H ilton . We conclude each of our columns with the statement, “Education is on­ going and certainly not limited toclass- room study. L et’s talk.” Below are a few o f our sources of education — not all are o f African descent. Some have helped directly and often and some have inspired us indirectly. This is how bridges are built and barriers toppled. W e encourage readers to also step forward and thank those people and organizations that have inspired you to go to greater heights. A frican-A sian Images: A+ Images is a cross-cultural association prim a­ rily for men and w om en o f A frican and A sian descent w orldw ide w ho are interested in building positive co m m unity, corporate and m edia images. D r. Y o sef B e n -J o c h a n n a n : Egyptologists and world class scholar, long with Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Ben is one o f the African w orld’s most valuable elders. Black Issues In Higher Education: This V irginia/W ashington DC-based publication has become the bible for many folks working in the academy. S o f tlin e I n f o r m a tio n E th n ic N ew sW atch: E ileen H ec k erlin g heads this organization "that tells the other side o f the stories." Ethnic N ew sW atch is an im pressive full text database o f the new spapers, m aga­ zines and journals o f the ethnic press. Dr. C arolyn B. M urray: A ssoci­ ate Professor, Psychology and E th­ nic Studies, the U niversity o f C ali­ fornia at R iverside. She is A frican, centered, honest, a critical thinker and a friend. Association For Education In Jour­ nalism & M ass C o m m u n ic a tio n (AEJM C): On a professional level, A EJM C has served as a bridge fo ra lot of my media dissertation research. Dr. A ngela Jorge: New York based Afro-Latina professor and writer. Dr. Jorge has been instrumental in educat­ ing us about the similarities and dis­ sim ilarities betw een the A frican- Am erica and Afro Latino world com ­ munities. National Alliance o f Black School Educators: N A BSE consists o f over 4 ,0 0 0 te a c h e rs , a d m in is tra to rs , policym akers and support personnel. Its membership is international, with affiliates throughout the United States. W inNet Com m unications: This We Offer; Excfting Jobs • Good Starting Pay ’’ •Tecnhical Training • Good Opportunity for • 30Bays Annual Advancement Paiervacation • Free Medical & Dental If you’re 17 to 27 years old, a high school senior or o graduate, and in good health, call: : / Louisville, KY. software company has helped keep Hilton: Higher Education connected to the world via the Internet. The Journal o f Blacks in Higher Education: New York City-based, this journal has provided us with solid research leads. ON NOV. FOR exciting jobs in aviatidn, piloting, *QpatSMaving lives, stopping illicit drug trafficR?Wp J^and protecting our environment^ .. • « Losa a r b d im s in O ff— I - " Be part of the action... 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P resid en t C lin to n is m eeting the challenges o f raising a family, p ro tectin g ou values. H e p u m p e d nearly $800 m illion into H ea d Start • E x p a n d e d C hild Im m u n izatio n an d access to quality H ea lth C are • S u p p o rte d School L unchi * d jg h t"?8 .cr,Inie in Public ho u sin g • W orking to prev en t teen pregnancy • R e d u c e d violence an d d ru g ab u se in school • Passed th e to u g h est C rim e Dili ever. P resident C linton is dealing with th e h ard issues. But he ca n ’t continue to d o it w ith o u t y o u r vote. Join Any Meeting Anytime! W e ig h t W a tc h e r s •This is Diane Pontohllo Losecar’s experience. As people vary, so do individual weight loss, maintenance and results. • I 996 Weight Watchers International. Inc O w ner otth e W EIGH T WATCHERS trademark All nghts reserved O n Nov. 5"' v o te for th e people you care ab o u t. Paid for by the Democratic Nation«! 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