P age Ü 6 S eptember 2 5 , 1996 • T he P orti and O bserver M ÌN O R ÌT y ODiWIT BET links with Encore Media Corp, to create first black movie channel BET Holdings Inc. and En­ core Media Corp (EMC) have joined forces to launch BET Movies/STARZ! (BET Movies), the first urban and black-oriented movie channel devoted to show­ casing black film artists. The BET Movies' venture was announced by BET Chairman and CEO Robert Johnson and EMC Chairman and CEO John J. Sie a, a joint press conference today. The channel will launch in Feb­ ruary 1997, co in cid in g with Black History Month. At the press event, which fea­ tured leaders from some of the country's top cable MSOs, John­ son and Sie said BET Movies represents the creation of a ma­ jor brand dedicated to the devel­ opment and exhibition of black- oriented feature length films. Additionally, the venture will provide access to the black film- making com m unity and gain wider recognition for this long underserved public. African American entertainers from around the country ap­ plauded the announcement and voiced their support of the new service. Stars such as Eddie M urphy, W hitney H ouston, Denzel W ashington, W hoopi G oldberg ("C o n g ra ts, BET! You’re all that and a bag of pop­ corn!), Alfre Woodard, Samuel L.Jackson, Laurence Fishburne, Jada Pinkett, Vanessa Williams, Morgan Freeman, Will Smith, Lena Horne, Gregory Hines (“I can’t wait to watch, and will en­ courage all of my friends to do the same.”), Robert Townsend, Forest Whitaker, Tim and Daphne Reid, writer Terry M cM illan (“Finally!” ), Charles Dutton, filmmakers Spike Lee (“Long, long overdue"), John Singleton, Bill D uke, W arrin g to n and Reginald Hudlin, Matty Rich, Melvin Van Peebles, George Jackson, and Doug McHenry have all come together to lend their names in favor of this project. “With EMC as the nation’s leading provider of movie chan­ nels, and BET’s brand reach into more than 46 million homes, the appeal of this service to cable operators, satellite providers and black consumers promises to be phenom enal," said Johnson. “This new service will also pro­ vide a unique outlet for the inde­ pendent black film industry.” “This venture capitalizes on BET’s position as the recognized leader in television programming for blacks and clears the way for STARZ! and BET Movies to be­ come “must-have" movie chan­ nels in urban centers,” said Sie. “ BET Movies is not just another movie channel — it’s a service to the black community. Its purpose is to create a showcase for films that feature black creative talent and show case cu ltu ral them es, lifestyles and interests. BET Movies will truly be the destina­ tion channel in black house­ holds.” In addition, the combination of STARZ! and BET Movies will expand pay TV households in urban markets. Sie and Johnson said two facts demonstrate the need forlhischannel: Black con­ sumers arc great fans of televi­ sion and avid moviegoers. Sic and Johnson offered statistics that indicate blacks view television programming 50 percent more than non-blacks, and also account for 50-100 percent more movie­ going dollars than non-blacks. (Source: TV Viewing Among Blacks, JBK&F. Media Group, 2/ 96). BET Movies will benefit from STARZ!’s long-term output deals with Hollywood's biggest studios — including Miramax, Univer­ sal, Touchstone, Hollywood Pic­ tures and New Line — for exclu­ sive first-run theatrical releases. In addition to the best first-run movie selections, BET Movies will draw upon ENCORE’S ex­ tensive library of over 6,000 mov­ ies amongst them many landmark black films. Below is an over­ view of programming viewers can expect from BET Movies: Seven, Pulp Fiction and Fresh, A Good Man in Africa, Major Payne, Corrina, Corrina, How to Make an American Quilt, Clockers.To Wong Foo..., The Crying Game. Unique and classic films, such as To Sir with Love, Do The RightThing, Mississippi Masala, Autobiography of Miss Jane Pit­ man, Women of Brewster Place and Cry Freedom. Founded in 1980, BET is owned by BET Holdings Inc., a m edia-entertainm ent company com m itted to maximizing its value to shareholders, clients and employers, and to establishing BET as the most-valued con­ sumer brand within the Black marketplace. BET H oldings’ core business is Black Entertain­ ment Television Inc., an adver­ tiser-supported, basic cable tele­ vision program m ing service launched in January 1980, that serves as both an entertainment and information source for Afri­ can Americans. The BET Cable Network airs a variety of music video shows, as well as origi­ nally-produced and syndicated programming, 24-hours a day to more than 46.4 million cable households. BET Holdings Inc. also owns and operates BET On Jazz: The Cable Jazz Channel, Action Pay-Per-View, BET On Jazz International, BET Direct - its direct marketing arm, as well as three p u b lications, YSB, Emerge and BET Weekend. EMC is the largest provider of cable and satellite-delivered tele­ vision channels in the U.S., cur rently counting more than 25 million pay units through its own­ ership of ENCORE! R)< an afford able premium service featuring hit movies of the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s as well as plex, theme by day (combined over 10 million pay units); six Thematic Multi­ plex services — Love Stories- encore 2(R), W esterns-encore 3(R), Mystery-encore 4(R), Ac­ tion-encore 5(SM), True Stories & D ram a-encore 6(R ), and WAM! America’s Kidz Network- encore 7(R) (combined theme channels have over 10 million pay units); STARZ!-encore 8(R), the first-run premium multiplex movie service (over 4.5 million pay units). In addition, EMC’s International Channel(SM)offers multi-lingual basic cable pro­ gramming in 26 different Asian, European, and Middle Eastern languages to 7 million subscrib­ ers in the U.S. and Latin America. EMC's latest service, STARZ!- encore 8(SM), featuring “prime time any tim e,” was launched March 15, 1996. B anking O n A m erica ® Jam m in ’ T h at’s A m erica to me. HI Bank of America S upporting M inority Business E n te rp rise Week. t