TW- rT • Í **.’ * * M * » * * » * * • - . ' . • * .* .V •1 ' > P age D4 S eptember 25, 1996 • T he P ori land O bserver L j e v Bowes appoints new Vice President of Asia Operations Hong Kong Office W ill Oversee Existing O perations and New Busi­ ness D evelopment Efforts in Asia Pitney Bowes Inc. (N Y S E P B I) announces the appointm ent o f its first vice president o f A sian Operations, Henri K.T. Ho, to lead the com pany’s successful pursuit o f new markets for Pitney Bowes products and solutions in Asia. "Asian markets offer great expan­ sion opportunities for Pitney Bowes,” says Michael Critelli, vice chairman and chief executive officer of Pitney Bowes. "W e have a strong presence today in Hong Kong, but also have the opportunity to grow our business ex­ tensively in China and Southeast Asia. Henry H o’s extensive knowledge o f evolving businesses throughout the region will be o f great value to us.” Based in Hong Kong, Ho will man­ age the com pany’s operations in Hong Kong, China, Korea and Taiwan, as well as its dealer operations in the rest o f the Asia-Pacific area. He will report directly to Michael J. Critelli, vice chairman and chief executive officer o f Pitney Bowes. H o jo in s P itn ey B o w e s from A T & T G lobal In fo rm atio n S o lu ­ tions, H ong Kong, w here he served as m anaging director. He has m ore than 20 years o f m arketing, sales, service and senior m anagem ent e x ­ perience in A sian countries, includ­ ing S ingapore, T hailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong and C hina. Prior to AT&T, he held m anage­ ment positions with W ang Laborato­ ries in Singapore and with Xerox in Hawaii. His direct custom er relation­ ships include the Asian Telecom s and Post Offices o f Singapore, Vietnam, China, Hong Kong and Thailand. He received his bachelor’s degree and MBA from the University o f Hawaii. "W e’re very excited by the ability of Pitney Bowes to service Asia from Hong K ong,” says Ho. "The increas­ ing value of this market is reflected in the decision to transfer appropriate responsibilities and staff from the Asia Pacific group in world headquarters." Reporting to Ho will be Robert Laban, vice president, Southeast Asia Operations, who will be responsible for business development and dealer operations in Indonesia, M alaysia, Singapore, Thailand and India. Harish Dua will be managing our Indian liai­ son office located in N ew Delhi and will report to Laban. Pitney Bow es Inc. is a prem ier provider o f innovative products, ser­ vices and technologies that enable custom ers w orldw ide to efficiently m anage the exchange an d d istrib u ­ tion o f inform ation and packages. Thrifty PayLess to visit Japan Volunteers sought BRIDGETOWN REALTY SALUTES MINORITY BUSINESS S ervice T hat M akes T he D ifference Exotic Ethiopian Cuisine (vegetarian & non-vegetarian) We serve freshly roasted & brewed coffees & teas Open 7 days a week 2413 N.E. M L K J r . Blvd., near Lloyd C enter, Portland 287-6302 Whether you 're buying or Selling a home, Greg Washington can help you achieve your goals. He listens and understands your specific home and financial needs. Greg knows what it takes to get you the best value fo r your home. For a free consultation give Greg a call today. Red Lion Lloyd C enter 100(1 NF. M ultnom ah Portland, OR 97232 503/287-9370 Pager 503/497-4607 Fax 503/281-2037 quiting w om en v olun­ teers for p o sitio n s as m entors for graduates of the W IC S L ifeskills Pro­ gram. Next m entor train­ ing is O ct 26, 8 am -1 2 p m and Nov 2, 9am -4pm . For m ore inform ation call M ary M cm enam in at 280-6646 x 251 or C laudia D elgado x 310. 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There are a number o f interesting and regarding careers waiting fo r you at Safeway. Safeway is not a newcomer to Oregon or the Pacific Northwest. In fact, the very first Safeway to ever open its doors was right here in Portland in the mid ¡920's. Since that time, Safeway has grown to include over 1,0 5 7 stores in the United States and Canada. In Oregon, Safeway operates 93 stores in virtually every community and employs over 9,000 Oregonians. Safeway believes our most valuable asset is our employees and we have consistently offered a wide variety ofjobs paying fam ily wages, and excellent benefits package, and plenty o f opportunity fo r career advancement. Like most retailers - regardless o f the goods they sell, Safeway employs a substantial number o f part-time employees and these part-time position can be a direct path to a full-tim e career at Safeway. In addition, while working as a part-time employee at Safeway, individuals can easily pursue their educational dreams. For more information on how YOU can become a part o f the “Safeway Family, ” please contact your Safeway Store Manager. We look forward to welcoming you into the Safeway Family soon. Urban League of Portland Established 1945 Home of the One Stop Career Center and Computer Training Center Our Motto: "Our Children = Our Destiny" Individuality At SAFECO, we celebrate the inherent uniqueness of each individual and acknowledge our diversity as the key to our strength. Different viewpoints not only help shape sound business judgments, they help us understand the needs of our customers. By encouraging individuality, we’ve created one of America’s most successful financial services companies. CS) SAFEWAY FOO DS. M UG 4 OPiVlLN Saturday, October 5,1996 G o rd o n B a rk e r, P re sid e n t & C E O o f T h rifty P a y L e ss , Inc. has b een in v ite d to g iv e a s e m in a r to m o re th a n 2 0 0 m e m b er c o m p a n ie s o f D M S on th e ro le o f the d ru g sto re in the U n ite d S ta te s. He is a lso e x p e c te d to d is c u s s fu tu re e x p a n s io n s tr a te g ie s fo r T h rifty P a y L e ss. T he in v ita tio n w as e x te n d e d by M a sa o A k e g a m i an d M a m o u ru M u n a k a ta M r. A k e g a m i se rv e s as th e P r e s i­ d en t o f B a i-G o D ru g s an d as th e C h a irm a n o f D M S. D M S is a m e rc h a n d is in g g ro u p lo c a te d in S in y o k o h a m a , Ja p a n . M r. M u n a k a ta is th e P re s id e n t o f N R K w h ich ac ts as the g e n e ra l o ffic e s fo r D M S . “T h is trip is a g re a t o p p o r tu n ity fo r T h rifty P a y L e ss to e x p la in h o w w e b e c a m e th e la rg e s t d ru g s to re on the w est c o a s t, and to sh o w o u r in te r e s t in th e d ru g sto re in d u stry fro m an in te rn a tio n a l s ta n d p o in t,” n o te d M r. B a rk e r. F le m m in g K isb y e , S e n io r D ire c to r o f I n te rn a tio n a l A ffa irs & F ie ld M e rc h a n d is in g w ill a lso be a c c o m p a n y ­ in g M r. B a rk e r on h is trip to Ja p a n . T h rifty P a y L e ss c u rr e n tly o p e r a te s 1,047 s to re s in 10 w e ste rn sta te s. G ain valuable social service ex ­ perience w orking in the field o f cor­ rections, rehabilitation. G reat op­ portunity for w om en 21 years and older to help other w om en in their com m unity. Becom e involved in a c h a lle n g in g , rew ard in g p o sitio n . W om en in com m unity service is re- L. I_ I