P age Bö Now Hiring for Legislative Positions 1997 Session Positions j Data Communications Tech B Salary $1,790 User Support Specialist $1,506 Bill Digester $2,278 Admin Support Speicalist 1 $1,571 -$2,065 Committee Administrator i Copy Editor $1,571 I Word Processing Specialist $1,571 I Office Manager $1,790 I Legislative Session Guide $1,325 $3,206-$3,718 Counter Clerk $1,215 Mail Bill Clerk $7.01/hour I o ther Positions I Policy Analyst - Education $3,206 - $4,301 I For application information call (503) 986-1373. Employee Services, Room 140 State Capitol Salem OR TTY: (503) 986-1374 Fax: (503) 986-1684. Act fast, some positions close as early as September 27, 1996 Job Annoucement: Information Systems Manager Responsibilities: The information Systems Manager is respon­ sible for the coordination, implementation, and operation of College information systems, including academic and administrative com­ puting services. Develops information system strategy for manage­ ment consideration and reviews all software and equipment acqui­ sitions for consistency with these objectives. Recommends policies, procedures and priorities to implement and achieve information systems objectives. Coordinates interdepartmental activities re­ lated to the use and operation of the systems. Responsible for the training of IS staff as well as for department personnel in the use of various software applications used by the College. Acts as liaison between the College and hardware/software providers. The infor­ mation Systems Manager reports to the Vice President for Business Affairs and is a member of the Technology Development Committee of the College. Qualifications: A bachelor’s degree, preferably in computer sci­ ence or a related field is required. A minimum of 3-5 years full-time experience in the maintenance and operation of computer hardware and software. Additional experience in the direction, required. Experience in developing, installing and managing computer net­ works is preferred. Ability to work independently and in a self- sufficient mode. Evidence of strong written and oral communication skills is required. Give evidence of an active Christian life and compatibility with the mission, goals and expectations of Warner Pacific College. Compensation: Salary is dependent upon experience and qualifi­ cations. Full benefit package is provided. The contract year is twelve months. Applications: Applications should be fully completed and returned to: Human Resources Warner Pacific College 2219 S. E. 68th Ave. Portland, Or 97215 The application packet must include a letter of application, current resume, and a personal statement of faith. The screening and interview process will begin October 7,1996. The College reserves the right to end or extend the search at any time. In accordance with its heritage of the Christian faith and in accor­ dance with Federal and Oregon State non-discriminatory laws and guidelines, Warner Pacific College is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its hiring, personnel, or admission policies or practices on the basis of gender, race, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status or disability. Warner Pacific College Is A Smoke-Free And Drug-Free Com munity Garlington Center Behavioral Healthcare Director of Development wanted for progressive, managed care oriented, community based behavioral health care center. Respon­ sible for developing and implementing a strategic fund raising and development plan which will result in long-term contributions and a diversified revenue base. Minimum of a bachelors degree in related field, knowledge of local, regional, national funding sources, grant wnting experience in the non-profit sector, business knowledge, excellent verbal and writing skills, self-directed, but able to work on a team. Salary commensurate with experience. Case Manager needed to provide supportive therapy anda full range of intensive case management services to chronically mentally ill adults from multicultural backgrounds. Minimum 2 years related experience required. Must be QMHP or QMHA. Ref #CM-1 Administrative Assistant needed for children’s program. Duties include providing secretarial and administrative support to outpatient and crisis programs and supervising program support staff. Minimum 3 years related office experience preferred. Knowledge of Word and i Excel. Typing 55 wpm required. Ref #CH-AA. I Team Leader needed for the voc. rehab, team duties include clinical | and administrative supervision of team and participating in provision I of community outreach, therapy and case management services to clients. Minimum of 2 years supervisory experience required. QMHP required West C oast Data S ervice s is seeking a qualified applicants for the position of Proof O p­ erator, P/T, in Salem. ...Good hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity ...Basic 10-Key operations skills and familiarity with com put­ ers and other general office equipment ...Ability to work well with others in a team environment Please call (503) 315-2836 for an application or apply at the affiliate nearest you and for­ ward to Human Resources, 702 Church St NE, Salem OR 97301 Come grow with the “ S uper C o m m u n ity B a n k in g ” com ­ panies of West Coast Bancorp and its Affiliates: Commercial Bank, V alley C o m m e rcia l Bank, Bank of Newport, West Coast Trust, West Coast Data Services and Bank of Van­ couver. Equal Employment Opportunity Employer M/F/V/D LOOKING FOR UNIQUE AFRICAN FABRIC? LOOK NO MORE!!! Berkell’s World of Art carry the most exquisite collection of imported African fabrics in this country. Select from a collec­ tion of African Fancy Print, Wax Print, Brocade, royal Kinte, Mudcloth, and Home furnishing. To receive a se­ lection of fabric swatches four times per year send a $20.00 check or m oney order to: Berkall’s World of Art, 625 SW 10th Ave., Suite 352, Port­ land, Or 97205. For more information please contact Beja’ at (503) 249-1892. Warehouse S hipping p o sitio n open fo r G row ing MFG. C om pany. Previous W HSE & Forklift Exp. Pref. $7.00 HR. to start. Benefits and review after 90 days. Apply direct M-F, 1 to 5 PM or send resume to 3580 NE Broadway, Portland, OR 97232. E qual O pp o rtu nity Employer. V o lu n te e rs Needed as on-call rape victim advocates with the Multnom ah C ounty District Attorney’s Victim Assistance P rogram fo r evening and weekend shifts. Five training sessions (evenings) begin 10/ 1/96. Must be 18 years old and have own transportation. Call 248-3222 for more infor­ mation and to register. Our Most Important Asset is People Computer Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon/HMO Oregon is currently recruiting for the following positions: For more information about current openings call our Job Information Line: Linfield College seeks Bene­ factor Administrator respon­ sible for the conversion of data from O m nis data base to Datatel’s Benefactor. Three years computer records sys­ tem s experience required. D a ta te l, B e n e fa c to r, and Omnis experience strongly preferred. Send cover letter, resume, and three references to: Ted Henry, Director of A d m in is tra tiv e C o m p u te r Center, Linfield College, 900 SE Baker, McMinnville, OR 97128. Application review will begin on 9/30/96. AA/EOE • System Development Supervisor (250) • HR-Secretary III (335) 1-800-231-1617 We are strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases of employment. BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon HMO Oregon Coaches for 1996-97 season Varsity and Varsity Assistant baseball and ski coaches. Send resume and cover letter to Mike Davis, Catlin Gable School, 8825 SW Barnes Rd., Portland, OR 97225 or call 297-1894, ext 415. Now Hiring Policy Analyst- Education One full-time continuing Policy Analyst in the Education is­ sue area to work for the Leg­ islative Administration Com ­ mittee. Salary is $3,206 - $4,301. For application infor­ mation call (503) 986-1373. Employee Services, Room 140 State Capitol Salem OR TTY: (503) 986-1374 FAX: (503) 986-1684. Deadline for application is September 27, 1996. Executive Director - To man­ age reproductive & primary health multi-site provider or­ ganization w/strong public af­ fairs & educational programs. Budget $2.6M. Min of 5 yrs successful management exp w/strong health care back­ ground. Send resum e to: Planned Parenthood of Spo­ kane & Whitman Counties, PO Box 197, Spokane, 99210- 0197 commercial time on all-sports radio station, KFXX the fan. 1 -2 yrs. sales exp. good orga­ nizational, written and verbal com m unication skills. Self motivated. Send resume/ref- erences to Sales Manager - KFXX Radio, 4614 SW Kelly, Portland, OR 97201 Equal Opportunity Employer. Postal Positions. Permanent fulltime for clerk/sorter. Full Benefits. For exam, applica­ tion and salary info call (708) 906-2350 Ext. 4552 8am to 8pm. OSU Valley Football Center Expansion Site Concrete And Asphalt Finishing Bid Date: October 11,1996 11:00 AM Bid to: Wildish Building Co. (CCB# 34429) P. 0. Box 7428 Eugene, OR 97401 Contact: Tom Lambe or Bob McDonald Phone: (541)485-1700 Fax: (541) 683-7767 We Request Bids And Encourage Pre Bid Contact From 0MWESB Firms. Advertisement For Bids OSU Valley Football Center Expansion Site Concrete and Asphalt Finishing Due 11:00 AM, October 11 Wildish Building Co. (CM/GC) CCB 34429 I Sealed bids will be received by W ildish Building Co. at Oregon State University until 11:00 a.m. local time, October 11, 1996 for the OSU Valley Football Center Expansion Site Concrete and Asphalt Finishing. Sealed bids shall be delivered to Donna Thving, Oregon State University Facilities Services, 100 Adams Hall, 606 SW 15th St., Corvallis, OR. Bids are to be delivered in a sealed envelope marked “Bid for OSU Valley Football Center Expansion Site Concrete and Asphalt Finishing” . Mailed bids shall be enclosed in the sealec envelope within the mail envelope. Fax transmissions or elec tronic mail shall not be used to deliver or modify a bid. Bidders should use the bid form included in the bid documents B i ds which do not respo nd fully to the bidding requirements may be rejected as nonresponsive. Upon request. Wildish Building Co, will m ail or fax a copy of the bid form. Bids will be publicly opened and read beginning at 11.00 A.M. October 11,1996. The work consists of: Site earthwork, structural fill, asphalt replacement and overlay, asphalt striping and signage, extruded curb, concrete footings and retaining walls, concrete sidewalks and plaza concrete, concrete base rock, misc metals, site furnishings, and inciden­ tal work as indicated. Wildish Building Co., Construction Manager/General Contrac­ tor, will submit a bid for this work. Competitive salary and benefits. Send/fax cover letter and resume to: Garlington Center, 911 N. Skidmore Portland, OR 97217 A tf HR Fax- 249-8740 EOE. Bid Documents can be obtained by calling or sending a request by fax to: Attn: Bob McDonald/Tom Lambe, Wildish Building Col., Phone 541-485-1700; Fax 541-683-7767. Advertise In (¿lie ^ lo r tla ttb (Ohsi'viu'v ( ¿ilh5113) 2X8-0033 Radio Advertising Sales - Sell Sub and Supply Bids are Requested for: Financia! specialist needed to process payiull and assist with general bookkeeping duties. Experience on ADP & Peachtree payroll system preferred. 10 key by touch required. Committed to diversity. No phone call please. Contact our Job Line at 727-5947 for additional job opportunities. C om m ercial B ank is seeking a qualified applicants for the position of Teller, P/T, 30hrs, in Silverton. ...P rior teller experience re­ quired ...Good customer service and cash handling skills ...Attentive to detail Please call (503) 315-2836 for an application or apply at the affiliate nearest you and for­ ward to Human Resources, 702 Church St NE, Salem OR 97301 Come grow with the “Super Community Banking” com ­ panies of West Coast Bancorp and its Affiliates: Commercial Bank, V alley C o m m e rcial Bank, Bank of Newport, Bank of V ancouver W est Coast Trust and West Coast Data Services. Equal Employment Opportunity Employer M/F/V/D MWESB firms are encouraged to submit bids. Bidders shall be registered with the Oregon Construction Contractor's Board at the time of bid submission. Bidders shall comply with requirements of the prevailing wage law in ORS 279.348 through ORS 279.365 effective July 1 1996. I Please direct questions to W ildish Building Co., Bob McDonald or Tom Lambe, 541-485-1700 or Fax 541-683-7767. WSU Vancouver Assistant To The Dean Washington State University at Vancouver seeks an experi­ enced professional to serve as the Assistant to the Dean. This is a permanent, full-time a dm inistrative /p rofe ssio n al staff position reporting to the Campus Dean. The success­ ful candidate will bring a so­ phisticated level of experience to the position which is the primary adm inistrative sup­ port to the Campus Dean and serves as the interface be­ tween the Dean and the many constituencies that WSU Van­ couver serves. Minimum Qualification include 4-5 years professional admin- is tra tiv e e x p e rie n c e , Bachelor’s Degree or actively seeking Bachelor’s degree, computer skills in word pro­ cessing, spreadsheet, data­ base, electronic mail, and world wide web page devel­ opment; excellent written and verbal communication skills, excellent organizational skills, background in customer ser- vice/public relations. Preferred Qualifications include experience in budgeting and accounting, and experience ’ in working with numerous, var­ ied co nstituencies. S alary range is in the low to mid 30’s with an excellent benefit pack­ age. Applicants should submit a let­ ter of application, resume, and three letters of recommenda­ tions Cassie McVeety, Chair, Search Committee, Office of the Dean, Washington State U n iv e rs ity at V a n c o u v e r, 14204 NE Salmon Creek Av­ enue, Vancouver, WA 98686 ' o r m e v e e ty ® V a n c o u v e r.- wsu.edu. Applications must be received by October 11, 1996. WSU is an equal op- portunity/affirm ative action employer. Protected groups are encouraged to apply. Request For Proposals Waste Prevention & Recycling Grants RFP #96R-34-REM ' The Regional Enviormental Management Department of Metro a metropolitan service district organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and the 1992 Metro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97232-2736 is requesting proposals from public agencies for waste prevention anc recycling grants (RFP #96R-34-REM). Metro has $100,000 available in FY 96-97. Grants ranging from $20,000 to $50,000 will be awarded. The purpose of the Metro Peer Grant program is to provide incentives for public agencies and community organizations to reduce waste, recycle and purchase recycled products, and to develop model programs for other businesses and institutions. Only public agencies, as defined in ORS 190.410, and located within Metro’s jurisdiction in Clackamas, Multnomah and Wash- ngton counties are eligible to receive Peer Grants. They may also sponsor community groups within their jurisdictions. Proposals will be due no later than 3:00 PM October 29,1996 in Metro’s business offices at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97232-2736. Any proposals received after 3:00 PM will not be accepted (postmarks not accepted). To receive a Request for Proposal (RFP) or for additional information, contact M etro’s Regional Environmental Management Depart­ ment (503) 797-1650. Proposals must be submitted in sealed envelopes which clearly identify the services as stated in the RFP. That RFP represents the most definitive statement Metro will make and is available at the above address and telephone num ber fro m 8.30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday-Friday. All proposals must conform to the RFP formal, answer all questions and be complete including the use of any required 'orms. Metro may reject any proposal not in compliance with he prescribed RFP requirements and any or all proposals if such action is deemed in the public interest. Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person or firm based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or marital status. Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically encourages minority and women-owned businesses to access and participate in this and all metro projects programs and services. / i