- f i r * Volume X X V I, Number 38 í_ . *V-*4 < \ ♦ 4 Committed to cultural diversity. ^ o rtla n h (©bsmier SECTION nnt m u n i t o a I c n ò a r (H McMenamin’s On Broadway, 1500 N.E. Broadway, has declared September 25 Piedmont Night. The management is do­ nating h a lf o f all receipts for food and drink purchased between 5 p.m. and I a.m. to the Piedmont Neighborhood Associa­ tion. The funds w ill be used for community betterment projects for the area between the 1-5 Freeway, Northeast M artin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. Ainsworth Street and Columbia Boulevard. Piedmont board members w ill be there to discuss their projects and jo in in the fun. Betsy Skloot from Kaiser Permanente hands out books on trees to children who kept alive newly planted trees at north Portland's Beach Elementary School this summer. About a dozen students watered the trees for 11 weeks as a fundraiser for the North/ Inner Northeast Family YMCA. In addition to gifts for the children, Kaiser Permanente also donated $200 for a planned YMCA play structure. From left are John Millhouse, Andrew Lawrence, Dequandre Campbell, Selena Worrell (holding her younger sister), Andrea Lawrence, Larry Evans and Arthur Jenkins, while at far right, Beach Principal Mike Verbout and YMCA volunteer Steve Guy (wearing cap) look on. Photo By Carole Archer. Asian Elephant Roundup September 21, at Metro Washington Park Zoo, 6-9. A fun and informal dinner j party under the stars in the elephant back­ yard with the zoo’s three female elephants. The evening includes a sumptuous Asian buffet, unique auction o f elephant-themed art and objects and tours o f the elephant complex. Proceeds to benefit our Asian elephant breeding program. Tickets are $100 per person. For tickets or more infor­ mation, call David Strah, Director o f De­ velopment at 220-2452. Creativity is the path Earthday ‘97 Auction For all you auction fans, here’s a little taste o f what w ill be happening at the 3rd annual Earthday Auction on September 2 1 I at 6 PM at Catlin Gabel School. 8825 SW Barnes Road, Portland. For those o f you I who would like to host a table (or get your I company to help out), tables for 8 are l available for $100 each. This includes admission, dinner, entertainment, and a bid number, call Linda or Joan to reserve a I table at 452-4483. Otherwise, admission I to the auction is $5 and dinner is $10. B Learning grows for youth Piedmont Night at McMenamin’s Many consider creativity as the core o f the life experience, and a key to happiness, but one’s daily routine can block the cre­ ative senses. Two courses offered by Port­ land Community College at Grant High School, 2245 N.E. 36th, help you tap that part o fyou rse lf for fu n -o ra more fu lfillin g daily routine. The course is scheduled for Tuesday evenings, Oct. 8 and 15 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Room 2 4 1. Tuition for the two-week course is $15. For more infor­ mation, call PCC at 978-5202. September 18, 1996 Kids Annual Round-Up At Going Street Market tn y M ars aks L. C o lem an he Kids' Round-up completed seven years of existence on Saturday, August 3 1, at the Going St M arket Location. I t ’ s a C e le b ra tio n ! C elebration! C e l­ e bration was the theme. A ll the kids received awards fo r obeying summ er c u rfe w hours, and T- S hirts and school supplies. K id ’ s R o u n d -U p aw ard w en t to C h ie f C harles M oose, Service A w ards to O ffic e r Jim M cC ausland and O ff ic ­ er Doug H alp in and the Sponsor Aw ard to C harles B edford. Special thanks were made to DJ, M ich a e l Vance, E-24 Fire Dept. spe­ cial guest from N ortheast P recinct, Photographers; M a rk W ashington and Bob B e d fo rd , volunteers, neighbors and sponsors. The K id s R ound-U p w ou ld also like thank, G o ing St. M a rk e t-C o m m u n ity P o lic in g fo r je llin g together to create a successful event. T Tickets are available at the door. RideFest ‘96 The East Portland District Coalition w ill be hosting RideFest ‘96, An Alternative I Transportation Festival, On Saturday, Sep­ tember 21, 1996 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm | at the Floyd Light Middle School Cafeteria located at 10800 SE Washington Street. | RideFest ‘96 is a free event aimed at inform­ ing citizens about the many choices they have for moving about. For more informa- | tion, please call Gibran Hashmi at 256-0014 Clean Sweep Will Include Towing C rews with the Bureau of M ainte­ and the curb. nance Clean Sweep program will Vehicles in violation o f the temporary give Northwest neighborhoods parking removal w ill be cited and towed. a thorough street cleaning in mid Sep­ I his is the first time that the City w ill tow tem ber. As a result, on-street parking w ill be tem­ porarily prohibited on some streets to allow cleaning equipment to remove dirt and debris that accumulate between parked cars tires Portland Miniature Show vehicles that are in violation ofthe temporary no parking zones for street cleaning. I he decision to tow was made after the C ity and the neighborhood association re­ ceived from citizens who comply with the Day of caring means sharing The 8th Annual Portland M iniature Show has moved to a bigger and better location. We w ill be fillin g O M S I’s Edu- I cation Resource Center (located by the Zoo), on October 5 & 6, 1996. with the largest assortment o f M iniature Houses and accessories ever assembled in Port­ land. The show hours w ill be Saturday - 10:00 a m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday - 10:00 I a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Admission is $5.00 for | adults, $3.00 for children (6 - 12) and Free for those 5 and under. For more informa- | tion, call Karla Smith at (360) 693-7629. Help Clean Up Oregon SOLV (Stop Oregon Litter & Vandal ism) needs volunteers for two upcoming events, graffiti cleanup volunteers w ill paint over graffiti in the Portland Metro Area on September21 from 10 - 1, and beach volun­ teers w ill clean up litter and marine debris along the entire Oregon coastline in a one day effort on October 5 from 10-1. A ll you need to assist in beautifying Oregon are gloves and your own transportation! Groups are welcome. Call 844-9571. SU B M ISSIO N S: Community Calendar information will be given priority if dated two weeks before the event date. parkign removal zones and are frustrated when others leave their vehiicles on the street. Vehicle owners who violate the no park­ ing zones can expect to pay up to $108 in citations, tow fees and storage to retrieve their vehicles. Vehicles no, retrieved after one day w ill be charged additional storage fees. 4 Volunteer teams From Tektronix and Toyota Sales put a new coat o f paint on the Hearing and Speech Institute. he Hearing and Speech Insti­ tute in Portland has a new coat of paint thanks to the efforts of volunteer team s from Tektronix Toyota M otor Sales. T The Institute hosted both a morning and afternoon team so that the whole jo b could be done in a day. Rodda Paint donated the pain, and supplies and Tektronix and Toyota Mo­ and tor Sales donated a total o f 11 volunteers. September is Hispanic Heritige Month Fiesta! O H D C 's First Annual Fiesta, Friday September 20. at the P ortland C on fe r­ ence Center, celebrates National Hispan­ ic Heritage Month A U C T IO N ! BUFFET | DINNER! D AN C IN G TO L IV E LA T IN M U S IC 6 pm. to I am. Join the Oregon Human Development C o rp o ra tio n and 400 o f our friends for an evening o f fun and fundraising. There w ill be both oral and silent auctions. Food w ill be tasty and plentiful. No-host bar. Proceeds w ilt help O H D C to pursue their mission o f helping people,hroughou,Oregon! The Portland Conference C enter is located a, 300 NF Multnomah in Portland. Tickets for the dinner and festivities are $35. Call Nadeen at O H D C to reserve your ticket 245-2600, ext 200 “ A ll they lacked was painter caps,” said Director o f C linical Services Rod Alack, a house painter before he became a profes­ sional audiologist. “ They brought terrific skills and energy to the jo b .” The Institute figures it saved about $2,000 in refurbish­ ment costs because o fth e paint job. which included prep work and painting ofhallways in the children’s therapy section ofthe Insti­ tute. Untied Way o f the Columbia-Willamette hosts its annual “ Day ofCaring” each autumn before the fund-raising campaign begins. Nike hosts meeting This year, 60 companies donated time and The regular monthly meeting o f the services to 114 United Way agencies, u tiliz­ H ispanic M e tro p o lita n C h am ber o f ing more than 2,200 volunteers. Commerce w ill be held on September 24 Projects ranged from hall painting to land­ at N ike ’s World Headquarters in Beaver­ scaping. ton. Call 281-7079 for details and to re­ “ The halls are brighter!” exclaimed 6- serve your seat. This event celebrates Na­ year-old Joel, who visits the Institute weekly tional Hispanic Heritage Month He and his speech pathologist spend an hour each week playing word games and using a Pre-Columbian art high-tech computer to stimulate Joel's com­ An exhibition o f Pre-Columbian art from munication skills. Mexico. Central and South America w ill After two years o f speech therapy, he’s be shown in Portland at A bantc Fine A rt. putting the finishing touches on his “ sp” and a private art gallery located on the comer I “ th” sounds o f Second Street and Yam hill, adjacent to Just as the volunteer painters were putting the M A X line For information, call Rudi the finishing touches on their painting job Milpacher at (503) 295-2508