Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 18, 1996, Page 12, Image 12

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    P age B4
S eptember 18, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver
ffliss B t a c k O r e g o n C o n t e s t a n t s
I nspired by the L eadership D evelopment P rogram
“Leadership is a
function and not just
a title .”
Newly crowned,
Tiffiney Martin,
Miss Black Oregon
USA 1997 takes
time to pose for
Our mission is to provide oppor­
tunities for young women to excel in
leadership, community service and
education through the M B O U S A
Scholarship Pageant program while
awarding scholarship opportunities
to further advanced education.
The Miss Black Oregon U S A Pag­
eant has introduced a L E A D E R S H IP
M E N T P R O G R A M , the first o f its
kind to be incorporated into a schol­
arship Pageant "Although the young
ladies bring a lot o f talent and intel­
lect to the pageant many additional
aspects o f the contestants must be
enhanced and developed in order to
be a proper represen tative o f
M B O U S A ," says Pageant Director,
Wanda Washington. The areas o f
Leadership and Community Service.
Leadership is a function and not just
a title Since M B O U S A must be a
leader to her peers, fam il) and com­
munity the ladies must receive some
leadership skillstraining. Therefore,
the Leadership Through S e lf Man­
agement Program uas introduced.
The components o f the program in-
Wanda W ashington, D irector
eludes; Self-esteem - The Blueprint
o f Your Future, Becoming A S e lf
Disciplined Achiever, Leadership
S k ills for the 2 1 st Century, and Be­
coming A Role Model On the Path
To Making History.
Ms Hudson o f Empowerment
Through S e lf Management in New
Yo rk City was contracted to facili­
tate this program. She instructed the
young ladies everyday for a week in
the leadership skills training. The
challenges and responsibilities the
contestants met in order to partici­
pate in the Scholarship Pageant spoke
to their commitment to making a
difference, says Ms. Hudson. “ Ms.
Washington through her insight and
introduction o f the Lead ership
Through S e lf Management Program,
has established a foundation for bol­
stering that committed attitude into a
lifelong pursuit o f excellence and
The contestants were polled im­
mediately following the leadership
program to gain insight on their opin­
ion o f the workshops importance to
their self development. The results
were highly positive. A 100% o f the
contestants were encouraged by the
workshops and felt it to be an impor­
tant aspects o f the M B O U S A Pro­
gram. A 100% wanted the work­
shops to continue for future develop­
ment and training. A ll o f the contes­
tants were encouraged by M zuri
Hudson's professionalism and man­
ner in which the material was pre­
sented and requested her return for
the next pageant program. The pag­
eant w ill continue to developed the
M B O U S A Program to reach a broad­
er audience o f young women.
Anyone interested in becoming a
contestant for the M B O U S A Pag­
eant in the future should submit a
letter o f interest with contact infor­
mation to, M B O U SA , PO B O X 6954,
Portland, O R 97228
M iss B la ck Oregon USA
C o n testa n ts p o se for group
photo after an exciting
com petition at the Portland
C en ter for the Perform ing Arts.
(Donna Knight, M iss B la ck
Oregon USA 1 9 9 5 , Tiffiney
Martin, newly crow ned M iss
B la ck Oregon USA 1 9 9 7 ,
Je s s h e r ie Turner, Ulanda
Sim m s, Latia Harper-fourth
runner-up, Catrina Barr,
C a ssa n d ra N olen-second
runner-up and com m unity
se rvice award winner,
Elizabeth Jo seph -first runner-
up and inspirational award
winner, Ja m icia Ja ck so n , and
R a ch ell Hall-third runner-up
and inspirational award
Donna Knight, Miss Black
Oregon USA 1995:
I thank G od for b le ssin g m e
with the opportunity to
rep resen t the State o f Oregon.
During the p a st year, I have
learned respo nsibility and to
in sp ire our youth that what
they believe they can achieve.
Women are G od's sp e cia l gift
to earth. A S the bible sa ys,
"Who can find a virtuous
women for h er price is far
above rubies. ’
To a ll young women I urge you to sta n d tall and n ever
let anyone devalue your worth. A sp e c ia l thanks g o e s
onto Wanda Washington o f the M iss B la ck Oregon USA
Pageant for recognizing the talents and beauty o f
women o f color a lso recognizing the im portance o f
Donna Marie Knight
A Few Good
Men (right)
live up to
their name.
On Saturday,
A u gu st 17,
1 9 9 6 singing
sen sa tio n A
M EN answ ers
the question
“Ju s t who are
a FEW GOOD M EN ? " T h ese four talented brothers from Atlanta, Georgia dazzled
the M iss B la ck Oregon USA Pageant crowd in a dynam ic perform ance that left
the a ud ience a skin g for m ore....m an y a ud ience a tten d ees m ade com m en ts su ch
as, “I am in love with A FEW GOOD M E N ." The fellas perform ed severa l
se le ctio n s from their hit C D “Take a dip". O ne o f the all time favorite
perform ances in clu ded a se re n a d e to the co n te sta n ts in which A FEW GOOD
M EN sw ooned the co n testa n ts o ff their feet singing, “Have I N e v e r."
Im m ediately following the pageant, A FEW G OOD M EN sig n e d autographs and
m ingled with the a ud ience at the w inner's reception.
Miss Black Oregon USA Salutes All Sponsors
Thank you for your Support!
C assan dra Nolen
Plaid Pantries
B-Que; Chez W hat7 Cafe; River City
Auto Auction
Catrina Barr
African American Men s Club:
Living Color. SORO,. M uhamed
Haso;, Paulette Watanabe. Timo­
thy Mc-Bride; Dr Darrell Milner;
Joan Brown; Mr Opedasona; Mr
Rachell Hall
Fran Carmella; Chris; Randy Kibby;
Barbara Gaines; Christina Craig;
R ebecca Tinnon; Love Temple;
C.O.G.LC; Billy D Flowers, D C ;
MusicGaloreA More; Lawrence Hall;
Brenda Bogges; Bill Elliott; Kenneth
A Priscilla Thomas, A.E.S. Inc;
Shango ’s ine; Frances Jackson-Davis;
Larry Glover; Office Service Staff;
John W. and Irene Harrison
Elizabeth Joseph
J Curls A Co; Clients o f J. Curl;
Ja ck
Mary Johnson; Niana
Taita; O shun Vemaga; Jackie
Johnson Johnny Ray. A la so ’s
Latasha Thomas
Shirley Whiting (Mom); Portland
Mattress Company Breeze Nails
Classy Nails; My Brother's Bar-
Ulanda Simms
S e lf Enhancement, Reggie Guyton;
Vann A Vann Funeral Directors;
NE Community Development; Ebo­
ny Iron Works; Kavette Florals
Jamicia Jackson
Queen o f Sheeba; Paul A Arlene
Marshall; Princess Bailey; Marsha;
Shue Construction. Emanuel Com­
munity; Sheila Williams; Terri Will­
iams; Delbert Williams; Greg Wash­
Jessherie Turner
Mary C. Harrison; Gregory A Kim
S m ith ; 360 D eg rees; B a rb a ra
Leonard; Rica Brooks; D ebora
L e p o ld ; R on J e n k in s ; L o ri
C o n n o rto n ; C y n th ia D ehm an;
Wayne Purrett; Tasa Lehmä
Latia Harper
Sibyl Hayes (Mom). Lloyd Athletic
Club; Oregon Athletic Club; Marriott
Residence Inn; M ildred HUI; Elaine
A Dad; Housing our Families R D
Tiffiney Martin
E m ily M a rtin (M om ); R a lp h
G ille sp ie ; D a v id B rody; J o y
Chilcare; Lawrence Holtz; Teresa
Phillis; Dan Bleu. D om inique
Boswell, Surilla Simmons; Herbert
H agert; M ary H arvey; S h ala
Moayodae; Terence Sprague; Chaz
Hoff; J e ff Darden; Mike Pullen.
Carol Roberts
Miss BlackOregon Contributors
Stewart Group Realty; Portland
Observer Newspaper. Black Unit­
ed Fund; Clark Foundation; Stites
Studio o f Dance; Glamour Shots;
G o ld 's Gym; U S . B ankcorp;
D onald Shaw; Wanda Washing­
ton; House o f Umoja; Ross Devel­
opment Group
'•frati ■ \ e x f ___
• w A fw ir/tn e n / -
□ Sun
“ We Make Mattress Buying Easy”
□ Mon
( ‘f tem /t, / ______
Russ Cave
Hurls & CO.
Distributors of Joyce Williams
Tropical Silk and Motions
(503) 282-5809
2948 NE Martin Luther King Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97212
A h n Serving t he M a rin e Industry, Motels & Institutions
Johnnie Mayfield
286-7578 B
t 1 1 >M I) SUNDAY IX(>8 N. LOMBARD lust West ol l->
A Tribute To A Great Lady
Among Young Women
K evin Ft i i j r a s p R honda C akh
to help introduce the Miss Black
The measure o f a woman is de­
Oregon Scholarship Program to the
termined not by how did she died
but how she
Ju st ask all
lived? Not by
yo u n g women
what did she
whose lives have
gain - but what
been enhanced
did she give?
by the training,
Joyce Wash­
a p p e a ra n ce s,
ington - A
and scholarships
woman who
this program of­
epitomized the
A sk I
p rin c ip le s o f
Michelle Soles,
N g u zo Saba
Donna Knigh t,
and lived her
V a le rie j
life as a perfect
... . .
Doakes-Form er
J ° yCe Washln^ n
others should contribute - gave, un­
to the M iss B lack Oregon U S A Pag­
selfishly, o f her time; abundantly,
eant. Ask her children who are
ofher resources, and gave them all,
committed to continue to sponsor
sincerely, from her heart.
and support the Miss BlackO regon
Ask her weakened mother, whom
U S A Pageant in a special way.
she never abandoned. Ask her aunt
Joyce was a fighter. The com­
who suffered a stroke. A sk her
m unitywasherring. Hopelessness,
children, whom she never gave up
discrimination and apathy were her
on O r ask her 29 grandchildren
opponents. But she put on two
who are truly our future.
gloves., one called faith and theoth-
The measure o f a woman is de­
er called determination. And with
termined not by what was her sta­
the combination ofstrength and wi I
tion? But had she a heart and how
Joyce fought tirelessly to make the
did she play her God - Given part?
world a better place. Yes, the cruel
Joyce Was unselfish in her love
world fought back and sometimes
and active in many community or­
knocked her down - It took her
ganizations including the N A A C P ,
youngest son Cory; It brought ill­
Urban League o f Portland, and West
ness to the family; Itmadehertired;
Coast B lack Publishers Associa­
but no contender ever knocked Joyce
tion. But she did more than pay
out. Each time she was knocked
financial dues; she also paid emo­
down, she got right back up and
tionally and empowered others.
finished the fight. She may have
Ask the senior citizens who re­
lost a few rounds, but Joyce always
ceived meals on wheels. A sk the
won the match.
students from K in g Elementary
Today - thought resting with her
school who could exchange good
son, Cory and brother, Larry Hack-
grades for goodies. O r ask faithful
man, safely in the arms o f the Lord
readers who look forward to the
- Joyce is still fighting. She is
Portland Observer keeping them
fighting through all o f us who stood
abreast o f the happenings in our
protected in her corner. Leading
that fight are her children: Charles,
The measure o f a woman is de­
with the strength to protect the op­
termined not by what was her
pressed; Tony with the eyes to see a
church, nor what was her creed?
better tomorrow; Gary, with a smile
But had she befriended those really
that says everything w ill be all right.
in need?
Mark, with the courage to challenge
Everyone needs to feel special.
an unfair system; Ronnie, with the
Joyce recognized, early, the lack o f
love to conquer hate; and Audrey,
attention o f our African American
with beauty - internal and external
Princesses received and pushed hard
that is so symbolic o f our people.
Muzuri Hudson
Who Is She???
When you a sk Mzuri H u dso n
who sh e is, sh e quickly
resp o n d s: “It is not WHO I AM
that is im portant but WHAT is
my way o f living? WHAT do I
sta nd for? DO I walk m y talk?
D O E S my life reflect what I am
telling y o u ? Is my IN TEN TIO N
one o f integrity and o f G O D ?
Do I und erstan d that I AM
Mzuri Hudson carries this mes­
sage to many different arenas.
Through her organization, Empow­
erment Through S e lf Management
as a Personal A U D A C IT Y Coach
and Conflict Relations Specialists,
she conducts Relationship W ork­
shops for single people and married
couples. She is a certified commu­
nity, parent/adolescent and divorce
mediator by and for the Brooklyn
Mediation Center, the Institute for
Mediation and Conflict Resolution,
The Children’s A id Society, and
the New Y o rk Mediation Group.
Ms. Hudson is also and Adjunct Pro­
fessoral Long Island Uni versity adults
in youth residential facilities, com­
munity centers and other non-profit
organizations teaching Adult-T-Ad-
olescent Communication Skills. She
has worked throughout the New York
City school system implementing peer
med iation programs and teach ing I ife/
leadership skills. Ms. Hudson also
conducts Parent Empowerment
Trainings which include parenting
strategies she has learned as a single
parent raising her son Sean, now 27
years old.
Included in her endeavors and
commitment to teaching others to
approach conflicts in a positive way,
Ms. Hudson has also been a facili­
tator in the court-mandated Alter­
natives to Violence Program con­
ducted by V S A for male batterers.
A s an accomplished martial art­
ist and personal safety self-defense
instructor, Ms. Hudson lectures and
teaches men, women and children
(including the disabled and hearing
impaired) the art o f crime preven
tion and effective life saving skills
Ms. Hudson has also studied inter
nal healing Kung Fu in China and
teaches various forms o f internal
healing C h i Kung.
Mzuri Hudson is fast becoming a
renowned speaker o f choice for
women addressing issues that cause
conflict. Be it personal conflict
woman-to-woman conflict, male-
female conflicts or as a parent ad
dressing challenges ofchild rearing
in turbulent times.
She empowers, motivates and ed
ucates with her dynamic keynote
addresses and workshops on topics
that include: Elegance Under Pres­
sure. Mental, Physical and Spiritu
al S e lf Defense; He Loves Me, He
LovesM eN ot, Becoming TheGen-
tle Warrior, Preventing Relation­
ship Violence, and Who Has I he
Power - Developing the A U D A C I
T Y To be S e lf Defined (with her
book forthcoming entitled the same.)
No matter who the audience, the
objective is the same. Mzuri speaks
to the hearts o f those around her,
sharing strategies the techniques for
liv in g a life o fjo y , peace, self-deter­
m in atio n and G O D L I N E S S .
Contact Ms. Hudson at ( 2 12) 769-
7653 for keynotes and workshop