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T he leadership o f this nation has chosen foolishness and the m asses follow blindly along. They have ch o ­ sen to follow the ways o f ungodli­ ness. T hey know nothing o f M A ’A T (D iv in e O rd er, U nity, H arm ony, T ruth, Justice, R ighteousness and R eciprocity). They have chosen self­ ishness, hedonism , ruthlessness and greed, paths that inevitably lead to strife and suffering. I say inevitable because the law o f cause and effect says we reap w hat we have sow n. Following God's Way It is in te r e s tin g to r e fle c t upon the fa c t th a t E u ro p e a n s c a lle d us sa v a g e s an d h e a th e n s b e c a u s e we e x h ib ite d an o b v io u s re v e re n c e fo r all life an d c r e a tio n . It is so te llin g th a t th e g r e a te s t d e s p o il­ e rs o f n a tu re on th e p la n e t, the p e o p le w ith an in s a tia b le b lo o d lu st a n d a h is to ry o f w a r m o n g e r ­ ing w o u ld m o d us b e c a u s e we lo v e life . O u r p e o p le h a v e a l­ w ay s u n d e r s to o d th at G o d w as not a g ia n t m an in th e sk y , b ut an a ll- p e r v a d in g s p ir it th a t re s id e s in e v e r y th in g , p e o p le , a n im a ls , and in a n im a te o b je c ts . W h e n you e x a m in e A fric a n c u ltu r e s fo r a n ­ c ie n t K e m e t to to d a y ’s v a rio u s trib a l s o c ie tie s , y o u find th ey saw D iv in e O rd e r in all c r e a tio n In th is s e n s e A fric a n s an d p e o p le o f c o lo r w o rld w id e d id h o n o r an d re s p e c t ( w o r s h ip ) n a tu re . W hen I speak o f the w ays o f God I am not talking about anthropom or . phic god(s), narrow m inded d o g ­ m as, or a hypocritical v en eer o f m orality and facade o f piety. I am referring to the inw ard reality, the intuitive realization that we are all one w ith the universe, und erstan d ­ ing that the universe is an ordered w hole, inseparable from its parts. I am speaking o f the innate b elief that D ivine Intelligence d w ells in all c re­ ation. The way of G od is so sim ple and basic. T he way o f G od is to respect and to live in harm ony with creation/nature. People o f co lo r the w orld over knew and understood this reality. For tim e im m em orial we have stru c­ tured our social orders and cu ltu res to reflect this dim ple but obvious truth. T h a t’s why the circle is such a prom inent sym bol in so cieties o f m elanin rich peoples. It signifies the unity of all creation, w holeness and im m ortality. W ith the co m in g o f C aucasian invaders this ---------- ------was pos w isdom was supplanted by a deep-seated sense o f alienation. To the civilized people w hose lands they invaded the Indo- E uropeans were brutish fools, b e­ nighted and uninitiated in the w ays o f God. W hile a few o f their m ore inquisitive souls sought and gained know ledge from ancient A frica and A sia, the m asses rem ained steeped in spiritual ignorance, social b ack ­ w ardness, the blind leading/follow - ing the blind. That is the case even today. I he way of God is before all people. Fools cannot see it in the natural order, fo o ls think that all creation is the result of purely random happenstance in­ stead o f Divine Intelligence. Fools fail to see the unity in all things. Fools think there is a dichotomy between humans, animals and nature with im ­ punity. Fools think professing m oral­ ity is asubstitute for living a moral life. F o o ls th in k th ey an d th ey a lo n e p o s s e s s all k n o w le d g e , th a t th e y c a n n o t le a rn fro m a n y th in g or a n y o n e B e lie v in g th is , fo o ls fail to a sk th e b a s ic q u e s tio n s . S o m e ­ how th e ir " b e st an d b r ig h te s t" n e v e r a s k e d fu n d a m e n ta l q u e s ­ tio n s lik e w h at k e e p s a ll th is t o ­ g e th e r, w hat k e e p s th e s ta rs from c ra s h in g in to e a c h o th e r, w hy is th e re o rd e r in s te a d o f c h a o s in th e u n iv e rs e ? F o o ls fa il to learn th e le s s o n s o f n a tu re an d are o b liv io u s to th e e x a m p le s all a b o u t th em T h ey h a v e a lim ite d id e a o f w h o th ey a re , so they fa sh io n id e as a b o u t g o d s th a t are ju s t as lim itin g an d r e s tric tiv e . F o r e x a m p le , th e ir g o d is m ean and je a lo u s , th e ir g o d h as fa v o r­ ite s , th e ir g o d c a p r ic io u s ly s la u g h te rs p e o p le an d a n im a ls and w re ck s h av o c on h is cre a tio n . T h e n th e fool th in k s he can go m e rrily on his w ay d o in g lik e ­ w ise w ith o u t re p e rc u s s io n . Open your eyes to the way o f God all around you. Actively seek guid­ Grief Recovery Retreat Beginning Experience is an nouncing the next grief recov­ ery weekend retreat for the I Separated, Divorced, and Wit owed. The weekend consists of presentations by lay team members, periods for private personal reflection and smal group dialogues. The weekent begins Friday evening and con eludes Sunday afternoon. Location: Loyola Retreat | House, Portland, OR Dates: October 18-20, 1996 Cost: $1 IO.OO(partial schol- | arships available) Includes. Room, meals, re | source materials ance and direction from Divine Intel­ ligence. When harmony, sanity and righteousness are restored, it will be done by those who see the way o f God and follow it. Registration: 503-393-1999 I (Salem 503-614-9607 (Port- | land) Write: Beginning Experi- I ence P.O. Box 13422 Salem, OR 97309 Jewish adubt education avaiiabCe [ ttl Fall term Jew ish A dult Education .classes at the M ittlem an Jew ish C om ­ m unity C enter continue with the fol­ low ing classes starting during the m onth o f O ctober. Interfaith W orkshop - Thursday, O ct 3, 7:30-9:00 p.m ., N o Fee. This w o rkshop is designed to provide in­ terfaith parents the opportunity to share their concerns and hopes with others in sim ilar situations. G roup is facilitated by Carol C hestler, LCSW , a co u nselor with Jew ish Fam ily & C hild S ervices and a specialist in interfaith relationships. T rek k in g T raditions - O ct. 14, 1 9 9 6 -F eb . 2 4 , 1997,7:30-9:00p.m .; m eeting tim es will occur about every 2 w eeks. T his unique class explores the rich variety o f liturgical expres­ sion w ithin Judaism and C hristian­ ity. P articipants will attend lecture/ d iscu ssion sessions as well as the w orship services o f 12 congrega­ tions. T he history and developm ent o f w orship in both religions will be experienced. This a rare opportunity to see the differences and sim ilarities betw een and w ithin the tw o faiths roo Ixinlii— J! .. « T Tri hree lecture A and discussion ses­ in translation. It gives students fa­ Jew ish Fam ily & C hild Services, sion will be held at the M ittlem an m iliarity to c o n tin u e th eirstu d y . Fee: w ho specializes in the issues that Jew ish C om m unity C enter on Oct. S 3 0 /M JC C m e m b e rs; $ 4 5 /n o n - arise in interfaith relationships. Fee: 14 & 21, and Feb. 24. B etw een these m em bers. P re-registration requested $ 100/couple, M JCC m em bers; $ 135/ sessions participants will visit w or­ by O ct. 10. co uple, non-m em bers. ship services at O rthodox, Reform , W ords That Hurt And W ords That Bake your Own Chai lah: A W ork­ C onservative and H avurah ex p res­ H eal - T hursday O ct. 17 & 24, 7:30- shop - Sunday, O ct 27, 3:00-5:00 sions w ithin Judaism ; and Eastern 9 :0 0 p.m “W h o ev er sh am es his p.m. Learn to bake sw eet, fragrant O rthodox, Rom an C atholic, A n g li­ neighbor in public, it is as if he shed loaves of Challah for Shabbat (the can, M ainline P rotestant, E v an g eli­ his blood", says the B abylonian T al­ Sabbath) and holidays. Learn a vari­ cal and Pentecostal/C harism atic e x ­ mud. T oo often we gossip and sm ear ety o f traditional shapes plus the his­ pressions w ithin Christianity. reputations w ithout realizing that tory and tra d itio n s su rro u n d in g C o-sponsored by the M ittlem an w ords are like feathers; once they C hallah. Bring a baking sheet and Jew ish C om m u n ity C en ter and T rin ­ are scattered to the w ind, they can ­ cutting board to class. Fee: $ 15/ ity E piscopal C athedral. Instructors not be taken back. W ords can also M JC C m em bers, $ 18/non-m em bers. are Jan R abinow itch, form er D irec­ heal and bring us together. C lass will Class size lim ited to eight. Pre-regis­ tor of E ducation at T em ple Beth explore that Lashon H ara (an evil tration requested by O ct. 23. Israel and M ary S icilia, D irector o f tongue) is and how to avoid it. In­ R egister in person at the M JCC, C hristian E ducation at T rinity C a ­ structor is Sharah M endlovitz, P h D . by telephone (503) 2 4 4 -0 1 11, or by thedral. Fee is $40. P re-reg istratio n in clinical psychology. Fee: $25/ Fax (503) 245-4233. requested by O ct. 9. MJC C m em bers; $ 3 5/non-m em bers T elephone and Fax registrations An Introduction To T alm ud & Its P re-registration requested by O ct ($25 m inim um ) m ust be paid by S tu d y :-T u e sd a y , O ct. 15 & 29; Nov. 14. M astercard, V isa or A m erican E x ­ 12, 7:30-9:00 p.m. Interfaith Support G roup - T h u rs­ press. The M ittlem an Jew ish C o m ­ M eyer G oldstein, resum es this day, O ct., 17- Nov. 21, 7 :00-9:00 m unity C enter is located at 6 6 5 1 SW class for a third year. T he course p.m. A series o f com fortable d iscu s­ C a p ito l H ighw ay, Portland C all p r o v id e s an o v e r v ie w o f th e sion groups for co uples with one E liana T em kin, (503) 452-3433 for 1 alm ud s structu re and history, and J e w is h p a r tn e r. L e d by C a ro l more inform ation about Jewish Adult the opportunity to study selected texts co u n selo r with classes. --------- v i v a i s v n e s u e r, l l C w hestler, , a co u n LCW selo r , a with E ducation E ducation classes. Abdul M. Hasan 38 5 5 S.W. HallBlvd. P.O. Box 567 Beaverton, OR 9 7 0 7 5 Insurance-Funded Prearranged-Funeral Programs • M.G. Insurance Services Group-Life Group-Medical and Health Group-Disability • Annuities child; for non-members: $ 10/adult, $6/ child; children under 3 Free. For more information contact Eliana Temkin, (503)452-3433. Friday, October 11-Sunday, October 13: Fami ly Shabbat Camp. Create Jewish family memories and spend Shabbat at B nai B ’nth Camp on beautiful Devil’s Lake near LincoInCity. Leaders, Barbara Sladerand Jan Rabinowitch. haveplanned a delightful program that includes study, hikes, songs & stories, crafts, and Shabbat prayers. Cost for the week end is $50/ adult, $25/child, children 2 and under are Free. Fee includes kxlging, fotxl and all activities. For more .information contact Eliana Temkin, (503) 452-3433. Friday October 18: Authentic M o­ roccan Five-Course Shabbat Dinner. Celebrate and enjoy Shabbat at the MJCC. Lillian Corcos, nutrition coor­ dinator at the MJCC, is a Moroccan native who spent much o f her youth in Ashkelon (Portland’s Sister City), Is­ PEPSI PRODUCTS PEPSI COLA-DIET PEPSI-PEPSI FREE-WILD CHERRY PEPSI M O U N TA IN DEW - Dr. PEPPER-MUG ROOT BEER-SLICE (All Flavors) Abdul M. Hasan Advance Planning Counsler Res. (503) 286-8671 Pager (503) 818-7138 Toll Free (800) 526-9608 Fax (503) 646-5855 Cox Funeral Home 2736 N.E. Rodney, Portland, O regon (503) 281-4891 “Before You Must Make a Decision” Shabbat dCith ‘The MittCeman Community Center The Mittleman Jewish Com munity C enter is celebrating Shabbat during Fall and all in the com m unity are in­ vited to join with us in the unique presentation of these celebrations! Friday, Septem ber 27: Shabbat and the harvest festival of Sukkot will be celebrated together. New com ers to the Portland arèa are especially welcome. The celebration o f Shabbat and Sukkot will include singing and crafts. Cost for M JC C members is $7/adult, $4/ jKYJ Inspect the Beautiful C ox Funeral Chape! rael. The dinner and Shabbat program will have a decided Middle -Eastern and Oriental flavor. Program will in­ clude Z ’merot (M oroccan and Israeli S h ab b at songs), H adlakat N erot, Kiddush al la Jewish Moroccan and M iddle-Eastern Jewish Music led by Emily Gottfried, M JCC Cultural Arts Director. Complete your meal with a traditional Nanah (mint) cup o f tea. Cost is $ 12.50/adult, $7.5O/child (4-7 years). Planning your funeral is our first consideration. Equipped to serve all religions, races, veterans and fraternal organizations. Jerom e T anner Funeral D irector T h e R e g io n a l D r u g I n it ia t iv e P r e s e n t s Spirit Summit IV re g u lar or sugar free flavors Building A Bridge Of Unity In The Community” 12o z. CANS PLUS DEPOSIT 1 6 .9 o z. BOTTLES P o r t l a n d $049 NO DEPOSIT r? RESERVE THE SIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TheFRIENlJUlESfSTORES in Town since SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY through SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 17 through 22. 1996 MEMBER OF UNITED GROCERS FOR YOUR NEAREST STORE CALL: 659-5220 — ’ KIENOW’S — ■ AC R e g is t r a t io n : I I : 3 0 A . M . - I 2 : 0 0 R M . A f t e r n o o n S e s s io n : CRYSTAL LIGHT BEVERAGES All Flavors M oore S treet 8 i 2 ;O O - 4 :4 5 p . m . E v e n in g S e s s io n : 7 . 0 0 - 9 : 0 0 P .M . A d v e n t is t H e a l t h V a n : 1 0 : 3 0 A . M . - I : 3 0 P M . Special Greetings Dr. Charles A. Moose, Chief of Police - Portland, OR Keynote Address Reverend Lewis Anthony, pastor of the Metropolitan Wesley AME Zion Church Naain n 8i°R.’ D,5 ;: Nat'onal ^ dvisor to the Anti-Drug Program of the Congress of National Black Churches and the National Crime Prevention Council’s Advisory Council on Community Responses to Drug Abuse. Workshops Spirituality & ... Levels of Care in Tfeatment, Jails/Prisons, Families/Housing, Virtues/Character, Resources/Faith The Spirituality RAVE (Responsibility, Accountability, Vision, Engagement) Celebrating Hfnllny STORI HOURS WIIKDAYS I o.m, ta 9 p.m. SUNDAY 9 a.m. ta • p.m. HOME DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE CALL: 245-4595 S eptember 2 0 , I 9 9 6 1 2 - 9 P.M. S alvation A rmy , 5 3 3 5 N. W illiams A v e . Music, soloist, testimonies A d m is s io n REGIONAL DRUG NTPJIVE r is FREE ----- — F or information call RDI at 2 9 4 - 7 0 7 4 I I