■ Z -ÖWW / J W M Í i * ■■•- s -i.» . V • . •„.. t .;...■ ... L - « , r ... • P age B2 S eptember 18, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver Former pioneering business woman continues to inspire “Building Healthy Kids1 L illia n W illia m s , a resident o f D e l’ s Care Center, has been select ed as Oregon Health Care Associa tio n ’s “ Resident o f the year” fo r 1996. L illia n was chosen from nom ¡nations sent to the association from nursing fa cilitie s around the state o f Oregon. L illia n has been a resident o f Portland fo r many, many years and is a local business woman, w o rkin g in her own hair salon ( L illia n ’ s u ntil 1994. She was also one o f the first A fric a n A m e ric a n p ro fe s s io n a l women in the Portland area L illia n was chosen in recognition fo r her personal contributions to the people o t D e l’s Care Center through h e r “ e n c o u ra g e m e n t to o th e rs through a ready sm ile, and kind words to everyone” residents and staff alike. She has been an inspira­ tio n to others. L illia n also represented D e l’ s Care Center du rin g a special Rose Queen event fo r Seniors w hich was held at C olum bia M a n o r Care Cen­ ter in June. W h ile she was not se­ lected as the Queen o f Queens, she was a gracious candidate, shared her sparkling sm ile w ith the Rosar- ians and fe llo w candidates from as­ sociated facilities, and enjoyed her special moment in the lim elight. Need For Children’s Clothing Grows Every year at this tim e the Soci ety o f St. Vincent de Paul, Portland C o u n cil, pro vid e s c lo th in g and school supplies to children in need. This year the need has been greater than ever before. Brady Fund contribution averaged $ 17.02 per child w ith the in itia l 155 St. Vincent de Paul receives mon­ children served. St. Vincentde Paul’s ey annually from the Brady Fund to buy school supplies and clothing fo r children. Last year the Brady increased that to $49.61 per child, w hich s till isn’ t m uch.” Fund provided 52,640 fo r the Port­ land C ouncil and this year’ s alloca­ thinner and thinner every year. This year St. Vincent de Paul augmented the Fund w ith $5,050 in co n trib u ­ tions to help meet this demand. The “ We are seeing a real increase in the need fo r emergency services in tion is expected to be the same The Brady Fund has been a te rrific the Portland area,” said Janice Pelster, the Executive D ire cto r o f the P ort­ land C ouncil o f St. Vincent de Paul. resource for us," said M eg Schaefer, the Social Services D irector. “ U n­ fortunately, this fund gets stretched “ I know the flood has had a large impact, and I believe that increased housing costs has also been a factor. E a tin g F rom The B o tto m Up By Dr. Marjorie Hogan (NAPS)—Americans face a bar­ rage of health and fitness advice: E a t b e tte r , g e t in sh a p e , c u t d ie ta r y fa t in ta k e . M ost of us want to do w hat’s best, but how do you sort through all the nutrition information and create a healthful e a tin g p la n w hen i t ’s tric k y enough to get any sort of meal on the table? T he s o lu tio n is simple. S ta rt by fol­ lowing the recommen­ d atio n s of th e U.S. Food Guide Pyramid, which builds its base mi 11 a ** ; i n ( * f-'r ' | i n foods a day. Q. D oes follow in g the Food G uide Pyram id mean we have to give up fam ily favorites? A. Not at all. Eating healthful­ ly doesn’t m ean you m ust elim i­ nate your favorite foods. As long as you eat in moderation—basing y o u r d ie t on p le n ty of g ra in s , fruits and vegetables—there are no “bad” foods. W omen and children try in g to es cape life on the streets have new hope thanks to The Salvation A rm y H ar­ bor L ig h t’ s “ D oor o f H ope" pro­ dren constitute nearly 30% o f those who are homeless. D o o r o f Hope is a m a jo r step forw ard in shelter fo r women and gram, w hich provides safe housing and services fo r homeless women and children. dry fa cilitie s; separate meals; 24- hour staffing and security; and in fo r­ mation and referrals to support ser­ vices, such as housing, jo b place­ children, often whose only choice to escape the streets are motels, some barely above street life . Through ment and recovery programs. H ar­ bor L ig h t s ta ff and volunteers helped I he current com m unity services “ vouchersystem” has been enhanced by D oor o f Hope, w hich provides approaching we need warm coasts, shirts, pants and good shoes.” shelter and services more com pre­ hensively and cost e ffe c tiv e ly than the previous arrangement, where in the past com m unity service agencies 3605 SE 28th Ave., Portland 10574SE32nd Ave., M ilw a u kie 231 SE First, St. Helens 21939 SE Stark, Gresham 135 SE T hird, H ills b o ro 700 M o la lla A ve., Oregon C ity O r call 234-0594 to arrange to have donations picked up. A tax deductible g ift receipt is provided. Q. My k id s fa v o r w h it e bread. Should I be worried? A. If y o u r c h ild re n w ould rather eat white bread than whole wheat, go ahead and let them. As with other bread and grain foods, white bread is an excellent source of com plex c a rb o h y d ra te s—th e body’s favorite form of fuel. White bread is also a good source of iron a n d th e B v ita m in s , th ia m in , niacin and riboflavin. To ensure your kids are getting plenty of fiber, serve them fiber- rich breakfast cereals, fruits and vegetables. These foods, combined w ith th e ir favorite b reads, will help them meet daily fiber goals. Offer your kids a variety of grain foods, teaching them to top their favorite breads with low-fat choic­ es like all-fruit spreads or apple­ sauce. In no time, they’ll be ask­ in g for h e a lth f u l foods, not because they are “good for m e,” but because they are “good to eat.” Dr. Marjorie Hogan, mother o f four, is a pediatrician at Hennepin C ounty M edical C enter in M in ­ neapolis, Minn. I lomclcss women and children gel innovated services Because o fth is need, we are asking fo r donations o f suable ch ild re n ’ s clothing. W ith the cold weather People can brin g donations to St. V incent de Paul donation cen­ ters at: However, you can trim fat from fhmily favorites and boost your nutrient intake at the same time. F or ex am p le, if ro a s t b eef is a favorite family meal, serve smaller portions of meat on a bed of cous­ cous (a tasty , low-fat g rain th a t cooks faster than traditional rice). Offer dinner rolls or sliced bread to round out the meal. These simple changes will reduce fat and put you well on your way to m eeting dietary recommendations. Q. S ix to 11 s e r v in g s o f bread and grains sou nd s like a lot. How can I find th e tim e to serve that m uch food? A. Keep serving sizes in mind For exam ple, one slice of bread equals one grain serving. So if you enjoy a sandwich, th at’s two serv­ ings. One cup of ready-to-eat cereal is a serving, too. Add a slice of toast at breakfast and you’re closer to your daily grains goal. Nutritionists recommend active kids eat a mini­ mum of nine bread and grain serv­ ings daily for proper fueling, an easy goal to m eet because grain foods are so convenient. emergency, short-term and transition­ al housing and services fo r women and children, the program providers a safe and secure environm ent where fam ilies in crisis have a short-term opp o rtu n ity to stabilize th e ir lives and prepare resources fo r an eventu­ al move to permanent housing. The typ ica lly vouchered women and c h il­ dren being turned away from local shelters each month, The Salvation average stay o f women and children in the program is six weeks. A rm y needs greater pa rticipation by vouchering agency partners, as w ell as additional com m unity funding, to help meet this huge need. I he Salvation A rm y upgraded its landmark H arbor L ig h t fa c ility to help meet this g ro w in g need. Im ­ w ith painting and clean-up o f the fa c ility du rin g renovation. The pro g ra m ’ s central location in dow ntow n Portland enables p a rtici­ pants easy access to governm ent o f­ fices and other com m unity resourc­ es, the M A X lin e and “ Fareless Square D o o r o f Hope also utilizes a netw ork o f S alvation A rm y pro­ grams to assist fam ilies w ith special needs, such as resources fo r domes­ tic violence victim s through The Sal­ vation A rm y West W om en’ s and C h ild re n ’s Shelter. A ccording to a M ultnom ah Coun­ provements inc lude fac i I ity upgrades such as painting; creation o f single­ ty report on poverty, du rin g a one- night shelter count in N ov. 1995, sex bathrooms; modern, energy e ffi­ cient lig h tin g ; and installation o f a 75% o f those turned away from shel­ m unity, w hich has decreased in re­ video security system. The program features 24 private rooms w ith con­ cent years. “ Single mothers and their children are turned away more than venient day and night access; laun- any other group from shelters lack­ ing the resources to help them ,” ters were people in fa m ilie s - w ith most headed by single women. C h il- To help w ith day-to-day program operations, The Salvation A rm y also is in need o f fu n d in g from the com ­ Hogan says. “ I t ’ s o n ly through finan­ cia l support from the com m unity that we can continue to provide services fo r the g ro w in g number o f those in need,” he states. The A rm y is lo o kin g fo r groups to sponsor in d ivid u a l rooms, to update furnishings and provide a “ home” touch fo r D o o r o f Hope fam ilies. Items such as c o lo rfu l pictures, sim ­ ple furniture such as shelving units, and p illo w s or com forters are need­ ed. Books also are needed to help set up a ch ild re n ’ s lending lib ra ry. D o­ nations can be dropped o f f M onday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. The p ublic can call H arbor L ig h t at 239- I2 5 9 fo r more inform ation. Lay’s Potato Chips • 14 oz bag • Regular, Sour Cream & Onion, BBQ, KC Masterpiece BBQ, Salsa & Cheese or Wavy Lays •SAVEUP TO $1.11 Potato Bringing them to a higher road The C hildren’ s Transportation Project needs volunteers to assist w ith transporting children ages 3 to 16yearsto medical and mental health Stagg Chili with Beans It, <•» VT. 140Z. (396 appointments using state vehicles o r private vehicles. The C h ild re n ’s Transportation Project transports children who are in the care o f the State o ffice o f • 15 oz Can • Laredo Style, Country Style,Chicken, Chunkero, Classic Turkey Ranch or Dynamite Hot Serv ices to Ch i Idren and Fam i I ies to ongoing counseling appointments Manv o f these children are in foster homes and are victim s o f abuse • SAVE UP TO 62ft physical, sexual or emotional. Volunteers are needed to drive children to appointments or to ride along as an escort w ith a ch ild to a * - Wfi counseling appointment. During the Red or Golden Delicious Apples • Oregon Grown Safewav WeekívShnndno R iií H p I E ni o y E x tr a S a v in 9 s W ilh T h e SAFEWAY EXTRA InrStfir® Portland Metro Area ...And Save More Shopping At Safeway! I Savings Guide Available al your Saleway store. I transport, volunteers have the op­ portunity to be a role model and friend to a child who has not had many positive interactions w ith adults. For in form ation, o r to vo lu n ­ teer, ca ll Jonica Lynn at 731 -3208.