I I • * — '■ T ■ ; •* 'A ' ••• ' - ' • "l * * ’ ♦ <* - A* * s#.-- X-*** • T he P ori la n d O bserver • S eptember 11. 1996 ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------------------------ P age A5 Economic Development-Criminal Justice Style, Part III by P rof . M c K inley B i rt I here has been an overwhelming response from black readers across the nation as their own press pursues a courageous course in pursuing a lull disclosure o f the agencies driv­ ing the agenda for imprisonment o f huge numbers o f young black males. The public alarm has been height­ ened no end by the documented rev­ elations that the U.S. Government is the country's biggest drug dealer. The ‘CIA Crack/Cocaine Enterpris­ es Inc.’ can not deny a connection or responsibility for the ever-darkening hue o f the incarcerated-as great as 47% black in some areas. The na­ tion’s police are angry and frustrat­ ed. Now, the entire world knows and as is indicated by the foreign press already on Portland news stands, it is quite shaken and apprehensive to find that the boastful LEADER OF I HE FREE WORLD delivered tens o f billions o f dollars worth o f narcot­ ics and automatic weapons to the disadvantaged and under-educated o f is major cities. Will the real terror­ ists please stand? Economists at several Washing­ ton “think tanks” along with investi­ gative reporters for eastern dailies are quite busy crunching numbers and projecting the new fiscal policies that will have to be put in place, several journalists seem to be savor­ ing a Pulitzer Prize in the Watergate mode as the 'tote up the bill’ in recent columns. “Let’s see here, in roughly fifteen years the total take would have to be half a trillion dollars—or more!” “Now that’s enough money to overthrow a lot o f governments,” muses one nosey reporter in his spec­ ulations. And you can be, he is sniff­ ing a Pulitzer when he theorizes fur­ ther that “this shadowy government agency, the CIA, keeps two sets o f books and really is no, accountable to anybody. In light o f the most recent revela­ tions, may we toy with the idea that there may be some connection to the growing call for dismantling the In­ ternal Revenue Service?" the report­ er surmises. “ Perhaps the ‘spooks’ have their own people in Congress." The “Letters-,o-the-Editor” col­ umns in both the black and white press indicate that, while the public is not asking the immediate release o f large numbers o f deliberately un­ derprivileged and undereducated young black men, they are crunching their own numbers and reaching some startling and unpleasant conclusions. “Universally, we have been had, both white and black ! What is to be done?” Many Americans are absolutely overwhelmed when they finally com­ prehend the secret governm ents’ machinations over the last fifteen years—they have escalated the eco- nomic burden o f both entitlements and other aid to the poor in an astro­ nom ical fashion. W elfare, food stamps, ADC. WIC, countless social programs that have been initiated a, one time or another under the grandi­ ose mantra o f "The Great Society” are seriously threatened. People are frightened and they should be. So it is that the naive and the ingenuous, along w ith the hypocrites, engage in fierce and energetic debate over "family values”, even the Con­ gress and Presidents. But it is the federal government itself that has welded social and for­ eign policy info a murderous union, created thousands o f widows and orphans and other victims o f urban w arfare-destroying tens o f thou­ sands o f families and placing an equal number o f black men behind bars in A m erica’s major "Growth Industry”. What can you look for? Remem­ N. Carolina picks up pieces from Hurricane Fran B y J im L oney North Carolina residents began returning to soaked and battered homes on Sunday to fa c e a huge clearing-up jo b after Hurricane Fran. Dozens I ined up at hardware stores to buy chainsaws and other repair tools. Others whose homes were de­ stroyed sought food at church-run kitchens. Convoys o f trucks streamed into the Wilmington area to fix utility poles, replace hundreds o f miles (kilometres) o f downed power lines, repair roads and haul away fallen trees and debris. Washington D.C. was bracing it ­ self for the fall-out from Fran as rising floodwaters along the Potomac River threatened the nation’s capital on Sunday. After Fran dumped four inches ( 10 cm) o f rain in the capital and up to 14 inches (35 cm) in outlying areas, forecasters predicted a flood surge o f 13 to 15 feet (4-4.5 metres) in the wealthy Georgetown section o f the city and up to 34 feet (10 metres) at Harpers Ferry, West Vir­ ginia. Rising flood waters also threat­ ened to close the main road to Na­ tional Airport, the city’s domestic airport. Hurricane Fran cut a swathe o f destruction from the southeastern end homes in North Topsail Beach foi o f North Carolina on Cape Fear, missing people. where it came ashore, to the north­ “ W e’re going house to house or west o f the state. the beach looking for people whc At least 15 people were killed in might have been trapped. W e’re find­ the state, including a firefighter, “and ing people — they’re scared. They there may be m ore,” said Sara were freaked out by the storm,” said Kempin, a spokeswoman for North Marian Kleinman, a spokeswoman Carolina Emergency Management for Onilow County. Centre. An elderly woman who was found Some drowned, others were ki I led floating on a mattress in a marsh near when trees fell on their cars or hous­ Surf City after the storm was in crit­ es, she added. ical condition, reports said. Her trail­ Local authorities said they were er home was destroyed. beginning to allow residents to re­ As National Guard troops pa­ turn to Carolina Beach and Kure trolled the islands, bulldozers scraped Beach, two seaside towns on Plea­ sand from beach and roads. Diggers sure Island o ff Wilmington. scooped chunks o f crumbled houses They had been barred since Thurs­ and slabs o f broken asphalt out ofthe day because electric, water and sew­ way. er services were severed and many "M ajor roads have been cleared. properties were still extremely un­ Almost all the county and city roads safe, said officials. are open,” said Bruce Shell, spokes­ A 24-hour curfew was in effect for man for W ilmington’s New Hanover both towns and a 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. County. As many as 400,000 people curfew was imposed on the rest o f remained w ithout electricity and trail­ New Hanover County. Authorities er loads o f generators sold out in said schools would remain closed on minutes. Monday while damage was assessed. The W ilmington City Council In Wrightsville Beach, a town on passed an emergency ordinance on a barrier island off Wilmington, offi­ Saturday to prevent price gouging, cials said it would be at least three making it punishable by a $500 fine days before residents could return or 30 days in jail. W ilson’s Outdoor because o f safety concerns. Equipment in Raleigh, where lines On T opsail Island, north o f snaked around the corner store, had Wi Imington, rescue workers searched sold more than 400 chainsaws. ber how I concluded my July 3 Per­ spectives column9 As in the case of slavery there is always a ‘cover sto­ ry’ to explain away or justify the exploitation or oppression o f a peo­ ple; "IQ, laziness, genes". You de­ liberately program them to fail and manipulate their circumstances as did the British in India. Consequently, Rudyard Kipling announced his famed description of the indigenous population, ‘T h e White M an's Burden". The British, o f course, were in the process o f extracting tri I lions o f dollars in labor and natural resources from their “bur­ dens” . We come now to that paragon of virtue and family values, that Martha Stewart of moral goodness, Mr Wil­ liam Bennett—the man who has sold 2.3 million copies o f his anthology of moral tales, “The Book o f Virtues” . Apparently, it pays well to be closely acquainted with ’virtues’, two best­ < selling sequels, a TV cartoon show and a 40 thousand-a-speech lecture circuit Not to mention the Disney film But it might do you well to re­ member that this is the same William Bennett who was Education Secre­ tary for President Reagan and, then, DRUG CZAR for President Bush How well-connected can you be in all the right echelon of government and not know w hat’s going on around you? Maybe it’s all ‘virtual reality ’, unless you are in prison A subscriber from eastern Oregon has called to “...remind you that you’re only talking about a tiny per­ centage o f a minute fraction o f the federal workforce.” A local reader suggest that the corporate press w ill quickly drop the ball on this one—perhaps pursuing the Farra Khan/Libya connection as a diversion "Remember the O.J. Simpson on gambit.” G q Walnut Park N E IG H B O R H O O D RETAIL C EN TER Shop Where It Counts Walnut Park Retail Center - Corner of MLK & Killingsworth Merchant List It's My Kind of Face .IP's Custom Framing Key Bank Mother Dear's Tasty Pastries 284-9570 288-2118 795-6035 287-7655 Reflections 288-6942 Videoland 280-0915 Walnut Park 280-1012 Laundry & Coin-Op Public input sought on transportation planning Officials from the Oregon Depart­ ment o f Transportation will hold two open house meetings next week to solicit public input on management objectives for transportation modes on the Portland-Cannon Beach Junc­ tion Corridor Plan. These meetings will be held Mon- day (Sept.9) at the Cannon Beach City Hall, and Thursday (Sept. 12) at the North Plains Community Center located at Northwest Hillcrest Street and Northeast 31 Ith Avenue. Both meetings are scheduled from 4 to 8 p.m.The informational meetings are part o f the first place o f developing a long-range corridor plan on U.S. 26 W between Portland and the Cannot Beach Junction, according to Regiot I Manager Bruce Warner. I’he local public is encouraged tc attend anytime between 4 and 8 p.m The meeting locations are accessible to persons with disabilities. If you're considering a home repair ónor Our Past, uild Our Future /WTLAND or addition, consider financing the work MANUFACTURED with a low-cost Home Improvement Loan from KeyBank. We can help you with HOME SHOW or too long, history turned a Wind eye to the black patriots who served the cause o f liberty during the Revolutionary W ar But with your F everything from purchasing a new roof or furnace, to finishing a basement or adding PORTLAND MEADOWS September 12,13,14,15 1996 help, America now has a chance to finally honor her African American heroes HOME IMPROVEMENT LOAN 30 NEW HOMES FOR YOU TO TOUR a garage. For more information, slop by DISCOVER THE ADVANTAGES Quality construction & materials. Immediate on-site financing for an attractive Investment. Award winning interior designs & landscaping. BIGGEST IN 11 WESTERN STATES requited to fight, but fight they did. coming to America's aid dunng her hour of greatest need Their service is even moie noble because they fought for a freedom that would be denied African Americans for another crntury A monument in their honor will continue the march o f freedom KeyBank’s Community Services Depart­ ment in the Walnut Park Retail Center, or call Phyliss Gaines at 795-6036. Whatever you’re planning, we’d be glad to work with you. 14 Manufacturers 18 Retailers America s black co-founders have been kept waiting too long It's time f OUMl HOUSING Member FDIC we honor them Subject to credit approval with a Black Patriots Memorial on the National M all in LENDER Washington. D C Building a monument to our past will build a bridge to our future Whether you’re fixing up or adding on, we’d like to help. 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