Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 11, 1996, Page 3, Image 3

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Tm P oru and O bserver • S eptember 11, 1996
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U.S. spacewoman breaks record
S teven Y oung
Shannon Lucid’s mission to the
Russian M ir space station entered
the record books on Saturday as the
longest space flig h t by a woman.
It was a record Lucid was not
expecting to break
Her tour o f duty aboard the orbit­
ing outpost was supposed to have
ended in early August, but shuttle
booster problems, scheduling con­
flicts and Hurricane Fran have de­
layed her ride home by more than six
"We had not planned on this
(record) happening on this mission
and it was sort o f a confluence o f the
elements o f the universe that it did,”
said fo rm e r a stro na u t Frank
Culbertson, who heads N AS A ’s shut-
tle -M ir programme
“ I ’m happy that she has it, because
I think she’s done a terrific jo b up
there," he added.Lucid has been
aboard M ir since March and has al­
ready shattered the record for the
longest mission by a U .S. space flyer.
Her latest record breaks that set by
Russian Elena Kondakova, who com­
pleted a 169-day stay aboard the
station in March 1995.
Kondakova, who is now training
in Houston for a shuttle mission to
"the M ir station next May, offered
Lucid her congratulations.
“ I w ill only be happy for Shannon
Lucid,” said the 39-year-old engi­
neer, “ It again proves that women
can work in space as long as men."
Lucid, only the third woman to
staff the M ir station, was probably
enjoying her time away from the
pressures o f hom e, suggested
“ Life is easier on board because
you don’t have to do laundry there,
you don't have to cook there, so I
think that for a woman being in space
is kind o f a vacation," she said.
This week NASA had to delay
l.u c id ’s homecoming another two
days when Hurricane Fran forced
shuttle Atlantis o ff its launch pad.
The shuttle is expected to blast-off
for M ir on September 16 and dock
with the station a few days later.
Lucid, a veteran o f four previous
shuttle missions, appeared to be tak­
ing the latest setback in her stride.
“ As long as Atlantis is in good
shape, then I ’m in good shape," she
sa id.' Whenever they' re ready, they ’ 11
come get me.”
NASA is hoping Saturday marks
Lucid’s last entry in the record books.
She would have to stay in space
another 38 weeks to break the human
space flight record o f 438 days set in
1995 by Russian Valeri Polyakov.
“ She’s been away a long time,”
said Culbertson. “ I ’m sure she's ready
for the job to end."
Senator receives leadership award
V.S Senator M ark (). Hatfield
was recognizedfor his years o f lead­
ership and public service at the 1996
SOL VCitizenship ,4 wards Banquet
sponsored by Bank o f America.
The event served as a special O r­
egon tribute and homecoming for
Senator Hatfield as he retires from
the U.S. Senate.
Senator Hatfield has served Ore­
gon and the country as a U.S. Senator
since 1966.
His many contributions include
construction o f the Interstate High­
way System in Oregon; creation o f
the Oregon Graduate Institute and
the state-wide community college
system; expansion o f the state park
system and Oregon's wilderness ar­
eas; creation o f the public defender
system; and development o f Oregon
Health Sciences University and local
and regional facilities throughout
“ The Senator is honored to be
presented with this award as he re­
turns to Oregon after 31 years in
Washington. SOLV epitomizes the
coming together o f Oregonians to
keep our beautiful state livable and
Senator Hatfield is very pleased to be
recognized by a group that supports
volunteerism and stewardship so ef­
fectively,” said Ede Schmidt, State
D irector o f Senator H atfield’ s o f­
SOLV Citizenship Awards w ill
be presented to Oregonians from
around the state at the event.
Winners were selected in four cat­
egories to recognize outstanding vo l­
unteers who inspire others by pro­
moting an awareness o f livab ility
issues; help build a stewardship ethic
by example; or provide resources to
burning ban lifted
A ban on burning in Clark County
has been lifted due to the return o f
cooler and wetter weather.
Clark County Fire Marshal David
Lynam said today that outside burn­
ing may resume subject to the neces­
sary permits and regulations.
Individuals who wish to burn a
small yard fire should contact their
local fire departments. For larger
help keep Oregon livable.
Individual-Bill Naito, Portland To
be presented posthumously in honor
o f a lifetime o f visionary contribu­
tions that have enhanced the liv a b il­
ity o f Portland.
In addition to the rehabilitation o f
historic buildings and the vintage
trolley project, M r. Naito developed
the Japanese Memorial in Water­
front Park.
He served on numerous com m it­
tees and boards throughout his life ­
time that helped make Portland and
Oregon better places to live.
H appy
B ir th d a y
fires, people should contact the Clark
County Fire M arshal’s Office.
N ote: In some areas o f the
co un ty, b u rnin g is alw ays p ro ­
h ib ite d . The rem oval o f the b u rn ­
ing ban does not pertain to these
For more information about this
non-attainment area, please contact
the Fire Marshal’ s Office.
Iraq air defense engages
U.S. target
Iraq said its a ir defense units
engaged a U.S. warplane violating
its air space Sunday but missed,
although the intruder was forced to
“ Our air defense weapons engaged
at 13:03 hours(5 a.m. E D T jah ostile
air target, which they missed causing
it to flee,” Iraqi state television, quot­
ing a m ilitary spokesman, said.
The spokesman said the U.S. and
allied warplanes had flown 11 I sor­
ties in northern and southern Iraq
“ violating our air space.”
Saturday, Iraq said it had fired
missiles at U.S. planes but Washing­
ton could not confirm that Baghdad
had fired against its planes policing
no-fly-zones in northern and south­
ern Iraq.
A senior Iraqi official said Sunday
that his country’s air defense systems
would shoot at U.S. planes.
“ N ow we have announced that
their areas (zones) are null and void
and we w ill take every apportunity to
shoot U.S. planes in the whole area,”
said Hamed YoussefHummadi, head
o f culture and information com m it­
tee at the Iraqi National Assembly.
M ike Tyson-Bruce Seldon heavy­
weight boxing title fight.
A white Cadillac w ith four people
inside pulled up next to Shakur's
black B M W and one o f them opened
fire, police said.
Dozens o f stunned witnesses
looked on in horror, according to
broadcast reports.
Shakur was hit three times in the
chest and rushed to the hospital, o ffi­
cials said. Knight, who produces the
work o f Shakur and other top rap
stars, was listed in fa ir condition and
was expected to be released later
The Cadillac sped away, and the
suspects were still being sought, po­
lice said. Investigators said the mo­
tive behind the shooting was not
Shakur is no stranger to trouble.
He has spent much o f the last 21/2
years either in court, prison or a
O.J. Simpson knew he would be
cleared o f killing his ex-wife the
night before the verdict was an­
nounced and faked his look o f
surprise in court, according to the
author o f a new hook on the crim­
inal trial.
New Yorker magazine w riter Jef­
frey Toobin told a television inter­
viewer Simpson learned in advance
from a ja il guard o f the ju r y ’ s deci­
sion to find him not guilty.
“ One o f the things I ’ve learned
since the trial is that one o f the most
famous moments in television his­
tory, which is that shot o f O.J., is
fundamentally a fraud," Toobin said
in excerpts o f an interview released
before broadcast on NBC News’
“ Dateline Sunday” on Sept 8
A Los Angeles ju r y found
Simpson not guilty on Oct. 3, 1995
o f stabbing to death his ex-wife
Nicole Brown Simpson and her
friend Ronald Goldman in June 1994
but he still faces a wrongful death
c iv il trial starting Sept. 17.
The former football star is being
sued by the families o f the murder
victims, who allege he is responsi­
ble for their deaths.
Toobin, whose book is called
“ The Run o f His Life,” said the
jurors reached their verdict on the
night o f Oct. 2 and had a party
during which they told Los Angeles
sheriffs guarding them that the ver­
dict was not guilty.
One o f the sheriffs cal led a friend
who was guarding Simpson and told
him, Toobin said in the interview.
"One o f the sheriffs came up to
him (Simpson) and said ‘ I want
your autograph tonight because
yo u ’ re going home to m o rro w .’
Simpson said what?’,” Toobin said
He quoted the sheriffas saying “ We
know. Jury voted to acquit."
Man, cows get care at
vet hospital
H hen residents o f this town want
the best medical care money can
buy, they will soon he able to go to
'he local veterinary hospital.
That is site ofsome o f the region’s
nost advanced medical equipment,
ncluding a state-of-the-art magnetic
resonance imager (M R I), where hu­
mans aie now being scheduled in
between cats, dogs and horses.
On Monday, an 80-year-old wom­
an w ill be the first human to be diag­
nosed on the M RI at the Washington
State University Veterinary Teach­
ing Hospital The hospital’s spokes­
man, Charlie Powell, says the ma­
chine is just like the M RIs designed
for humans.
One exception is that it hasa weight
capacity o f more than 500 pounds
(227 kg), to accommodate the occa­
sional cow or horse that needs a scan.
An M RI gives doctors an image o f
a slice o f the human or animal body
through magnetic and radio waves.
Does sharing the facilities signal
the dire state o f the country's health
care system?
No, said Powell, it just seemed
"The agreement came about when
we were building a new teaching
hospital, and two o f the local com­
munity hospitals were planning to
invest in their own new technology.
“ It just seemed wise to make our
machines for humans," he said.
Human patients travelling to the
animal hospital for an M RI scan are
promised the machine w ill have been
sanitized after the last animal. And
to prevent a mixed crowd in the w ait­
ing room, animal and human scans
w ill no, be interspersed.
Even if you haven’t
fo r a home,
you ’ve probably saved
Shakur wounded in Vegas
Rap music star Tupac Shukur
was critically wounded and a record
company executive slightly injured
when a gunman opened fir e on their
car in Las Vegas, authorities said
Shakur, a 25-year-old singer-ac­
tor with a history o f violence and
trouble with the law, underwent emer­
gency surgery and was listed in c rit­
ical condition follow ing the Satur­
day night attack, hospital officials
It was the second time in less than
two years that Shakur has been shot.
Marion Knight, 3 1, co-founder o f
the controversial music label Death
Row Records, was riding with Shakur
and suffered a m inor head wound.
Las Vegas police said.
The attack occurred while Shakur,
one o f the most notorious performers
o f hardcore “ Gangsta" rap, was head­
ed for a nightclub with friends in a
convoy o f 10 cars after watching the
Simpson faked look of
surprise at verdict
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