Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 11, 1996, Page 17, Image 17

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    P age C5
T he P ortland O bserver • S eptember 11, 1996
Geographic Information Sys*
M a n a g e r,
C la rk
County, WA. Recruitment will
remain open until sufficient
applications are received.
This position manages Clark
County’s Geographic Informa­
tion System and the GIS Divi­
sion of the Department of As­
sessment and GIS. The posi­
tion m anages the design,
implementation, and opera­
tion of a central data base of
digitally mapped data, en­
abling County departments,
citizens, and industry to ac­
cess and analyze relevant
data based on geographic
parameters. The GIS Man­
ager has considerable inter­
action with County officials
and other public agencies to
negotiate interdepartm ental
and inter-jurisdictional data
agreements pertaining to sys­
tem development and provi­
sions of this regional service.
Requirements: Bachelors de­
gree in public administration,
geography, co m p u te r s c i­
ence, or a related field; five
years experience in the m an­
agement and supervision of
professional and technical
staff; considerable training
and experience in the m an­
agement and development of
mapping applications for com-
puter/data systems, including
experience with such com ­
puter programs as Arc/lnfo,
Arc/View, and Arc/Map O b­
jects. Salary range: $3,730 -
$5,269 per month. Candidates
should submit a resume and
letter of interest as soon as
possible to ensure inclusion
in the recruitment process. For
further position inform ation
contact. Clark County Human
Resources Department, 1013
Franklin Street - PO Box 5000,
Vancouver, WA 98666-5000.
(206) 737-6018 (206) 737-
6032(TDD) Equal Opportunity
VICES is seeking a qualified
applicants for the position of
...E xperience operating and
performing general m ainte­
nance of equipment is prefer­
...Must be able to use 10 key,
and various office equipment
.. .Ability to file both numerically,
alphabetically, and lift a mini­
mum of 50 pounds
...Desire to work in a self di­
rected team environment
Please call (503) 315-2836 for
an application or apply at the
affiliate nearest you and for­
ward to Human Resources,
702 Church St. NE, Salem Or
Come grow with the “SUPER
com panies of W est Coast
Bancorp and its A ffiliates:
C o m m e rcial Bank, V a lle y
Commercial Bank, Bank of
Newport, West Coast Trust.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Employer M/F/V/D
Part-time, On-call P ro d u c tio n
positions. Broadcast experi­
ence desired.
Part-time M aster C o n tro l A ir
O perator. Switch/Monitor,
Video/Audio Signals, Keep
FCC Logs, Control Trans­
mitter. Waveform monitor
understanding preferred,
Full-time P ro d u ctio n S up e r­
v is o r w/ Benefits, Schedule
Crew Personnel, Producer,
Experience in All Areas of
(503) 252-0792
Equal Opportunity Employer
Services Assistant
(Wastewater Technician 1)
City of Eugene
$2,135 - $2,593/mo.
Responsible for performing a
variety of tasks in support of
the Laboratory and Industrial
Source Control sections of the
City of Eugene W astewater
Division, including those re­
lated to laboratory glassware
and pla sticw are cle a nin g ,
laboratory sample receipt, and
log-in; maintenance of water
quality sampling equipment;
and preparation of sample
bottles and other equipment
for water quality sam pling
projects. One year of experi­
ence in an environm ental
la b o ra to ry
s e ttin g
postsecondary course work
in chemistry, biology, or engi­
neering desirable. CLOSING
DATE: September 27, 1996.
Obtain application packet from
City of Eugene Human Re­
source and Risk Services, 777
Peal Street, Room 101, Eu­
gene OR 97401. (541) 687-
5061. AA/EOE
Case M anager needed to pro­
vide supportive therapy and a
full range of intensive case
m a n a g e m e n t s e rv ic e s to
chronically mentally ill adults
fro m m u ltic u ltu ra l b a c k ­
grounds. Minimum 2 years
related experience required.
Must be QMHP or QMHA.
(Team I) Ref # CM-I.
Competitive salary and benefits.
Send/fax cover letter and re­
sume to: Garlington Center,
4950 NE MLKing Blvd. Port­
land, OR 97211 Attn: HR Fax:
331 -5956 EOE. Committed to
d ive rsity. No phone ca lls
please. C ontact o ur JOB
HOTLINE at 727-5947 for
additional job opportunities.
Associate Planner/
Senior Planner
Growth Management
SALARY: $2,756 - $3,519/
month-Associate Planner
$3,198 - $4,081/month - Senior
Recruitment #96-68
Accounting and
Payroll Manager
Progressive tim ber investment
and management firm is seek­
ing a proactive, team player
with strong com m unication
and organization skills. Core
responsibilities include prepa­
ration of financial statements,
maintenance of general led­
ger and accounting control
systems, and preparation and
management of semi-monthly
payroll. Position will involve
supervision of accounting spe­
cialist. Other responsibilities
include assisting in prepara­
tion of annual budget, involve­
ment in special projects, and
variance analysis. Requires
demonstrated PC skills, profi­
ciency using accounting soft­
ware, and the ability to work
with confidential information.
Salary is commensurate ben­
efits package; prefer degree
in accounting with a minimum
of 2+ years experience or 6+
years experience as a full-
cycle, general ledger accural
Please send resumes to Vicki
Reber, One SW Columbia,
Suite 1720, P ortland, OR
The city of Vancouver, W ash­
ington is seeking qualified
candidates for openings for
an associate and senior plan­
ner (one or both positions may
be filled) for the Growth Man­
agement Division of the Com ­
munity Development Depart­
ment. The successful candi­
dates in either position will
perform p ro fe s s io n a l and
technical level work in the ar­
eas of comprehensive plan­
ning, growth management,
and community development.
Individual(s) hired will be re­
sponsible forthe coordination
and preparation of various
land use plans consistent with
the Growth Management Act
and provide assistance to the
planning commission, other
city departments, public agen­
cies, neighborhood associa­
tions, and the general public.
Application materials are avail­
able at the Citizens Service
Center, fourth floor, 1313 Main
Street, Vancouver, WA 98660
or by calling (360) 696-8419.
Completed application and
supplem ental q u e stio n ­
naire materials must be RE­
CEIVED on the 4th floor of the
Citizens Service Center, Attn:
HRRS by S e p te m b e r 25,
1996, 5 p.m.
Equal Opportunity Employer
Parent Educator: Plan and
implement programs for chil­
dren birth-5 years and their
fam ilies. Facilitate groups,
provide parent and ECE sup­
port for clients with diverse
economic and cultural back­
grounds. BA or equivalent in
ECE plus experience; Bi-lin-
gual in Spanish and PAT C er­
tified a plus. Reliable transpt.
CPR infant/child first aid and
food handlers card needed.
Salary to $21,800 DOQ plus
benefits. Resume/Appl: VOA
- Common Bond 4949 NE 9th
Ave. Portland, OR 97211.
Equal Opportunity Employer.
1997 Legislative Session
Committee Adm inistrators to
work starting January 1997
and ending a p p ro xim a te ly
June 1997. S alaiy is $3,206-
$3,718. For application infor­
mation call (503) 986-1373.
Employee S ervices, Room
140 State Capitol, Salem OR
TTY: (503) 986-1374 FAX
(503) 986-1684. Open until
sufficient applications are re­
How Hiring
Legislative Positions
1997 Session Positions
Data Communications Tech B
User Support Specialist
Bill Digester
Admin Support Specialist 1
$1,571 -$2,065
Committee Administrator
$3,206 -$3,718
Other Positions
Gift Shop Coordinator (P/T)
$8.30- $10.78/hr
Electrician (Limited Duration)
$2,278 - $3,054
Policy Analyst - Education
$3,206 - $4,301
For application information call (503) 986-1373. Employee Services,
Room 140 State Capitol Salem OR TTY: (503) 986-1374 FAX: (503)
986-1684. Act fast, some positions will be closing September 13,
j 1996.
Our Most Important Asset is People
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon/HMO Oregon is currently
recruiting for the following positions: For more information about
current openings call our Job Information Line:
• Lead DBA (#300)
We are strongly committed to equal opportunity in all phases of
BlueCross BlueShield
of Oregon
HMO Oregon
Executive Director sought for WEST COAST TRUST is seek­
ing a qualified applicants for
equal opportunity, dynam ic
the position of TRUST SPE­
non-profit organization based
CIALIST in Salem.
in Portland. Oregon Associa­
tion forthe Education of Young ...One or two years experience
with data entry/processing
Children is committed to early
using on-line, real-time main
childhood education and rep­
frame and/or PC
re s e n ts 2 0 0 0 e d u c a to rs
throughout the state who work ...Experience processing mort-
gage/promissory notes and
with fam ilies and children.
contract collections
Position will begin by Decem ­
ber 1 as a 6 FTE at a salary ...Experience performing book­
keeping functions
range of $16,000 to $19,000
w/benefits. Position may in­ ...Good written and verbal com ­
munication skills
crease to full time contingent
on funding. Bilingual in En- Please call (503) 315-2836 for
an application or apply at the
glish/Spanish preferred. Clos­
affiliate nearest you and for­
ing date is October 15. Re­
ward to Human Resources,
quest application by calling
702 Church St. NE, Salem O r
(503) 234-0887.
Come grow with the “SUPER
ing a qualified applicants for
com panies of W est Coast
the position of MERCHANT
Bancorp and its A ffiliates:
C o m m e rcial B ank, V a lle y
TIVE in Salem.
Commercial Bank, Bank of
...Through know ledge of all
Newport, Bank of Vancouver
products and services offered
West Coast Trust and West
...Successful financial services
Coast Data Services.
experienced, preferably in a Equal Employment Opportunity
bank setting
Employer M/F/V/D
...Proven selling skills combined
with a knowledge of merchant
Assistant Planner
bankcard products and con­
cepts. Effective custom erser- Salary: $2,376 - $3,033/month
vice techniques and good ver-
Recruitment #96-60
b al/w ritte n co m m u n ica tio n The city of Vancouver, W ash­
skills. Solid math skills and ington, is seeking qualified
attention to detail
candidates fo r a assistant
...G o o d
k n o w le d g e
of planner to provide advanced
WordPerfect, Quattro Pro and
specialized support work in
PC software in general Please
the area of Community D e­
call (503) 315-2836 for an
velopment Block Grant pro­
application or apply at the a f­ gram administration. The as­
filiate nearest you and forward
sistant planner perform s a
to Human Resources, 702
variety of administrative du­
C hurch St NE, S alem O r
ties to provide information to
the general public; co ordi­
Come grow with the “SUPER
nates activities with other City
d e p a rtm e n ts and o u ts id e
com panies of W est Coast
agencies regarding projects
Bancorp and its A ffiliates:
funded by the CDBG program .
C o m m e rcial B an k, V a lle y
Five years of increasingly re­
Commercial Bank, Bank of
sponsible adm inistrative ex­
Newport, Bank of Vancouver
perience, or a Bachelors de­
West Coast Trust and West
gree with some urban plan­
Coast Data Services.
ning experienced is highly
Equal Employment Opportunity
Employer M/F/V/D
Application materials are avail­
able at the Citizens Service
Center, fourth floor, 1313 Main
Street, Vancouver, W A 98660
Education Service
or by calling (360) 696-8419.
Completed application and
supplemental questionnaire
b Information Hotline
materials must be RECEIVED
the 4th floor of the Citizens
7-1599 TDD
Center, Attn: HRRS
i Equal O pportunity Em-
Wednesday, Sep­
ayer And Drug Free Work
tem ber 18,1996.
in itu F m n l n u o r
NOW HIRING one Bill Digester
to work in Legislative Coun­
sel starting m id-N ovem ber
and ending at the close of the
Legislative session. Salary is
$2,278. For application call
(503) 986-1373. Employee
Services, Room 140 State
Capitol, Salem OR TTY: (503)
986-1684. Deadline to apply
is October 18, 1996.
Emmanuel Church
Will Need Suppliers
E m m anuel T e m p le C h u rc h
soon will build 33,000 sq. ft.
church. If you are supplier of
paint, windows, formica, sheet
vinyl, draperies, sound sys­
tems, lighting, pews, acoustic
ceilings, etc., fax us your co.
qualif. C/O F A. Alvey 503-
Project Surveyor
W&H Pacific, a rapidly growing
leader in surveying, engineer­
ing, planning and consulting
services, is known through­
out the Northwest for provid­
ing creative solutions and su­
perior service. We have an
immediate opening for an ex­
perienced project surveyor in
our Portland office.
Professional registration, w ork­
ing knowledge of AutoCad
(Release 12) and the ability to
work well in a team environ­
ment is needed for this posi­
tion. Familiarity with all as­
pects of surveying along with
Wild total station/data collec­
tion is a plus.
As one of the Oregon Business
100 Best companies to work
for in Oregon, we offer excel­
lent benefits, advanced equip­
ment, and opportunities for
growth and development. If
you value a team oriented
environment with professional
who work hard and play hard,
w e’d like to hear from you.
Please contact:
W&H Pacific
8405 SW Nimbus Avenue
Beaverton, OR 97008
Attn: Human Resources
Fax: (503) 526-0775
We value diversity and are an
equal opportunity employer.
SECRETARY. Half-time, days,
M-F, schedule negotiable.
Seeking flexible, dependable,
individual with excellent cleri­
cal skills, type 50 wpm, WP 5-
1, to support Juvenile Justice
Programs in multicultural set­
ting. Accuracy, attention to
detail, confidentiality neces­
sary. Minimum salary range
$5.70-$8.54/hr., depending
on qualifications. Benefits.
For application, call The Boys
& Girls Aid Society, 503-222-
9661, ext. 240. Equal oppor­
tunity employer.
W&H Pacific, a rapidly growing
leader in engineering, plan­
ning and consulting, is seek­
ing a talent professional who
can provide creative solutions
and superior service.
This leadership role will serve
our company in supervision
of administrative staff, facili­
ties management, purchasing
and inventory management,
selection and purchasing of
major office equipment, and
management of telephone/
voicemail systems. Q ualifica­
tions include a bachelors de­
gree in business adm inistra­
tive (or the equivalent) ; at least
ten years of business adm in­
istration experience, prefer­
ably in a professional services
environment; three years of
leading/managing people in a
participatory work environ ­
ment; and demonstrated abil­
ity in managing facilities, pur­
c h a s in g , and te le p h o n e /
voicemail systems. Demon­
strated ability to work with
DOS and W ind o w s-b ase d
word processing, and spread­
sheet software highly desir­
able. Women and minorities
are encouraged to apply.
As one of the Oregon Business
100 Best companies to work
for in Oregon, we offer excel­
lent benefits, advanced equip­
ment, and opportunities for
growth and development. If
you value a team oriented
environment with profession­
als who work hard and play
hard, w e’d like to hear from
you. Please submit resume
no later than September 20,
1996 to:
W&H Pacific
8405 SW Nimbus Avenue
Beaverton, OR 97008 Attn:
Human Resources Manager
Fax: (503) 526-0775
We value diversity and are an
equal opportunity employer.
ing a qualified applicants for
the position of TELLER, P/T,
20 hrs in Salem.
...P rior telle r experience re­
...Good customer service and
cash handling skills
...Attention to detail
Please call (503) 315-2836 for
an application or apply at the
affiliate nearest you and fo r­
ward to Human Resources,
702 Church St. NE, Salem
OR 97301
Come grow with the “SUPER
com panies of W est C oast
Bancorp and its A ffiliates:
C o m m e rcial B ank, V a lle y
Commercial Bank, Bank of
Newport, Bank of Vancouver
West Coast Trust and West
Coast Data Services.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Employer M/F/V/D
Counselor-Ill Outpatient
Treatment Services Starting Salary:
$1,494 - $1,640 Per Month
Plus Benefits
THE POSITION: CODA, Inc., seeks an experienced mid-level coun­
selor for our Outpatient Treatment Services located at Northeast 20th
and Everett. This full-time exempt position, reporting to the Multi-
Service Site Clinical Coordinator, is responsible to: Provide individual
and group counseling: Provide resource information and referral to
patients; Maintain clinical records including all progress-in-treatment
notes, group notes, and treatment plan development; Provide written
correspondence and reports to courts, parole/probation officers,
CSD, and other adjunct community agencies; Participate in group
and individual supervision; Participate in committees or work groups
as assigned. PHYSICAL DEMANDS: Must be able to negotiate a
staircase, and to preform CPR for 15 minutes continuously. SHIFT:
Position works unconventional hours with shifts of varying length
taking place Monday through Saturday to total 40 hours per week. TO
QUALIFY: A Bachelor's Degree in a human services discipline AND
two years’ mental health/addictions experience are required. The
requirement for a Bachelor’s Degree may be waived if applicant has
current CADC certification and substantial relevant experience in
chemical-dependency counseling. Knowledge a of and/or clinical
experience with individual and group counseling techniques, patient
treatment for chemical dependency is very strongly preferred. Span-
ish-language fluency is desired but not a requisite. Individuals
currently serving any federal, state, or county probation or parole are
ineligible for this position Candidates mnsthetrained/trainable in 1st
Aid and CPR, and capable of performing CPR for fifteen minutes
continuously. Candidates not currently holding CADC certification or
other recognized licensure must make application for certification
within six months of date of hire and must receive state certification
within 36 months. Individuals currently serving any supervised parole
or probation and ineligible for this position. TO APPLY, obtain a
standard CODA application form and detailed position announce­
ments for each position sought. Screening questions responses are
required for each position sought. CODA cannot accept resumes in
lieu of application forms. APPLICATION MATERIALS ARE AVAIL­
Ave, Portland, OR 97232; Tele: (503) 236-2290 Ext. 254.
CODA is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer