r S eptember 11, 1996 • T he B ori land O bserver P age C2 ihiisipank ^©MMIUUNIITY A LIB I» AIR - September is National Hispanic Heritage Month "Bound by Colors" returns to Portland V ic to ry O u tre a c h w ill perform its searing anti-gang production "Bound by C olors" at 6:00 p.m. Saturday, S eptem ber 14, at the New B eginnings C h ris tia n C e n te r, 7600 N E Glisan Street. Adm ission is free. For inform ation, call 256-6050, ex,. 215 or 255. Fiesta! O H D C 's Firs, Annual Fiesta, Friday S eptem ber 20, a, the P o rtla n d C onference C e n te r, celebrates N ational Hispanic Heritage M onth. A U C ­ T IO N ! B U F F E T D IN N E R ! D A N C IN G T O L IV E L A T IN M U S IC ! 6 pm. to I am. Join the O re g o n H u m a n D evelopm ent C o rp o ra tio n and our friends fo r an evening o f fun and fundraising. There w ill be both oral and silent auctions. Food w ill be tasty and p le n tifu l. N o-host bar. A L L PROCEEDS W IL L H E LP O H D C T O PURSUE T H E IR M IS S IO N OF H E LP IN G PEOPLE T H R O U G H O U T O R E G O N ! T h e P o rtla n d C o n fe r­ ence C e n te r is located a, 300 N E M ultnom ah in Portland. T H IS IS A G R E A T O P P O R T U N IT Y T O N E T W O R K W IT H H IS ­ P A N IC P R O FE S S IO N A LS ON A S T A T E W ID E B A S IS ! Tickets for the dinner and festivities are $35. C all Nadeen at O H D C to reserve your ticket. 245-2600, ext. 200. Nike hosts Hispanic Chamber of Commerce meeting The regular m onthly meeting o f the H isp a n ic M e tro p o lita n C h a m b e r o f C om m erce w ill be held on S eptem ber 24 at N ik e ’ s W o rld Headquarters in Beaverton. C all 2 8 1 -7079 fo r details and to reserve your seat. This event celebrates N ational Hispanic Heritage Month. Minority Business Opportunity day is coming! The 12th Annual M in o rity Business O pportunity Day Trade Fair is com ing to the O re g o n C o n v e n tio n C e n te r on O c to b e r 9 T his event is a procurement conference designed to help W omen- and M in o rity-o w n e d businesses be more successful in this increasingly com petitive economy. For Trade Fair or W orkshop inform ation, call Don Matsuda or Bob Jensen at the S m a ll Business A d m in is tra tio n , at (503) 326-5105 or 326-5102. For inform ation regarding the luncheon, call Zaida K lem at Im p a c t, (503) 245-9253. The O re g o n C o n v e n tio n C e n te r is located at 777 N E M L K , Jr. B lvd . in Portland. M exican -A m erican art An e xh ib itio n o f both recent and retrospective works by M exican- Am erican artist M ax Pruneda w ill be shown at A r t o f the People, located on First Street near Y a m h ill in Portland. The exhibit, title d "T ranslating M em ory,” w ill run through the month o f September. For inform ation, call (5 0 3 )2 2 1 -0 5 6 9 . Pre-Columbian a rt exhibit coming to Portland An e xh ib itio n o f Pre-Colum bian art from M exico, Central and South Am erica w ill be shown in Portland at A b a n te Fine A r t, a private art gallery located on the com er o f Second Street and Y a m h ill, adjacent to the M A X line. For inform ation, call Rudi M ilpacher a, (503) 295-2508. Portland Observador seeks youth photojournalists Straight Shooter becomes 1st Portland Observador Youth Photojournalist A photograph by 16-year old Jorge G arcia o f H illsb o ro , a recent gradu­ ate o f Straight S h o o tin g - the Youth Photo Project, was selected to kick o f f the Portland O bservador’ s regu­ lar Y outh P hotojoum alist feature. Straight Shooting is a h ig h ly suc­ cessful program administered by the Oregon Com m ission on C hildren & Fam ilies w hich strives to redirect the lives o f A t-R is k youth by teaching them photography, s e lf esteem and professional skills. Each spring fo r the past fouryears, Straight S hooting has provided a small group o f young people w ith p h o to g ra p h e r m e n to rs , cam era equipm ent, and instruction in com ­ position and darkroom technology. D u rin g the course o f instruction. Straight S hooting allow s them to explore and fin d expression through the use o f the camera. Some o f the students become very astute w ith a camera, as this series w ill show. “ Straight S hooting is w o rkin g in six counties cu rre n tly,” said A p ril Severeson o f the Oregon C om m is­ sion on C h ild re n & Families. “ This year, the program involved 32 stu­ dents aged 12 - 19 from Baker, Clacka­ mas, M alheur, M a rio n , M ultnom ah and W ashington Counties. Students are trained and gain experience as photographers. M entor relationships serve to break through stereotypes and long-lasting bonds may develop. Some students were feeling trusted fo r the very firs t tim e in their lives.” The program ’ s goals include in­ creasing com m unity awareness ofthe issues facing youth. F or in fo rm a tio n , c o n ta ct J e ff Nunn, Project C oordinator, at the Oregon C om m ission on C hildren & Fam ilies in Salem at (503) 373-1283. The Portland Observador en­ courages the developm ent of photojournaHsts am ong the youth o f our community. Send in your work with a self-ad­ dressed, stam ped envelope to Photo Editor, The Portland Observador, 4747 N E M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Port­ land OR 97211. No more than two subm issions at a time, please. Include somethin}’ about yourself and a daytime phone number. The P o rtla n d O b s e rv a d o r encourages the developm ent o f p h o to jo u r­ nalists among the youth o f our com m unity. Send in your w ork w ith a self- addressed, stamped envelope to Photo Editor, The P o rtla n d O b s e rv a d o r, 4747 N E M a rtin Luther K in g Jr. B lvd, Portland OR 9 7 2 1 1. N o more than tw o submissions at a tim e, please. Include something about yo u rs e lf and a daytime phone number Hillsboro PHCRC welcomes public comments The H ills b o ro Police H is p a n ic C o m m u n ity R elations C o m m itte e meets at 1:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday o f each month in the Public Services B u ild in g at 155N . First Street, Room 245. The PHCRC exchang­ es ideas w ith the public on issues o f com m unity interest and offers problem solving. Contact Nancy A rriaza at (503) 693-4705 fo r inform ation Young Parents Program needs volunteers The O re g o n H u m a n D evelopm ent C o rp o ra tio n is actively recruiting for volunteers to help w ith it's Y o u n g P arents P ro g ra m Volunteers 12 years old and older are needed for help w ith child care in a nursery setting during the w e e k ly support meetings, W ednesdays, early evenings. The program’s goal is to help young parents and pregnant adolescents in the H illsboro area enhance their parenting skills and prom ote the healthy development o f their children. The Y oung Parents Program is funded by the O regon D e p a rtm e n t o f H u m a n Resources, the C h ild re n 's T ru s t Fund, and the W a s h in g to n C o u n ty C om m ission on C h ild re n and Fam ilies. Contact A liso n Peck, C oordinator o f V olunteer Services at O H D C at (503) 640-6349 Hispanic Bar receives grant to recruit high school students The Hispanic National Bar Asso­ ciation (H N B A ) has been awarded a $5,000 grant from the Law School Admissions Council, an entity that supervises the administration o f law school admissions testing, to attract area high school seniors to the legal profession and educate them regard­ ing opportunities available around the country. A p p ro x im a te ly 25 senior high school students w ill be invited to attend a breakfast on Friday, Oct. 4, 1996, at 8 a m. during the Hispanic National Bar A ssociation’ s annual convention at the Fountainebleau H ilton Resort & Towers in M iam i Beach The $5,000 grant w ill be used to invite Hispanic high school seniors from area schools to a break­ fast sponsored by Banco Popular and attended by approximately 5(X) ju d g ­ es from across the country. To date, r J * the H N B A has raised more than $ 15().(XX) in scholarships fo r the H is­ panic National Bar Fund, an organi­ zation which annually awards thou­ sands o f dollars in scholarships to deserving Hispanic law students. "W e arc grateful to the Law School Admissions Council lo r their sup­ port and are confident that it w ill open many doors fo r young Hispan­ ics looking fo r a career in the legal profession. This clearly exem plifies the theme o f the 1996 convention. Together - The Future," said Alfonso J. Perez, Esq., Convention C hairper­ son fo r the H N B A and a shareholder with the Miami-based law firm o f Haley, Sinagra and Perez, P.A. M ajor issues particular to the H is­ panic com m unity to be examined at the Convention include im m igration, Helms-Burton legislation, and Prop­ osition 187. Photo by Jorge Garcia Little Brother in Our Own Words En Nuestras Proprias Palabras Conrado Hernandez, a 16-year- oldstudent at Sierra Pista I /igh School in Baldwin Park. California, was the first-place winner in this year's stu­ dent essay contest sponsored by the National Associationfor Bilingual Ed­ ucation. He came to this country five years ago from Hidalgo. Mexico, where his father owned a general store and his mother was an elementary school teacher When they arrived in Los Angeles in search o f more work, his folks fell on hard times. Conrado and his two little sisters had to help moni and dad make money fo r the rent by picking up cans and bottles from the streets. He says it was hard watching his parents suffer the humiliation o f low-paying jobs fo r which they were overqualified, and he was determined to not let that happen to him or to his own children With his parents ' support and en­ couragement. he began learning with a vengeance to speak, read and write English, through bilingual classes. Conrado plays guitar in a mariachi group at school, and hopes to become a computer technician In My Own Words BY CONRADO HERNANDEZ “ H ow many o f you know what it ’ s like to watch your parents suffer and face d a ily hum iliation as they search for w ork in a country that no longer has any room fo r people like them? H ow many o f you know what a refuge and salvation bilingual education is to peo­ ple like us? “ M y fam ily and I were liv in g in M exico, where we had a store. We worked very hard there for many years, but we could not compete w ith the national economy and our business failed. A n uncle came to visit and Photo and article, written by Mandel it del Barco, appeared in Si Magazine, Spring 1996. Source: New York Times News Service. Photo credit: Joe Rodríguez convinced us that life would be better in the United States. We sold what was left o f our business and left fo rC a lifo r- nia, our new home. “ W hen we a rriv e d , m y father w orked w ith my uncle, but since he d id n ’t speak any English, they let him go. He began to look for w ork but all the doors were closed. Finally, he found a factory that offered him a jo b peeling onions, but he w ould have to w o rk at home. The onions came 50-lb. our first December here, m y father became very ill w ith an eye infection. One o f his eyes became infected from the acid that the onions produced when he peeled them. M y mother worked harder, and so did we. “ I tell you this story not to make you feel sorry for me. Out o f this sadness, we learned a lot. O ur fam ily stayed together. O ur love for each other was bags, and he earned $4 for each bag he strengthened. As I shared in my par­ ents’ suffering and hum iliation, I knew that I w ould have to be the one to live peeled. “ We all worked together: m y fa­ differently. I w ould have to change this cycle. I would have to become ther, mother, all m y sisters and I. But, educated. “ B ilin g u a l education is the institu­ tion that gives hope to the imm ¡grant in since the onions were so small, we could only clean about five bags per day. M y parents worked 14 to 15 hours a day, and we worked from the tim e we came home from school until we went to bed. Late at night, we w ould go to the streets, to collect alu­ minum cans and plastic bottles. “ On this country. As I worked nights peel­ ing onions, I dreamed o f the next day when I w ould attend m y classes. Inthis wonderful program (at Sierra Vista H igh) I have been able to participate since the moment I entered the first class. M y desire to learn has always been recognized by my teachers. I am learning two languages, and I am com­ puter literate in two languages, as well. “ The walls we encountered when we came to this country have never been at school B ilingual education has made the difference in my life that w ill permit me to change my fa m ily’ s cycle. I can fight for m y goals with pride and dignity.” In O u r Own W ords (F.n Nuestras Proprias Palahras) xx ill be a reg­ u la r feature o f I he Portland < Jbserx ador,offering to 11ispanie youth the opportunity to express their thoughts and feelings and to deseribe their experiences— as a Latino ill a predominantly Anglo enx ironm eiit. I lie Obserxador encourages o ur young readers to submit their oxxn xxriling and a photograph and xxe xxill try to lind space in o u r pages for you. /