Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 11, 1996, Page 12, Image 12

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    P age
S eptember
Catfioiicfamilies needed
Renowned speaker addresses evangelization
The Archdiocese o f Portland will
resume the Catholic Scholar series
on the church in the Third Millenni­
um with Father Richard J. Neuhaus
The series is being held in honor o f
the 150th anniversary o f the Archdi­
ocese o f Portland. Father Nuehaus
will speak on “Catholic Evangeliza­
tion in the Third Millennium” on
Sunday, September 22, 8:00 p.m., at
St. Mary’s Cathedral (N.E. 18th and
Couch, Portland) and on Monday,
Septem ber 23, 8:00 p m., at St.
M ary’s Church in Eugene (1062
Chamelton Street,.
Father Richard John Neuhaus is
acclaimed as one o f the foremost
authorities on the role o f religion He
is president o f The Institute on Reli­
gion and Public Life, a nonpartisan
interreligious research and educa­
tion institute in New York City He is
editor-in-chiefofthe Institute's pub­
lication "First Things: A Monthly
Journal o f Religion and Public Life.”
Formerly a Lutheran Clergyman,
he was senior pastor o f a low income
parish in Brooklyn, N Y. for seven­
teen years. He has been active in
leadership roles in organizations deal­
ing with civil rights, international
ju stic e and ecum enism . Among
awards for his work in this area is the
John Paul II Award for Religious
Freedom. He was ordained a Catho­
lic priest for the Archdiocese ofN ew
Wi, w o
One of the largest and most d i­
verse groups of religious leaders as­
sembled to support the cause of
worker justice will announce a new
organization — the National Inter-
faith Committee for Worker Justice
(NICWJ) — to fight for the rights of
low-wage workers and to forge a new
relationship between the religious
community and labor organizations.
The initial focus of the NICWJ is
the poultry processing industry, par­
ticularly Case Farms, a poultry pro­
cessor in Morganton, N.C. Case
Farms workers have raised serious
concerns relating to hazardous work­
ing conditions, including excessive
line processing speeds that increase
the chance of carpal tunnel syndrome,
chopped-off fingers and the inability
to detect contaminated poultry.
Members of the NICWJ board are
national leaders from 18 denomina­
tions, orders and faith communities,
including African Methodist Epis­
copal, African Methodist Episcopal
Zion, Baptist, Catholic, Church of
God, Episcopal, Lutheran, Method­
ist, P re sb y te ria n , R eform and
Reconstructionist Jewish movements
and Unitarian Universalist. Repre-
sentatives include: — Rev. Dr. Jo­
seph Echols Lowery — president.
Southern Christian Leadership Con­
ference— Bishop James Malone —
former president.
National Conference of Catholic
Bishops— Karen McLean Hessel —
program director, Justice for Women,
National Council of Churches— Rev.
McKinley Young — bishop, African
Methodist Episcopal Church, Atlanta
— Evely Shlensky — chairperson.
Commission on Social Action of Re­
form Judaism— Bishop Jesse De Witt
(ret.) — bishop, United Methodist
With a work force of 24O,(XX),
mostly immigrant laborers, poultry
processing is one of the nation’s
fastest-growing industries. Workers
arc raising serious concerns about
working conditions, wages and at­
tempts to stop them from organiz­
The NICWJ is forging links be­
tween the nation’s religious com m u­
nities and worker-led organizing ef­
forts fighting to improve wages, ben­
efits and working conditions, par­
ticularly for low-wage workers like
those in the poultry industry.
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York in September, 1991
Father Neuhaus has published sev­
eral articles and books including Free­
dom for Ministry, the Naked Public
Square: Religion and Democracy in
America, and The Catholic Move­
ment: The Paradox o f the Church in
the Postmodern World In 1988, U.S.
News and World Report named him
one o f 32 “most influential intellec­
tuals in America.”
Father Neuhaus was bom in Cana­
da, and is a graduate o f Concordia
Theological Seminary, St. Louis, MO.
On Sunday in Portland, the pre­
sentation by Father Neuhaus will be
preceded with a concert presented by
Keith Des Rochers. The concert is
part o f the Archdiocese Young Artist
series being held in conjunction with
the Catholic Scholar series. Keith
Des Rochers is a virtuoso at the pi­
ano, and is a master o f a remarkably
wide repertoire for a young artist. He
often perform s at St. E lizabeth
Church in Portland Hisprogram will
include Beethoven’s Waldstein so­
nata, G inastera’s Argentine Dances,
and m o v em en ts from O liv ie r
M essiaen’s Twenty Regards upon
the Infant Jesus.
The Piano concert will begin at
7:00 p.m., and Father Neuhaus will
begin his presentation at 8:00 p.m.
Both events are open to the public
and are free o f charge.
f f r d n g wtfewuWu
Lavada Jean Harris
Catholic Church has removed her
from the record books. The story was
previously filmed in 1972, with Liv
Ullmann playing Joan.
Ted T urner’s arthouse studio Fine
Line Features is making the latest
version, having paid six figures for
the rights to Donna Woolfold C ross’
upcoming novel, “Pope Joan.”
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Lavada Jean Harris died on Friday, August 30 o f congestive heart failure.
Mrs. Harris was born Lavada Jean Landon December 14,1914 to Reverend
Richard Land ol the Church ol Christ and Lida Jackson. The Land family
moved to Tyler, Texas. Lavada later joined St. James Methodist Christian
Episcopal Church (CME) in Tyler and was a member of Allen Temple
Church in Portland. She entered into matrimony with Robert W illiams and
Bernard Navarro Harris, who preceded her in death.
A lter receiving her B.S. Degree in Home Economics Education from
Texas College in Tyler, Texas, Mrs. Harris taught primary grades in Texas
and Oregon. Mrs. Harris enjoyed reading, writing, and family gatherings.
Ever mindful of the spiritual side ol her life, Mrs. Harris was prayerful, in
constant study of the word of God. She put her Christian beliefs into practice
each day of her life. Mrs. Harris was quiet, kind and generous. She believed
in sharing with others and gave unselfishly. She enjoyed her family and a
small circle of friends.
Mrs. Harris leaves to cherish her memory: three daughters; Lydia Roy, M.
Yvonne Williams, and Linda Jean Harris (Nickerson); two grandsons; Darryl
Nickerson and Nathan Jay Nickerson; two sisters, Lois A. Sayles of Portland,
and Velma L. Grays of Austin, Texas; one brother of Portland, Richard Land
Jr., son-in-law, Linzy Roy, Jr., The Wheat Family of Austin, Texas- niece,
Harovel G. Wheat; great niece, Danelle Wheat, great nephew, Daniel Wheat;
The Land Families of Los, Angeles. CA.- nephew, Harold Land, wife Lydia
Land, great nephew, Harold Land Jr., wife Sushie Land; grand nephew, Alvin
Armstrong Land and many other beloved relatives and friends.
Pope gender-bender
Popes weren’t always conserva­
tive old men. Hollywood is making
a movie about Pope Joan, who ap­
parently posed as a man to become
head of the Catholic Church in the
9th century.
The legend has existed for centu­
ries, with some claiming it’s truth,
others fiction. An em barrassed
11, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver
The book, a bestseller in France,
will be published by Crown in the
U.S. Sept. 18. The film is expected to
begin shooting in Europe next year.
According to C ross’ book, Joan
was brought up in a society in which
women were not allowed to learn to
read. She was exceptionally bright
and overcame obstacles by posing
as a man. The truth is uncovered
when she becomes pregnant by a
knight. Set against turbulent events
that include the Saracen sacking of
St. Peter’s, a fire that destroyed
most of the Vatican and the bloody
Battle of Fontenoy, the film is an
am bitious undertaking for Fine
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Parliament passes liberal abortion law
Poland’s leftist-dominated lower
house o f parliament voted Friday to
liberalize the country’s abortion law
in a measure denounced by the Ro­
man Catholic Church as complicity
in a monstrous crime
The house voted by 208 to 61
with 15 abstentions for amendments
to the restrictive 1993 anti-abortion
law, which will let women end preg­
nancies before the 12th week if they
are too poor to raise a child or have
other personal problems.
The vote, a blow to Polish-bom
Pope John Paul II, aroused instant
condem nation from the Catholic
Episcopate and from the Vatican,
which had rallied political allies and
believers to oppose the measure.
“The lower house ... is simply
lending its hand to a monstrous crime
which will be carried out in the full
majesty o f the law on tens or hun­
dreds o f thousands o f human be­
ings,” spokesman Bishop Tadeusz
Pieronek said in a statement.
He appealed to doctors and nurses
to boycott abortions, which the
church equates with killing.
Pope John Paul described abor­
tion as a terrible crime Friday just
hours after the lower house voted to
liberalize the laws and told a delega­
tion o f bishops from Thailand that
famil ies in their dioceses needed spe­
cial pastoral care in the face o f grow­
ing materialism which, he said, was
alien to Thai culture.
“The result is the advance o f a
“contraceptive mentality” which not
only contradicts the full truth o f con­
jugal love but also leads to a more
ready acceptance o f the terrible crime
o f abortion,” the Pope said.
The present law, passed under a
previous, center-right government,
allows abortions only if pregnancy
threatens a woman’s life or health,
results from rape or incest, or when
the fetus is irreparably damaged.
Supporters o f the change say the
current law leads to many personal
tragedies, bungled back-street abor­
tions and abandoned babies. There
has been a thriving business in abor­
tion tours to neighboring countries
for those women with enough money.
“ L ib e ra liz atio n does not p re ­
vent b elievers from living acc o rd ­
ing to th e ir re lig io u s p rin c ip le s,”
leftist deputy D anuta W aniek. a
b ack er o f the m ove, told PAP
new s agency.
Parliament passed similar amend­
ments in 1994 but they were vetoed
by the then President Lech Walesa,
a devout Catholic.
Walesa lost elections last year to
e x -c o m m u n ist
A le k s a n d e r
Kwasniewski, who has said he will
sign the new law after it passes the
Senate— which isunlikelytopresent
It should take effect 30 days later,
probably this year.
Several deputies said their votes
had been w rongly reco rd ed by
parliam ent’s com puterized system
and deputy speaker Marek Borowski
said he would consider a possible
Some other parliam entary oppo­
nents o f the bill, who led a mass
walk-out from the cham ber in hopes
o f preventing a quorum, said they
would appeal against the bill to the
country’s Constitutional Tribunal in
hopes o f still blocking it.
Although 90 percent o f Poles are
formally Catholics, surveys suggest
a majority favor liberalization
The new measure provides termi­
nations free o f charge for women
who meet the specified conditions
but contains safeguards to prevent a
return to the routine use o f abor­
tions, freely available before the 1989
fall o f communism.
Women applyingdue to so-called
social reasons have to first undergo
counseling and three days o f reflec­
T h e R e g io n a l D r u g I n it ia t iv e P r e s e n t s
Spirit Summit IV
“Building A Bridge Of Unity In The Community”
S eptem ber 2 0 , I 9 9 6
1 2 - 9 P.M.
M oore S treet S alvation A rmy , 5 3 3 5 N. W illiams A v e .
R eg is tr a tio n : I I ; 3 O A .M . - I 2 : 0 0 P.M.
I '■
A f t e r n o o n S e s s io n : I 2 ;O O - - 4 :4 5 P.M.
P o r t l a n d A d v e n t is t H e a l t h V a n : I 0 : 3 0 A .M . - I ;3 O P.M.
Special Greetings
Dr. Charles A. Moose, Chief of Police - Portland, OR
Keynote Address
Reverend Lewis Anthony, pastor of the Metropolitan Wesley AME Zion Church,
Washington, D.C.; National Advisor to the Anti-Drug Program of the Congress of
National Black Churches and the National Crime Prevention Council’s Advisory
Council on Community Responses to Drug Abuse.
Spirituality & ... Levels of Care in Treatment, Jails/Prisons,
Families/Housing, Virtues/Character, Resources/Faith
The Spirituality RAVE (Responsibility, Accountability, Vision, Engagement)
Celebrating Healing
Music, soloist, testimonies
c o d Ú rJI]
E v e n in g S e s s io n : 7 : 0 0 - 9 : 0 0 P.M.
F or
A d m is s io n
information call
2 9 4 -7 0 7 4