Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 11, 1996, Image 1

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Volume.X X V I, Num ber37
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Committed to cultural diversity
Introducing the
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A Brawl
for the Money
TV veteran Anne Potts
kicks off new series
'Dangerous Minds ’.
Rapper Coolio guest
House ofUmoja director
battles with youth gang
outreach program for
See Arts A Entertainment, page B3.
See Metro, page HL
(Lite ^ a rtia n h 0?
M rs . F ra n c e s S c h o e n -N
^ s p a c e r
U n i v e r s i t y o f O re g o n L i b r
u g e n e , O re g o n
m P amela J o r d w
• ’>*
September 11, 1990
The Danger Zone
Youth photojournalist
captures winning image
featured in the new
Hispanic addition.
See Observador, page Cl.
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Oregonexecutes Wright
ollowing the execution of Dou­
glas Wright, Oregon attorney
general Ted Kulongoski sent out
a short w ritten statem ent Friday saying
the S ta te of Oregon took Wright 's life on
behalf of its citizens.
/ *
He concluded w ith a haunting fin a l sen­
tence. “ M a y A lm ig h ty God have mercy on us
a ll.”
Senate passes
gay-marriage ban
President C lin to n says he believes ho­
mosexual partners should have certain
rights, but legal m arriage is not one o f
them. C lin to n now has his chance to stamp
this b e lie f into law. The Senate Tuesday
passed and sent to the president a b ill that
w ould a llo w states not to recognize same-
sex marriages perform ed in other states.
N o state currently allow s such unions, but
a pending court case in H awaii could make
that state the first.
New warning to Saddam
The Pentagon says the United States
w ill not hesitate to respond w ith force i f
the Iraqis threaten Am erican warplanes
p o licin g “ n o -fly " zones over northern and
southern Iraq. U.S. o ffic ia ls say they have
reiterated a w arning to Saddam Hussein
against re b u ild in g Iraq's southern a ir de­
fenses, w hich were battered last week by
tw o rounds o f cruise m issile attacks.
Perot picks
economist for VP
One p o litica l outsider has turned to
another p o litica l outsider. Reform Party
presidential nominee Ross Perot Tuesday
named economist Pat Choate as his run­
ning mate. He is 55 years old and worked
in the Commerce Department during the
N ixo n and Ford adm inistrations. He was
chosen after tw o House members and a
form er senator turned Perot down.
Yeltsin prepares
for surgery
Russian o ffic ia ls say a ilin g President
B oris Y eltsin is m aking p o litic a l prepara­
tions fo r his heart bypass surgery later this
month. K re m lin o ffic ia ls say Y eltsin has
p rim e
m in is te r
V ik t o r
C hernom yrdin partial control o f several
Mad at the ‘Dole Man’
The publisher o f the classic 1960s song
“ Soul M a n " is asking Bob D ole to stop
using the song as his u n o ffic ia l campaign
theme o r face legal action. R ondor M usic
International says Dole did not have per­
mission to use the song popularized by the
singing duo Sam and Dave, even though
the campaign has changed the lyrics to
“ D ole M an.”
A p p ro x im a te ly one year after the crime
the k ille r was apprehended. In that year,
Jaeger said she went from w anting to k ill him
h e rse lf to fo rg iv in g him.
“ M y comm itment as a Christian and my
psychological knowledge o f w ell being helped
me w ork toward an attitude o f forgiveness,”
said Jaeger. " I couldn 't do that in the beginning.
Forgiveness is hard work, but in G o d ’s eyes his
life was ju st as precious as my Susie’ s.”
I he D etroit. M ichigan, resident c a m e to
Oregon to denounce W rig h t’ s execution, and
to speak at a ra lly held by Oregon C o a litio n
A gainst the Death Penalty.
The k ille r telephoned Jaeger exactly one
year after he abducted the child in an effort to
“ taunt me,” said Jaeger. But instead ofpleading
w it h h im o r be i ng angry, she says she asked h i m
about his w e lfa re -w a n tin g to know how he
A fte r 40 years o f debate, U N . General
Assem bly has o ve rw h e lm in g ly approved
a treaty that w ould ban nuclear explosions
from the w o rld forever. B ut the assem­
b ly ’ s action is no, enough to implem ent
the treaty. India has vowed to block its
Marietta Jaeger (above right) speaks to the crowd at the Salem protestsuHspastweeic
Timothy Colli
was doing, and what he needed. She said that
those words o f concern disarmed him.
ness o f my daughter’ s life. You d o n ’ t honor
her by k illin g her kille r. She’ s w orthy o f
"H e dropped his guardenough to give me
som ething higher,” said Jaeger
enough info rm a tio n that the FBI was able to
id e n tify him and bring about his arrest,” said
A cco rd in g to Jaeger, states w ith the death
penalties have murder rates that are ju st as
high o r higher than those w ithout. She also
A t her request, he was sentenced to life in
prison w ithout parole instead o f death.
said that a disproportionate number o f those
on death row are people o f color. She be­
lieves p o liticia n s prey on the p u b lic ’ s fears
“ I had come to believe that to k ill someone
in my daughter's name w ould have been to
violate and profane the goodness and sweet­
and need fo r solutions by advocating the
death penalty
People think that somehow it should wort
they re afraid, and it helps to alleviate the
fear But how can we end violence by perpe
uating it and, in effect, validating it,” sai
She also said the death penalty victim ize
fam ily members o fm u rd e r victim s because i
does not end their g rie f and anger
" I'v e seen it over and over again,” sai<
Jaeger. “ A fte r the execution fa m ily m em ber
are still bitter, and torm ented."
U.S. vows to hit Iraq
he United States vowed on Sun­
Indiana Republican and one o f Congress’ s
day to hit Iraqi President Saddam
most in flu e ntia l voices on foreign affairs.
Hussein again for any aggres-
Senator Sam Nunn ofG e o rg ia , the ranking
sion but said it could not confirm reports
Dem ocratic member o f the Arm ed Services
of an Iraqi role in fresh Kurdish factional
Com m ittee and another respected foreign
fighting in northern Iraq.
p o lic y voice, said that i f Saddam "continues
“ I f he continues to behave in a way that is
aggressive and continues to use force in that
part o f the country, we w ill continue to ex­
tract prices,” W hite House C h ie f o f S ta ff
Leon Panetta said.
possibly topple Saddam, which has not been
a stated U.S. goal since the 1991 G u lf W ar
left him in place.
“ Saddam H ussein’ s regime must be o ve r­
throw n, said Senator Richard Lugar, an
to repress his p e o p le . .. we need to hit him and
hit him hard." The lawmakers spoke on the
A B C programme “ This W eek.”
Brent S cow croft, form er president George
B ush’ s national security advisor, called fo r
abolishing a presidential order that bars C IA
o ffice rs o r other U.S. o ffic ia ls from p lo ttin g
to k ill foreign leaders.
“ I think it ’ s past tim e that we ge, rid o f it,”
he said on “ Fox Sunday News.” The ban on
assassinations has been U.S. p o licy since
President Gerald Ford first ordered it in 1976.
Panetta made clear that the United States
Chuck Washington (left) publisher o f the Portland Observer, discusses
his vision o f the future o f journalism in Portland with Sean Cruz,
consultant and editor o f the Portland Observador.
was unlikely to take action in the Kurdish-
populated north, where the rival factions have
fought among themselves fo r 20 years while
Photo by Timothy Collins
struggling for independence from Baghdad.
McDougal goes to jail
h ite w a te r d e fe n d a n t Susan
what they can use against the C lintons,’
McDougal said Friday she had
M cD ougal said.
no information implicating Pres­
M cD ougal, her form er husband James
ident Bill Clinton in fraudulent business
M cD ougal and form er Arkansas Gov. Jim
deals, but would go to jail rather than
G uy Tucker were convicted on a string o f
invent evidence against him.
charges in the first W hitew ater tria l in May.
M cD ougal, w ho was sentenced last month
to tw o years in prison fo r her part in a fraud
and conspiracy plot in the m id- 1980s, faces
another prison term after refusing this week
UN Body OKs
nuclear blast ban
s ’ .'!E MYTH
Jaeger should know. She became an ex­
R epublican and Dem ocratic members o f
Congress urged the C lin to n adm inistration to
take stronger measures to destabilise and
private firm s and their employers. The
\ *
pert on the deatfi penalty when her seven-
year-old daughter, Susie, was kidnapped and
b ru ta lly murdered in 1973 w h ile on a camp­
ing trip in Montana.
Clinton touts welfare law
president used the women to hig h lig h t his
vision o f m oving poor people from w e l­
fare to w ork
“ It s ra c is t.it's n o ta d e te rre n tto c rim e ,it’ s
a p o litic a l tool p o liticians use to w in votes
and it doesn’ t bring any closure to the v ic ­
tim ’ s fa m ily ,” said Jaeger.
Bu, top ad m in istra tio n o ffic ia ls portrayed
the latest fig h tin g between Ira q ’ s rebellious
Kurds as a c iv il w ar in w hich it w o u ld be a
mistake fo r the U nited States to intervene.
roundtable discussion w ith six form er w e l­
fare mothers who now hold jo b s w ith
top m inistries. But o ffic ia ls say Yeltsin,
65, is keeping control over the so-called
“ red button” fo r nuclear attacks.
President C lin to n was back on the cam­
paign tra il Tuesday, discussing welfare
reform in Kansas C ity. C lin to n held a
M arietta Jaeger bel ieves K u lo n g o s k i’s plea
fo r mercy w ould have been unnecessary had
O re g o n ’ s citizens no, reinstated the death
to answer questions before a grand ju ry over
C lin to n ’ s role.
A federal ju d g e told M cD ougal she w ould
give her ja il tim e i f she again refused to
The M cD ougals were partners o f the pres­
ident and first lady H illa ry Rodham C linton
stand firm .
" I hope I have the strength o f m y co n vic­
tions, she said, adding that she was “ angry"
about her treatment by prosecutors.
in the disastrous W hitew ater real estate ven­
ture, w hich lies at the heart o f the ever-
w idening probe into C lin to n 's personal and
p o litic a l finances.
1986 by an Arkansas banker who testified
after strikin g a plea bargain deal that C linton,
who was then governor o f Arkansas, tw ice
A fte r James M cD ougal was sentenced he
pressured him to approve the loan.
Prosecutors said some o f the funds went
agreed to cooperate w ith the prosecution
team o f independent counsel Kenneth Starr
and his sentencing was postponed u n til N o­
vember. It is not c lear what inform ation ifa n y
he m ight have im p lica tin g the Clintons.
" They are not people who want the truth,
fh e y d o n ’ t want anything from me except
Susan M cD ougal said she knew o f nothing
im p lica tin g the Clintons. She said she had
w ith Starr s team, but said she planned to
Susan M cD o u g a l's convictions stem from
an illegal S300 000 loan she was given in
testify, but M cD ougal. 41, said on C N N ’ s
Larry K in g L ive said she w ould go to ja il on
Monday rather than cooperate w ith prosecu­
come under intense pressure, in c lu d in g
threats, to turn witness in a plea bargain deal
toward paying expenses o f the W hitew ater
M cD o u g a l's attorney, B obby M cD aniel,
said his client deserved a presidential pardon
but she said that w ould be v irtu a lly im possi­
Teen Sexual
exual harassment is a daily
reality for American te e n ­
agers and gender bias shapes
their lives, according to a USA W eek­
end magazine survey.
The survey entitled “ The Great Divide:
Teens and the Gender G ap." to be published
Sept. 8, a ls o fo u n d that parents still tended to
divide home chores along traditional lines
girls do the dishes, boys do the lawn
and teachers were stricter with boys in school.
The survey o f almost 223,000 teen-agers
found that three out o f four have been sexu­
ally harassed, girls believe they behave more
responsibly than boys — many boys dis­
agree -and having a sexual relationship hurts
girls more than boys. USA Weekend said its
non-scientiftc findings were backed by a
1996 University o f M ichigan study