P age A6 S eptember 4, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver S JEANIE’S CLEANERS 5403 NE 42ND AVENUE • 287-0008 Briggs Named Deputy City Manager assist the city manager in planning, directing and reviewing the activities and operations of the city. Among her specific duties, Briggs will participate in and advise the city manager in de­ veloping city policy; represent the city manager in a variety of internal, intergovernmental and community ac­ tivities; direct a comprehensive pro­ gram for efficient delivery of city ser­ vices; facilitate on-going communica- VancouverCity Manager Vernon E. Stoner announced Tuesday that Mary Jo Briggs has been selected from a field of regional candidates for the new position of deputy city manager Briggs is currently serving as interim director of the city’s Parks and Recreation Department. From August 1995 to April 1996, she was interim city manager. In her new position, Briggs will tion with the city council and assist in daily administrative functions of the city. Briggs has worked for the City of Vancouver for 19 years as a program coordinator, management analyst and Operations Center manager. She was assistant public works director for six years. In July 1994, she was named budget manager. She is a graduate of the University of Nebraska. Popularity Halts Scholarship Vancouver Parks and Recreation Department’s low-income schol­ arship fund was so successful in 1996 that the $I5,(XX) allotment has been used up. The ScholarshipZFee Reduction Program began in 1992 with ap­ proval from VancouverCity Coun­ cil. Council approved $15,000 for assistance to low-income families who wanted to participate in Parks and Recreation programs. Over 400 families received assistance for pre­ school, youth programs, adult en­ richment classes, fitness/weight room and swim lessons. Unless a new funding source is found, the scholarship program will not be re-activated until 1997 when the new budget is in effect. Current scholarship holders and people who have already applied will be given priority when the scholarship fund is replenished ¡COUPON; ¡COUPON; Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Inllation Buster Dry Cleaning Special s4.00 OFF Drapery Cleaning On Any Dry Cleaning Order Lined & Unlined Any Size Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added Professional Pleated • Piek-up & Rehung Extra Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only JEANIE'S CLEANERS JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 9-30-96 Expires 9-30-96 ■COUPON! ■COUPON! Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Inflation Buster Laundry Special $8.00 OFF On Any Dry Cleaning Order Laundered Shirts 95e NO LIMIT Of $20.00 or More With $10.00 Incoming Dry Cleaning Order Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons JEANIE'S CLEANERS JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 9-30-96 Expires 9-30-96 ■COUPON! ■COUPON! Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special 40.00 OFF Dry Cleaning or Laundered Pants Kids get fit for free MacArthur Blvd., and Minnehaha Elementary, 28(X) NE 54th, as sites for the program that benefits chil­ dren kindergarten through third- grade. Emphasis is on developing motor skills and healthy lifestyle hab­ its in a non-competitive environment. A new location has been added to the free kids fitness program avail­ able through the City of Vancouver’s Parks and Recreation Department. Peter S. Ogden E lem entary School, 81(X) NE 28th S t , joins M arsh all E le m e n ta ry , 6 4 0 0 A fourth site is in the process of being added to the popular pro­ gram. To register, or for more inform a­ tion, call or visit Bagley Center, 4KX) Plomondon, 696-8075. Class size is limited. Get Team Spirit This Fall Adults and youth can gear up for fall with these opportunities from the Vancouver Parks and Rec­ reation Department. Activities include: * Adult flag football 8-on-8 rec­ reational league, Saturdays, begin­ ning Oct. 5. * Youth roller hockey league, Sun­ days beginning Sept. 29. Teams are divided by age groups, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14. * 3-on-3 basketball tournament, Sept. 27 and 28. Grades 1-12 and On Any Dry Cleaning Order Mens or Womens Of $30.00 or More $3.25 Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons JEANIE'S CLEANERS JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 9-30-96 Expires 9-30-96 adults 18 and over welcome. * Volleyball drills class, M on­ days, Sept. 16-Nov. 25. C a ll B a g le y C e n te r , 6 9 6 - 8006, or M arshall C e n te r, 696- 8236 for m ore in fo rm a tio n , and to reg ister. City looks for ghostly special effects The c ity 's O ffice o f H eritage S erv ices is lo o k in g for v o lu n ­ teers w ith great, lo w -co st sp e ­ cial e ffe c t ideas to use in the G host S to ries on O ffic e rs Row p rogram next fall. Last October was the debut of Ghost Stories on Officers Row. Stories of generals, soldiers, gov­ ernesses, mothers-in-law and mur­ der victims form the heart of the program. The Victoria-era homes on the Row serve as the backdrop. "Volunteers will work with lots of nice people and ghosts during this fu n -fille d p ro je c t," sa y s Jane 99* A PLEAT Of $12.00 or More ¡COUPON! N< DC O £ Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special 0) 0 M orrison, coordinator for the City Parks Department's Heritage O f­ fice. The Offices of Heritage Services provides meaningful and varied op­ portunities for volunteers interested in historic homes and buildings. For details, call Jane Morrison, 699-5288. NE 42NDAVE. Sleeping Bag Cleaning Special s5.99 Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons JEANIE'S CLEANERS Jeanie's Cleaners 5403 NE 42nd Ave. Expires 9-30-96 (Llje ^ n r tla n it (©bseruer LUCICOITICS T he K orean A merican G rocery Alberto Street Market, 915 N.E. Alberta 281- 6388 A ssociation of O regon Dekum Food Market, 800 N.€. Dekum Owner: Sonny Kim 283-1240 Boston Market, 726 N.€. Killingsworth 282- 6776 Ainsworth Market, 5949 N.€. 30th 281-0479 Prescott Corner Market, 1460 N.€. Prescott 284-7418 King Food Mart, 3510 N.€. MLK ßlvd. 281-0357 W e 285-8006 KC2 Food Market, 1301 N.€. Dekum 289-7430 Owner: Tom Choi Sunny's Market, 5020 N. Interstate Owners: Gil S. Kim & Jung Jo Kim 283-1240 A ppreciate Y our B usiness T hank Y ou t I and S upport