Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 04, 1996, Page 4, Image 4

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P age A4___________________________________________________________________________ ___________ __________________ S eptember 4, 1996 * T he P ortland O bserver
Cjospel in motion
phony by Michael Haydn, brother
of the great Franz Joseph Haydn,
and the enchanting Story of the
Little Taylor by Hungarian com­
poser Tibor Harszanyl. David Ap­
ple of KATU Channel 12 will nar­
rate this work and once again charm
the audience as he did last season
w hen he became storyteller per ex­
cellence for SCO’s performance of
Poulenc’s delightful Babarthe Ele­
Minde and his orchestra’ con­
clude this season of high quality
performances in mid-spring w ith an
all-Beethoven program containing
Symphony Number 3 in E flat and
Violin Concerto in D major SCO
Concert Master, Karen Bryan, per­
forms as soloist of this latter, in­
comparable piece.
Both the March 9 May 18 con­
certs will be performed at 3:00 p.m.
at the Hillsdale Community Church,
6918 SW Capitol Highway.
A Yuletide Perform ance of
Johann Sebastian Bach'sChristmas
Oratorio on Sunday, December 1 st
at 8:00 p m marks the opening of
the Sinfonia Concertante Orches­
tra’s seventh season under the lead­
ership of Maestro Stefan Minde
Back from conducting the Arizo­
na Opera’s two complete perfor­
mances of Wagner’s “Ring Cycle”
(DerRingsdesNibelungen), Minde
promises an exquisite spiritual and
musical experience on the first day
of Advent at the beautiful, newly
renovated St. Mary’s Cathedral lo­
cated at 1716 N.W. Davis in Port­
SCO’s Sunday, March 9th con­
cert dedicated to “music-loving chil­
dren of all ages” features perfor­
mances of SCO musicians in tan­
dem with the student orchestra of
St. Mary of the Valley School.
Among others works, this musical
event offers listeners the Toy Sym-
f a it h in action
Thirteen local Presbyterian
churches havejoined forces to build
Portland Habitat for Humanity’s
first duplex.
The partnership began a year ago
with a 550,000 goal and a desire to
make simple, decent houses avail­
able for purchase by low-income
families. Now, with 90 percent of
the money raised and the entire
house framed, this leap of faith has
become a real labor of love.
The local Presbyterian Steering
Committee challenged the church­
es to activate their faith by sponsor­
ing a Habitat for Humanity project
last spring.
Reverend Ben Paroulek of Pied-
mont Presbyterian Church, chair­
man and chief cheerleader of the
project’s steering committee, said,
“It’s incredible what can happen
when faith fuels the effort to serve
those in need.”
Since the project began, more
than 3,500 volunteers have donated
their sweat, skills and savings to
keep the conjoined houses on sched­
ule for completion in early 1997.
Working side-by-side with future
homeowners, church volunteers
develop personal attachments to the
More information on this project
and Habitat for Humanity is avail­
able by calling 287-9529.
L et’s Celebrate Together
A Day Ofjubhe!
Christ Memorial Church
1552 N. Killingsworth
Mortgage Burning Celebration
September 6th - 8th, 1996.
Special guest Friday night at 7:00 PM.
Rev. Lonnie Hosley & Heavenhound Gospel Choir.
Don't miss this great time of praise and celebration !!
Saturday at 11:00 am is our family picnic.
Location will be Fernhill Park Food-Fun-Games.
Sunday afternoon at 3:00 PM will be our Open Door Celebra­
tion. it will be a time o f praise, worship and music. Please
bring a friend, and refreshments will be served following the
For more information please contact:
Rev. Roy Tate 286-7122.
Returning request from Jieaven
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’s na­
tive son Michael Scott, comes through
with a most promising, uplifting, in­
spirational message in a new collec­
tion of Gospel songs.
Lord, Let Me Hear From Heaven
is The Outreach Choir’s second al­
bum on the Atlanta-based record la­
bel, Intersound. Their debut album,
Hold On, was released in 1995 on
Intersound, establishing them as one
of the new bright spots of the year
and earning the group kudos through­
out the Pennsylvania area.
Michael Scott & The Outreach
Choir is up the task and should have
a tremendous impact in Gospel mu­
sic. According to industry experts
who have taken a listen, most will
agree with Jam es B ullard,
Intersound’s VP ofGospel, who says,
“This project contains one of the
most spirit-filled songs of our time
led by a mother and daughter team
(Dr. Mattie Moss Clark & Twinkie
Clark-Terrell) that 1 ever had the
pleasure of working with. The title
cut will send chills up and down your
spine and bring tears to your eyes.”
A ccording to Jerry Peters,
Intersound’s A&R Director, “The
title cut has a great chance of being a
classic in the mold of ‘Order My
Steps,’ (a recent hit by labelmate Salt
Of The Earth) and soloists and choirs
will want to cover this tune.”
“I think there’s song for every­
body on this album,” says Michael.
“We hope listeners will play it for
words of encouragement.”
Heavy emphasis has been placed
on “Lord, Let Me Hear From Heav-
Michael Scott & The Outreach Choir
en,” and “I Am Determined,” as the
double-sided single release which
has been shipped to radio and “should
give us a strong position on radio
p la y lists,” according to Je ff
Hargrove, Intersound Gospel Mar­
keting Director. Says Intersound
Gospel Radio Promotions Director,
Melissa Clark, “This project will pro­
vide ‘soul-food’ for everyone.”
Focusing on the youth o f the
The Jesus Series ‘Begins
The Archdiocese of Portland will
initiate a new monthly lecture series
on the person and significance of
Jesus Christ.
The “Jesus Series” will begin with
a presentation by Father John
O'Donnell, S.J. on the "Foundations
ofChristology." His presentation will
be given on Friday, September 20 at
Mt. Angel Seminary (Mt. Angel,
OR ), and on Saturday, September
21 at the Franciscan Renewal Center
(0858 S.W. Palatine Hill Road, Port­
land). The talk will begin at 7:30 p.m.
on both evenings.
The “Jesus Series” places before
both the Catholic and ecumenical
faith communities, the Church’s
teaching regarding the person and
significance o f Jesus Christ. The
Series will focus on Jesus Christ as
the resurrected Lord proclaimed by
Tradition and Scripture. Drawing
from the insights o f outstanding the
person of Jesus, but to demonstrate
the Christocentricism intrinsic to the
Catholic faith.
Father John O ’Donnell, S.J. is the
Rector o f Weston Jesuit Community
in Cambridge, MA. He is a Lecturer
in Dogmatic Theology, Weston Je­
suit School of Theology. Bom in
1944, Father O'Donnell entered the
Society o f Jesus July 30, 1962. He
was ordained a priest June 1, 1974.
He received a doctoral degree from
Oxford University. He was a lecturer
at Heythrop College, University of
London (1980-1984) and was Pro­
fessor o f Dogmatic Theology at the
Pontifical Gregorian University in
Rome (1991-1994). He has authored
several books including Pray er in the
Catechism (Cassell, 1995).
The Series is organized by the Arch­
diocese of Portland in collaboration
with the University o f Portland,
Marylhurst College and Mt. Angel
Seminary: The series will consist of
nine presentations held monthly Sep­
tember 1996 through May 1997.
church, the 3 5-member choir remains
versatile enough for everyone. Hav­
ing arranged, directed, produced and
co-written some songs on their debut
release Hold On as well as on the
current album, Michael explains this
versatility further. "We can go from
a hymn inspired song, like ‘Holy
Ghost Abide,’ o r ‘Lord I Want To Be
Effective’ to something very con­
temporary like 'Jesus Is All I Need’
or Great Things’ straight into down-
home shout song like ‘Send The
Light.’” He adds, “Most other choirs
are one or the other, but we’re unique,
since we offer variety.”
Growing up in Philadelphia in the
‘ 70s, Michael set his dreams to form
the most versatile choir of the centu­
ry and after a listen to their new
album, onejust might say that they’ve
heard from Heaven.
Cox Funeral Home
2736 N.E. Rodney, Portland, Oregon (503) 281-4891
“Before You Must Make a Decision’’
Inspect the Beautiful Cox Funeral Chapel
Planning your
funeral is our first
Equipped to serve
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veterans and
Jerome Tanner
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T h e R e g io n a l D r u g I n it ia t iv e P r e s e n t s
tvii&octi ¿eavittcy &o*ne on yo&!
Spirit Summit IV
Evening classes, 6:30 - 9:30, starting Sept. 23, at
“ ‘Building
A Bridge Of Unity In The Community”
4905 N. Vancouver Ave. at Humbolt Street
S eptem ber 2 0 , I 9 9 6
I 2 - 9 P.M.
M o o r e S t r e e t S alvation A r m y , 5 3 3 5 N. W il l ia m s A v e .
R e g is t r a t io n : I I : 3 O A .M . - I 2 : 0 0 P M .
A f t e r n o o n S e s s io n : I 2 : 0 0 - 4 : 4 5
North Portland Bible College
1. Associate Degree Program
Comprehensive Bible study and ministry training
Transferrable credits to local Christian colleges
Guided course selection toward degree completion
P.M .
E v e n in g S e s s io n : 7 : 0 0 - 9 : 0 0 P.M .
P o r t l a n d A d v e n t is t H e a l t h V a n : I 0 : 3 0 A .M . - I : 3 O P M .
2. Certificate Programs
Bible Certificate, Christian Teachers’ Certificate
Recognition for completion of sequences
Special Grettiags
Dr. Charles A. Moose, Chief of Police - Portland, OR
Keynote Address
Reverend Lewis Autliuny, pastor of the Metropolitan Wesley AME Zion Church,
Washington, D.C.; National Advisor to the Anti-Drug Program of the Congress of
National Black Churches and the National Crime Prevention Council’s Advisory
Council on Community Responses to Drug Abuse.
Spirituality & ... Levels of Care in Treatment, Jails/Prisons,
Families/Housing, Virtues/Character, Resources/Faith
The Spirituality RAVE (Responsibility, Accountability, Vision, Engagement)
Gdebrating Healing
Music, soloist, testimonies
A d m is s io n is FREE
F or
RDI AT 2 9 4 - 7 0 7 4
3. Enrichment (Either credit or audit)
Selection of classes according to interest or need
Focus on specific issues or challenges
Spiritual growth for more effective service
For more information, call or write to the registrar.
North Portland Bible College
P.O. Box 11437, Portland OR 97211
(503) 288-2919
Equip yourself with an adult understanding
of the Bible, to meet today’s challenges.