k ?•. .• -V.' < P age B4 ¿yi- * S eptember 4, 1996 • T he P o r tlan d O bserver / a r Request for Bids Clean Room & Shower Facility Metro, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, hereby requests written bids for the following projects/services. Sealed bids must be delivered to the Regional Environmental Manage­ ment Department, to the attention of Ray Barker, Managemen Assistant, no later than 11:00AM , M onday, S e ptem ber 9, 1996, at which time they will be publicly opened and read in Room 275. Clean Room & S how er Facility. Metro is requestinc bids for supplying on 12’ X 40’ modular clean room anc shower facility for use at this household Hazardous Waste Facilities located at 2001 W ashington Street, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 (RFB #96B-29-REM ) Contact: Regional Environmental Management De partment, (503) 797-1650 Bid Due Date: 11:00AM, M onday, S eptem ber 9,1 9 9 6 Bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes which clearly identify the services as stated int he RFB. That RFB represents the most definitive statement Metro will make and is available at the above address from 8:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Monday- Friday or by calling (503) 797-1650. All bids must conform to the RFB format, answer all questions and be complete including the use of any required forms. Metro may reject any bid not in compliance with the prescribed RFB requirements and any or all bids if such action is deemed in the public interest. Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person or firm based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or marital status. Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically encourages minority and women-owned businesses to ac­ cess and participate in this and all Metro projects, programs and service. Informational Advertisement Department Of Transportation Call For Bids I Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on September 26,1996 for the projects listed below: County DESCHUTES Drake Park Foot Bridge (Bend) Section o a Multi - Use Foot Path in the City of Bend. Timber Structure. A Mandatory Prebid Meeting Will Be Held At 11:00 AM On September 11,1996, At City Hall Annex, 745 NW Bond In Bend, OR. WASCO Port of the Dalles (Chenoweth) Section o the Columbia River Highway (I-84) in The Dalles. 6% DBE goal. DBE subject to Comm ercially Useful Function (CUF requirements. Reinforced Concrete Bridges. This Projec I Contains Fuel And Asphalt Escalation Clauses. A Manda tory Prebid Meeting Will Be Held At 10:00 AM On Septem ber 10,1996, At The Dalles Project Manager’s Office. Plans, specifications and bid documents may be obtained in room 1, Transportation Building, Salem, Oregon 97310. Plans may be ordered by phone at (503) 986-3720, or by facsimile at (503) 986-3224. There is a $20.00 charge for plans and specifications per project. Prime contractors must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day. For addi­ tional information regarding pre-qualification, please contact Fran Neavoll, Program Section, at (503) 986-3877. If your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) or a W omen Business Enterprise (WBE), I please contact the Office of Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone (503) 378-5651. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Sub Bids R equested New Beaverton Elementary School Findley Site Union Station Housing A-1 Phase Beaverton, Oregon Bid Package No. 2 Structural, Mechanical & Electrical Bid Date: September 5, 1996 * 2:00 pm DONALD M. DRAKE COMPANY 1740 N.W. Flanders DRAKE Portland, OR 97209 (503) 226-3991 Fax (503) 243-2775 Proposals due 3:00 p.m. (PST), October 11, 1996 The Portland Development Commission seeks proposals from interested persons to participate in the construction of a shor term parking garage in the core area of downtown Portland The full scope of work, additional information and instructions on submitting a proposal are described in greater detail in supporting documents available from: The Donald M. Drake Company intends to bid the concrete work of Bid Package No.2 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, minonty, women, Vietnam era veterans, disabled veterans, or emerging small business enterprises. Sub-Bids Requested Cancer Research Addition US Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center Bid Date: September 19,1996 4:00 pm Contractors License No.: 694151 A & B N IE LS E N /D ILLIN G H A M BUILDERS, IN C 1001 SW 5th Ave Ste 1100 Portland, OR 97204 (503) 223-2634 (503) 223-2863 Subcontractors may be requested to furnish Payment and Performance Bonds. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and Request Sub Bids from all Qualified interested firms, including disadvantaged, Minority, Women, Disabled Veterans and Emerging Small Business Enterprises. Design Build Sub-Bids Requested Cancer Research Addition US Dept. of Veterans Affairs Medical Center Bid Date: Septembe r 19, 1996 @ 4;00 p.m. Andersen Construction Co., Inc. 6712 N. Cutter Circle, Portland, OR 97217 (503) 283-6712 Fax (503) 283-3607 Oregon Contractor’s Board Registration #63053 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvan­ taged, minority, women and emerging small business enterprises. Sub-Bids Requested Pearl Court Apartments - NW Johnson and Ninth 5 stories of wood frame -19 9 units of housing Bid Date: September 12,1996 by 3:00pm Walsh Construction Co. 3015 SW First Ave. Portland, OR 97201 503-222-4375 Fax 503-274-7676 Contact: Don Geddes, Dean Lindstrom or Martha Davalos Plans Available at: Walsh Construction Co., BCA, Construction Data, DJC Plan Center, Impact Business Consultants, OAME, & Oregon Contractor Plan Center. ITEMS EXCLUDED: Framing, Plumbing, Foundation Labor, HVAC, Electrical. Emerging Small Business Enterprises, Minority Business Enter­ prises and Women-owned Business Enterprises are encouraged to bid on this work. Inverness Jail Expansion & Remodel Project Overview and Orientation Meeting M/WBE Contracting Opportunities with Multnomah County Oregon and Hoffman Construction Company Monday, September 9th, 5:30pm-7:30pm at OAME Cascade Center 4134 N. Vancouver Portland, OR Maureen Kallman, Development Technician Sub B ids R equested Portland Development Commission Portland, Oregon 97204 Inverness Jail Expansion & Remodel (503) 823-3337 Portland, Oregon The Portland Development Commission is committed to acting affirmatively to encourage and facilitate the participation of Emerging Small Businesses (ESB), Minority Business Enter­ prises (MBE), and W omen Business Enterprises (WBE) in Comm ission projects and operations. Specific EBB/MBE/WBE utilization goals have been established fut this contract. BP#1 - Site Utilities, Dormitory Foundation, Piling and Underslab Utilities 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1100 he successful applicant(s) must be certified by the City of Portland as an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer; be licensed to do business in the City of Portland; and must com ply with the established goals in this project as contained in the Request for Proposal (“ RFP”). Advertise In {The J J o v tla n b ODhsevuer Call (503) 288-0033 HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON Bid Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934 1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417 We are an equal opportunity employer an request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. City Of Portland CCS #84045 MEETING NOTICE --Public N otice- Portland Development Commission Request For Proposals Central City Parking Garage Portland, Oregon Bid Date: September 19,1996 at 2:00pm Concrete Work - Bids Due: 2pm, September 10,1996 at Multnomah County Purchasing All Work Except C o n c r e te - Bids D u e 2pm, September 11,1996 10 Day advance Prequalification with Multnomah County required forbids in excess of $50,000 HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF OREGON Bid Phone: (503) 221 -8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8934 1300 SW Sixth Avenue - Portland, OR 97201 - OR License #28417 We are an equal opportunity employer an request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterpnses Bureau of Water Works Workforce Planning Project Proposals Due 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 1,1996 Request For Proposals The City of Portland Bureau of W ater W orks is requestinc proposals from qualified consulting firms with demonstratec experience in human resources planning and development to provide a strategic workforce planning process and to guide use and integration of that process with other Water Bureau plans. This planning project will encompass five hundred Bu reau employees working in six major functional groupings, housed at three primary locations, with approximately two thirds of the workforce represented by seven labor unions. A complete description of the project, specific requirements and evaluation criteria for the proposal may be obtained from the Mary Jo Clove, Bureau of W ater Works, Room 600, 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Portland UR 97204 (503) 823-7451. ’roposals shall be reviewed and rated by a consultant selection committee in accordance with Chapter 5.68 of the City Code Interviews may be held with the highest rated firms. Consult­ ants shall be required to conform to the City MBE/WBE and Equal Employment Opportunity Programs. Attention is called to Chapter 3.100 of the City of Portland Code relative to certification as an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Details of EEO certification requirements are avail­ able from the Bureau of Purchases, Room 1313,1120 SW Fifth Ave, Portland OR 97204, (503) 823-6855. ’ roposals shall be received until 4:00 PM, Tuesday October 1 1996. Education Head Start Of Yamhill County Associate Director Of Marketing And Public Relations Now accepting applications for City of Eugene-Cultural the following positions: ’ Services E ducation C o o rd in a to r: In­ $2690-$3432/mo. sures compliance with head Seeking an individual to per­ Start Performance Standards form a variety of complex and Plans/implements staff train­ professional strategic market­ ing and developmental pre­ ing, promotion, and public re­ school curriculum. Supervise lations duties on behalf of the teaching staff. FT $11.06- Huit Center for the Perform­ $13.19/hr. Aug-June. BA/BS ing Arts and Cuthbert Amphi­ in ECE or related field and 3 theater, publicly owned and yrs. exp. or equiv. combina­ operated facilities. Requires tion. Billingual (Span/Eng) two to three years of profes­ desired. sional program development F a m ily A d v o c a te : C oord, and arts administration expe­ health/social services to fami­ rience, preferably in the per­ lies through home visits. FT forming arts, entertainment, and 20 hrs/wk positions $8.98/ membership/donor/patrol in­ hr. BA/AA & 2 years exp or dustries: equivalent to a equiv. Bilingual (Span/Eng) bachelor’s degree with major desired. course work in arts adminis­ Child Care Aides: On-call. Pro­ tration, marketing, humanities, vides child care during pro­ or related field. Closing Date: gram activities. $5.83/hr. HS September 20, 1996. Obtain diploma/GED & exp. application Packet from Hu­ Substitute Classroom Aide: man Resource and Risk Ser­ Substitutes as Teacher Aide, vices, 777 Pearl Street, Eu­ Food Service, Child Care or gene, OR 97401. (541) 687- Cleaning Aide. Requires ex­ 5061. AA/EOE. perience with children ages 3-4. On-call. $5.83/hr. Ticket Sales Regular and S ubstitute Bus Driver: Requires current Or­ Supervisor egon Driver’s License and City of Eugene, Huit Center abilityto obtain Oregon School $2,292.50-$2,826/mo. Bus Driver’s License. We will Assists in supervising the day- train. Regular Driver position to-day operations of the Huit is PT. Sub position is on-call. Center Ticket Office. Requires $6.97/hr. three years’ experience in box Cook: Must be able to work well office ticket sales (including w/adults & small children, fol­ computerized box office ticket low sanitation regulations, or­ sales environment), supervi­ ganized & flexible. HS Di­ sory experience, and com­ ploma/GED. 20 hrs/wk. $6.97/ puter skills. Closing Date: hr. September 13, 1996. Obtain Teacher: Plan/implement de- application and supplemen­ velopm entally appropriate tal questionnaire from Human classroom for 3 & 4 year olds, Resource and Risk Services, home visits, supervise class­ 777 Pearl Street, Room 101, room staff & volunteers. AA in Eugene OR 97401. (541 ) 687- ECE or CDA required plus 2 5061. AA/EOE yrs. exp. FT Sept-May $8.98/ hr. Electrician All positions require ability to Limited Duration meet basic physical qualifica­ Now Hiring one electrician tions, current ODL, and in­ to work until June 1997 for the sured vehicle or acceptable Legislative Adm inistration alternative available for use Committee. Salary Is $2,278 - on the job. $3,054. a general Journey­ Apps. and info, available at 800 man Electrician License is NE 2nd St. McMinnville. 472- required. For application in­ 2000. Include resume w/ap- formation call (503) 986-1373. plication. Closes Sept. 6, Employee Services, Room 5:00PM. 140 State Capitol, Salem OR Head Start of Yamhill County TTY: (503) 986-1374 Fax: offers an excellent benefits (503) 986-1684. Deadline for package and is an Equal Op­ application is September 13, portunity Employer. 1996.