Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 04, 1996, Page 13, Image 13

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1 m-: P ori la n d O bserver » S eptember 4, 1996
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Demarest's moon is rising
B e i k y H akbison
efit concerts fo r the W om en’ s The­
Theresa Demarest expresses her
music in her songs reflecting innova­
tion all around her.
ater Concert Series and the N o On 9
A ll o f her music is a com fortable
blend o f fo lk music and jazz. It lets
One o f Theresa’ s most valued gifts
in music are the artists she meets. Her
band, Good Company, is comprised
you listen and enjoy her voice re­
gardless o f your feelings and prefer­
o f many talented musicians such as
Janice Scroggins. Janice is an ac­
ence in music style. The passion is
m oving, the emotions wrap around
the words and into your ears through
her outlook on life.
complished pianist who performs fre­
q u e n tly w ith T h e re sa . L in d a
H ornbuckle and M yrtle B row n sings
'pnicbuf (6e 6(6
In appreciation o f her music, she
has been nom inated this year fo r
Sure hits.
Film s o f M ichael Powell and
Emeric Pressburger presented at
the N orthw est F ilm Center, in ­
clu d in g Spy in Black and C on­
traband, Friday, 7 pm; The Red
Shoes, Sat., 7 and 9 : 15 pm., ‘filth
P a ra lle l and One o f O u r A irc ra ft
“ Contemporary S tylistic Songwriter
o f the Year A w ard” from the P ort­
land S ongw riter’ s Association.
women are w ell w orth watching.
On lead guitar fo r Good Company
is T im E llis. T im is a rare and talent­
ed guitarist, his sounds w ill stay w ith
you fo r a long time.
In 1993, the Portland M usic Asso­
c ia tio n ’ s Songw riter’ s Contest award­
ed her as a sem i-finalist. In 1992,
they awarded her as the w inner in the
F olk/A coustic Category fo r her song,
The polish in Good Company are
D ennis S p rin g e r on sax; Jim m y
Solberg on bass; Jeff Cumpston on
drums; and D ick Saunders on blues
“ Carry M e A w ay.”
is M issing, Sun., 6 pm, 1219
S.W . Park Ave., 221-1156.
Theresa has been perform ing in
fo lk music since the m id-sixties. She
You can enjoy these p ro ficie n t
m usicians on Theresa’ s new C D ,
“ Moon R ising.”
Dub Debrie.
has traveled w idely around the States
since then.
A n encore performance, Fri.
& Sat., 7 pm, Heathman Bakery
& Pub, 901 S.W . Salmon St.,
Theresa has used her music fo r
The band w ill have a C D release
performance at the Portland Center
fo r the P erform ing A rts, Saturday
many causes; such as donating part
o f her C D sales and perform ing ben­
September 7th, in the W inningstad
w ith the Blues Masters; all o f these
Theresa Demarest
(center) is pictured
here with Janice
Scroggins, Linda
Hornbuckle and
Myrtle Brown. Join
them for an even­
ing o f Folk/Jazz
fused with Blues
as they celebrate
Demarest's latest
CD "Moon Rising
op Paperbacks
The top 15 trade paperback
bestsellers, according to the Aug. 26
edition o f Publishers Weekly:
H um m ingfish, Sweet V irg in ­
ia w ill perform at B e rb a ti’ s Pan
at 10 pm, 231 S.W . 3rd Ave.,
(6c 7(6
Tony Bennett.
Check out the man, check out
the magic, 7 pm, at the Sokol
B lo s s e r W in e ry in D undee,
$35.50 from Fastixx.
A Cultural Revolution
P a m e l a J ordan
1 Snow F a llin g on Cedars, Dav
id Guterson,Vintage, $12.00, Last
Week: 1, Weeks on List: 46
2 C hicken Soup fo r the Soul,
edited by Jack C anfield & Mark
Hansen, Health Communications
$I2.(X), Last Week: 2, Weeks on
List: 108
ipating in the band. The instructors check
Dozens o f youngsters honk horns,
giggle and stroll over the grassy hills o f
t-aurelhursl Park, gravitation to four
report cards regularly. The checking pays
ofl. Harrison says the overall grade point
average o f the band is 3.5.
Malcolm Lewis, a student at Beau­
rows o f chairs bent in a semi-circle. It's
the makeshift bandstand at the scene o f
mont Middle School said his grades got
better when he joined the band.
yet another summer concert fo r the
Cultural Recreation Band.
3 7 H abits o f H ig h ly Effective
People, Stephen R. Covey, Simon &
S ch u ste r/F ire sid c, $12.00, Last
Week: 3, Weeks on List. 290
“ M y GPA was 3.5, now it’s around
4.0,” said Lewis. “ I get to play harder
kinds o f music than I did in my school
band, and I get to do more soloing.”
Pre-concert commotion centers around
executive director Ronnye Harrison, as
kids run up to him asking about instru­
4 R e v iv in g O p h e lia . M a ry
Pipher, B allantine, $12.50, Last
Week: 5, Weeks on List: 71
5 I)r. A tk in s ’ New Diet R evolu­
tion, D r RobertC. Atkins, M. Evans,
$12.95, Last Week: 7, Weeks on
List: 33
Young composers.
ments, music stands, and uniforms.
“ I don’t know whose brainchild it was
The Y oung Composers C o l­
lective is a benefit concert fo r
to get rid o f music when they looked for
things to cut in schools, but it obviously
Malcom's mom, Lynda said her son’s
self-discipline has improved because he
knows if he wants to keep playing solos in
the band he’s got to stay on top o f his
hum anitarian aid to Chiapas,
came from someone who didn't care
about the long-term welfare o f children,"
said Harrison.
practicing. She enrolled Malcolm and his
11 -year-old brother, Adam in the band
because she said she and her husband
‘That’s why it’s more critical than ever
we exist," Harrison added.
never had an opportunity to play music
when they were growing up. She also
The band’s existence gave 10-year-
old Bianca Coleman the chance to play
wanted her children to be exposed to a
broad range o f music.
excerpts from Tchaikovsky’s Ballet Swan
Lake, and Bizet’s Opera Carmen. Before
she joined CRB she’d never heard o f
either composer.
“They’ re not interested in just rap
music," said Lewis. “ They listen to jazz,
and classical, too.”
“ I don’t really know what it is,” said
Coleman politely, as she fidgeted with her
create musical prodigies, but well-round­
ed, productive individuals.
clarinet. “ But I like it because I can play it,
Award winning music teacher Greg
McKelvey, and local musician Thara
Memory started the band in 1992 to
“ Of the 175 kids we have this year
maybe 25 will go on to be professional
musicians. O f that 25, maybe 15 w ill be
really great professionals, and o f that 15
maybe two w ill be outstanding, remem­
bered for life musicians, but all o f them
provide youngsters in inner north and
northeast Portland an opportunity to per­
form and study music. They also wanted
List: 72
w ill be positively affected by the experi­
ence," said Harrison.
During the seven week summer pro­
to give kids an alternative to gangs, drugs
and other negative influences that often
mess up lives.
10 The L ia rs ’ C lu b , Mary Karr
P enguin, $11.95, Last W eek:9,
Weeks on List: 16
gram students meet four days a week,
four hours each day w orking on a
wide range o f musical selections.
When school begins students meet at
M e xico , 7 pm, C lin to n Street
Theater, 2522 S.E. C lin to n St.,
Theresa Demarest.
Demarest is jo in e d by Linda
H o m b u ckle , Janice Scroggins
and M y rtle B row n fo r a “ Neo-
fo lk/jazz-fused w ith blues” mu­
sical celebration to o ffic ia lly re­
lease the C D , 7:30 pm, at the
W inningstadTheatre, t i l l S.W.
B ro a d w a y , S 1 0 -S 1 4 fro m
Brothers Band.
These G eorgia boys and their
fans ro ll into Champoeg Park, 7
p m , $ 3 0 in a d v a n c e fro m
TicketM aster.
River rocks.
The Meyer Memorial Trust, Black
United Fund, World Arts Foundation,
R iver R evival, 11 am to 8 pm,
Portland Parks and Recreation and pri­
S ellw ood R ive rfro n t Park, 234-
vate donations help fund the organiza­
tion. Portland Community College Cas­
cade Campus acts as the group’s home.
Stcttdoif (6c Z(6
Matinee music.
The H o llis T a y lo r T rio opens
the 26th season o f the Reed C o l­
lege M usic Matinee series, 3 pm,
V o llu m Lecture H a ll, 777-7755.
Soprano battle.
The Oregon Sym phony pre­
sents lyric soprano Kathleen Bat­
tle at the special gala event, 7
pm, A rlene Schintzer Concert
H all, S.W. Broadw ay & M ain
St., 228-4294.
Fact or fiction.
D avid Rubin gives a lecture
entitled “ The O ld G lo ry E x h ib i­
tion: Fact o f F ictio n ,” in con­
ju n c tio n w ith A C L U ’ s Uncen­
sored C elebration, 2 pm, Port-
and A rt Museum, Berg Swann
A u d ito riu m , 1219 S.W . Park
A ve , 2 2 6 -2 8 1 1.
M urkoff & S. Hathaway, Workman
$10.95, Last Week: 13, Weeks on
List: 147
7 A 3 rd S erving o f C hicken
Soup fo r the Soul, edited by Jack
Canfield & Mark Hansen, Health
C o m m u n ic a tio n s , $12.95, Last
Week: 6, Weeks on List: 18
Hamson said C R B ’s goal isn’t to
and I’m really proud that I know how to
play it and I didn't mess up.”
C urtis Salgado, Paul deLay,
H igher G round and others per­
form at RiverRocks: A Clean
6 W h a t to Expect W hen Y o u ’ re
E x p e c tin g , A . E isenberg,
7 a.m., and take private lessons from
one o f the C R B 's 15 instructors.
This past spring C R B ’ s advance
concert band wowed judges at the
Oregon State Concert Band festival.
8 M e m n o ch the D e vil, Anne
Rice, Ballantine, $ 14.00, Last Week
4, Weeks on List: 3
9 Ten S tu p id T hings W om en
Do to Mess U p T h e ir Lives,!aura
S ch le ssin g e r, H a rp e rP e re n n ia l
$10.00, Last Week: +, Weeks on
Weeks on List: 22
jazz band also took first place in their
division at the 1996 M t. Hood Jazz
must maintain good grades while partic­
Miles, Vintage, $15.00,Last Week:
Band competition.
12, Weeks on List: 10
H k
A portion of the proceed« from Ihw performance
benefit Doernbecher Children • HoepMal
J hu
SEPT 18 ..................................................... 7 00PM)
Sai SEPT 2,
, , 3 0 A M f 3 30PM
Sun. SEPT 2 2 ............................. , :30PM
7 30PM
with coupon» from KENNY ROGERS
Courtesy ot KRTV TV / KENNY ROGER*
Week: 14, Weeks on List: 21
and all
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including G.l. Joe s outlets
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S2 SO service charge per trefrer on
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charge per order, S2 SO service charge
per ticket on Ringside Seats plus St 00
handling charge per order)
$ 1 0 .5 0 -$ 1 2 .5 0 -$ 1 4 .5 0
14 A Good W a lk Spoiled. John
Thrift wav
Feinstein, Little, Brown, $13.95, Last
Week: 11, Weeks on List: 11
15 G o d : A B io g ra p h y , Jack
Special RINGSIDE SEATS Available
Wherever Tickets Are Sold
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Group Rates: (503) 797-9604
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Keyword Ringling II yrni haw a
computer, call nt iw to whntrtlx 1
Joshua Records/Quilted Lyrics Music, B M I presents
Janice Scroggins
Linda Hornbuckle
TtttRBA D tM A fO &r (¡990 C?TW1Y
m yn» Brown and Tim Ellis
with coupons from T H R IF T W A Y
Courtesy o /K G W T V / T H R IF T W A Y
the goals of the CRB. Self-discipline, anti
motivation are priorities as well. Students
13 L a d d e r o f Years, Anne Tyler,
Fawcett/Colum bine, $12.00, Last
A lthough many o f the participants
12 H ow the Iris h Saved C iv ili
zation. Thomas Cahill, Doubleday/
Anchor, $12.95, Last Week: 10,
were just 11 and 12 years old, they
outperformed some o f the high school
bands they competed against. C R B ’ s
Wed. SEPT. 18 * 7:00 PM
Norton, $ 13.00, Last Week: 8, Weeks
on List: 4
Instructors conduct three levels o f con­
SEPT. 18 thru 2 2
11 T ra in s p o ttin g , Irvine Welsh,
cert band as well as a jazz ensemble.
Participants range in age from 6 to 18.
Teaching musicianship is only one of
r H «
1 Z \
Saturday * September 7 th - 7 :3 0 PM
at the Portland Center for the Performing Arts - Winningstad Theater ~ 1111 S.W. Broadway
. .
An evening of Neo-Folk/Jazz fused with Blues celebrating
Theresa Demarest’s latest CD “ Moon Rising”
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