P age B2 S eptember 4, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver RB E m m itt S m ith re le a s e d Cow boys running back Em m itt Smith spent a night in C hicago’s N orthwestern M emorial Hospital, took a series o f tests that proved negative and returned to D allas this morning. Smith was injured M onday night in a 22-6 loss to the Chicago Bears when he dove without the ball and landed awkwardly on his helmet and shoulder pads. He was im m o­ bilized, carted off the field and kept overnight at the hospital for tests. E d b e rg a d v a n c e s a t U.S. O p e n T w o -tim e c h a m p io n S tefan Edberg of Sweden extended the final Grand Slam tournam ent ap­ pearance o f his illustrious career today w hen he ou td u eled T im Henman of Britain over four sets and advanced to the quarterfinals of the U.S. Open Tennis C ham pi­ onships in New York. C h a v e z r e p o r te d ly a fu g itiv e Form er two-time world cham ­ pion Julio Cesar C havez reported­ ly is a fugitive from justice after M e x ico 's T reasury D epartm ent charged the boxer and tw o o f his associates with tax fraud. M onday's editions o f Esto, a M exico City new spaper, reported that C havez’s w hereabouts are un­ known and cited an unidentified source close to the fighter who said C havez is in the United States. The source also said C havez claims to be innocent and accuses his ac co u n tan t, D aniel V iesca Monsivais, of lying to him. T o A d v ertise In tClir P o r tia n i» ( f l b s r r u r r C a ll 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 HEAVYWEIGHTS AGASSI AHD MUSTER ROCK OPEH by R ichard F inn T e n n is h e a v y w e ig h ts A n d re Agassi and Thom as M uster are ready to rock the U.S. Open with a quarter­ final clash between two titanic hit­ ters. “It's going to be big tennis,” the sixth-seeded Agassi said o f his m ar­ quee show dow n against the third- seeded Austrian. “Big tennis is when you get two guys trying to establish their will out there on the court," Agassi said. “We both are going to be beating the ball pretty good from the baseline. Y o u ’ll hear explosions off the racket four, five, six times a point. T hat’s big tennis.” N either player needed to raise the decibel level o f his gam e on M on­ day. Muster, in fact, prevailed over 13th-seeded Swede Thom as Enqvist 7-6 6-2 4-6 6-1 despite being w eak­ ened by the effects of an upset stom ­ ach. “The more pain I felt, the worse my opponent played,” M uster told a reporter after receiving treatment. There were no such concerns for Agassi after his 4-6 6-2 6-3 6-4 S ta­ dium Court win over countrym an David Wheaton. R egardless o f M u ster’s health, Agassi is expecting the gritty left­ hander to give his usual all-out ef­ fort. “I think he punches the clock ev­ ery tim e he steps on the court,” Agassi said of the 1995 French Open cham ­ pion. “Every time he gets out there, he busts his ass to win. I d o n ’t expect him to do anything less.” Call it a time rewind The most advanced football com puter sim ula­ tion gam e ever devised has already determ ined the winner o f Super Bowl X X X I, and the answer sounds like it cam e from the 1980s. The San Francisco 49ers will re­ gain their perennial pow erhouse sta­ tus this year by blow ing past the B uffalo Bills to be named Super Bowl C ham pions! T h at’s the conclusion o f more than 100 season-long com puter sim ula­ tions played out by APBA Pro Foot­ ball for W indow s CD V ersion 2.0, the most statistically advanced com ­ puter sim ulation football gam e ever created. In fact, the game forecasted 68% o f N FL w inners in 1995 and predict­ ed that the Indianapolis Colts would be in Super Bowl XXX. The Colts fell one play short. It also holds the enviable record of picking nine of the 12 1995 playoff teams before the season began. Overall, APBA Pro Football for W indows picks the following teams to make this season’s playoffs: — The Dallas Cow boys take the N FC East — The Green Bay Packers win the N IK E officials today confirm ed that the com pany has reached an agreem ent with Tiger W oods, fresh off an unprecedented third consecu­ tive U.S. A m ateur title. The announcem ent was made to­ day by Tiger W oods at a press con­ ference at the G reater M ilw aukee Open, at which he declared his deci­ sion to go pro. The term s of the agreem ent were not disclosed. “Tiger W oods will have a trem en­ dous impact on the world o f sports and will change the way people view the game of golf,” said NIKE Chair­ man and C EO Philip H. Knight. “He is one o f a handful of special athletes who transcend their sports, the way Jordan has done in basket­ ball, and M cEnroe did in tennis," Knight said. “I have so much admiration for this kid. He is one of my idols,” said M ichael Jordan. “I am in aw e of what h e’s done He certainly has the tools and work ethic to truly innovate the game," he added. N IK E will also debut a television com m ercial and a three-page ad that will appear in T hursday’s edition of the Wall Street Journal that heralds the much-anticipated arrival of the m ost exciting new com er to the sport o f golf. Titled, “Hello W orld,” both the print and TV spots recount Ti­ g er’s many accom plishments. The 30- and 60-second TV spots feature vintage and recent play foot­ age o f Tiger. The ad copy reads: “I shot in the 70s when I was eight. I shot in the 60s when I was 12. I won the U.S. Junior A m ateur when I was 14. I played in the Nissan Los A ngeles Open when I was 16. I won the U.S. A m ateur when I was 18. I played in the M asters when I was 19. I am the only man to win three con­ secutive U.S. Am ateur titles.” The ads conclude with the statem ent, “There are still golf courses in the United States that I cannot play be­ cause of the color of my skin. I’m told I’m not ready for you. Are you ready for m e?” An agreem ent in principle was reached in the days following W oods’ historic third consecutive U.S. A m a­ teur title at Pum pkin Ridge, located near N IK E ’s worldwide headquar­ ters in Portland, Oregon. “Like every sports com pany, we were interested in Tiger and had a plan in place that could be im ple­ mented once he made his decision to go pro,” said Ralph Greene, N IK E ’s U.S. director o f sports marketing. “After he finished play in the U.S. A m ateur and made his decision, the PRINT $10.00 & UP PORTLAND, OREGON 97211 i / / stark ÔTÀÈÉT ★ H O IR S M onday thru friday 9am ti 6pm Saturday 9am to 4pm In «9 * CHS LOWEST PRICE! Complete parts & labor! Call us last compare! No hidden Costs! Towing a vailable! TUNE-UP a \-| Kl 1 *1 1iji’i-') i Hlpi,, 1 S \|| |(|)\> M \l>\S |H'*Mi»i-’ pm W HOM SM I HOI Rs M< »VIKI “ 3o.„„ s si.,,,,, s \ l l RDM ')(■».,,n^ptn si \D M 11 DO.mi-iptD I G 612 & N. J Killingsworth. A uto S Mon.-Fri. ervice 8-6; C Sat. en ter n o n C 7CC 9-5 Z - O v 7 “ O / 0 0 BF. SI RE TO CHECK OUR STORE FOR “ MANAGER’S SPECIALS" 1 I |M E T H O D O F PA Y M E N T : C harge m y: □ VISA □ M astercard | ■ □ C heck enclosed, C ard Num ber: ■ payable to: Exp. Date:_ " Boys & G irls Clubs N am e on C ard: • of Portland Please bill me. S IG N A TU R E : M A IL TO : Bricks, 7119 SE M ilw aukie Ave. Portland, OR 97202 (503) 283-9437 FLAT REPAIRS 4 #.00 & UP Sale includes: ( aliens. D raper» an d I p lm lste n Fabrics. Bridal an d Special Occasion. Silkies. R a\uns, C hildren s U ear. Animal Fake F ur. Active W ear. D enim s. O uterw ear Fleece. C orduroys •W r Ä #/ 5250 NE MLK room fo r 24 ch aracte rs includingspaces. | | P L E A S E PLA C E MY O R D E R F O R ' B R IC K S AT $ 5 0 F A C H | PASSENGER & SNOW TIRES i |»< r Blazers Boys & Girls Clubs Brick Sales I I You have FULLY GUARANTEED 30% OFF t • agreement fell together quickly," he added. “T iger has a trem endous opportu­ nity to be a role model and increase participation in the sport. W e are anxious to work with T iger as an am bassador of change for the game of golf,” G reene said. NIK E entered the golf category with footw ear and apparel in 1984. W oods will work with NIK E design­ ers to bring his own sense o f fun and contempotjary style to N IK E ’s prod­ uct offerings. “A nybody w ho questioned N I­ K E ’s com m itm ent to the game of golf ought to think again,” Knight said. “N IK E has always been proud to be associated with the w o rld 's great­ est athletes, and Tiger W oods will be a very important elem ent in N IK E ’s continued growth," he added. I NEW * USED * NEW CAPS ALL PR IM S • - • The electrifying doubleheader, “HBO Boxing After Dark: Marco Antonio Barrera VS. Jesse Magana, and Mark Johnson VS. Alejandro Montiel” will be seen on Saturday, September 14th at 11:30pm (live E.T.). In the first bout, Marco Antonio Barrera (42-0, 30 KOs), a fast-rising superstar and the world’s best junior featherweight, takes on top contender Jesse Magana (18-4-2, 8 KOs), in a scheduled 12-round fight B arrera defeated K ennedy McKinney last February in a bout many observers consider the fight of the year. Then, world flyweight champion Mark Johnson (29-1,22 KOs) puts his title on the line against M exico’s Alejandro Montiel (32-2,21 KOs) in a scheduled 12-round bout Johnson captured the crown in May with an impressive first-round knock­ out of Francisco Tejedor. .D A Y T IM E PH O N E #: _ _ _ _ ■PRINT IN B LO C K LE T T E R S the nam e as you wish it to appear ori ! ly o u rb r ic k :___ ~______________ » TAXES. MOUNTING A BALANCING INCLUDED SALE M BOXING AFTER DARK jA D D R E S S : DOUBLE J TIRE CENTER • Rutterkk • Simplicity • Vogue • McCall* • Burda — The O akland Raiders take the AFC W es, — The Buffalo Bills, the Kansas C ity C h ie fs an d th e P ittsb u rg h Steelers are the A FC wild cards As for the Cham pionship games, A PBA Pro Football for W indow s picks the 49ers over the Packers in the NFC, and the Bills surprise the D olphins to win the AFC crown. I PU R C H A S E R ’S NAME: September 3rd through September 16th ON THESE PATTERNS NFC Central — The San Francisco 49ers tri­ umph in the NFC W est — The Philadelphia Eagles, the Chicago Bears and the Atlanta Fal­ cons are the NFC wild cards — The Miami Dolphins prevail in the A FC East — The Cincinnati Bengals win in the A FC Central TIGER WOODS GOES PRO, BECOMES HIKE SPORTS STAR THE LARGEST MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST 50 two former Grand Slam cham pions in personal terms. “I think if anyone makes this more than a tennis match, it’s their own issue,” said Agassi, w inner o f the 1994 Open as well as the 1995 A us­ tralian Open and 1992 W imbledon. “Com e on, w e’re in the quarter­ finals o f the U.S. Open. We both have won big events before W e both want to do it again. T h at’s what w e’re both going out there and trying to do. To make it anything more than that is a waste of time." COMPUTER SAYS SF WIHS SUPERBOWL abrí % OFF O ther story lines heightened the rivalry between the two players who split their eight previous encounters. M uster was one o f the most vocal critics of the O pen’s decision to ele­ vate Agassi two spots in the seedings from his A TP ranking and drop the Austrian one spot. Earlier in the year Agassi ques­ tioned M uster’s legitim acy as the ranking num ber one since he had won only on clay. But Agassi said he did not see the upcom ing confrontation between the Instant Prizes: F r e e P a g e r S e r v ic e F r e e A th le tic G e a r F r e e C e llu l a r K its S u p e r S a v in g s on B o ss W e a r P e lle P e lle N ik e s C o n v e rs e a n d M u c h M o re INNERCITY OUTFITTERS! 2006 NE BROADWAY • 460-2640 GRAND PRIZE $300 SHOPPING SPREE! A S K FO R Y O U R C U S T O M E R A P P R E C IA T IO N PEELrOFF TICKET E V E R Y O N E 'S A W IN N ER ! t