Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 28, 1996, Page 8, Image 8

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    P a g i : A8
A ugust
Sampras and Graf in
action at the U.S. Open
T op seeds Pete S am pras o f the
United States and Steffi G raf o f
Germany play their first round
matches while tw o-tim e cham pion
Stefanc Edherg m akes, perhaps,
his final appearance at the U.S.
Open Tennis C ham pionships to­
day in Flushing M eadow , New
Sampras will face Adrian
Voinea o f R om ania in an early
match while Steffi G raf o f G er­
many opposes Y ayuk Basuki o f
Indonesia later tonight.
Yankees’ Cone looks
sharp in second rehab
start for Norwich
N ew Y ork Y a n k e e s r ig h t­
hander David Cone M onday night
continued his rem arkable co m e­
back from an aneurysm in his
pitching shoulder, allow ing one
unearned run over six innings for
the N orw ich N avigators o f the
D ouble-A Eastern League.
Cone, w ho threw 58 o f 83 pitches
lor strikes, allow ed the H ardw are
City Rock C ats five hits and one
walk w hile striking out six. In
tw o r e h a b ilita tio n s ta rts , the
former Cy Y oung A w ard w inner
has given up three runs — one
earned — and nine hits in 10
innings, w alking one and striking
out 13.
Dennis Martinez to
start tonight against
D ennis M artinez, the second-
w in n in g e s t L a tin A m e r ic a n
pitcher o f all tim e, will return
from lwt> second stm t on the dis-,
jiblcd list to n ig h t w ith a start
against the D etroit T ig e rs.T h e 4 1-
y ea r-o ld M a rtin e z su ffe re d a
strained pronator tendon in his
right elbow in a June 28th gam e
against the C hicago W hite Sox
and was placed on the disabled
list the follow ing day. He m issed
nearly a m onth before being ac ti­
vated on July 24th and pitched
five scoreless innings in a 10-0
w in at T o r o n to th a t n ig h t.
M artinez started again six days
later and pitched five-plus innings
and allow ed three runs in a 3-1
loss to T oronto.
B o w l(T M ).
Diehard fans m ight collect the
entire NFL series Home team cards
make perfect gifts for fans o f al I ages.
For exam ple, grandparents can send
them to distant grandkids, who just
might use the card to say "thank you"
in a Sunday afternoon phone call
The cards are in the shape o f a
helmet or a football with each ver­
sion sporting a team ’s logo and col­
ors along with the NFL Shield They
will be distributed through Spree re­
tailers nationwide, including gro­
cery, drug and convenience stores as
well as gas stations and college
The spec tai ly desi gned Spree cards
will replace the regular $10 and $20
T iger W oods, fresh o ff an un­
precedented third consecutive U.S.
A m ateur G o lf C ham pionship, an ­
nounced T uesday that he is turning
The 20-year-old W oods issued
the follow ing statem ent at the G reater
M ilw aukee O pen, in w hich he will
com pete this week:
"T his is to confirm that, as o f
now, I am a professional golfer. I
will not answ er any questions, or
have any further com m ent, until to­
m orrow (W ednesday) at 2:30 p.m.
(CD T) at my scheduled press co n ­
On Sunday, W oods became the first
golfer to win the U.S. A m ateur title in
three straight years. He also won U.S.
Junior Amateurs in 1991, 1992 and
ing sources.
C heck-in b eg in sat 10:30a.m . fol­
lowed by a com plim entary box lunch
at 11:30 a.m . T he scram ble begins at
12:30 p.m . with dinner beginning at
6 :30 p.m.
A ll g o lf e r s h av e tw o c h a n c e s
to w in an a u to m o b ile by s c o rin g
a h o le -in -o n e on th e th ird o r 12th
h o le: a 1996 B u ick d o n a te d by
W e sto n -P o n tia c - B u ic k -G M C and
a 1996 F o rd fro m S u b u rb a n F o rd .
Last year, 124 people go lfed for
fun and prizes w hile helping raise
over $ 16,600 for the col leg e’s needs.
T he M t. H o o d C o m m u n ity C o l­
lege D is tric t F o u n d a tio n h o ld s
its th ird a n n u a l g o lf s c ra m b le and
d in n e r, “ P a r E x c e lle n c e ,” S e p ­
te m b e r 10 at P e rsim m o n C o u n try
C lu b , 5 0 0 S .E . B u tle r R o a d , in
G re sh a m .
The cost is $125 for g o lf and
dinner, $35 for dinner only.
The proceeds o f this fund-raiser
will be used to help m eet special
needs o f the college, such as student
scholarships, teaching and learning
equipm ent and special projects not
met by the co lleg e’s traditional fund-
1993 and joined the legendary Bobby
Jones as the only golfers to win USGA
events in six straight years. Jones won
the U.S. A m ateur or U.S. Open in
every year from 1923 to 1930.
W oods never led until sinking a
short par putt after Steve Scott had
m issed a sev en -fo o ter on the I Oth
hole — the 38th o f the day and 164lh
ol the w eek-long tournam ent for both
players. W oods trailed by as many
as five holes d u rin g the 36-hole
m atch-play final and by tw o holes
w ith ju st three to play.
T he N ew Y ork T im es reported
this m orning that W oods will sign a
five-year, $40 m illion contract with
N ike, as w ell as a three-year, $3
m illion ag reem en t w ith T itleist. It
w ould be the largest g o lf deal ever
fo r a ro o k ie .
The story says that W oods will
participate in seven tournam ents b e­
fore the end o f the year, and will
need to earn m ore than $ 150,000 in
the events for w hich he will get
sp o n so r’s ex em p tio n s to crack the
top 125 and earn his 1997 PG A T our
The Stanford student becam e the
youngest U.S. A m ateur cham pion in
1994 and edged Buddy Marucci last
year in Newport, Rhode Island, to
become the ninth back-to-back winner
and first since Jay Sigel captured co n ­
secutive titles in 1982-83.
W oods has p articip ated in 17 p ro ­
fessional ev en ts since 1992, m aking
seven cuts. H is best finish was a tie
for 22nd at Ju ly ’s B ritish O pen.
* * *
Disney Institute at Walt
Disney World Resort
hosted Shaquille O'Neal,
Charles Barkley, Karl
Malone and the rest of
the men's USA
Basketball squad
A d v e r tis e I n
Clllje D J o r t l a n b ( O b s c r u e r
T h e d ista n c e is n o th in g ; it
is o n ly th e fir st s te p th a t is
d ifficu lt.
— Mine. I)u Deffand
* * *
Courage is doing what you're
afraid to d o. T here can be no
courage unless you're scared.
— Eddie K ickenbacker
Call (503) 239-96$0
A llen C ohen
chaired the television, labor and NFL-
AFL m erger com m ittees and even
served as NFL president for three years.
His teams made the playoffs 20
times in 35 years, including winning
the 1964 W orld Cham pionship and
advancing to three other title gam es in
the 1960’s and three AFC Cham pion­
ship gam es in the 1980’s.
However, Modell, w ho owns 51
percent o f the team, is one o f a few
NFL owners whose main source of
income is the football club. And with
an average o f $450,000 in rent due
every year, no parking or concession
revenues and having to shell out over
$60 million over the years for refur-
bishm ents to the 64-year-old Cleve­
land Stadium, the Browns were report­
edly over $40 million in debt.
Plus, the city helped finance the
Rock and Roll Hall o f Fame and the
new state-of-the-art facilities dow n­
town for the Indians and Cavaliers,
“I didn’t get into this business to go
bankrupt. I’m in it to win, and I can ’t
continue to make the best effort to win
in Cleveland with the current Stadium
situation.” — ow ner Art Modell to his
Cleveland Browns,- N ovem ber-7th,
There are 16 letter “i”s in those two
sentences — probably because team
owners have to think o f themselves
first these days in the world o f over­
paid athletes, labor strife and salary
cap restrictions. But when Model!
officially announced his intention to
move the team to Baltimore the day
before, he was making a decision that
affected quite a few more people than
just himself.
First some background. M odell, a
high school dropout, purchased the
Browns in 1961 for $4 million and
quickly became one o f the most re­
spected ow ners in the league. He
Sprint is helping football fans
kick o ff the 1996 season with the
hottest new N F L collectiblesaround:
limited edition S p re e iS M ) N FL pre­
paid calling cards.
C ertain to becom e c o lle c to rs ’
items, the cards feature pre-recorded
greetings from N FL stars like quar
terbacks Dan M arino o f the M iam i
D olphins and the B uffalo B ills’ Jim
I n addit ion to beari ng official N FI„
anil team insignias, each o f the 30
versions of the card provides flexible
and convenient prepaid calling from
virtually anyw here in the world.
Sprint, the industry leader in pre­
paid calling cards, is also offering a
special bonus for fans. U sing the
NI L card registers them autom ati­
cally for a chance to win prizes in­
cluding NFL-Iogocd m erchandise
and Grand Prize tickets to Super
B ow l
X X X I(T M )
P ro
r e g is te r o r if y o u h av e q u e s tio n s .
T h e re are a ls o a p a ir o f fast
a fte rn o o n rid e s w ith lo ts o f c lim b ­
ing fro m 1 2 :1 0 p .m . to 1 :1 5 p .m .
M o n d a y an d T h u rs d a y . M eet at
th e s o u th w e s t c o r n e r o f P io n e e r
C o u rth o u s e S q u are b e tw e e n noon
an d 1 2 :1 0 p .m . T h is is fre e to o .
C o n t a c t R ay T h o m a s at 2 2 8 -
5 2 2 2 , o r m e e t at th e s ta rt.
T h e B ic y c le T r a n s p o r ta tio n
A llia n c e is sp o n so rin g L egal c lin ­
ics fo r b ic y c lis ts w ith B ik e L a w ­
y e r R ay T h o m a s on th e se c o n d
T h u rs d a y o f e v e ry m o n th from
5 :3 0 - 7 :3 0 p in., S e p te m b e r 12 at
S w a n so n , T h o m a s & C o o n , 621
SW M o rriso n S tre e t, S u ite 9 0 0 ,
P o rtla n d I t ’s free. C o n ta c t K aren
F ro st M e ce y at 2 2 6 -0 6 7 6 to p re-
28, 1996 • T he P o r tlan d O bserver
versions during the prom otional pe­
riod o f Sept. 1 - Oct. 31. Fans can
call 1-8OO-366-O7O7 to find their
nearest Spree retailer.
“As the official telecom m unica­
tions provider to the NFL, Sprint is
the only carrier that can use the NFL
shield and the logos and m arks o f the
30 c lu b s ,” said M arlen e W altz,
S p rin t's director o f Prepaid Card
M arketing and Sales. “And w e’re
using our sponsorship to add even
greater value to the m ost reliable,
flexible and convenient prepaid call­
ing card on the m arket.”
The Spree prepaid card can be
used to initiate international calls
from any o f 85 countries — m ore
than any other co m p etito r's product.
U nique O ffer Sure to A ttract S eri­
ous Collectors.
Serious collectors can purchase a
com plete set o f all 30 renditions o f
the $ 10 card, or o f the $20 card, by
calling 1-800-274-7740. T he lim ­
ited-edition sets arc in d iv id u ally
num bered and m ounted in a frame
or an album , at the discretion o f the
Sprint is a global com m unications
com pany — at the forefront in inte­
grating long distance, local and wire­
less com munications services, and the
w orld’s largest carrier o f Internet traf­
Sprint built and operates the United
States’ only nationwide all-digital,
fiber-optic network and is the leader in
advanced data com munications ser­
vices. Sprint has $12.8 billion in an­
nual revenues and serves more than 15
million business and residential cus­
something Modell had been after for
years for the Browns.
But instead o f playing hardball in
negotiations with the city or perhaps
selling the team — as others usually do
when they have financial problems —
Modell opted to move to Baltimore,
leav ing behind arguably the most loyal
fans in the league.
His deal in Baltimore — where he
is being treated as the next messiah, as
opposed to Benedict Arnold in C leve­
land — is sweet. He gets a new stadium
in two years, pays no rent, keeps all
parking and concession revenues and
will be reimbursed by the league for
moving expenses.
And w hy shouldn’t the deal be sweet.
Baltimore has been trying desperately to
reacquire an NFL franchise since Bob
Irsay moved the Colts to Indianapolis in
the middle of the night in March 1984.
There were minors about other teams
rekx:ating there or receiving an expan-
sion club, but the best the city got was a
CFI.leamfortwoycars, which just wasn’t
the same.
Meanwhile in Cleveland, led by Mayor
Michael White, the city put up a big fight
to block the move with restraining orders,
lawsuits and media campaigns. They
eventually succumbed in adeal that grants
the city a new team by 1999, a new
stadium and the right to keep the nick­
name, colors and history.
That is little consolation for Cleve­
land, as this relocation fully eclipses that
of the Colts or of the Raiders back and
forth from Oakland. It even rivals the
magnitude of baseball ’ s Brooklyn Dodg­
ers leavingfor Los Angeles in 1957, as far
as the relationship of the team to its fans.
Dozens of stories have been done
since November on reactions by the fans,
past and present players as well as oppos­
ing teams. And sure every team from high
school to the pros has their share of die­
hard fans who have been toe very game or
can recall every player, game or down,
but it’s just different in this case.
The bond was indescribable, for what
other team has some 200 chapters of
booster clubs from Los Angeles to Aus­
tralia from England to Japan, totaling
better than 63,000 members. And what
other team would average more than
70,000 fans in the 1990’s despite a cumu­
lative record of 39-57.
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