... » *y « Z< W M O fe a ^ ^ ^ ó « •xi. v . k • .... T he P ori la n d O bserver • A ugust 2 8, 1996 Fight the fear P age A 3 Economic Deveolpment-Criminal Justice Style, Part 2 by P rof . M c K inley Bt kt One W ith Heart, located at 4231 A real estate broker has inquired SE H aw thorne B lvd., presents o f me, “do you see this. ’Criminal Fight the Fear Self-D efense for ju stic e ’ style o f econom ic develop­ Every W oman ment as a second phase o f Urban * Six W eek C ourse - Starts R enew al?” (This of course is a pro­ M onday, Septem ber 16, 1996. cess that has been better described as M eets M onday and W ednes­ “ urban re m o v a l” in areas w here day evenings, 7:30-9:00. blacks were displaced from huge sec­ * Follow -up C ourse - Starts tors o f innercities, losing not only Thursday, Septem ber 19, 1996. hom es but irreplaceab le b u sin ess M e e ts T h u rs d a y e v e n in g s , operations and com m ercial sites. 7:30-9:00, “It is obvious,” I replied, “for if L earn p h y sical se lf-d e fe n se you have this wholesale incarcera­ skills - striking to primary targets, tion process operating in consort with defenses against attacks. Find out an inefficient and inadequate educa­ about p re-assaultive strategies. tion system - as has clearly hap­ Learn what your verbal self-de­ pened — you are not going to develop fense options are, too! Feel a new a cardre of black males (or fem ales) sense of safety in your life. Il’s in the appropriate age group or eco­ inspiring and it’s fun! nomic circum stance that can effec­ Call 231-1999 for inform ation tively redevelop their own com m u­ and registration. nity. A nd did I mention the affec­ tiv e’? From social skills to m otiva­ tion? All lost in a dysfunctional at­ m osphere” . Boy accused of murdering mother A 13-year-old Dallas boy has been charged with murdering his adoptive m other over the w eekend, police said M onday. M argaret M cC ullough, 55, w as found dead in her hom e Saturday with gunshot w ounds to the head. Police, who at first thought her son had been kidnapped, found him Sun­ day with a friend in his m other’s car in O klahom a and arrested him. A shotgun and a .357 handgun were found in the car. A police spokesm an said the boy was being questioned. "They are talk­ ing to him now about the motive and everything else.” M cCullough had adopted the boy, shortly after his birth but neighbors said they often had loud arguments. "C onsequently”, and I went on at som e length to cite the rapid intlux of m onied investors and experienced entrepreneurs into those sections of the m etropolitan Statistical A rea for­ merly known as the black innercity (som eone in the room ju st snickered, “formerly known as Prince"). "And these people with their portable m on­ e y ’ com e not only from different U.S. States looking for a place to park it, but from Europe, Australia. Japan, Hongkong, V ietnam ,etc."A nd since race, per se, is not the principal or driving force behind these incur­ sions by other ethnics, it is very dif­ ficult for blacks to mount a dialogue with the newcomers. The system is driven by a num ber o f seem ingly unrelated forces, from drugs and the CIA to prison overcrow ding, from the im p o sitio n o f u rban g ro w th boundaries to the escalating costs of higher education. The new im m i­ grants are not attuned to institutional racism , only com m erce, A m erican style. The situation is quite like W illiam Langeweische describes in his new book, Sahara Unveiled, "The Sahara is not cruel, but it is indifferent.” And so the urban process may be, incor­ porating all the cold inhuman ele­ ments that it does. But w hether you entertain the conspiracy theory’ or not — that the justice system and the crack/cocaine lords are operating in tandem to clear the urban h in ter­ lands of undesirable - be sure to read, “The G eography of N ow here" by James Howard Kunstler, 1993. The subtitle of this T ouchstone publication is "The Rise and Decline of A m erica’s M an-made Landscape" The book describes the destruction of Am erica excellent m ass transit system beginning in the 1930s, d e­ tailing the unholy com bination o f the auto and tire m anufacturers and the oil com p an ies to build a suburbia dependent on freew ays and astro­ nomical gas consumption. C ould this process produce a pris­ on process that becam e black in many jurisdiction? Could and did! - those m ajor corporations pushed a “F eder­ al H ighw ay A ct" through Congress, nailing the A m erican taxpayer for all the expense o f enlarging their m on­ ey-m aking machine. This freew ay’ legislation caused the destruction of huge tracks of innercity land where blacks had lived and prospered for a century - paved the expressw ays to take the W hite Folks A nd T he Tax Base right out o f town. O f course, we know the rest (some o f us). Model Cities and T he Great Society created a euphoria that blind­ ed the many to what was really hap­ pening. With the tax bases hitting the highw ays, the urban infrastructures. sewers, the sanitation departm ents, the schools, the recreation facilities. Jobs evaporated and welfare loads increased as new plants opened up where the ‘folks’ had gone, leaving blacks behind. U nder these circum stances, hard crime, juvenile delinquency and bro­ ken hom es escalated with a v en ­ geance. And it was through this ’w in­ dow o f opportunity’ that The CIA and the Contras leaped to fund their war against N iearauga. As the m edia headlines and colum nists finally spell it out. Uncle Sam becam e (he nations biggest drug dealer, tunneling tons of crack/cocaine through black youths - prisons becam e a grow th industry. Crimestoppers: vandalism Portland Police, in cooperation with Crim e Stoppers, are asking for your help in identifying and appre­ hending the suspect or suspects who have caused extensive dam age to an autom obile dealership. On Thursday, July 25, 1996, at 4:30 in the morning, the large front w indow s at the Ron Tonkin Gran T urism o, 203 NE 122nd A venue, were dam aged by som eone appar­ ently using a BB or pellet gun. On M onday, July 29, 1996 at 4:00 in the morning, the same windows were again shot out by som eone us­ ing a BB or pellet gun . Only this time, the shattered glass dam aged an extrem ely expensive Ferrari autom obile that was inside N. Portland resident shot, killed On M onday, A ugust 26, 1996, at ap p ro x im ately 2:00 am , P ortland Police responded to 4404 N. Kerby on an apparent homicide. W hen of­ ficers arrived they found a 23 year old black male shot to death. It appears that this subject was seated inside the residence at 4404 N. Kerby, along with several others, when the suspect(s) approached. The su sp ect(s) en tered onto the front porch area and apparently shot sev- . ;.., . eral rounds through a window at the victim. The victim was struck sever­ al times and died at the scene. No one else was shot. It appears that the victim was the intended target o f this action. Police have no suspects at this tim e although there does appear to be som e indication that the shooting could be gang related. D etectives K. Ferrell and J. Rhodes are the investi­ gators. the showroom. If you have any information re­ garding this case, call the Crim e Stop­ pers program. C rim e Stoppers, is offering a cash reward o f up to $1,000 for informa- lion, reported to Crim e Stoppers, that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime, and you do not have to give your name. Call Crim e Stoppers at (503) 823- HELP TFjC Y/AC() O F C O LU /A B I(W ILL()/A E T T E C O R D IALLY INVITES YO U T O (ATTEND IT S SECOND (VTNU(\L Victim shot outside Safeway On Sunday evening, A ugust 25, 1996, at approxim ately 9:15 pm, Portland Police responded to the Safeway Store at 8(X)2 N. Burlington on a shooting. At that location police discov­ ered a H ispanic male in his 20’s suffering from a shotgun injury to his upper torso. It appears that the suspect, also a H ispanic m ale in his 2 0 ’s w aited for the victim to exit the Safeway Store and fired tw o shotgun rounds at him. The victim was struck once. He was tran sp o rted to Em anuel Hospital for treatm ent, where he is reported to be in good condition. The suspect ran and was not ap­ prehended. P olice recovered the shotgun several blocks away. This shooting is being investi­ gated as a gang-related shooting. Aid police on homocide On Sunday, August 25, 1996, at approximately I :(X) am, police respond­ ed to Woodlawn Park on a call of a woman being beaten. The caller refused to give any other infymiati on »»police. At the location, Edith ^\nn Mosqueda, an Hispanic face areas causing her death. Her txxly was found partially clothed and it is unknown how she came to the park location. Police are asking anyone with infor­ mation regarding Iter known residence, •hereabouts prior to the homiciACbr' woman, with a date of birth of February 08, 1952, was found dead. She had suffered severe injuries to the head and suspect information, to contact Detec­ tives Tom Nelson or Leon Lefebvre at 823-0400. BL(iCK (ACHIEVERS RECOGNITION BANQUET (15 WE FJONOR ELEVEN ()EBJC()N-()A\ERJC(iN INDIVIDUALS TFJIER COR PO R ATIO N S F O R TFJEIR OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE. DEDICATION (VID COMAMT/AENT T O THJEIR CO/AAVJNITY. (VID GENUINE CONCERN FOB. TFjF W ELFARE O F YOUTH). K E Y N O T E S P E A K E R . W R . C A R L E S JO R D A N DIRECTOR O F PORTLAND PARKS (VID RECREATION THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 12. 1000 SFjFn^niQ^ri’ s on the W illamette 4 5 7 5 N CHANNEL. SW(V1 ISL(4ND 5 :3 0 RECEPTION $ 5 0 P E R P E R SO N / $ 5 0 0 PE R TABLE FOR WORE rrO R W ^TlO n. PLEASE CONTACT THE BL(1CK (ACHIEVERS OFFICE (IT 221-5343 Y ■ IN A SPORT WHERE YOU CAN’T USE YOUR HANDS, YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE YOUR SHOES VERY CAREFULLY. NIKE FACTORY STORE PRICES. M A R T IN LU TH ER KING J R . B LVD . BETW EEN M O N R O E ANO M O R R IS / M O N -F R I 1 0 A M -7 P M SAT 1 0 A M -6 P M 0 : 3 0 DINNER SUN 1 1 A M -5 P M ( 5 0 3 ) 28 1 -5 9 0 1