Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 28, 1996, Page 14, Image 14

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    P age B4
A ugust 28, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver
C Ije |JnrtIa«h CObseruer
Child Labor
Continued from front
involved in businesses known to be
open to the emp loyment o f ch i Idren."
Lively debate over negative in­
The advisability o f using negative
economic incentives has been the
subject o f much recent public debate
In Europe, several departm ent
stores have decided not to sell prod­
ucts such as carpets unless they are
certified to be made without child
labor. Such movements by consum­
ers and manufacturers al ike have been
accompanied by powerful efforts on
the legislative and trade fronts as
demonstrated by the hot debate on
the incorporation o f a social clause
into international trade agreements.
There is no doubt that initiatives o f
this kind have helped significantly to
raise public awareness about child
H ow ever, they have also had
unintended consequences, says the
report. "T he m ere threat o f trade
sanctions led em ployers in the gar­
ment industry o f an Asian country
to abruptly dism iss tens o f thou­
sands o f children in the effort to
forestall such sanctions; the end
result was that the dism issed chil­
dren shifted to other occupations,
which were often m ore hazardous
than the jo b s they used to perform
in the garm ent industry, with no
instances o f children returning to
"T his exam ple suggests that m ea­
sures w hich concentrate solely on
the export sector may drive child
labor underground, into the less reg­
ulated dom estic econom ic sectors.
It also suggests the need to move
children aw ay from the w orkplace
in a phased and planned manner,
instead o f sim ply throw ing them
overnight, and unaided, into a far
w orse situation.”
To be a clown
At the height o f the sum m er, most
students are putting sunscreen on
their noses, packing their flip-flops
and heading for the beach.
But J e ff H oyer o f A loha donned a
red nose and packed his big floppy
shoes for a session o f pie-throw ing,
juggling, stiltw alkingand pratfalls at
Ringling Bros, and Barnum & Bailey
Clown College.
On M onday, July 15, Je ff becam e
one o f a select 35 men and women
enrolled in the 29th annual session at
the famed “ institution o f higher hi­
During the intensive eight-week
session, students must com plete rig­
orous training in a variety o f skills.
T he curriculum includes such
courses as im provisation, character
developm ent, m akeup application,
prop building and design, costum e
design, stilts, juggling, unicycling,
acrobatics and gag developm ent.
A fter a three-year hiatus from the
sun coast o f Florida, the famous
institution boxed up its rubber nos­
es, unicycles and oversized shoes
and m oved with appropriate fanfare
from B araboo, W isconsin, to the
S arasota O pera H ouse in Sarasota,
The m ove represented a hom e­
com ing, as Sarasota was the site o f
Ringling Bros. W inter Q uarters from
1928 to I960.
Founded in 1968 by the late enter­
tainm ent im presario Irvin Feld, this
unique, tuition-free institution boasts
more than 1,400 graduates and re­
mains the only school in the world
solely dedicated to the ancient and
honorable art o f clowning.
Each year, approxim ately 35 stu­
dents are selected for adm ittance from
m ore than 1,500 applicants.
T his y e a r's Clow n C ollege ses­
sion will culm inate in a gala g rad u ­
ation perform ance on Sunday, S ep­
tem b ers. A tth attim e, RinglingB ros.
C hairm an Kenneth Feld will aw ard
the best and brightest in the class
contracts as apprentice clow ns with
T he G reatest Show On Earth.
Many other graduates will parlay
their skills and talents into careers on
stage, screen, television and other
entertainm ent venues.
Attention deficit likely in girls
G irls are less likely to be identi­
fied as having attention deficit hy­
peractivity disorder (A D H D ) than
boys, according to a child psychiatry
"T hat 's because girls tend to dem ­
onstrate more o f the inattention sym p­
tom s and are less noticeable than
boys who are m ore prone to be hy­
peractive," said Dr. M atthew Brants,
o f Baylor C ollege o f M edicine in
H ouston.
Chi Idren with A D H D fall into three
categories: those with attention def-
ic it disorder only, those who are m ost­
ly hyperactive, or a com bination o f
bo th . A tte n tio n d e fic it d is o rd e r
(A D D ) and hyperactivity w ere once
categorized as separate disorders but
now are included under ADHD.
"A ges 6 to 9 are the peak years for
diagnosis," said Bram s, an assistant
professor o f psychiatry at Baylor
" I t’s three tim es m ore prevalent in
boys, w hich is another reason teach­
ers and parents may be m ore tuned to
the sym ptom s in boys.”
Bram s says that children w ho d is­
play attention deficit sym ptom s fail
to follow instructions closely in class,
do not listen well, often lose things,
m ake m istakes in school work and
during play, are easily distracted,
and are often forgetful.
C hildren with h y p eractiv ity or
com bination sym ptom s tend to fidg­
Tools to use
et, talk excessively, interrupt and have
difficulty play ingquietly. Sym ptom s
for A D H D are usually observed both
at hom e and in school before a d iag ­
nosis is made
A D H D runs in fam ilies, although
no single genetic defect has been
identified. O ther possible causes o f
the disorder could include prenatal
health com plications such as Fetal
A lcohol Syndrom e, low birthw cight,
m alnutrition during infancy, ex p o ­
sure to toxic substances such as lead
poisoning, m etabolism disorders like
phenylketonuria (PK U ), o r brain in­
jury’ from traum a, infection or tum or.
Bram s says that fam ilies can im­
pact the effects o f A D H D , either
T h e R e g io n a l D r u g I n it ia t iv e P r e s e n t s
Spirit Summit IV
W hether using your w ords o r using your hands, P ort­
land Com m unity C ollege C ascad e C am pus in North
Portland has a course for you this fall.
They say the w ay com m unication goes, so goes the
quality o f life in relationships, at w ork, and the planet.
In a fun four-w eek S aturday m orning class, T ools fo r
H ea lth y C o m m u n ic a tio n (C R N 47937), instructor
C hristine W agner show s how to direct positive energy to
the skills o f listening, responding, feedback, assertion,
conflict resolution and stress release.
Tuition is $42.50. S tarting S eptem ber 28, class m eets
from 9 a m. to I p in. in Jack so n Hall, Room 114.
O r perhaps y o u ’ve recently bought one o f P o rtlan d ’s
fixer homes. In sta llin g P la stic L a m in a te C o u n te r-
to p s (CRN 47936). a tw o -h o u r course on Saturday,
N ovem ber 23, can steer you to the kitchen im provem ent
suited to your fam ily’s need.
Instructor D ennis M cD onald will discuss appropriate
underlaym ents and the types o f plastic lam inate, as well
as Form ica and how to install it.
Tuition is only $10. T he course m eets from 9 to 11
a.m in Jackson Hall, R oom 105.
PC C C a s c a d e C a m p u s is lo c a te d at 7 0 5 N.
K illingsw orth. For m ore inform ation, call PCC at 978-
“Building A Bridge Of Unity In The Community”
M oore S treet
S eptember 2 0 , I 9 9 6
1 2 - 9 PM.
S alvation A rmy , 5 3 3 5 N. W illiams A v e .
R e g is t r a t io n : I I :3 O A .M . - I 2 : 0 0 R M . '
A f t e r n o o n S e s s io n : I 2 : 0 0 - - 4 : 4 5 P.M.
\ \
E v e n in g S e s s io n : 7 : 0 0 - 9 : 0 0 P M .
P o r t l a n d A d v e n t is t H e a l t h V a n : I 0 : 3 0 A .M . - I :3 O P.M.
Special Greetings
Dr. Charles A. Moose, Chief of Police - Portland, OR
Keynote Address
Reverend Lewis Anthony, pastor of the Metropolitan Wesley AME Zion Church,
Washington, D.C.; National Advisor to the Anti-Drug Program of the Congress of
National Black Churches and the National Crime Prevention Council’s Advisory
Council on Community Responses to Drug Abuse.
Spirituality & ... Levels of Care in Treatment, Jails/Prisons,
Families/Housing, Virtues/Character, Resources/Faith
The Spirituality RAVE (Responsibility, Accountability, Vision, Engagement)
Volunteer tutors needed
Celebrating Healing
Music, soloist, testimonies
Thousands o f adults in o u r com m unity have difficulty
reading and w riting or speaking English.
A d m is s io n is F R E E
These basic skills are essential for functioning inde­
pendently in our society. A consortium o f adult literacy
p ro v id ers-P o rt land C om m unity College, O regon Litera­
F or
information call RDI at 2 9 4 - 7 0 7 4
cy, Inc., Mt H ood Literacy C oalition and C lackam as
C om m unity C o lleg e—are seeking volunteer tutors.
fr /M
positively or negatively.
“ Events like child abuse, neglect,
dysfunctional fam ily settings and
m ism atched parent-child tem p era­
ments do not cause A D HD , but they
can m ake the picture w orse o f a child
with A D H D ,” he said. “C onversely,
a stable, supportive family en v iro n ­
ment can allow a child w ith mild
A D HD to do quite w ell.”
“Children w ho are thought to have
ADHD shouId receive a physical exam,
possibly an EEG, lab studies, psycho­
logical testingand a psychoeducational
evaluation,” said Brams.
“ T reatm en t can m ake life and
school m ore successful for children
with this d iso rd er.”
A m lr c fi Ij f i m
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