P age B2 A ugust 28, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver M (Elje 'Jlortlanh © bscruer ENTERTAINMENT Robert Altman reminisces a jazz memory For his 31st film, director Robert Allman revisits his birthplace, K an­ sas C ity, at the peak o f its vitality in 1934. Located at the crossroads o f A m er­ ica, K ansas City thrived under the rule o f city bosses and organized crime. G am bling and prostitution were officially illegal, but freely avail­ able; and a new kind o f ja zz played 'round the clock in the raucous clubs around 18th and Vine. W hile the rest o f the country was mired in the G reat D epression, K an­ sas City not only prospered, it swung. The action in Kansas C ity occurs over the course o f tw o days in 1934, on the eve of m unicipal elections. The D em ocratic political m achine of boss Tom Pendergast gears up to get out the votes, using violence when necessary. V irtuoso jazz, m usician match m usical wits in all-night "cut­ ting contests" at the Hey H ey Club A nd scrappy B londic O ’H ara, portrayed by Jennifer Jason Leigh, sim ulating the tough-talking broads o th e r silverscreen idol, Jean Harlow, kidnaps w ealthy C aro ly n S tilton (M irandaRichardson), the laudanum- addicted wife o f an advisor to Presi­ dent Roosevelt. B londie’s plan is to sw ap Carolyn for her sm all-tim e th ief husband Johnny O ’H aralD erm oi M ulroney), who has been captured by big-tim e gangster, killer and club-ow ner Sel­ dom Seen >