Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 21, 1996, Page 9, Image 9

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    T he P ortland O bserver • A ugust 21 1 996
-----------------------------------------------------1___________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ P age A 9
Eugene's Guard to spend $11.4 million
S herri B i ri , T hi R egister -
G uard ,, E ugene , O re .________
G uard P ublishin g C o . is m oving a
step clo ser to reuniting its downtown
operations with its production center
in northeast Eugene.
The com pany, publisher o f The
Register-G uard, broke ground last
M onday on an 8 1,000-square-foot
o ffice bu ild in g west o f the newspa­
per’s printing facility at 3500 Chad
D rive. T h e com pany also plans a
5 ,000-square -fo o t addition to its
warehouse north o f the production
to town
m L e e P er lm a n
A p ro p o se d ne w , la r g e r
Thri ft way market at N ortheast 3 3 rd
Avenue and K illin gsw o rth Street
has cleared its first hurdle with
approval for a needed zone change
by a city hearings officer.
The action must now be re­
viewed by the Portland C ity C o u n ­
cil. Planner Susan M cK in n e y says
a hearing is tentatively set for Sep­
tember 18.
Un ited Grocers is seek ing to bu i Id
a 40,000 square foot Thriftway mar­
ket to replace a 25,000 square foot
store that used to occupy the site and
closed in 1994. They asked that the
site, now zoned C N 1 and R 5 , be
rezoned to C N 2 . Instead, hearings
o ffice r Elizab e th N orm and, on
M c K in n e y ’s advice, recommend­
ed it be zoned C S . T h is zone also
allow s com m ercial use, but means
that United Grocers w ill have to go
through and additional process to
get the 137 parking spaces they
In addition, U nited G roce rs
must hope that a zone change re­
quest by H O S T , Inc ., for a housing
development in St. Johns is ap­
proved. The city requires that the
development potential o f residen­
tial land be replaced before the
land is rezoned for com m ercial
use. U G proposes to meet the re­
quirement by lin kin g its own zone
change to H O S T ’S.
In yet another hurdle, U G must
secure the vacation o f Northeast
Em erson Street between 33rd and
34th avenues, lin k in g a satellite
parking lot to the main site.
U G ’s plans are supported by
the Con co rd ia Neighborhood A s ­
sociations and many residents o f
the area, who say that a full-ser­
vice grocery store in the neighbor­
hood is badly needed. It is op­
posed by some residents o f N orth­
east 34th Avenue, who say it would
add to through traffic, parking con­
gestion, crim e and anti-social ac­
tivity in the area.
Norm and sided with the neigh­
borhood position in her decision.
“ A grocery store o f the scale and
location proposed is part o f the
necessary foundation for the ar­
ea’s re vitaliza tio n ,” she wrote.
Conversely, she wrote, leaving the
site vacant would be detrimental
to new development and public
safety. She did include a condition
that the new store have no direct
access to Northeast 34th Avenue.
Polls show Dole
nearly even
with Clinton
Republican nominee Bo b D ole
received a substantial boost from last
w eek’s Republican convention and
is now within striking distance o f
President B ill C linton, according to
two new polls released on M onday.
An A B C television poll putClinton
oniy 4 percentage points ahead ot
Dole, 44 to 40 percent. Independent
Ross Perot received 11 percent.
Dole actually led C linto n by 10
points among white men and five
points among white women, but the
president had the support o f 80 per­
cent o f black voters in the poll, which
had a margin oferror o f plus or minus
3.5 percent.
Clinto n led D ole 48 to 4 1 percent
in a C N N / U S A T o d ay poll, in which
Perot trailed with 7 percent. T w o
weeks ago, Clinton led D ole 52 to 30
percent with Perot at 12 percent.
T o n y Baker, the newspaper’spub-
lisher and editor and president o f
G uard P u b lish in g, announced the
plans at a cerem onial ground break­
ing W ednesday.
The project, with a price tag o f
$ 11.4 m illio n , is one o f several pro­
posed media-related developments
in that area.
The R e gister-G uard’s downtown
w ork force o f 3 5 8 people is expected
to move to the new two-story build­
ing by September 1997. Currently,
92 em ployees work at the newspa­
per’s 80,000-square-foot production
com plex.
“ W e view this as light at the end o f
a nine-year tunnel,” Baker told a
group o f about 50 employees, fam ily
members and associates at the cere­
mony Wednesday. "It was 1988 when
we decided and recognized that we
needed a new press.”
A s soon as the production center
was completed two years ago, the
com pany set its sights on a new office
building, he said.
The newspaper’s staff has out­
grow n the cramped building at 975
H ig h Street. "A lso , we wanted all our
operations in one location because
it’s less expensive and more e ffi­
cient,” Baker said.
When completed. G uard Publish­
in g ’s 166,000-square-foot com plex
w ill have about twice the space o f the
downtown facility.
Baker announced last October that
the company would leave the H igh
Street location it has occupied since
1952. In January, the University o f
Oregon moved its printing operation
into The Register-G uard’s vacated
press building. The university has
signed a 10-year lease to take over
the rest o f the downtown com plex
when the newspaper moves out
Meanwhile, the com pany contin­
ues to work on plans to build a $5
m illion, 60-unit apartment building
on a company-owned parking lot at
IOth Avenue and H ig h Street
"There are still some loose ends
to tie up,” Baker said. “ W e ’re w ait­
ing for an appraisal, and i f all goes
w ell, we ll break ground by the end
o f the month.” The com pany hopes
to start renting units by next Ju ly or
T h e Register-G uard’s Sum m er-
O aks com plex west o f Interstate 5 is
just one ofseveral new developments
expected to spring up along Chad
D rive
G uard P u blishin g o fficia ls expect
the com pany’s o ffice construction
project to em ploy at least 32 local
contractors and 160 to 200 workers.
Cham bers Construction C o . o f
Eugene is the project’s general con­
M cC lie r ArchitectureEngineering
G roup o f C h ica g o is the lead archi­
tect and T B G Architects o f Eugene
w ill serve as the local architect.
Pioneering affirmative action anthology released
Far more whites benefit from alum­
ni preference slots and other special
program s than A frica n -A m e rica n s
and H isp an ics who enter college un­
der affirm ative action, according to
The Affirm ative A ctio n Debate, an
anthology edited by Em erge maga-
zin e ’se d ito r-in -ch ie fG e o rge E. C u r­
ry and ju st released by Addison-
W esley P u b lish in g C o.
The book, a paperback original, is
written from the perspectives o f wom­
en, A f r ic a n -A m e r ic a n s , A s ia n s ,
La tin o s and other disadvantaged
groups as w ell as liberals and conser­
Ju dy Lichtm an, president o f the
W o m e n ’s L e g a l D e fe n se Fun d,
writes, “ A n y honest critic o f affirm a­
tive action must also acknow ledge
that factors other than pure merit
often influence decisions about op­
She points out that in 1994, 40
percent o f the children o f Harvard
U n ive rsity alum ni were admitted,
com pared to a 14 percent adm ission
rate for students whose parents were
not alum ni o f Harvard.
M o re o v e r, a U S . D epartm ent
o f E d u c a tio n report d is c lo s e d that
the S A T sco re s o f a lu m n i c h il­
dren ad m itte d to H a rv a rd a v e r­
age d 35 p o in ts b e lo w that o f o th ­
er stu dents.
Y e t, no one claim s that they are
stigm atized because o f their special
"A nother recent research report
on higher education concluded that
Making an issue of it
The abortion issue, virtually a non­
subject once the Republican National
Convention began last week, made its
reappearance on the campaign trail
Sunday — three days into the presi­
dential campaign.
Republican vice presidential nomi­
nee Jack Kem p got several thousand
supporters booing when he attacked
President Clinto n’s veto o f a b ill pro­
hibiting late-term abortions, saying it
w asn o ta fitth in g fo ra “shiningcityon
a h ill,” Ronald Reagan’s term for a
civilized society, to do. But presiden­
tial nominee Bob Dole did not follow
K e m p ’s lead at a rally in a park here,
zeroing in instead on how he wants to
give every American, including Presi­
dent Clinton, a tax cut. T o do it in
C linto n’s case, he said he would have
to beat the president in November.
D ole aides said both men had
planned to raise the issue at a Polish
Pulaski D ay parade in Buffalo earlier
in the day but did not get a chance to do
so because o f scheduling problems.
Charlie B lack, a Dole campaign
aide, said the question o f late-term
abortions w ill be raised in states with
heavy Catholic populations fairly of­
ten because it is a subject that separates
Dole and Clinton.
He also admitted that while a ma­
jority o f Am ericans support abortion
rights, they oppose late-term abortions.
There were fierce fights about abor­
tion in the days leading up to the
Republican convention, with abortion
rights campaigners threatening a floor
fight on the issue.
In the end, the party platform called
for a constitutional amendment ban­
ning abortion and carried an appendix
withthecommentsofopponents. Then
when the convention started, the issue
was hardly mentioned again, at least
not in prime time when the convention
was televised.
D o le and K em p
began their day in Buffalo with a visit
to the city’s cathedral where Bishop
Henry Mansell made a delicate pitch
against abortion.
Without mentioning the word, the
bishop said, “ We are in service to life
... protecting life in all its forms, partic­
ularly at its weakest and most vulner­
The bishop also declined to make
any political prediction. He welcomed
Dole and Kem p and a clutch o f top
New Y o rk Republicans with the fol­
lowing comment: "W e don’t confer
titles. We don’t know what the situa­
tion w ill be in a couple o f months.
That’s in G o d ’s hands.”
The bishop’s parishoners were less
demanding. They applauded Dole as
he left the church. One man even took
communion and then on the way back
took a snapshot o f the Republican
When he finished his numbers riff
in a Buffalo speech, Dole added a
flourish, noting that the last two num­
bers o f 1996 add up to 15. Then he
turned to Kem p and asked,“ H a v e l left
anything out. Jack?” For once, the
talkative Kem p was quiet.
Tropical Storm
Dolly in Caribbean
The fourth tropical storm o f
the A tla n tic hurricane season
formed in the northwest C a rib ­
bean on M onday and seemed
like ly to continue strengthening
as it headed toward the G u lf o f
M exico, the National H urricane
Centre said.
At 5 p.m. E D T (2100 G M T ),
the centre o f Tropical Storm D olly
was near latitude 18.7 N , longitude
83.6 W, or about 250 miles (402
km) east-southeast o f Cozum el,
Mexico. The storm was m oving
west-northwest near 14 mph (23
km h) and that motion was expected
to continue on Monday night.
M axim u m sustained w in d s
were near 50 mph (80 km h) and
further strengthening was like ly
far more whites have entered the
gates o f the ten most elite Am erican
academic institutions through ‘alum ­
ni preference’ than the combined
numbers o f all the B la c k and Latinos
entering through affirm ative action,”
Lichtm an writes.
Cornel West writes that inorderto
appreciate the value o f affirm ative
action, it should be placed within a
larger context.
“ The viciou s legacy o f white su­
prem acy institutionalized in hous­
ing, education, health care, em ploy­
ment, and social life -- served as the
historical context for the c iv il rights
movement o f the late 1950s and
1960s. Affirm ative action was a weak
response to this legacy,” West ob­
G am bia withdrew a diplomat from
the United States at W ashington’s
request fo llow ing allegations that he
beat his wife, the State Department
said on Monday.
T h e G a m b ia n E m b a s s y sa id
Tom bong Sa id y, the interim charge
d'affaires, left on Frid ay for a post­
ing in London and had no other infor­
mation. “ H e ’s been posted to the
Gam bia H igh Com m ission in L o n ­
don,” an embassy spokeswoman said.
“ He was actually withdrawn by the
government o f the Gam bia but with­
further details were not immediately
can remember com ing out o f one
meeting in the W hite House onto
Pennsylvania Avenue when it was
opened to traffic and not being able
to get a cab. In most m ajor cities 1 still
have trouble hailin g a cab. And these
accumulated indignities nag at my
personhood every day - even in my
rarefied life.”
Elaine Jones o f L D F observes,
"Th e question that w ill continue to
face the Supreme Court and the coun­
try is not whether the Constitution
w ill be co lor-blind. We should all
embrace that visio n o f equality be­
fore the law. The question is whether
the Constitution w ill be blind to the
need to continue to remedy our past
and continuing transgressions o f the
color-blind principle.”
P o lic e N ew s
lank Robbery Suspect
The Portland O ffice o fth e F B I.,
in cooperation with C rim e Stop­
pers, is asking for your help in
identifying and apprehendinga bank
robbery suspect.
Between Monday, M ay 1 3 ,1996,
and Thursday, June 20, 1996, five
bank robberies and one attempt bank
robbery were committed by the
same subject in the Portland Metro­
politan Area.
The suspect (pictured in the bank
surveillance photo) is described as
a male white, late 2 0 ’sto early 3 0’s,
5 ’9 ”, approxim ately 160 pounds,
with dark black hair and a mus­
I f you have any information re­
garding this, call the C rim e Stop­
pers Program. C rim e Stoppers, in
cooperation with the F .B .I. and the
Financial Institutions o f O regon, is
offering a cash reward o f up to
$ 1,000 for information leading to
an arrest in this case and you do not
have to give your name.
C a ll Crim e Stoppers at (503 ) 823-
New Japanese-American judge
to hear Simpson case
A new ju d ge was named to preside
o ver the wrongful-death c iv il case
against O .J. Sim pson a week after the
ex-football star’s lawyers objected
to the ju d ge o rigin a lly scheduled to
hear the suit.
A spokeswom an for Santa M onica
Sup erior Court said the ci v il lawsuit,
w hich is expected to come to trial
later this year, would be heard by
Judge H iro sh i F u jisaki, who replac­
es Ju dge A la n Haber.
H aber, who had handled all pre­
M onday night, forecasters said.
A tropical storm w arning was
Continued from front
posted fo rp a rtso fM e xico ’s Yucatan
Peninsula and the northern coast o f o f charity and the only persons to
Belize. A tropical storm watch was in make money were the defendants.
effect for far western Cuba, includ ing
The defendants told potential in­
the Isle o f Youth. Forecasters said
vestors that A F R G had made dona­
D o lly ’s expected track would take it tions in excess o f $287,000 to charity
toward M exico’s border with Texas
and that A F R G investors would make
later this week.
up to $200,000 a year in the scheme.
“ Interests in the western G u lf o f Investigators found none o f this to be
M exico should monitor the progress true.
o f D o lly,” the National Hurricane
The com plaint seeks to dissolve
Centre said.
the charity by court order and obtain
Rainfall totals o f five to 10 inches
refunds for those whose participa­
(12.5-25 cm ) were expected along
tion was based on the promise that a
the depression’s path.
percentage o f the m oney earned
Tropical storms become hurricanes
would go to charity.
when such winds reach 74 mph (119
The lawsuit also seeks $25,000 in
c iv il penalties from each defendant
for each violation o f the law, attor­
neys and investigative costs and an
drawn at our request,” State Depart­ order permanently prohibiting Haley
ment spokesman G lyn D avies said. and Severance from conducting sales
“So we didn’t have to kick him out.” or investment activities or charitable
Davies told reporters Saidy was solicitations o f any kind in Oregon
O regonians w anting more infor­
"accused o f spousal abuse — wife­
about pyram ids and chari­
beating being the old term for that "
in g in general should call
Dav ies was unable to say whether Saidy
G e n e ral’s consum er
had been charged.
378-4320 or (503)
Another State Department official
o n ly) between
said Saidy had allegedly committed
to noon, M on­
two acts o f assault. It was unclear
whether both involved his wife and
Alleged diplomat abuser withdrawn
The book cites statistics show ing
that although white males repre­
sent only 47 percent o f the work
force, they occupy 95 percent o f se­
n io r-le ve l po sitio ns in corporate
Am erica.
"The irony is that even though
whites still receive the lio n’s share o f
contracts, scholarships, or w ell-pay-
in gjo b s, many white Am ericans w ill
make any argument and go to any
lengths to fight to w ithdraw any por­
tion that might be awarded to A fr i­
can-A m erican,” says M ary Frances
Berry, chair o f the U .S . Com m ission
on C iv il Rights.
In his chapter, C lin to n A d m in is­
tration o fficia l D eval Patrick writes,
"I still get follow ed in department
stores and harassed by the police. 1
trial m otions and hearings in the
c iv il case, was taken o f f the case last
W ednesday after Sim p so n ’s attor­
neys filed a m otion cla im in g the
judge was prejudiced against the
C alifo rn ia law allow s each side in
a c iv il case to d isqualify one judge in
their case without stating a reason.
A crim inal court ju ry last O ctober
found Sim pson, a former football
hero and actor, not gu ilty in the June
1994 murders o f his ex-w ife, N icole
B ro w n , and her frie n d , R o n a ld
G oldm an. The fam ilies o f the v ic ­
tims have filed a w rongful death law­
suit against Sim pson.
Fu jisa ki is a Japanese-Am erican,
like the crim inal trial ju d ge Lance
Ito. It was not im m ediately known if
he would attend the next scheduled
pre-trial hearing.
The change in judge could force a
delay in the trial, which was sched­
uled to begin with ju ry selection Sep­
tember 9.
The Roy Pittman/Straight Up
All Sport Camp
An exciting day of fun, activities, and sport. Meet
and train with great coaches and athletes.
• Straight Up speed, agility, and quickness clinic
• Adventure games and activities
• Skill clinics in football, basketball, volleyball,
soccer, and softball
Date: Saturday, August 24, 1996
Time: 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Place: Peninsula Park Community Center
700 N. Portland Blvd., Portland
Ages: Boys and girls, ages 8-16
Tickets: Free (while supplies last) at Lloyd
Center Information Counter, Peninsula
Park, University Park and Matt
Dishman Community Centers
Info: 823-3620
Sponsored By:
<£ljr KJortlanh (Obaprucr, Portland Parks and
Recreation, Nautilus Plus Sports Conditioning
Programs, Nike, Brace Yourself, KPDX Fox 49, All
Sport Body Quencher, Resers Fine Foods, PEPSI,
Fuddruckers, Earh2O, and Life Fitness.
Lunch and beverages provided by Resers Fine
Foods and Pepsi
Note to Parents: This will be a safe and secure
environment thanks to the coaching assistance
and general supervision provided by Portland
Police and Portland State University.