. mm : d . .. / , . . . . L v „ - , W .......... " ' G i-* T he P ori land O bserver • A ugust 21,1996 Wife rtlanit bseruer Rural midwest disapearing Bank president John Bryant re­ m em bers to the month when it began: M arch, 1982. T h a t’s w hen th e oil bust hit Cushing, a Payne County town o f about 7,600. “ We got hit right at the front end o f it,” Bryant said. “ 1 was charting it. It’s been pretty flat these last few years. It’s hard to grow a bank when your com m unity’s not grow ing,” he said. But since the beginning o f 1996, B ryant’s bank has grow n — by m ore than $2 m illion in assets. Local m an­ ufacturing business are continuing to expand, and a new private prison planned in the town should bring m ore than 200 new jo b s — and more grow th for the Bank o f Cushing. “ W e’re doing pretty good right now ,” he said. B ryant’s experience in C ushing is an exam ple o f w h at’s happening in several rural O klahom a towns. D uring the bust years o f the 1980s O k lah o m a's rural population fell by m ore than 29,000, w hile the O klaho­ m a City and T ulsa m etropolitan a r­ eas grew by alm ost 150,000. Incom es in rural O klahom a fell as well. Total personal income earned by rural O klahom ans, adjusted for inflation, dropped by 22 percent be- ; tw een 1979 and 1989. B ut much o f those declines seem to have been reversed in the first h alf * o f this decade. B etw een 1990 and 1995, O k lah o m a’s rural population grew by m ore than 38,000, accord- in g to U S. C ensus B ureau Estim ates. T otal personal incom e, adjusted for inflation, grew in rural counties by m ore than 40 percent betw een 1990 and 1993, according to the fed­ eral B ureau o f E conom ic A nalysis. This rural turnaround has been spotty, how ever, and m any rural counties have not shared in the eco ­ nomic revival, said U niversity o f O k la h o m a e c o n o m is t R o b e rt Dauffenbach. And for the m ost^iart, rural O klahom a has not kept pace with the growth seen in the sta te’s m ajor m etropolitan areas. D auffenbach is director o f O U ’s Center for E conom ic and M anage­ ment Research. “ I’m seeing som e im provem ent for rural counties, but I'm seeing a lot o f disparity too,” he said. “ T here are pockets o f im provem ent, but I think that there is also a desperate kind o f situation out there am ong many coun­ ties.” Counties along the Arkansas bor­ der and the eastern half o f the Texas border, as well as counties near major metropo I itan areas, are doing we 11 or at least holding their own, he said. Most o f the counties in Western Oklahoma, however, are still suffering. Harper County, where the panhan­ dle attaches to the body o f the state, is one o f those suffering counties. W hile taxable sales in O klahom a grew by 37.5 percent betw een 1980 and 1989 and by 23.1 percent b e­ tw een 1990 and 1995, sales in H arp­ er county grew by less than I percent in the 1980s and by less than 5 per­ cent since 1990. M erle S w ineford runs a radiator shop, an autom obile air conditioner repair shop and a glass shop in the H arper C ounty tow n o f Laverne. He is also chairm an o f the local eco n o m ­ ic developm ent com m ittee. Laverne d o e s n ’t have a high un­ em ploym ent rate, he said. “ E ith ery o u have a jo b here, o ry o u leave.” And in the past 15 years, about 900 H arper County residents took the second option, leaving only about 3,800 behind to populate the the coun­ ty ’s 1,034 square miles. “Young people graduate from high school here and a large percentage go to college. But they never com e back There isn 't anything here for them ," Sw ineford said. Among the 900 who left w ere two o f Sw ineford’s three children. They ▲ com bination o f floating trails and dirt trails, with an island feature near O M SI,” he said. “The east side has 20,000 jobs to­ day,” Siegel said, "that’s supposed to double over the next 20 years. Trans­ portation will be a central issue.” In addition to the infrastructure im provem ent there is a recom m en­ dation to extend SE W ater Avenue from O M SI to SE C a ru lh ers/S E Grand Avenue. A lso on the table are plans to fix up the M artin Luther King Jr. Boule­ vard and G rand A venue facades; enhancing the general look o f those streets with additional lighting and street improvements. In the U niversity D istrict, which encom passes Portland State U niver­ sity, the issue is “expanding housing and jo b capacity,” Siegel said. The task force recom m ends bu i Id- ing 1,500 new housing units, con­ structing an U rban C enter for P SU ’s departm ent o f urban and public af­ fairs, building a U niversity Plaza, acquiring the old US W est building to house P S U ’s school o f engineer­ ing, extending the transit mall south to University Plaza and building an problem s. N ow ata County lost 13 percent o f its population betw een 1980 and 1990. But N ancy Shipley, m anager o f the city o f N ow ata, said she believes that has turned around since 1990. N ow ata has becom e an attractive unsure how the tow n will cope. "Y o u ’re w orking w ith a budget here w here we c a n ’t rep air a street,” she said. “ I need revenue bad for streets and for infrastructure." Shipley has placed her hopes on a com m itm ent from a start-up b ee f packing com pany to build a new pack­ ing plant and feedlot in N ow ata. If every thing goes as planned, the plant will be com pleted early next year and will eventually em ploy ab o u t 1,000 people. She said officials w ith the new com pany, w hich is not yet incorpo­ rated. have prom ised to help the town. " I f we c a n ’t com e up w ith som e industry,” she said, “ I d o n ’t know w h at's going to happen to us.” In C hickasha, the C h am b er o f C om m erce has organized a task force to address a local labor shortage. Ken Myers, human resources m an­ ager for the Delta Faucet plant in C hickasha, said he co u ld hire 40 people tom orrow if he could find qualified applicants. They are tem porary jo b s that pay about $5.25 an hour and offer no benelits. But M yers said tem porary w orkers have first shot at perm anent jo b s when they com e open. home for retirees escaping I u lsa’s urban atm osphere, she said “ W e’ve got good hunting, w e ’ve got good fishing and the taxes are cheap," she said. But grow th has placed dem ands on city services that leave Shipley M yers said finding tem p o rary w orkers becam e m ore difficult two years ago, when a new m anufactur­ ing plant opened and hired an all­ tem porary work force. “Until they cam e to tow n, that was 250 m ore people for us to draw o n,” “ And as the young move away and the elderly die off, Swineford wonders what can be done to keep his town from disappearing from the map.“ now live and work in O klahom a C ity . A third son stayed in Laverne to work in the family business. And as the young move away and the elderly die off, Swineford wonders what can be done to keep his town from disappearing from the map. His town has good schools, he said. T here is little crime. T h e re ’s a decent highw ay and an air strip. And as o f a few m onths ago, Laverne has local Internet access. Before, you had to dial a long-distance num ber. “ So w e ’re not isolated,” he said. "Y ou could com e to rural O klahom a he said. And in Vinita, a housing shortage has raised housing costs P eople now drive to jo b s in V inita from up to 40 m iles aw ay, said bank president Don Y arger. “ 1 alw ays thought o f V inita as a place w here people drive som eplace else to w ork,” he said. S till, Y a rg e r sa id , h e a d a c h e s brought by grow th are m uch p refer­ able to the fight for survival o f the previous decade. “ T h ese are g o o d p ro b le m s to have,” he said. Dad’s OU Service Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote VISA heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel Portland, OR 97212 282-5111 Even if you haven’t The Future of Portland: Central City 2000 Continued from front and start up a business in your hom e and work by telephone,” he said. And Sw ineford said there is now a possibility that a large agricultural business, w hich w ould em ploy about 150 people, may com e to L averne before the end o f the year. A bout 80 miles west in the panhandle tow n o f Guymon, grow th o f a hog producing industry has created som ething o f a boom town. Bu, grow th has brought its own SAVED A LOT for a home, elem entary school. “ W e’re trying to be m ore than ju st a university with this additional hous­ ing,” PSU director o f facilities Brian C hase said. “M ost cities are dead after 5 p.m. P ortland’s m ade a com m itm ent to change that by incorporating all types o f housing into the dow ntow n area,” he said. Other m ajor improvements to Port­ land’s infrastructure recom m ended in the plan include constructing a C entral City Street Car that would connect N orthw est Portland, the Riv­ er D istrict and U niversity District. Thoughts on the likelihood o f the overall success o f the recom m enda­ tions vary. “These are good solid recom m en­ dations,” Siegel said. “ It’s likely most ofthem will succeed as long as th ere’s a good serious attem pt m ade to do it.” PSU professor o f econom ics Tom Potiow sky had a different opinion. He was skeptical o f the city ’s ability to inco rp o rate 75,000 new jo b s. “T h ere’s not a lot o f land available for businesses to locate," Potiow sky said, “ it’s hard for me to imagine th ey ’re going to have that kind o f em ploym ent here.” you’ve probably saved It's not easy saving up to buy a home ENOUGH. these days. But with the FHA, it isn’t as hard as you'd thinly Because with an FH A loan, you could get into a home of your own with a down payment as little as a few months rent A nd you don't need a perfect credit record or a highpaymg job House/Down Payment to qualify. 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