•• ■ ♦ a ' r / • * ' • • ; <■-/■.• * P age A4 T he P ortland O bserver (Tlje latti» bseraer Westinghouse $6 billion 5-year contract Westinghouse Electric Corpora­ tion announced last week that the U.S Department o f Energy (DOE) has awarded a W estinghouse-led team o f companies a $6 billion, five- year contract for managing the DOE’s Savannah River Site The contract includes an option for an additional five years "We are honored and delighted that the Department o f Energy and Secretary O'Leary have expressed theirconfldence in Westinghouse and our team of subcontractors, each of whom literally define excellence in their fields. Together, we are fully committed to moving the Savannah River Site to a new level of perfor­ mance excellence and to advancing the Secretary’s contract reform initi­ atives, which already are achieving significant savings for U S. taxpay­ ers,” said Michael H. Jordan, chair­ man and chief executive officer of Westinghouse Electric Corporation. U nder the new con tract, the Westinghouse Savannah RiverCom- pany will manage the site and its nuclear facility operations as well as safety, health, quality assurance and technology development activities. “During the next five years, we will be working with a single focus to attain performance leadership in every key area, building on the accomplishments o f the past seven years to achieve our customer’s pro­ gram milestones and priorities safely and cost effectively,” said Francis J Harvey, executive vice president and c h ie f o p e ra tin g o ffic e r o f the Westinghouse Industries and Tech­ nology Group. "W estinghouse has a partnership in performance with the Department o f Energy that has resulted in sus­ tained improvement at every one o f the sites we manage. Our focus on applying successful performance and cost improvement strategies across all o f the sites we manage for the DOE has yielded savings o f more than SI billion to the taxpayer, over S300 million o f it in 1995.” Westinghouse has managed the Savannah River Site since 1989, moving the site from its original mis­ sion o f weapons production to its post-Cold War mission o f environ­ mental remediation and processing nuclear materials for safe storage and ultimate disposal. With its prim e subcontractor, B echtel S av an n ah R iver, Inc., Westinghouse has completed signif­ icant waste management and envi­ ronmental restoration projects. As its mission shifted, Westing- house initiated rigorous new safety and operations m anagement pro­ grams while concurrently achieving significant cost reductions and work­ ing with private industry to transfer promising new technologies forcom- mercialization. Earlier this year at Savannah Riv­ er, Westinghouse began operation of the nation’s largest and most ad­ vanced nuclear waste processing fa­ cility, w hich is the first o f its kind in the U.S. The facility immobilizes the Re-engineering an estate bv B ob R om Now may be a good time to re­ engineer your landscape, particular­ ly if trees and shrubs have become overgrown and are shading plants that need sunlight. “ In this case, re-engineering sim­ ply means taking a good look at what you have now and figuring out w hat you could do to make it better,” said Ray McNeilan, home horticulturist with the Oregon State University Extension Service. "A s landscapes mature, plants change,” M cNeilan pointed out. “Trees and shrubs outgrow their place in the garden. In almost every' land­ scape, a time comes when some ren­ ovation, or re-engineering, is need­ ed.” Develop a plan that you can use as a guide through the re-engineering period, McNeilan said. A planned landscape or garden doesn’t have to happen all at once. A plan lets you work on parts o f the landscape and save other areas until the next season, yet gives over­ all guidance tow ards a predetermined goal. What is the focal point in your garden or home landscape, or do you have one? A focal point draws the eye and stimulates interest in the garden. It could be as simple as a bird feeder, or as complicated as a plant maze. There can be several pints for different areas. “The N ational G arden Bureau suggests that a coordinated color scheme can really pull a garden to­ gether or refresh one that may have gone stale,” McNeilan said, “for ex­ ample, try matching the colors in your garden to the colors in dishes or California a hot market waste in glass for environmentally safe, long-term storage. During its seven years o f manag­ ing the S a v a n n a h R iv e r S ite , W estinghouse and its prime subcon­ tractor, Bechtel, have made major strides in site environmental clean­ up, upgraded a number ofolder facil­ ities and brought on-line several new ones to help the DOE move into its new post-Cold War responsibilities. In addition, the site has become the acknowledged leader in safety and operational discipline within the DOE. The Savannah River Site occu­ pies 300-square-miles near Aiken, South Carolina. For nearly four decades it pro­ duced materials for the nation’s nu­ clear defense programs, primarily plutonium and tritium. It was bui It in the 1950s by DuPont, which operated the site until 1989, when the Westinghouse-Bechtel team won an intense competition to man­ age its operations. placemats that you might use for outdoor dining.” Mid to late summer is not the best time to plant, but it is a good time to plan, McNeilan noted. Plan now for changes you might make later this fall or next spring. Pruning, transplanting, thinning and replanting may all be involved in your plan. “ Re-engineering need not be a major undertaking,” McNeilan add­ ed. “By planning small adjustments every year or so, you can keep your landscape or garden interesting.” In a flurry o f suburban office building sales along the Interstate- 680 corridor, institutional investors have registered a new vote o f con­ fidence for East Bay real estate. Real estate investment trusts, pension funds and wealthy investor groups are involved in at least a half dozen current deals, most o f which are slated to close in the next 30 to 60 days. "W e are very interested in the market. W e’ve taken a run at just a b o u t a n y th in g ,” said P e te r Schnugg, senior vice president o f Spieker Properties, a Menlo Park- based real estate investment trust. (Greater Walnut Creek) is proba­ bly the premiere suburban market in the East Bay. It makes sense for us to be there as soon as we can.” The bonanza o f summer sales comes after at least five years o f trying to fill an over-built market, climbing vacancy rates, foreclosures and fire sales. The deals join the ranksofaboutS 152 million indeals on eight buildings larger than 100,000 square feet in central Contra Costa County since last August. Another Walnut Creek broker reports that Mitsui Fudosan (U.S. A. Inc.) will sell 2700 Ygnacio Blvd. in Walnut Creek to San Mateo- based W'illiam Wilson & Associ­ ates next week for $8.75 million. “Wall Street likes real estate now,” added Sean M. Cooley, vice president ofoffice buildings for CB Commercial Real Estate Group Inc. in Walnut Creek. Because o f a recovering econo­ my, businesses are scouring for available expansion space in the greater East Bay office market o f Protecting home landscape from spider mites by B ob R ost Hot and dry summer weather is ideal for spider mites, tiny pests that attack many types o f ornamental plants in the home landscape. Mites feed on plant juices, caus­ ing the leaves or needles o f plants to turn yellow and dry and to fall, said Ray McNeilan, home horticulturist with the Oregon State University Extension Service. Infested broad leaves may be cupped downward or become dis­ torted. A very light film o f webbing may or may not be found where spi­ der mites are established. Spider mites also attack some gar­ den crops including sweet com and beans, McNeilan added. There are several species o f mites, but the most common are red spider mites and two-spotted spider mites. The mite is too small to be seen without some sort o f magnifying lens. One way to check for their presence is to hold a sheet o f white paper under a cluster o f possibly infested leaves, and strike the branch or stem. Close­ ly examine the material that falls to the paper. “ Dust spots that move are proba­ bly spider mites,” McNeilan said. roughly 23 million square feet. The activity has pushed the over all office vacancy rates in the East Bay down to an average o f about 10 percent, a five-year low, according to Allen Meacham Associates real estate consulting company in Point Richmond The vacancy rates in some submarkets, including the stre tc h from San R am on to Livermore, are estimated to be in the single-digit range. “There are fewer and fewer see- through buildings. Real estate is starting to fook better and better, Allen Meacham said. Much o f the absorption o f office space this year has been driven by the relocation o f a booming Silicon Valley economy that cannot fully accommodate high-tech, biotech and telecommunications companies “We see a lot o f activity from Silicon Valley. Everybody is posi­ tive about business again. People are willing to make commitments, Cooley said. “There’s more competition for these spaces than I ever anticipated. Even banks— hesitant to finance real estate deals following the sav ings & loan crisis and the spate o f Resolution Trust Corp, fire sales are finding the competition heating up for good loans. “Business is coming back, vacan­ cies are decreasing and the values are going up. Banks were under criticism for making real estate loans. They are more willing to make the deal work,” explained Douglas Cook, assistant vice president for The Mechanics Bank in Walnut Creek. “There’s no question it’s picking up. Buyers are in the market.” Advertise In Washing infested plants periodi­ cally w ith a strong stream o f water will provide some control. Insecticidal soap and overhead irrigation are alternative controls for home landscapers who prefer not to use pesticides. Insecticidal soaps are avai lable at garden and nursery stores. Call 503-288-0033 Peninsula Drainage Plan Homeowners Partners Project PURHA1* '^ ustr C O N S T R U C T IO N DEVELOPM ENT EDW ARD T. D U R H A M , JR. (503) 319-0 8 2 1 FAX 2 8 3 -2 9 7 7 317 B. N.E. KILLINGSWORTH PORTLAND, OREGON 9721 I The U.S. Army Corps o f Engi­ neers plans to reinforce a section o f railroad embankment and construct a splash apron below the pump- outlet pipes through the Columbia Slough levee near Portland Interna­ tional Raceway. The site is part o f the Peninsula Drainage District No. 1. Action is needed to strengthen the project to contain a 100-year flood. The term “ 100-year flood" does not mean that a flood o f this scope can occur only once every 100 years. The term means that there is a one percent chance each year that a flood o f that magnitude could occur The proposed work calls for a 2,000 foot railroad embankment re­ inforcem ent. The reinforcem ent, which is on the landward site o f the embankment, will be raised to a level of2 8 .7 feet (Portland Datum) with sand. This reinforcement, in conjunc­ tion with the railroad embankment, will protect against a one-percent chance ( 100-year) flood with a 98.5 percent reliability. Construction o f the splash apron calls forplacing large rocks (riprap) below the pump-discharge outlet to prevent erosion when the pumping water out o f the drainage district and into the slough. A Water Quality Certification has been requested from the Oregon De­ partment o f Environmental Quality . The certification is required since the riprap will be placed in the water. Thinking of Buying A House? We Offer Free Prequallflcatlon Purchases/Reflnances/2nds Conventlonal/FHA/VA Loans Debt Consolldation/Credlt Lines WILLIAMS LANDSCAPING 2 8 9 -0 8 4 1 Any & All Landscape needs! 203(k) Rehab Loans New Construction Loans Specializing in residential & commercial: L aw ns & sc ru b s G ardens T illin g Edging T ree T rim m ing In-House Processing In-Housing Underwriting Mark Tomlin d O ne The Largest Mortgage Broker In Oregon and Southwest Washington CALL MARK AT 1-800*746-4184 The goal o f the Oregon Home- ownership Partners Project 2000 is to give increasing numbers o f hard­ working families the chance to adopt the mantle o f “homeowner.” This partnership is one o f 58 local coalitions around the country who have accepted President Clinton’s challenge, issued just over a year ag o , to add 8 m illio n new homeowners in this nation by the end o f the year 2000, bringing the nation­ al homeownership rate to an all-time high o f 67.5 percent. Why is homeownership so impor­ tant? There are the measurable bene­ fits: that the home is a primary means o f wealth accumulation for Ameri­ can homeowners; that homeowner­ ship generates construction, jobs, and economic growth. But there are also homeowner- ship’s less tangible—but no less im­ portant-benefits: that homeowner­ ship instills self-reliance, responsi­ bility, a sense o f pride. Brick by brick, homeownership can build or rebuild neighborhoods,communities, and lives. The good news is that the Presi­ WASHER & DRYER FROM THE HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS W ith o p tio n to buy. This Coupon G ood F o r $ 1 0 Off Hauling Available at Reasonable rates Call-Let us give you a “Quote " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • *. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED*. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a M M • • • • • dent’s strategy, which funnels pri­ vate - and public-sector efforts to­ ward helping private lenders reach new pockets o f credit-worthy home- buyers, is working. After years o f stagnation, 1995 saw this nation’s largest increase in homeownership in 30 years. Homeownership in America now stands at 65.4 percent, a 15-year high. The people o f the Oregon are working together to bring this posi­ tive trend to their own neighbor­ hoods. Proofofth is shows in Oregon through the Portland Housing Cen­ ter's Project Down Payment Pro­ gram. This program helps low - to mod­ erate - income borrowers achieve the dream of homeownership by helping them hurdle the main barrier in pur­ chasing a home—the funds needed funds needed for downpayment. As o f now, there are 27 innovative pro­ grams such as this one scattered throughout the state. It is encouraging to see homeown- ership’s comeback, in Oregon and throughout the country. But success notwithstanding, there is much more to be done. RENT YOUR NEXT $40 For The Sel 251*7415 «1 M Á, D E LIV E R Y AND INSTALLATIO N FEE re n ta l Co. w ash er 1 6 5 7 S. E. TACO M A ST.