Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 21, 1996, Page 3, Image 3

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O bserver • A i g i s i 2 1 , 1996
P agi A 3
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Swim lessons don’t
end with summer
Even though sum m er is winding
dow n, swim lessons will continue
during the autum n m onths at Port­
lan d ’s indoor pools, including the
C o lu m b ia P o o l at 7701 N
C hautauqua and Dishman Pool at 77
N .E. Knott. Lessons will be avail­
able Saturdays and m idweek (M on
& Wed or Tues & T hurs) for sw im ­
m ers o f all ages and ability levels
M orning, afternoon, and evening
sessions wil I be offered to accom m o­
date busier family schedules.
"T he Fall lessons are a great way
for kids to maintain and improve the
skills they learned during sum m er,"
said D oug B renner, D irecto r o f
Aquatics. “The indoor pools alsogive
sw im m ers the opportunity to exer­
cise even when the w eather is cold
and rainy. We want all parents to be
aw are o f this resource.”
Fall swim lessons begin Septem ­
ber 16th at C olum bia Pool and O cto ­
ber 5th at Dishman Pool Schedules
and registration forms may be o b ­
tained by calling the pools during
regular business hours or calling the
A quatics Division at 823-5130.
Pools o ffe rin g F u ll sw im lessons:
♦ B uckm an Pool - 320 S I 16th
A venue, ph. 823-3668
♦ C o l u m b i a P o o l - 7701 N.
C hautauqua, ph. 823-3669
♦ D ishm an Pool - 77 N.E. Knott,
ph. 823-3673
♦ M L C Pool - 2033 N.W . G lisan,
ph. 823-3671
♦ PC'C/Sylv ain a Pool - I2 0 0 0 S .W
“ It w onderful. I’m glad I en ­
rolled, "w as frequently heard on the
first day o f the C om m unity Basket
program in NE portland.
I hirty-five m em bers registered
for Com m unity Basket on Thurs­
day, August I, Six o f those m em ­
bers m ade the first day possible by
volunteering their services, em pha­
sizing the w hole m eaning o f C om ­
munity Basket.
C om m unity Basket, a new pro­
gram sponsored by Oregon Food
Bank in M ultnom ah County, is a
volunteer run m em bership program.
Their first site was so successful
that they announced two new loca­
Community Basket provides its
members with inform ational servic­
es concerning nutrition, jo b opportu­
nities, community projects, parent­
ing, self-help inform ation and vari­
ous co m m u n ity p ro g ra m s, on a
monthly basis.
M em bers also receive a bonus
package o f food and non-food items
once a month M em bership costs are
$15 annual fee or a $5 fee every
four m onths-that's only $1.25 per
To qualify, household incom e
(Ebe ^ o rtla u b (IDbseruer
49th, ph. 823-5130
way and, at the same time, teach them
about their heritage. After the experi­
ence with Rose's daughter, she was
talking with Marilyn "and we were
concerned there was nothing out there
for African-American children So we
decided to make a video that would be
good for our children's self image.”
Rose agrees, "W e wanted to show
positive images o f A frican-A m eri­
can children."
O ne o f the key elements o f the
video is to show African-American
children ofdiffrent shades w ill, differ­
ent hair styles and looks. "I think as a
b la c k c h ild , you n o tic e th in g s
diffrently,” adds Marilyn, who roomed
with Rose at Albany State College in
Georgia and is still each other's best
friend. “Television tends to hire light­
skinned African-Americans with long
hair But there are many types o f chil­
dren and we just want our children to
be seen in a positive light.”
One o f the most am azing things
about the video is that these three
women live in two different states
(Florida and Georgia) and none had
any previous experience, or educa­
tional background, producing videos.
Rose and I larriet have their degrees in
marketing and Marilyn in education.
Stil I. they have put together a terrif­
ic product sim : I tar to other videosaimed
at babies and toddlers that made such
a splash earlier this year. But theirs is
different as it also contains learning
ABCs and 123s. I he video is geared
toward children eight months old to
Breaking the silence barrier
T he H earing & Speech Institute in
Portland is sponsoring a class for
parents w ho want to help their chil­
dren learn to com m unicate more ef­
The Institute’s speech pathologists
are specially trained in The Hanen
M ethod, w hich focuses on the natu­
rally-occurring conversations o f dai­
ly life. Parents learn to direct and
support their chi Id's com m unication.
T he class is especially helpful for
children with com m unication delays
or disorders, who need a more inten­
sified learning program.
T he class will be on W ednesday
from 7-9 p.m. at the Hearing & Speech
Institute, 3515 SW V eterans H ospi­
guidelines must be met (185% o f
poverty level) and a pro o f o f ad ­
dress show ing that you live in M ult­
nomah County is needed. A nyone
who qualifies for any other servic­
es- W.I .C., F ood Stamps. Head Start,
etc., will certainly quality for C om ­
munity Basket.
Each site will have a volunteer
coordinator responsible for sched­
uling volunteer shifts, arranging
hom e deliveries, supervising the site,
and re-bagging food.
Anyone interested in volunteer­
ing can call Khalil Edw ards at 282-
0555 for more information.
Call (503) 288-0033 To Advertise In
Doll’d up and diverse
W hat would you do if you’re an
African-American woman and your
five-year-old daughter com es to y ou
asking for a Caucasian doll for Christ­
mas because it was pretty? And. then
she turns to you and asks you, "W hen
am I going to turn white?”
I f y o u ’re M arilyn Hunter, Rose
Abrams-Williams and Harriett Abrams
you took what could be discerned as a
troublingepisode in the growth ofyour
child and tun, it into something posi­
tive. You create “Ebony Expressions,”
the first African-American video for
infants and toddlers.
“ Ebony Expressions,” produced by
the newly created Playtime Produc­
tions, gives African-Amercians the op­
portunity to show their children and
other children o f color in a positive
Head Start
Families benefit from volunteers
tal Road, beginning Septem ber 18
and ending D ecem ber 11. The 12-
week course will feature nine group
classes, three individual video ses­
sions and a final consultation and
For more inform ation, please co n ­
tact Janet Lam bert at the Institute,
(5 0 3 )2 2 8 -6 4 7 9 .
Albina Head Start and Black U nit­
ed Front are hosting guest speaker
Dr. Juan Sanchez from A ustin, T ex ­
as Friday, August 23, 1996, 7:00
p.m. at King N eighborhood Facility,
4815 NE 7th Avenue. C hild care
Dr. Sanchez is a nationally recog­
nized educator who has successfully
worked with low income children
and families.
Parents will discover techniques
that can be used at hom e to help their
children learn. Parents will discuss
how to be more involved with their
children's school. This will be the
first in a series o f presentations de­
signed to help parents im prove pub­
lic education and their ch ild ren ’s
academic perform ance.
For m ore inform ation please call
Flea-free pet & home
Anyone with pets know s all too
well that fleas can create a great
deal o f discom fort for your dog or
cat. And w hile it appears 1996 is
not necessarily a bad year for the
hopping, blood-sucking pest, the
potential is there if pet ow ners d o n ’t
take reasonable steps to control
Proper care—w hich may include
usingpesticide p roducts—will bode
well for both anim al and owner.
Recent hot sum m er w eather only
increases the m isery o f those ani­
mals suffering from the itching al­
lergic reaction to flea bites.
“ D uring hot w eather, the com ­
fort and w elfare o f our com panion
anim als is m ost im portant,” says
Dr. Andrew Clark, acting state vet­
erinarian with the O regon D epart­
ment o f A griculture. “C ontrol o f
fleas and other pests that cause skin
irritation is very im portant to the
anim al's well being.”
Clark says pet ow ners should
consult with their personal veteri­
narians to ensure the anim al’s dis­
co m fo rt is lim ited d u rin g heat
stressed times.
An ounce o f prevention is worth a
pound o f hopping fleas. A good thor­
ough cleaning and vacuum ing o f the
house, especially where the pet sleeps,
is a good start.
"Think like an insect,” says Dr
D aryl Leu, veterinarian with the
Animal D erm atology Clinic in P ort­
land. "T hey seek out dark, moist,
hidden areas o f the home. V acuum
baseboards, carpets, steam c lean. I so-
late pets to hard floor areas. D o n ’t
ju st clean the m iddle o f the h ouse.”
“O ne flea can lay up to 30 eggs per
day,” says Leu. “ Ninety-nine percent
o f a flea’s life cycle is spent either as
an egg, larvae, or cocoon."
Stopping egg production is fine,
but the adult flea may still be causing
your pet som e misery. T reating the
adult flea has also advanced.
W hile the new veterinarian-pre­
scribed products appear to be ex ­
tremely effective, I .eu estimates about
$4 billion are spent each year by
Am ericans on over-the-counter flea
T h at’s w hy the Oregon D epart­
ment o f A griculture is so interested
in the subject. Flea products are
pesticides and require the same kind
o f serious handling as any other so-
called bug killer.
“The thing w e’re m ost concerned
about is pet ow ners going o v er­
board," says Janet Fults o f O D A ’s
pesticide program , which regulates
all pesticide use in O regon and
investigate misuse. "P eople have a
tendency to find a few fleas and use
m ultiple products in a situation that
d oesn't need that kind o f treatm ent.”
People forget that flea collars
are also a pesticide. C om bine a flea
collar with a flea sham poo, and flea
dust, and you have a recipe for
overreaction and disaster.
"An overdose o f any chem ical
or pesticide product is not desir­
able and it’s possible that actual
death o f the animal could o ccu r,”
says Fults.
M ore is not better when it com es
to flea treatm ent. Follow ing the
product label directions will keep
ow ners from exposing the pet and
household to too much toxin.
Prices Effective 8/21 through 8/27/96 a t your nearby Safeway store.
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