o • I AM ) (J bsirver » A ughsi 21, 1996 Barkley expected to be traded to Houston Superstar C harles Barkley got what he w anted — a trade to the H ouston R ockets that will be an ­ nounced on ESPN reported that the P h o en ix S uns h av e d e a lt Barkley to the R ockets lor guard H ere's a scary thought for AFC Sam C assell and forw ards Robert 1 1 , I fans hoping that 12-year Super Bowl Horry, M ark Bryant and C hueky . I drought might end next January: the Brown. H ouston also gets sec­ I B uttalo Bills are the best team in the ond-round draft pick in 1998. I conference. Yep. The Bills, w ho contributed Jim M iller named I so mightily to that losing streak with starter in Steelers’ QB four straight super flops, are likely to jumble be back for another try. Just as likely, | Neil O ’D onnell’s successor as 1 it will be a final try with the present Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback is group. Jim M iller — at least for a game. That group includes three players Head coach Bill C ow her today B ru ce S m ith , Jim K elly an d announced that M iller will start Ihurm an T hom as - alm ost certainly the Septem ber 1st season opener headed to the Hall o f Fam e. It also at Jacksonville, beating out M ike includes veterans A ndre Reed and Tom czak and Kordell Stew art. Kent Hull, m ainstays o f the 1990-93 But there are no guarantees for A FC champs. Miller, who has not enjoyed a But what sets these Bills apart stellar training cam p, as C ow her I from the rest of a ju m b led conference indicated that the starting role does I are recent additions. B ryce Paup not carry clout for the entire sea­ I brought pop to the pass rush, getting son. 17 sacks to earn D efensive Player o f J the Year honors in 1995. Phil H ansen I Cardinals agree to 1 terms with Swann, cut I Simmons The A rizona C ardinals agreed I to term s with defensive tackle Eric- I has developed in to a te irific c o m p le - m en ttoS m ithatd efen siv een d . Henry Jones is one o f the leag u e’s best safeties, and partner Karl Schulz is getting there. The co rn erb ack s are young but aggressive and talented. Swann and cut veteran defensive The linebacking is fine. M ark lineman C lyde Sim -m ons. There I M a d d o x is h e a lth y , an d C h ris is also speculation that running I Spielm an was a terror with the Lions back G arrison H earst could be -he led them in tackles in each o f his trim m ed from the C a rd in als’ ro s­ eight seasons -and a better all-around ter as a way o f getting room under player than the departed C ornelius the salary cap. Bennett. U nlike in their Super Bowl San Isidro wins to open 50th Little League World Series The 50th Little League W orld Series is under way at H ow ard J. Lam ade Stadium in W illiam sport, P ennsylvania. L atin A m erican cham pion San Isidro from the D o­ minican Republic defeated C a n a­ dian cham pion Surrey, 5 - 1, in the first game. Muster, Ivanisevic headline field at du Maurier Open T hom as M uster o f A ustria at­ tempts to cut into A m erican Pete Sam pras' hold on the w orld nu m ­ ber-one ranking as the $ 1,750,(KM) du M aurier O pen, the final tune- up for next w eek’s U.S. O pen, gets underw ay today in T oronto, Canada. M uster, w ho currently trails S am pras by 596 points in the rankings, enters the tournam ent as the top seed. M uster, the prem ier claycourt player in the w orld, will be seeking his seventh title o f the year, but his first on the hardcourt surface. seasons, the Bills have a reliable defense that can turn around gam es. “This is a strong, w inning d e­ fense, Smith said. “W e can win gam es the same way o ur offense can, and th at's the com bination you w ant.” The offense m ight be too reliant on Thom as, w ho goes for a record eighth straight 1,000-yard rushing season and is capable o f I .(MX) as a receiver. But Darick H olm es, if he holds the ball a bit better, is a good backup, and the blockers, led by tackle John Fina and guard Ruben Brown on the left, plus the superb Hull at center, are ju st fine. Kelly says his arm is stronger after shoulder surgery, but his 36-year-old body is battered. He must stay healthy for Buffalo to go anyw here. Then again, operating w ithout key weapons for much o f last year, Kelly threw for 22 T D s and 13 intercep­ tions and had an 8 1. 1 rating. And the Bills won the A FC East again. Now, he has free agent Q uinn Early, prom ising rookie Eric M oulds, a healthy R ecdand the versatile Steve T asker as targets. "O ur goal is to go out and win it this year, and if we d o n 't. I’ll com e back and hopefully do it the follow ­ ing year,” T hom as said. "B ut if we do, I'm outta here.” fMLHÇs Tenna Shoes 3832 NE M A R T IN L. K IN G BL.VD. • 335-0905 Free Pager Service Free Athletic Gear Free Cellular Kits Super Savings on Boss Wear Pelle Pelle Nikes Converse and Much More Mel Renfro ty and around the country. We at the Bridge are blessed to have him as our A m bassador. His deep faith and his passion for our children are an asset to our organization and an inspira­ tion for our daily lives.” FEMALE READY FOR HIGH SCHOOL FOOTRALL Freshman Donnell Finnaman loves tlx.- lixikon aquarterback’s face when she plants hint back-first into the ground. Yes, she. She’s not the first girl to play football in North Carolina. But the hard-hitting, 5- fix)t-6,150-pounder is in the running for a starting jo b o n die defensive line at the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf. “She’s a tough girl," said coach Leonard Baker. “All the boys respect her.” Junior running back Jeffrey McMillan agreed. “She’s challenged eveiy one of the boys,” he said. "She’s tough. Some people on the outside ask us why we let a girl on G & J Auto Service Center 612 N. Killingsworth. Mon.-Fri. 8-6; Sat. 9-5 the team will look out for her." Other players reniember moments like a recent tackling drill. A 6-foot-3 boy knocked Finnaman Hat. She stood up, moth >ned for him to try that again and, this time, Finnaman returned the favor. Blazers Boys & Girls Clubs Brick Sales 5250 NE MLK LOWEST PRICE! OUR SPECIALTY! the team. And we said because she’s tough." But s<»me problems are expected for the 14-year player. “She’s going to have a hard lime with other teams," said fullback Jermaine Black. "They’ll probably pick on her, but B R A K E S S3995 includes diagnostic, replace plugs and points set timing, ad/ust carburetor, perform final check You have room for 24 characters includingspaces. PLEASE PLACE MY ORDER FOR ' BRICKS AT $50 EACH payable to: Exp. Date:_ Boys & Girls Clubs Name on Card: of Portland □ Please bill me. SIGNATURE: MAIL TO: Bricks, 7119 SE Milwaukie Ave. Portland, OR 97202 6 -c y l. $ 4 4 .9 5 8 c y l $ 5 4 .9 5 iTimiNi ! • BELT Cars * by most auto manufacturers DAYTIME PHONE #: PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS the name as you wish it to appear on your brick:_______________ ' __ METHOD OF PAYMENT: Charge my: □ VISA □ Mastercarc □ Check enclosed, Card Number: j l I Recommended every 60,000 miles PURCHASER'S NAME ADDRESS: Includes Labor nnd Freon Say you saw us in the Portland Observer FREE! P R O 1 P A IN T J O B ! 2ND ANNUAL WEST COAST SHOOT-OUT and Win! Instant Prizes: Renfro was raised in NE Portland. He attended B oise Elem entary and Jefferson High School w here he ran track and played football. He w ent on to excel in both sports at the U niversity o f O regon. While at the U o fO , Renfro earned many honors including: Maxwell T ro­ phy as O utstanding Running Back in the Country (1963), Hoffman Award for U o f O ’s O utstanding Player o f the Y ear( 1963), National Football Foun­ dation and College Hall o f Fame. M ore recently Renfro has been inducted into the O regon A frican A m erican Hall o f Fame, the U niver­ sity o f O regon Hall o f Fame and the P o rtlan d In te rsc h o la stic H all o f Fame. About his years in the NFL, Renfro com m ented, “ As 1 look back on my career, it’s clear that the successes I experienced were not ju st mine, but the work o f the Lord. He gave me these talents at a young age and has been guiding my life all along, Now' h e’s given me a new career as the A m bassador for the Bridge. I hope now to help children throughout the country achieve their dream s and have their ow n su ccesses.” Jefferson HS State C ham pion, U o f O All A m erican, N FL All Pro, today Mel Renfro has turned his d is­ ciplined energy and focus back to the community he was raised in. He wants to d ay 's youth to have the sam e safe environm ent he had in w hich to d e­ velop their talents and live out their dreams. I oday y o u 'll find Mel Renfro at the Bridge C enter, and organization that supports a num ber o f C hristian m inistries to provide that safe haven (counseling, jo b skills training, af­ ter-school tutoring, and athletic fa­ cilities). Pastor Don Frazier, founder o f the Bridge C enter, and long tim e friend o f Renfro explained, “ W e are so pleased that Mel has received this ultimate honor. It ju st adds m ore credibility to his position as a role model for the youth in o u rco m m u n i- THIS WEEKEND ¡Means. C om e T h e B rid g e C e n te r to d a y a n ­ nounced the induction o f their A m ­ bassador, Mel Renfro, form er D allas Cow boy into the Pro Football Hall o f Fame. N otification cam e today from the Pro Football Hall o f Fame C o m ­ mittee. Mel played football for the C o w ­ boys from 1964 to 1977. In addition to this ultim ate honor for a pro foot­ ball player, R en fro ’s 14-year career with the C ow boys included many honors: 10 consecutive Pro-Bow ls, 5 -tim e All Pro, 4 S u p er B ow ls, and the Ring o f H onor at T exas S ta­ dium. • CAREFUL MASKING "" . ADVANCED ACRYLIC PAINT • ,-YFAR LIMITED WARRANTY AGAINST FADING Invitational Pro-Am Basketball Tournament O U R VERY B E S T PRO 3 PAINT PACKAGE! INNERCITY OUTFITTERS Featuring Tbp Teams from Seattle’s DOUG CHRISTIE PRO/AM BASKETBALL SUMMER LEAGUE REGULARLY HURRYI LIMITED TIMEI Portland’s Top Prospects top fo u r teams Team ¡features Portland’s TERRELL BRANDON & DAMON STOUDAMIRE together' 2006 NE BROADWAY 460-2640 GRAND PRIZE $300 SHOPPING SPREE! ASK FOR YOUR CUSTOMER APPRECIATION PEEL-OFF TICKET EVERYONE'S A WINNER! INCLUDES • NEW SUPERGLOSS U V SUNSCREEN (A $59 95 VALUE) • SANDING S BASE COAT PREP • ADVANCED ACRYLIC PAINT A INTEGRATED tUL* CLEAR COAT • INFRARED QUARTZ FIN ISH DRYER Y ear limited warranty against fading ' A U G U S T 2 4 -2 5 ,1 9 9 6 ■M * — SAT 11:00, 12:30, 2:00. 3:30, 5:00,6:30, 8:00pm SUNDAY: 10:30, 1:00,2:30,4:00 A ’ ' TRUCKS VANS AND SPORT UTILITY VEHICLES SLIGHTLY HIGHER THE B E S T JO B F O R TH E M O N EY. G U A R A N T E E D ! OPEN M ON Salvation Army Gymnasium 5335 N WILLIAMS AVE PTLD OR For more information call: 503-313-9000 b e s t p r ic e s o n b o d y «■ f e n d e r w o r k i F R E E E S T IM A T E S ! * F R I. 7 : 3 0 A M - 6 0 0 PM • SA T.8:1 PORTLAND • 835 SE 82nd Avenue • ! PORTLAND • 6444 NE Union Avenue • »PRINGFIELD • 136 N. 42nd Street • 5I PLU S $8 0 0 E P A HAZ CHARGE