,7-î s t • ’ :'.t : I ' , ■ JR • > > .. . • r ti*. • ' • - * r . ♦ J r ' ' r ..<< --K y * ? • P age B4 Cat fio [ies offer to p ic [ 9dony %png header The Roman C atholic C hurch in Hong K ong said it was w i ll ­ ing to help select the te r r ito r y ’ s leader once sovereignty reverts from B rita in to China in 1997. The Chancery O ffic e o f the Roman C a th o lic D iocese o f Hong K o ng revealed its view s, endorsed by the Bishop o f Hong K ong C a rd in a l John B a p tis t Wu, in notices posted in Hong Kong parishes. “ The C a th o lic C hurch, i f so in vite d by the preparatory com ­ m ittee fo r the special a d m in is­ tra tive region, w ill nom inate some members to sit on the se­ lection com m ittee, but they are expected to elect the firs t c h ie f executive-designate o n ly ,” the notice said The B e ijin g -p ic k e d prepara­ tory com m ittee responsible fo r tran sfo rm ing Hong K ong into a special adm inistrative region o f (Bíac^cíturcít markets fiexdthpían ic e s ” ^ African American Church & E co n o m ic S e rvices In c. (“ ACHES” ), also known in New York as “ ACHES Insurance Broker­ age,” announced recently that it has been approved by the Department o f Insurance o f New York to broker health plans in the state. A C H E S s im u lta n e o u s ly a n ­ nounced U S. Healthcare as the health plan they w ill be marketing. ACHES w ill in itia lly market to consumers p rim arily through the African American church network in New York. ACHES w ill launch an educa­ tional, grass roots campaign empha­ sizing the importance o f preventive care such as mammography, in flu ­ enza vaccines, and fitness and n utri­ tion in maintaining good health "W e are very serious about mak­ ing sure that African Americans are focusing on illness prevention and health maintenance as a way to show marked improvement in their health status,” said Rev. Dr. Elgin Watkins o f Bethany Baptist Church in Brook­ lyn, and president o f ACHES-East. China next year is to assemble a 4 00-strong selection c o m m it tee to choose the firs t p o s t-c o ­ lo n ia l leader, or c h ie f execu­ tive V a rio us professional groups and grassroots o rg an izatio ns in Hong Kong are nom inating can­ didates to the selection co m ­ m ittee, w hich is expected to start w o rk in October. In a move s till h o tly disputed by many in Hong Kong, the selection c o m m itte e ’ s pow ers were extended to cover selec­ tio n o f a p ro v is io n a l le g is la ­ ture w hich China plans to in ­ stall at the handover at m id ­ n ig ht on June 30, 1997. The provisional legislature is due to replace the present elected chamber which w ill be dismantled because it was elected under dem­ ocratic reform s which B e ijin g strongly opposed. A r u p e U" í amen,al ° f the ACHES program is to provide qual­ ity health coverage, which includes comprehensive benefits and broad networks o f physicians and hospi­ tals, to the African American com­ munity. Im proving the health status o f A fric a n A m ericans and others throughout New York state is the first step in improving the economic outlook o f the community.” U S. Healthcare was selected af­ ter a rigorous review o f the best national managed care plans in the New York area, according to Ernest A Bates, M .D., chairman o f the board, A t HES. U.S. Healthcare was chosen based upon the quality and breadth o f services offered under its Medicare plan, including prescrip­ tion coverage, inpatient and outpa­ tient hospital care, vision care and reimbursements on purchases o f pre­ scription lenses and hearing aids. “ U.S. Healthcare’ s New York H M O was recently honored by the Sachs Group as being one o f six plans nationally to make the Sachs M inister repays investors A minister who claimed he got investment tips from God has agreed to repay more than $ 188,000 to the low-income investors government investigators say he bilked. The Rev. Rufus Jackson reached a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission by promis­ ing to return money to at least 145 people who borrowed on cred it cards or withdrew their life ’ s savings to invest with him. A t “ success seminars” he held at the Zoe Tabernacle church in the Bronx, Jackson told investors he would lead them to the promised land o f 60 percent returns on their m oney by in ve stin g it in real estate. The church is now closed. Jackson told seminar participants that God advised him to gather a group o f 1,000 people and have them each give him $1,000, according to the SEC complaint. Jackson said they “ could prosper and be blessed by the Lord” by in­ vesting in his company, Kingdom Corp., the SEC said. But in fact, Jackson diverted the funds to pay expenses at his daugh­ ter’s beauty parlor and to finance TJ’s Southern Gourmet, a Chambers St. restaurant he still owns, the SEC said. Jackson raised over $300,000 in the scheme, which he promoted from his pulpit and during his weekly ra­ dio broadcast in New York and north­ ern New Jersey. He repaid some o f the partici­ pants, not with real estate proceeds but by raising additional funds from unsuspecting new investors, said Eric Schmidt, the SEC’s assistant region­ al director. “ It was Ponzi scheme,” he added. As part o f the settlement with the SEC, which was announced yester­ day, Jackson did not admit or deny wrongdoing. But Schmidt said the commission stands by its earlier contention that Jackson defrauded the investors. “ Most o f the investors lost sub­ stantially all o f their investments,” he said. “ For many o f them, it was their life 's savings.” U nder yesterday’ s settlement, Jackson has 10 days to make a $15,000 payment to the group o f investors. He must then pay $ 15,000 a month until all the money is re­ turned. I f he fails to meet the schedule, the SEC can either seize his assets or take him to court, Schmidt said. Jackson could not be reached for comment. Schmidt said the SEC received reports a few months ago that Jack- son was conducting church services in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. “ One o f his ex-investors sent us an advertisement he ran in a newspa­ per,” Schmidt said. When the SEC filed its complaint against Jackson last year, it had asked a Federal Courtjudge to impose fines and also demand that he repay his victims. But the commission dropped its effort to collect fines “ because his financial statements show that he doesn't have the money,” Schmidt said. The agency opted to settle on the repayment plan. Church o f S ciento [oyy claims discrimination Y *h r i f t.ir The Church o f Scientology I n Inter national accused the German gov­ ernment ofdiscrim inating against its members there and said it had asked the United Nations to m onitor the situation. In a statement issued by its world headquarters in Los Angeles, the church said it had also asked the O ffice o f Security and Cooperation in Europe to investigate the claim. The United Nations and the OSCE “ have been asked to m onitor reli­ g io us d is c rim in a tio n against scientologists in Germany and take effective action to restore their rights and the rights o f other religious m i­ norities which have suffered under ___ I I i *. iz i i , . Chancellor Helmut K o hl’s govern­ ment,” the statement said. The Church o f Scientology, which was formed by the late American scie n ce -fictio n n ove list L. Ron Hubbard, said the request followed support expressed by leading U.S. politicians for “ Mission: Impossi­ ble” star Tom Cruise and Grammy award-winning jazz musician Chick Corea who, as scientologists, “ have been targets o f religious discrimina­ tion instigated and fueled by Germa- ny’ sgovemingCDU(Christian Dem­ ocratic Union) party and its under-30 youth faction.” The statement also noted that “ Mission: Impossible” was a box __ / “M ■ r-» • To Advertise In (¿he ^Inrthinh (iDhsmwr ( all 503-288-0(133 Twice receiving television expo sure nationwide, she attained nation­ al exposure again in 1994 after w in­ ning first place in the female vocalist category in a contest sponsored by T r in ity B ro a d ca stin g N e tw o rk (T B N ), Leon P a tillo’ s television show and being interviewed on the 700 Club in 1996. In an effort to not only be a sayer o f the word but a doer o f the word as well, Karen has also been involved in an outreach youth program by local radio station V101 along with come­ dian Louis Dix and Marvis Frazier, son o f heavyweight Champion Joe Frazier. Says Karen Domino-White, “ I ’m grateful where God has put me. Inthe past, I could have been doing secular Mt Olivet Baptist Church Insurance-Funded M.G. Insurance Services Group-Life Group-Medical and Health Group-Disability Annuities ofdiscrimination sanctioned and pro­ moted at high levels o f K o h l’s gov­ ernment, in particular by Federal Minister for Family Affairs Claudia Nolte and Norbert Bluem, Federal M inister o f Labor.” “ By remaining silent while his ministers and his party’ s Young Union trample the rights o f m inori­ ties, Kohl is sanctioning Germany’ s return to fanatic extremism,” it add­ ed. supports our decision in choosing U.S. Healthcare.” ACHES w ill act as a broker for health plans, and through a non­ p ro fit foundation established by ACHES, the company w ill reinvest 51% o f the profits earned through this agreement in local community programs and services. “ New York, which has a w ell- organized network o f African Am er­ ican churches, is a key market for AC H ES,” said Rev. Watkins. “ We w ill work with seniors to edu­ cate them on the benefits o f man­ aged care. We believe it w ill be very satisfying to help a large number o f people gain access to better health care.” ACHES, a subsidiary o f San Fran­ cisco-based American Shared Hos­ pital Services, is a licensed health- insurance carrier whose mission is to improve the health and economic status o f African Americans and oth­ er m inorities through the delivery o f high quality health care services. “ We are pleased to work with ACHES in the state o f New Y ork,” said Sal Uglietta, U.S. Healthcare’s regional manager o f health plans for the northeast market. “ We believe that through the ACHES program, we w ill be able to have a positive impact on the health care o f resi­ dents o f New Y o rk.” U.S. Healthcare provides man­ aged care services through HMOs in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jer­ sey, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Dela­ ware, M aryland, V irg in ia , North C arolina, South C arolina, Ohio, Georgia and the D istrict o f Colum­ bia. The company also provides a va­ riety o f other managed health care services to self-insured and other employers, including workers com­ pensation managed care, coordina­ tion and administration o f multiple health plans for multi-state employ­ ers and quality measurement and improvement programs and data analysis systems fo r providers and purchasers o f health care. Cardinali see[s diatoaue by A ndrew S tern Cardinal Joseph Bemardin o f Chicago, troubled by what hecalled the “ increasing polarization” and “ meanspiritedness” dividing Amer­ ican Catholics, said Monday he would oversee a conference to open dialogue on Church issues. The first o f a series o f conferenc­ es, which Bemardin termed “ a call to find common ground,” was planned for sometime in the spring o f 1997 on the “ relationship be­ tween the Church and U.S. cul­ ture.” It may be held in Chicago, the second-largest U.S. archdiocese, where Bemardin, the nation's long­ est-serving prelate, has served as cardinal since 1983. Lay Catholics w ill be offered an opportunity to air views on issues dividing the Church such as bans on contraception and the ordination o f women, strict Vatican edicts on priestly celibacy, the growing short­ age o f priests, the organization o f religious education and the mean­ ing o f the liturgy. “ W orking within the boundaries o f authentic Church teaching, these conferences w ill address with fidel­ ity and creativity the myriad chal­ lenges that we face as a Church and as a society,” Bemardin said. Our invitation is extended to those who are interested in a dia­ logue,” Bemardin said. He was joined at a news conference by sev­ eral members o f a 24-person com­ mittee ofboth official and lay Church leaders from around the country He said the conferences would not result in recommendations to change church policy or teachings but he hoped the dialogue would address an “ increasing polarization within the Church and, at times, a meanspiritedness (that) have hin­ dered the kind ofdialogue that helps us address our mission and con­ cerns.” A t least one liberal Church group praised the effort. “ Call to Action has for many years called for such an ‘open and honest airing’ o f these critical issues in our church,” the group’s president, Linda Pieczynski, said in a statement. Some o f the roughly 15,000 mem­ bers o f Call to Action, who support changes such as married priests, women priests and reversing the birth control ban, were recently threatened with excommunication by the bishop in Lincoln, Nebraska. Bemardin said the conferences grew out o f a five-page statement, “ Called to be Catholic; Church in a Time o f Peril,” prepared by the Na­ tional Pastoral Life Center. The idea for the conference was his and he said he received approval from the Church hierarchy both in the United States and in Rome. music. But because God has devel­ oped me, my purpose is to share what God has done.” And Karen has had her faith severely tested. While film ­ ing her video for the title track, “ Open Our Eyes” , her home was lost to < fire, still her faith in God and hei career went unwavered. Three day: later she performed a free concert ir Philadelphia’ s Paramount Park. MISSING Lennon Drew Smith (known as Len) Abdul M. Hasan 385 5 S.W. Hall Blvd. P.O. Box 5 67 Beaverton, OR 97075 • • • • • . Karen Domino-White, daughter o f the legendary Rock and Roll Hall o f Famer Fats Domino, is set to launch a musical career o f her own. Possessing a 7 octive vocal range along w ith a determination she be­ lieves is heaven sent, Karen’s album is appropriately titled “ Open Our Eyes” on Sacred Voice Recordings, which is due in stores on September 3, 1996. Karen’ s first professional debut was in Baltimore, Maryland, open­ ing for the Winans, singing at differ­ ent church related affairs along with various gospel groups around the New Jersey area, also having per­ formed at the opening ceremonies o f the Philadelphia Convention Center, as well as the 1993 Black Expo. Bass, Darin Clenderin on Piano and Pastor Mark Knutson. Augustana Lutheran Church is located at 2710 NE 14th Ave (C or­ ner o f 15th and Knott, a few blocks from the Lloyd Center and Broad­ way) For more information call 288- 6174. Prearranged-Funeral Programs . the only pla in New York. This type o f ranking (Domino-tVftite reieases¿¡ospetalbum ‘Worship w itt be hebd every Sunday A l i n i i l l l P V l./» r c n in A unique worshipexperience that combines the music o f Jazz, the Gospel, and current issues o f peace and justice, is held every Sunday at Augustana Lutheran Church at 6:00 p.m. Leading the services are well- known Portland Jazz musicians M arilyn Keller - Lead Vocals, Trip Hardin on Drums, Kevin Deltz on . office smash during its open ing week­ end in Germany, showing that “ the German people are refusing to go along w ith the extremism and fanat­ icism o f CDU politicians.” The statement said documenta­ tion sent to U.N. High Commission­ er for Human Rights, Jose Iyala Las­ so, and to other human rights direc­ tors at the United Nations as well as to OSCE officials “ contains chilling evidence o f a systematic campaign » M O Honor Roll, and the only p l a n ^ 8501 N. Chautauqua Blvd. at Willis Blvd. Abdul M. Hasan Advance Planning Counsler Worship Services 8:00am & 11:00am. Church School 9:30 to 10:30am, Bible Study, Wednesdays, 10:30am & 7:00pm Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00am on KBMS A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor (503) 240-PRAY Res. (503) 286-8671 Pager(503) 818-7138 Toll Free (800) 526-9608 Fax (503) 646-5855 1 Son o f Marie Smitth, Brother o f Diann Washington- Woods, and Jessie Ray Burns. 6’0"--130 lbs. Medium Complexion (Black) D .U .B . 1-26-61 Eyes: Brown Hair: Black/Wavy/Short Cut Last seen in Eugene and Portland driving a white Chrysler New Yorker—Newer model 4 dr. ’84. His other car is here in Portland and has been seen around town, a ’85 Olds. 4 dr. Line. #BVB-I95. Tan in color all over. A.P.B.—Contact Portland Police or 497-8427 ask for Diann.