Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 14, 1996, Page 4, Image 4

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    '. 'y- ¿ ¿ « 1 « -*■-
P age A 4
E ä i i í ulien
to success
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R eed E. H in d i , C w +/# m +/ v ,
F edeka l C ommunica r iO N C om ­
A ugust 14, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver
Portlanders shine at regional competition
Eight area high school students
participating in a Portland State U ni­
versity-based program that encour­
ages youth to pursue post-secondary
education fared well recently at a
regional scholastic com petition
The students, all m em bers o f the
PSU Upward Bound Program, par­
ticipated in the 7th A nnual N orth­
west Association ofSpecial Programs
Scholars Bowl at the University o f
Idaho in M oscow, Idaho, earlier this
The event attracted nearly 100
students from m ore than dozen stu­
dent program s throughout O regon,
W ashington and Idaho. Six PSU
U pw ard Bound m em bers captured
first place in the Scholars Bowl team
q u e stio n -a n d -a n sw e r co m p etitio n
am ong other U pw ard Bound pro­
gram s.
They w ere L orraine G ossett, who
will be a sophom ore at M arshall High
School this fall; Josh Fox, a M adison
High sophom ore; Jennifer Harry, a
W ilson High ju n io r; G eniece Battle,
a M ad iso n H igh ju n io r; O d essa
Reilly, a Franklin High junior; and
Igwe W aters, a Jefferson High soph­
om ore.
By the beginning o f the next
century -- in less than 4 years —
60% o f new jo b s will require com ­
puter skills possessed by only 22%
o f A m ericans entering the labor
A lready, m ost high-w age jo b s
require the use o f netw orked com ­
puters. On average, jo b s that re­
quire com puter use pay about 15%
more than those that do not
Yet only IO % ofthe classroom s
in A m erica are prepared to train
our young people to be technolog­
ically literate.
Are the schools in your com m u­
nity prepared? Do they have 2 1 st
century classroom s?
If we do not act today, w e will
liv e to m o rro w in aso c iety o fin fo r-
mation haves and have-nots.
This is an issue that m atters to
all A m ericans, w hether or not your
children use com puters, w hether
or not you are a small business
person in need o f trained em ploy­
ees, and w hether or not you are
Eight o f2 3 m easures certified for
y ourselfa long-tim e em ployee o fa
the Nov. 5 G eneral E lection ballot
com pany, not trained in inform a-
I tion technology and concerned for
w ill im pact schools.
[ your own future.
O S B A ’s L egislative Policy C om ­
We should all want o urchildren
m ittee and B oard o f D irectors will
to begin the future with the best
consider the asso cia tio n ’s position
chance o f success. We know that
on these m easures at their Sept. 20-
wise use o f inform ation technolo-
21 meetings.
I gy is an effective tool for im prov­
The eight m easures and the b oard’s
ing education. Schools with tech­
positions are scheduled for d iscu s­
nology have enjoyed higher test
sion at the O S B A ’s Fall Regional
| scores and better qualitative re­
m eetings set for O ctober.
M easu re 2 7 - A m en d s C o n s titu ­
We should all want our children
tio n : G rants L egislature new pow er
to com e to school ready to learn,
over both new and ex istin g adm inis­
| and to find a school ready to teach
trative rules. W ould m ean a rule en­
| them.
acted by the state B oard o f E duca­
The business com m unity cares
tion, or other ag encies, w ould not
about the quality o f education and
training; they d o n ’t want to have to
train every new hire to use a com ­
puter. And in every com m unity,
there are countless adults w ho
T he C lose U p flagship program
w ould w elcom e the opportunity to
high school students a w eek­
I use a school or library com puter
to W ashington, D.C., w here
training center to learn new skills
first-hand about the d em ­
they may need for a new career. A
new law, The T elecom m unications
Included in the curriculum are sem ­
Act o f 1996 opens the schoolhouse
w ith m em bers o f C ongress, the
door to new technology.
lobbyists, and other W ash­
This new law directs the F eder­
ington experts; debates betw een lib­
al C om m unications C om m ission
erals and conservatives; and w o rk ­
and state utility com m issions to
| ensure that classroom s and librar­
shops that use Capitol Hill and the
city as an experim ental classroom .
ies have access to telecom m unica-
| tions services, like the Internet and
S enators J. Bennett Johnston o f
| e-m ail, at affordable rates. This
L ouisiana and M ark O. H atfield o f
O regon w ere both honored recently
new law can p ro v id e us w ith
at the 25th anniversary celebration o f
100,000 hubs o f advanced com ­
m unications spread across every
com m unity o f our nation.
T oday, the FCC is hard at work
Judy Stiegler, a Bend attorney with
with our state partners answ ering
experience in local education as a
| questions like w hat services do
parent and board m em ber, will chair
schools need — and how m uch is
the State B oard o f Education this
| affordable.
school year.
We ha ve to start ans weri ng these
S tiegler is a form er m em ber o f the
questions by N ovem ber 8, 1996.
d -L a P in e S chool B oard. She
As a parent, student, a business-
on several district co m m it­
person, or an interested m em ber o f
Members o f the PSU Upward Bound team included (back, from left): Igwe Waters, Geniece Battle,
Rashidah Haqq; (front, from left): Odessa Reilly, Lorraine Gossett, Jennifer Harry, Monique Clay, and
Josh Fox. (Portland S ta te photo)
Rashidah H aqq, an incom ing se­
nior at Jefferson High, took second
place in the speech com petition. Haqq
spoke on why she w ould oppose U.S.
governm ent involvem ent in popula­
tion control am ong A m ericans.
M onique Clay, a Jefferson High
junior, placed second in the w riting
com petition. C lay ad d ressed the top­
ic: “Should students have access to
all inform ation on the Internet?”
C o a c h e s fo r th e g ro u p w e re
Reynolds (T routdale) M iddle School
teacher M aggie U ehara and D ayton
High School teacher Jon Bridges.
U pw ard B ound isa federally fund­
ed program that serves seven P o rt­
land high schools. Eligible m em bers
must be enrolled in the 9th, 10th, or
11 th grade, and m ust be a m em ber o f
a low -incom c fam ily and/or a m em ­
ber o f fam ily in w hich neither parent
has received a four-year college d e­
The p ro g ram in clu d es co lleg e
preparation co u rses, tutoring se s­
sions, field trips, sports, visits to c o l­
lege cam puses, career guidance and
cultural enrichm ent activities. M ost
U pw ard Bound students w ho su c­
cessfully com plete the program go
on to college or post-secondary tech ­
nical schools, said Peggy A dam s,
PSU U pw ard B ound director.
This summer, on the Portland State
cam pus, nearly 50 U pw ard B ound
students are taking courses in such
areas as m ath/science, English, c rit­
ical thinking, creative w riting, and
For m ore inform ation on P S U ’s
U pw ard B o u n d Program , c a ll 725-
Eight measures impact schools
stay on the books unless it w as ap ­
proved by the next L egislative A s­
sem bly. (L eg isla tive referral)
M e a s u re 3 0 - A m en d s C o n s titu ­
tio n : R equires state to pay local gov­
ern m e n ts’ co sts o f state-m andated
program s. V o terap p ro v al w ould pre­
vent the state from enforcing laws on
cities and co u n ties unless the L egis­
lature p ro v id es m oney for th eir en­
actm ent. S chool districts, ESD s and
com m unity colleges are not includ­
ed. C ould reduce general fund d ol­
lars available for schools. (Legisla­
tive referral)
M e a s u re 3 9 —A m en d s C o n s titu ­
tio n : W ould req u ire health insur­
ance plans to include coverage o f
alternatives to traditional treatm ent,
in c lu d in g
c h i r o p r a c to r s
an d
naturopaths. W ould im pactability o f
current plans to control costs. /7m-
liative p etitio n )
M e a su re 4 1 —A m en d s C o n s titu ­
tio n : Requires public em ployee com ­
pensation to be listed as the total cash
value o f salary and benefits. Could
im pact how salaries/benefits are list­
ed in local budgets and are reported
to the public. (Initiative petition)
M e a s u re 4 2 —A m en d s C o n s ti­
tu tio n : R equires testing o f public
school students and public reporting
o f test results. W ould require all
public school students in grades 4-
12 to be annually tested for math and
Capitol Hill close up
the C lose U p Foundation, the na­
tio n ’s largest civic education organi­
zation w hich brings high school stu­
dents from across the U nited States
to W ashington, D C. to receive a
behind the scenes look into the w ork­
ings o f governm ent.
In reco g n itio n o f the S en ator’s
long tim e su p p o rt for the C lose Up
program , th e Foundation will estab­
lish five J. B ennett Johnston fellow ­
ships and five M ark O. H atfield fel­
low ships to be aw arded annually,
b eg in n in g w ith th e 19 9 6 -19 9 7 school
The fellow ship will be aw arded to
disadvantaged students in Louisiana
and O regon who otherw ise would
not have the opportunity to partici­
pate in the C lose Up program .
“C lose U p gives young people,
educators, and citizens o f all ages a
practical understanding o f how pub­
lic policy affects their lives and how
they can affect public policy,” said
“C lose Up enables public policy
m akers to enjoy a special relation­
ship with young people that intro­
duces them to the real w orkings o f
A m e r ic a ’s d e m o c r a c y ,” a d d e d
Bend attorney heads Education Board
a local com m unity, now is the tim e
for you to get involved in this
process and help us answ er these
[' questions.
You can do this by learning
about the new law and the steps
| being taken to im plem ent it.
You can contact the FCC at the
address below or your state regu­
latory com m ission. O ry o u can ask
your local school board w hat steps
they are taking to get plugged into
the inform ation highway.
T he new telecom m unications
law has been celebrated for the
m any new opportunities it will o f­
fer phone com panies and other
businesses, but the best opportuni­
ty o f al I may be the one we have to
w ell prepare all young A m ericans
I for a bright and prom ising future.
Y ou can reach me by e-m ail at:
rhundt@ fcc.gov, by postal mail at
1919 M Street NW , W asitm gton,
D.C., 20554. by phone at 202-
| 418-0260, oi through the FCC
W o rld W id e W eb at h ttp : //
w w v fee.gov.
tees and w as the parent representa­
tive on site councils o f tw o schools.
“Judy has w alked the talk o f those
she rep resen ts,” said B end-LaPine
Supt. S cott M utchie. “ I c a n ’t think o f
a better person w ho can advocate for
public ed u catio n .”
S tiegler says her involvem ent in
local schools gives her a better per­
spective in m aking decisions at the
state level. “ 1 understand local issues
an d ho w sta te d e c is io n s a ffe c t
schools,” Stiegler said.
She wants to see public schools be
the top funding priority during the
1997 legislative session.
Paragon C able invested more
than $ 14 7,000 this past school year
into its C able in the Classroom
program . P aragon provides free
cable service to 179 local qualified
"Our gift Io t f e American Lung
schools so that they may utilize the
Association pays us income fo r life."
valuable educational program m ing
offered. This includes 100% ofpub-
iscover how you can benefit from
lic elem entary, m iddle and high
a life income gift of cash, stocks
schools in P arag o n ’s service area
or mutual funds to the American Lung
and m ore than 30 local private and
Association. Lock in a fixed payment
alternative schools.
with a Gift Annuity (rates range from
C able in the C lassroom is the
5.9% at age 55 to 11% at age 90+) or
cable television industry’s$325 mil­
choose to make your gift through our
lion public service initiative to en­
Pooled Income Fund, which offers a
rich education. Each month, more
variable rate.
than 525 hours o f non-com m ercial,
To learn about these and other life in­
high quality educational program ­
come gift opportunities, please contact:
m ing is available to schools and
hom es with cable.
American Lung Association, Gift
“ W e have seen a shift in how
Planning Program. 1740 Broadway,
people view cable TV ,” said Jonene
New York, NY 10019-4374. Tele­
Zinne, Paragon’s Public A ffairsC o-
ordinator. “C able TV is no longer
seen as a way to baby-sit children
but as a way to teach them. This
program gives students an opportu­
nity to begin their jo u rn ey on the
inform ation superhighw ay through
cab le.”
Before the advent o f cable and
the VCR, teachers struggled with
the lim itations o f using television.
T he TV controlled the te a c h e r-p ro ­
gram s could only be used when they
w ere aired. Now, teachers are in
control. They can use as little or as
m uch o f the cable program s as they
need to m otivate their students and
enrich their lesson plans. The p ro ­
gram s may be used when teachers
w ant, not ju st because o f technolo­
gy, but also because m ost have ex ­
tended copyright clearances.
on tax measures. W ould require 50
percent plus one o f all registered
voters in a district to vote “y es” to
pass any revenue m easure, e.g., bond
levies. (Initiative petition)
M e a su re 4 7 -A m e n d s C o n s titu ­
tio n : Reduces and lim its property
taxes: limits local revenues, rep lace­
ment fee. W ould cut property taxes
to 1994 levels or 1995 levels less 10
percent, w hichever is low er, and
would percent, w hichever is lower,
and w ould limit future increases to 3
percent annually. The estim ated loss
in revenue to schools and other local
governm ents is $1.1 billion in the
1997-99 biennium. (Initiative p e ti­
How effective is
Oregon’s Helmet Law?
Continued from Metro
The increase in bicycle-related in­
ju ry and fatality rates in O regon,
despite the decline in bicycle riding
and increased helm et use, clearly
shows that our streets are dangerous.
C ars k i 11 over 500 O regon ians and
40,000 A m ericans every year; yet, it
is illegal in O regon and m ost states
for com m unities to low er speed lim­
its below 25 mph on neighborhood
streets—even though a p edestrian
struck by a car traveling at 30 mph
has nine tim es greater chance o f dy­
ing that if the car is going 20 mph.
Furtherm ore, Danish and Swiss
studies have found that the health
benefits o f bicycling far outw eigh
the risks ( 16 to I in the Swiss study).
Sedentary lifestyle diseases—heart
failure, obesity, diabetes-kill thou­
sands o f Americans a year. Decreasing
car use (and speeds) while increasing
cycling and walking should be O re­
g o n 's number one public health goal.
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W eils F argo C onsumer C redit F acility
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it/verfise In
(Ihe ^Jo rtlau h ODhscruei*
verbal skills. Results m ust be re­
leased to parents and students. B e­
cause this is a constitutional am en d ­
m ent there w ould be no ch oice in
im plem enting and paying costs for
this testing requirem ents. (Initiative
p etitio n )
M easu re 45—A m en d s C o n s titu ­
tio n : Raises public em ployees’ re­
tirement age: reduces benefits. W ould
raise retirem ent age for public em ­
ployees to the age o f Social Security
eligibility, now 65. This is the son o f
M easure 8, the 1994 public pension
initiative recently found unconstitu­
tional. (Initiative petition)
M e a su re 4 6 —A m en d s C o n s titu ­
tion : C ounts non-voters as “no” votes