COWBOYS DE CARVER SUSPENDED FOR SIX GAMES Baseball talks resume today; both sides optimistic On the second anniversary o il I the start of the l o n g e s t s t r i k e in baseball history, labor peace may finally be in sight. Round-the-clock negotiations I I betw een representatives o f the I players and ow ners through the | w eekend produced considerable I progress as both sides attem pt to I reach a c o lle c tiv e b a rg a in in g ! agreem ent for the first tim e in f | three years. Mariners hope to activate DH Edgar Martinez today The Seattle M ariners, in the I I throes o f their worst losing streak o f the season, may have the ser­ vices o f designated hitter E dgar I M artinez today for the opener oi l their three-gam e series again st f I Kansas City. Bullets’ Juwan | Howard to meet with| media today A ll- S ta r f o rw a rd J u w a n I H ow ard, who officially re-signed with the W ashington B ullets over) I the w eekend after the league dis- I approved his contract with the I 1 Miami Heal, will m eet with the I m edia today at 4 :3 0 p.m. ED T at j | the U SA ir A rena T h e NBA’ first $ I (X) m illion man returned to I I his previous team Saturday after the league, the Players A ssocia­ tion and the M iam i H eal reached | agreem ent in acase that o v ershad­ owed ¡he biggest free agent frenzy in NBA history. Redskins release veteran safety James Washington The W ashington R edskins to-1 I day released eight-year veteran safety Jam es W ashington. T he 31 year-old W ashington signed as a free agent with the R edskins last I year and recorded 90 tackles and two interceptions in 12 contests. W ashington played his first two seasons in the league with the Los [A ngeles Rams (1988-89) before I I joining the D allas C ow boys fo ri 1 five years. He led Dallas in inter-1 ceptions three tim es and helped the club to back-to-back Super | I Bowl wins. Sampras, Ivanisevic, Agassi top seeds at RCA Championships P e te S a m p ra s a n d A n d re i | A gassi, tw o o f the top A m erican players in the w orld, headline the I $ 9 15,(XX) RCA C ham pionships I w hich get underway today at In­ dianapolis, Indiana. Sam pras, the [ top seed, is com ing off a straight- set loss to T hom as Enqvist o il Sweden in the quarterfinals o l Ia s i f w e e k 's A T P C ham p io n sh ip in Cincinnati. Sam pras has captured four titles this year, but none since [ I A pril’s Japan Open. D allas Cow boys defensive end Shante Carver was suspended Friday for six gam es for violating the Na­ tional Football L eague’s substance abuse policy. The 25-year-old C arver left the team ’s Austin, Texas training camp July 20 for what head coach Barry Switzer termed "personal reasons.” The N FL would not disclose spe­ cifics o f the suspension, but various published and broadcast reports claim Carver was penalized for repeated vio­ lations o f the N FL ’s substance and/or alcohol abuse policy. Carver, a 1994 first-round draft pick, w as expected to serve as Charles H aley’s backup at right end. Carver has only two sacks in two seasons. Kavika Pittman, a 1996 second- round pick, likely will em erge as the Cowboys' backup to starting ends Tony Tolbert and Haley. Former Cow boys defensive back Clayton Holmes was suspended for the entire 1995 season and defensive tackle Leon Lett sat out four gam es last season for substance abuse. All-Pro wideout Michael Irvin will miss the first five games this season after plead­ ing no contest to drug possession charges. Carver and Irvin can practice with the team in cam p and play in pre­ season games, but cannot be with the Cowboys during the season until their suspensions end. In Other News. M innesota V ikings kicker Fuad Reveiz announced his retirement after 11 National Football League seasons due to an ankle injury. EMMIT SMITH SETS HEW DEAL Four-tim e NFL rushing cham pion E m m itt Smith, who was eli­ gible for free agency after the 1996 season, reportedly has agreed to a new contract with the D allas C ow ­ boys. ning backs in his six-year NFL ca reer, rushing for 8,956 yards and 96 touchdow ns. He has 100 to u ch ­ dow ns overall, tied for ninth on the all-tim e NFL list with Franco H ar­ ris. E S P N ’s C hris M o rten sen re ­ ported M onday m orning on “The F abulou s S p o rtsB ab e” show on ESPN Radio that the C ow boys will announce they have agreed to term s on a new contract with Sm ith at a M onday news conference. The 27-year-old Sm ith has be­ com e one of the all-tim e great run­ T he C ow boys had been negoti­ ating with Sm ith off-and-on since the team won its third Super Bowl in four years last January. Sm ith was entering the final year o f a four- year contract worth $13.4 million. Sm ith rushed for a career-high 1,773 yards and an N FL -record 25 touchdow ns last season. CRAVIHG FOR THE GAMES W ith the conclusion o f the Atlanta Sum m er G am es, O regonians can b e­ gin to anticipate the sam e thrill and dram a to unfold here in O regon. In 1998, Portland will host the W orld M asters G am es attracting ath ­ letes from around the world. The com petition will include tra­ ditional O lym pic disciplines such as track and field sw im m ing, basket­ ball, volleyball, as well as less-tradi­ tional events as w ind surfing and rugby. 'Die host nation m ay choose som e of the non-traditional events that it w ould like to have. "The W orld M asters G am es in the O lympic equivalent for older athletes, em bracing the same spirit of com peti­ tion and dram a that we watched unfold on TV the past couple o f weeks. These G am es are also an occasion for O r­ egon tohighlight is internationally rec­ ognized scenic beauty and diverse rec­ reational opportunities, and dem on­ strates Portland’s ability to com pete for world class events,” said State Treasurer Jam es Hill. T he 1998 W orld M asters G am es, sponsored by N IK E , is the single largest m ulti-sport event in the world Take a Deep Breath For someone with asthma or other serious lung disease, it’s easier said than done. So help us help millions breathe easier. t AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION. I -800-LUNG-USA and is expected to bring 2 5 ,0 0 0 ath­ letes from m ore than 1 OOcountries to O regon. B risbane, A ustralia, hosted the 1994 G am es and brought an esti­ m ated $30 to $40 m illion to the local econom y. D ue to increased popularity and m ore w orld-w ide notoriety, the P ort­ land G am es are estim ated to gen er­ ate betw een $50 and $ 100 m illion in eco n o m ic stim ulus to the State o f O regon. T o u rism dollars in every region of the state are expected to increase d u rin g the G am es because partici­ pants and spectators typically make the G am es part o f a larger trip. F ur­ ther, events like w ind surfing will be held in H ood River. Ireasurer Hill w astheseniorelectcd official in the delegation responsible for bringing the G am es to Oregon. Hill, along with officials from Nike, Inc. and the Portland M etropolitan Sports Authority, traveled to A ustralia in 1994 to make the successful pitch for the 1998 Games. T he W orld M asters G am es are held every four years for participants 30 years o f age and older. Your hands may be telling you something Any sign of muscle weakness could mean neuro­ muscular disease. Call our lifeline. It’s toll-free. Muscular Dystrophy Associatori THE VOICE OF HOPE Costa, Berasategui top seeds at Croatia Open Umag A lb e rto C o sta and A lb e rto I B erasategui o f Spain headline the field at the $400,000 C roatia O pen Umag, w hich gets underw ay to­ day at U m ag, Croatia. Costa, who earlier today eaptuied h it MCOttd claycourt title o f the ycai at the San M arino International in Italy, I is the top seed and will face O m a ri C am porcse of Italy in his first-1 round m atch Tuesday B erasategui, the second seed, I I will be seeking his third title o f the year on clay, having prevailed at the Tennis International in June and the E.A G enerali O pen three w eeks ago He takes on B razilian G ustavo Kuerten in the opening round. 1-800-572-1717 Dad’s 'Die 33-year-old Reveiz has been bothered by an injury to his left ankle and he underwent offseason surgery to re m o v e bone c h ip s Reveiz, w ho was on the physi- cally-unable-to-perform list, was told by doctors that he risked more serious injury if he continued kicking. Reveiz set an N FL record by con­ verting 3 1 straight field goalsattempts, The N ew Y ork Jets on T uesday f in a lly s ig n e d w id e r e c e iv e r K eyshaw n Johnson, the top overall pick in the 1996 N FL draft who had been holding out d u rin g contract n e­ gotiations. The three-year, $15 m illion co n ­ tract includes a $6.5 m illion signing bonus and $2 m illion in incentives, the team announced. " I ’m finally here now , so it’s tim e to get dow n to b u sin ess,” Johnson heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel Portland, OR 97212 282 5111 said at a new s conference. “I’m excited, I’m happy about the deal that the Jets and my two atto r­ neys put together for m e,” said the form er USC star, adding he "w as anxious to get into ca m p .” Johnson was the first w ide re ­ ceiver chosen with the num ber one pick since N ew E ngland selected Irving F ryar in 1984. W ithout Johnson, the Jets lost their exhibition opener Saturday, scoring only one touchdow n in a 31-13 d e ­ feat to the H ouston O ilers at Jack- son, M ississippi. J o h n s o n ’s sig n in g le a v e s o n ly fo u r f irs t-ro u n d p ic k s u n sig n e d — d e f e n s iv e en d S im eo n R ice o f th e A riz o n a C a rd in a ls , ru n n in g b a c k T im B ia k a b u tu k a o f th e C a r o lin a P a n th e r s , g u a rd J e f f H a rtin g s o f th e D e tro it L io n s an d sa fe ty J e ro m e W o o d s o f the K a n ­ sa s C ity C h ie fs. A Healing Sport T he road to recovery follow ing surgery may include a stop in the pool. W ater is therapeutic and improves circulation to injured areas. Patients often stay motivated since they can begin rehabilitation as soon as the stitches have been removed. By using a flotation device patients have complete range o f motion, with­ out placing weight on injured limbs or joints. W ater-based exercises include jogging and pushing the water in vari­ ous directions with the arms. "The pool is an excellent environ­ “Swim m ing pools can provide a gentler, less intimidating environment forrehabilitation,” said David Brennan, an exercise physiologist at Baylor College o f M edicine in Houston. "P a­ tients, who have undergone m ajor sur­ gery on the knee, hip or foot, can begin pool rehabilitation sooner than tradi­ tional physical therapy.” Tuinei Injured Hegamin has been inconsistent and didn’treccivemuchpraisefromSwitzer. ‘ ‘Sometimes y ou ’ ve just got to play the default and hope they play well,” Switzer said. Blazers Boys & Girls Clubs Brick Sales ■ ---------------- ______________________ ¡DAYTIME PHONE #: \ \ \ \ _____________ PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS the name as you wish it to appear on ■your brick:___ "X "V I - . I You have room for 24 characters includingspaces. | PLEASE PLACE MYORDER FOR ? BRICKS AT $50 EACH | METHOD OF PAYMENT: Charge my: □ VISA □ Mastercard • □ Check enclosed, Card Number: • payable to: DC w < z n 1 Exp. Date:. n 1 Boys & Girts Clubs Name on Card: of Portland ! □ Please bill me. SIGNATURE: I MAIL, TO; Bricks, 7119 SE Milwaukie Ave. Portland, OR 97202 ment for getting people back in touch with how their bodies move,” said Brennan. "They don’t have to worry about falling down or putting too much pres­ sure on an injured joint. The water helps patients relax.” W aterrehabilitation not only works on the injured body part, it also builds overall fitness, benefitting patients w hen they begin their normal physical therapy. G & J Auto Service Center qqq C 7C C Z 00 612 N. Killingsworth. Mon.-Fri. 8-6; Sat. 9-5 MES Pro Bowl offensive tackle Mark Tuinei will be out two to four weeks after rupturing the medial collateral ligament in his right knee, Dallas Cow­ boys trainer Jim Maurer said Tuesday. Tuinei was injured Monday night in a 31 -7cxhibition loss toNewEnglandas wasbackupreceiverOrandeGadsden. Coach Barry S wi tzer said Gadsden is out indefinitely and may need sur gery after fracturing an orbital bone surrounding his right eye. Gadsden had performed well in training camp and preseason, making catches of 40 yards or more in two exhibition games and shining on spe­ cial teams. Switzer said Tuinei’s injury forces Pro Bowl right guard Lany Allen to replace him at left tackle. Thiid-year backup offensive lineman George Hcgamin will replace Allen at right guard. ¡PURCHASER'S NAME: ¡A D D R E S S :___________ Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote The Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times,citing unidentified sources, reported Friday that the fine was e q u iv a le n t to fo u r g a m e s ’ pay ($ 4 12,5CO). NFL Com m issioner Paul Tagliabue is expected to decide next week whether to suspend the 30-year- old com erback. The league office and Woolford’s agent, Steve Zucker, confirmed to the Tribune only that Wixilford had been fined. The Bears declined comment. Wixilford was convicted of driving under the influence following a May 18 incident in the Chicago suburb o f Lincolnshire. It was the second such con­ viction for Wixilford, who was involved in a 1994 drunken driving incident. Woolford played only nine games last season, but led the Bears with four inter­ ceptions. JETS FINALLY SIGH KEYSHAWN JOHNSON 5250 NE MLK Service a streak that ended early last season. He made 26 o f 36 field goals in 1995 and all 44 of his extra points for 122 points last season. Reveiz has made 188 o f 250 field gols for 931 points in his NFL career with Miami, San Diego and M inne­ sota. The Vikings recently signed kicker Lin Elliott, who was released after missing three field goals in Kansas C ity’s 10-7 playoff loss to Indianapo­ lis last January. Elliott is competing with Scott Sisson for the starting job. Chicago Bears comerback Don nell W(X)lford. who last month was found guilty of driving under the influence of alcohol, will reportedly be fined more than $400,(XX) for violating the National F