P age A6 J uly 31, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver Swimming With Sharks! How Virtual Reality Works by P rof . M c K inley B urt These actually are the two titles o f some excellent material for your read­ ing list. I ’ ve combined them into a heading for this article because the two concepts seem to address the current economic rat race in a very realistic and unromantic manner The first book, “ Swimming With Sharks," Harvey McKay, $6 95, is about how to preserve one’s socio­ economic life and limb in a world o f predators, I developed some rather realistic metaphors in a coffee house discussion with some former stu­ dents; “ think about Albina as the old ‘Ethiopian Sea’ and that you have some rather voracious creatures cir­ cling your life raft.” That statement elicited a bit o f laughter because it was in reference to a time in my Black History class when I was having difficulty docu­ menting that today’s so-called “ Per­ sian G ulf” was known by the an­ cients as the “ Ethiopian Sea” just as the A tla n ta was know n as the “ Ethiopic Ocean". This had seemed a perfectly natu­ ral state o f affairs to ancient histori­ ans and cartographers since at the time these bodies o f water were sur­ rounded by or adjacent to lands o f black cultures and people;m races who navigated these seas and who conducted commerce and military Campaigns all over the areas. The Greeks even adopted the pantheon o f gods and goddesses o f many o f these peoples. When other faculty (white) vehe­ mently denied these facts while my students were in their classes, I felt I had my reputation to protect, I promptly got in touch with my corre­ spondents at Campbridge University in England, the Vatican Scientific Translations in Cairo, Egypt. W ith a month I was able to provide photocopies o f ancient maps o f these oceans with their African appella- tions-as well as citations to the few American publications bold enough to print these facts. You can guess what happened when my students hit these other instructors with the facts. For months a afterwards when I entered the Portland State Univer­ sity faculty cafeteria, there was a sudden silence before the chatter and Wanted Subject Suspect Dennis Smith unknown stranger who also a s-’ saulted him. Detectives are handling the case as a homicide, and an arrest warrant has been issued charging Smith with Murder in the First Degree. Dennis Keith Smith is described as a 34-year-old white male, with a date o f birth o f February 19, 1962. Smith is 6 ’ 3" tall, weighs 220 pounds, with blue eyes and gray­ ing brown hair. Smith has tattoos covering both arms. C rim e Stoppers is o ffe rin g a cash reward o f up to $ 1,000 fo r in fo rm a tio n , reported to C rim e Stoppers, w hich leads to an ar­ rest in this case or any unsolved fe lon y crim e, and you need not giveyournam e. Call C rim e Stop­ pers at (503) 823-H ELP Portland’s Old Town Drug-Free Zone A cco rd in g to a re p o rt title d " P o lic e B u re a u g ets fe d e ra l g ra nt" in the July 11 O regonian (p.B 2 ), “ A grant to ta lin g more than $1.8 m illio n " w ill inclu de "$ 30 0 ,00 0 on O p eratio n N orth Star, an e ffo rt to e lim in a te street drug d ealing in O ld T ow n and on the tran sit m a ll.” C ity o ffic ia ls c o n tin u a lly tru m ­ pet how the “ D rug-F ree Z on e ” in O ld T ow n and d o w n to w n . (The e co n o m ic law s o f p ro h ib itio n mean that in v a ria b ly , the dealers o ffe r cocaine or heroin, but never pot.) D o you th in k $300,000 w ill e lim in a te drugs from O!d Tow n or dow ntow n? So fa r, by d riv in g a lo t o f dealers out o f O ld Tow n, The p o lice have o nly spread the trade to the nearby tra n sit m all. T hat $300,000 w ill lead to tens Top Sports Marketers Court UO Students Look behind the scenes at Oregon’s top sports venues this sum­ mer and yo u 'll find more than a dozen students and graduates o f the University o f Oregon's Warsaw Sports Marketing Center on the job. “ The Warsaw Center is the hot­ test program at the UO,” says Adam Borgens who snagged a paid intern­ ship this summer with Team N orth­ west Racing in Portland. Other Warsaw Center graduates are working behind the scenes for thePortlandTrail Blazers,Ml Bach­ elor Ski and Summer Resort, the United States Basketball Academy, the National Basketball Associa­ tion and the 1996 Summer O lym ­ pics in Atlanta. Portland’ s fledgling Women's Basketball Association franchise be­ gan looking at Warsaw Center stu­ dents for summer internships after General Manager Linda Weston sat in on a student presentation o f a marketing plan proposal for her new term. Five Warsaw Center students are working for the N IK E W orld Mas­ ters Games, helping to promote the event that is expected to draw 25,000 to Oregon in the summer o f 1998. “ The Warsaw Center candidates knocked our socks o ff,” says Laurie Bloch, director o f administration forthe NIKE World Masters Games. They were prepared, poised and well versed in what we do. Their resumes were superior to those o f other applicants and their presenta­ tions were even better.” That isn't idle talk. Bloch asked some o f the Warsaw Center interns to come back next year. She also nvited graduates to extend their summer internships to a full year. We need their energy and intel­ ligence,” says Bloch. “ We want to develop the best young set o f sports managers in the Pacific Northwest. We found them a the Warsaw Cen­ ter.” What give UO students the edge the competition for sports mar­ keting jobs? Maybe it's prepara­ tion. Students start with solid course work in professional business prac­ tices at the Charles H. Lundquist College o f Business, then spend year concentrating on the ins and outs o f sports marketing at the Warsaw Center. Networking is another key. The center regularly brings in top pro fessional such as Gary Jacobus, Na lional Football League senior di rector, and Reggie W illiam s, Walt Disney W orld Sports vice presi dent, to share their real-world expe rience with students. “ We felt from the beginning that the placement o f students in jobs was a critical part o f what the War saw Center is about,” says director Michael Ritchey. "W e ’ re not oper ating from an ivory tower here We re preparing students for real jobs in the competitive world o f sports marketing.” Ritchey attributes much o f the Warsaw Center's success to its Io cation w ithin a college o f business and to its blend o f traditional aca­ demics and full-tim e instructors drawn directly from the sports mark­ ing world. W ith courses in sponsorship, li­ censing, sports marketing commu­ nications and sports marketing law, the Warsaw Center has aggressively sought to inspire its students to seek employment in a growing industry estimated to produce more than $150 b illion a year in U.S. rev­ enues. I t ’ s a formula that's paid o ff in dream jobs for students. Warsaw graduate Julie Fields w ill work this summer on event management for the 1998 N IK E W orld Masters Games. "This is an unbelievable oppor­ tunity. I want to specialize in event management and here I am working on the w orld’s largest event o f its kind," enthuses Fields. Christie Wise, a journalism ma­ jor, came to the UO because o f the sports marketing program. “ The Warsaw Center is the best sports marketing center in the coun­ try,” says Wise, who graduated from the UO in June and reported for work with the Portland Trail Blazers in under conditions sim ulating real planes and airspace. Now, we see surgeons simulating operations, res­ cue workers ‘responding’ to disas­ ters, architects 'w alking through' building's they have de-signed. and. of course, kids playing all sorts of games. But what was rea lly interesting at this little coffee house co n ­ clave was the increasing number ol people who are com ing around to my early way o f th in k in g about the w orld being a sta ge -a n d that one had better ‘ read’ the actors and props as w ell as the media One women o ffe re d, "Y o u have to check out the 're a l' v irtu a l re­ a lity w hich is what goes on a ll the tim e ." It w ou ld sure help in A l- bina today. Speaking o f reality, let me be quite clear about the business model I cited in last week’s article, "Let The Games Begin." The full name of the organi­ zation from which I obtained the in ­ formation on how to set up a finance company for the used car dealers on Union Avenue, was the "National Association o f Automobile Finance Companies (in 1949). This is important because I al­ ways emphasized to business stu­ dents that there was a wealth o f ex­ perienced-based inform ation (no, virtual) to be obtained from the ‘trade associations' o f those people actu­ ally involved from day-to-day. The public library has books which list thousands o f them; try “ Gales.” Low-Income families receive surplus food Crime Stoppers Investigators from the C lark County, Washington Sheriff’ s O f­ fice, in cooperation withCrime Stop­ pers, are asking for your help in locating Dennis Keith Smith. An arrest warrant is on file charging Smith in the disappearance o f a Vancouver, Washington, woman. Shortly before midnight on No­ vember 11,1995, Smith left Omar’ s restaurant and lounge in Orchards, Washington, withCarolyn K illably. K illably's car was later located in the parking lot o f the restaurant. No one has seen K illa b ly since. When questioned shortly after the disappearance, Smith admitted leaving with K illab ly, but claimed that she was dragged o ff by an clatter began again You don what you have to. The second book, "H ow Virtual Reality Works," by Joshua Eddings, about $ 15.00, Is the best I ’ ve found to date on these new adventures in Cyberspace where you can pul on this strange hcadgear--and have ad­ ventures where you ain’ t’ . This well written and illustrated manual pub­ lished by Ziff-D avis Press gives very precise definitions: “ Virtual Reality (VR) is the use o f computers and other special hardware and software to simulate an alternate world.” What is real, o f course, are the many very practical applications o f virtual reality; most o f us being fam il­ iar with the television documentaries which show airline pilots being trained o f m illio n s o f d o lla rs in c o u rt and inca rce ratio n costs fo r the c ity , co un ty, state and federal g overnm ent w h ile p ro v id in g a price support to the vast m a jo rity o f more discreet dealers w ho es­ cape arrest or enter the trade in the fu tu re . M ore people w ill be attracted to the drug trade, more peo ple w i ll be in tro d u c e d to drugs, and the results w ill be en­ tire ly co u n te rp ro d u c tiv e . W o u ld more people use these drugs i f they were a va ila b le to adults through licensed m edical p ra ctitio n e rs? An evening report by P o r tla n d ’ s N B C a ffilia te , K G W N orth w e st N ew sC hannel 8, on Tuesday, Ju ly 16, reported that one local agency dealing w ith h e ro in a b u sers had seen its caseload increase fro m 100-plus to 9 00 -p Iu s in the past year. That w ou ld suggest c u rre n t p o lic ie s c o u ld n ’ t do much w orse. One w ould th in k there w ou ld c e rta in ly be á lo t fe w e r p ro fit-m o tiv a te d people s e llin g such drugs i f they were placed back under the co n ­ tro l o f the m edical profession. Community Basket, a new program sponsored by Oregon Food Bank in the N/NE neighborhoods, is a volun- leer run membership program. Community Basket w ill provide its members with informational services concerning nutrition, job opportuni­ ties, community projects, parenting, self-help information and various community programs, on a monthly basis. Members also receive a bonus package o f food and non-food items once a month. By paying a $ 15 annual fee or a $5 quarterly fee (every four months) members w ill receive a newsletter with information and community services and a bonus bag(s) o f food and non- food items once a month. The first fifteen members tojoin w ill get $5 o ff the annual membership charge for the first year. To q u a lify, household income guidelines must be met ( 185% o f pov­ erty level) and a proof o f address showing that you live in Multnomah County is needed. Anyone who quali­ fies for any other services: W.I.C., food stamps, Head Start, etc., w ill certainly qualify forCommunity Bas- ket. Each site w ill have a volunteer coor- dinator responsible for scheduling vol­ unteer shifts, arranging home deliver­ ies, supervising the site, and re-bag­ ging food. Anyone interested in vol­ unteering can call Khalil Edwards at 282-0555 for more information. Beginning August 1st and the first Thursday of every month following, individuals and families in the N/NE neighborhoods can register at the fol­ lowing time and place and receive their first newsletter and bonus bag(s) of food: August 1, 1996 (1 st Thursday of each month) 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm, and w ill be held at Child’s Path, 3808 N. W i 11 iams Portland, Ore 97227. USA Today Endorses Medical Marijuana USA Today, the nation’ s most widely read daily newspaper, has en­ dorsed access to medical marijuana. The endorsement stemmed from a USA Today editorial entitled “ A n ti­ drug focus keeps marijuana from the ill” and came just two days after the newspaper featured a major article on aCalifornia ballot initiative that would allow seriously ill patients to use marijuana as a therapeutic agent with a doctor's recommendation. Calling marijuana “ one o f the least toxic medical compounds in the world,” the editorial cited both marijuana’s rela­ tive safety when compared to other legal drugs and medicines and decades o f scientific and anecdotal research maintaining its medical efficacy. “ It id entirely possible to fight the drug was without harming innocent civilians in the process,” concluded the USA Today. “ But lawmakers must be careful to choose the right battles. Therapeutic marijuana isn’t one of them.” “ The statements made by USA Today in support o f medical access to therapeutic marijuana should have a positive impact on America's views toward this issue and may translate into a significant number o f votes among California citizens in favor o f the Medical Marijuana Initiative,” slated NORML Deputy Director Allen St. Pierre. Denny Smith 's campaign tour fo r the Senate seat vacated by Mark Hatfield, stops at the Albina Youth Opportunity School. State workers union ballots delayed Continued from Metro ▲ “ This is the first time ever any side had gained control o f a significant number ofballots and delivered them to the ERB,” Stiteler said. Spence said OPEU is still analyz­ ing what its next step is. However, the election now comes down to the E R B’s ruling on the 61 ballots. “ There w ill be a hearing conduct­ ed,” Stiteler said. He doesn’t know when it w ill be. Arguments for and against unionization vary . “ I ’ ve seen too many things hap­ pen to too many people,” M iles said, “ We need someone to go to bat for us.” Spence said the management’ s ar­ gument against unionization focuses on the management’ s a bility to look out for the w orker and “ do the right thing" for them. I f the election ends in favor o f unionization, Spence sees many ad­ vantages workers w ill earn. “ They’ ll have the a b ility to collectively bar­ gain for wages and benefits, and have Jamaican Independence Party COME JO IN THE JAMAICAN ASSOCIATION IN CELEBRATING OCR IITII ANNIVERSARY... Sol. Aug. 3-96 9 P.M. Until... House Of Sound 3620 N. Williams $3 ot the door 21 and older Jamaican Food & drinks available!! Door Prize “Free” Bob Marley T-Shirts 282-9062 a voice in their workplace on a vari­ ety o f issues,” Spence said. W ith unionization, negotiations between workers and management become more structured, Cooper said, “ but, you’ re never sure you get your money’ s worth when paying union dues.” This is the court workers' closest election yet, which can be attributed to many causes. “ There was Measure 8, a less than satisfactory change o f management, cutting back o f personnel, overload­ ing o f current personnel and no raise in the past three and a h a lf years,” Miles said. The OPEU is a 60-year-old orga­ nization. It represents a wide variety o f workers, from white to blue collar, Spence said. The 22,000 workers in the union m irror the state’ s m inority representation. The court workers are different “ (M in o rity representation) is amaz­ ingly small," Amy Stear, OPEU's Director o f External Organizing, said “ I was surprised.” Northwest Color Construction & Painting Company JohnMcVeety 282-9233 □ Quality Home Remodeling □ No Project Too Small □ Finish Carpentry & Woodworking □ Senior Discounts □ Storm Windows & Doors Installed □ Interior & Exterior Painting □ Pressure Washing □ FREE Written estimates Warm your home now with an efficient gas furnace from Rheem ™ “ If it works like « dream i it works like a Rheem. ”™ "ZX" Cal, today for free consultation License #CCB-81322 -jfc B onded & Insured J