*- a t. w r- u x a ’v ft ,.¿ r , 0 u T he P ori land O bserver • J uly 31,1996 P age A 5 (E lje ^Jortlaub O D b s c ru e r 9.8 million awarded in grants The Federal Home Loan Bank o f San Francisco has awarded $9.8 million to 61 housing programs to help create over 2,600 new units of affordable housing in Arizona, Cal­ ifornia, Florida, Nevada, and New Jersey. “The outstanding projects sub­ mitted in this round o f the Afford­ able Housing Program address one o f the thorniest issues in housing: creating homeownership opportu­ nities for people who have typically not had those opportunities, includ­ ing low-income households. Native Americans, people with develop­ mental disabilities, and single-par­ ent families,” said Dean Schultz, president and chief executive offic­ er o f the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco. “T hese aw ard ­ winning initiatives also address the growing demand for decent, afford­ able rental housing designed to meet the needs o f at-risk populations, such as homeless people, seniors, and mentally or physically disabled individuals. These projects not only pros ide housing, but bring new hope to residents and homebuyers and build sustainable communities in the process.” Over 83% percent o f the units will be reserved for individuals and families that earn less than 50 per­ cent o f the median income for the area in which they live, while the remaining units will serve house­ holds earning up to 80 percent o f area median income. The following California commu­ nities will benefit from the grants announced today: Alameda County, Berkeley, C astro Valley, Chico, Chirla Vista, Concord, Daly City, Davis, Fremont, Fresno, H alf Moon Bay, Indio, Los Angeles, Marin County, Marysville, Mountain View, Napa, Oakland, Orland, Panorama City, Pasadena, Petaluma, Pittsburg. Pleasant Hill. Sacramento, Salinas, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Santa Monica. Santa Rosa, Scotts Valley, Soledad, Trinity County, Watsonville, and Yuba City In Ari­ zona. five projects will benefit com­ munities in Phoenix, Tucson, and the Arizona portion o f the Navajo Na­ tion. Winning projects are also locat­ ed in Sparks. Nevada; Miami. Flori­ da. and in several towns in New Jersey. I'he 61 winning projects will le­ verage approximately $263 million in total development costs. Since the first round of the Bank’s Affordable Housing Program in 1990. the Bank and its shareholders have committed $94 million to 5 15 housing programs, supportingthecreationofover 23,000 units o f affordable housing. The Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco's Affordable Housing Program provides grants to projects that address community needs in cre­ ative ways and that make the most effective use o f the money. The funds are derived from the Bank's net earn­ ings, which would otherwise be paid as dividends to shareholders. In ef­ fect. Bank members forgo 10 per­ cent or more o f their earnings on Bank stock to support these projects. Each competing project must be sponsored by a financial institution that is a member o f the Bank, usu­ ally in conjunction with a commu­ nity-based affordable housing spon­ sor. " I'he Bank's mission is to help community-oriented lenders make housing more accessible and more affordable,"said Mr Schultz "Our shareholders have made lending in low-and moderate-income neigh­ borhoods a significant part o f their every day business, and they rely on us to provide them with low-cost funding when they need it The Affordable I lousing Program makes it possible for our shareholders to reach those with even greater need and fosters enduring relationships between lendersandcommunity or­ ganizations, helping to revitalize neighborhoods and sustain healthy communities." I lie Federal Home Loan Bank of San F rancisco promotes housing and homeownership by expanding the supply and reducing the cost of mort­ gage credit. The Bank serves and is owned by commercial banks, credit unions.sa 379077 and loan associations headquartered in Arizona, California and Nevada. As o f December 3 1, 1995. the Bank had 178 shareholders. With $50 bil­ lion in assets, the Bank is the largest o f the 12 banks in the Federal I lome Loan Bank System. Top twenty home markets A report issued by TRW REDI Property Data, a nationwide real es­ tate information company, shows that more than $56 billion worth of new homes were sold in the nation’s ma­ jo r metropolitan areas during 1995. In a study o f more than 200 metro­ politan counties covering 30 states, TRW REDI found that Phoenix, where 1995 sales amounted to $3.2 billion, is the largest new home mar­ ket in the country . It was followed by Las Vegas, 20 Most Active New Home Markets By Sale Value (1995) C ounty State Maricopa Ariz. Clark Nev. Orange Calif. Broward 1 la Harris Texas San Diego Calif. Fairfax Va. Los Angeles Calif. Cook Ill Collin Texas Gwinnett Ga Tarrant Texas Dade Fla. Riverside Calif. Bexar Texas Dallas Texas Palm Beach Fla King Wash. Montgomery Md. Contra Costa C alif Total Market Area........ .. IMillioi 3,210 2.020 1,614 1.157 1.126 1.077 1.072 1.071 1.053 972 846 841 770 729 703 696 696 685 658 650 56,404 where 1995 sales reached more than $2 billion. Demand for new homes in both o f these markets has been fueled by high population growth rates as well as appreciating home values. TRW REDI’s figures, which are based on recorded deeds, show that the largest markets for home builders are the so-called "sun-belt" states: Arizona, Nevada, California, Flori­ da and Texas. There are, however, a number o f metropolitan areas out­ side o f these states that rank high in the study. Fairfax County, Va.;Cook County. III.; and Gwinnett County, Ga.. all rank among the top 20 metro­ politan areas. I he study also shows that despite Southern California's recent econom­ ic and housing woes, the region re- mains one o f the largest markets for new homes. Orange County, ranks third with sales o f more than $ 1 6 billion in 1995 Sales in Los Angeles reached slightly above $ 1 0 billion, putting the county in the eighth posi­ tion. IRW REDI’s ranking of the most expensive new homes by county re­ veals that in the Northern California i counties o f San Mateo and Santa Clara, prices are 80 percent more than the average for the study area. In Westchester County. N.Y.. typical cost of a new home is $293.000 compared to $170,000 overall average lor the major metro­ politan areas Most affordable markets are con­ centrated in Florida' central and northern regions where prices are 40 percent lower than the overall aver­ age. 10 Most Affordable New Home Markets (1995) 10 Most Expensive New Home Markets (1995) ( o u n tv S tate Ay.Priyç Mohave Ariz. 79,893 Baltimore City Md. 84,212 Marion Fla. 86.453 97.099 Osceola Fla. Lake Fla 97,933 Polk 98,639 1 la Escambia Fla. 99,114 Santa Rosa Fla 100,610 Sumter 1 la 104,833 Madera Calif. 106,525 Brevard Fla. 106,973 El Paso Texas 107,132 Total Market treu 170,340 ( o u n tv State San Mateo Calif Santa Clara C alif N.J Somerset Westchester NY Alameda Calif. Bergen N.J. Fairfield Conn. Hunterdon N.J. Montgomery Md Fulton Ga. Total Market 4 rea..... A v.Price 317,326 307.249 297,797 293,480 291,642 285,641 276.285 262,392 253,705 250,432 . 170.340 Lockins effect on mortgage Every consumer realizes that loan rates are one p f several central con­ siderations when evaluating loan choices. We each want the lowest possible financing costs and interest rates, generally expressed ¿is the "A n­ nual Percentage Rate" or "APR In looking at rates, however, bor­ rowers should also consider lock-in terms. If lender Smith offers financ­ ing at 9 percent and lender Jones has ‘AAA’ (or Norwest The Norwesi Asset Securities Co.. Inc.’s (NASCOR) $408.9 million Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates. Series 1996-1, class A, except A-7. ai e rated ‘AAA’ by Fitch Investors Ser­ vice. The rating on class A senior certif­ icates reflects the credit enhancement provided by the 6% subordinate Class Bcertificates. Fitch belie vestheamount of credit enhancement will be- suffi­ cient to cover credit losses, including limited bankruptcy, fraud anil special hazard losses. The rating also reflects the high quality of the underlying col­ lateral. the integrity of the legal and financial structures ami the servicing capabilities of affiliate Norwesi Mon gage, Inc. The mortgage pixil consists of re­ cently originated, conventional. 2(F to 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage loans s e ­ cured by one-lo- four fam 11 v resident ml pmpert ies located pi i man ly inCal i foi nia. Ihe same loan at 8.75 percent, then the Jones loan seems better. I'he catch is that lender Smith may oiler to lock-111 rates for 30 day s or 60 days. II lender Jones only offers a 10- dav lock, the lower rale — while enticing — may be a marketplace illusion. Yes. lender Jones will pro­ vide the lower rate if you can close in IO days. But. realistically, can you settle in such a short period? If not, the Jones quote holds no value because it is not actionable. Even if you haven't SAVED A LOT for a home, you’ve probably saved Dad’s OU Service ENOUGH. It’s not easy saving up to buy a home these days. But with the FHA, it isn’t as hard as you'd thinly. Because with an FH A loan, you could get into a home of your own with a down Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote payment as little as a few months rent. A nd you don’t need a perfect heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel Portland, OR 97212 282-5111 credit record or a high-paying job House/Down Payment to qualify In $30,000... ...... $900 $60,000... . $2,500 New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies $90,000 .. $4,000 fact, depending upon the house you buy, your monthly payments may not be much more than your rent. So asl( any real estate agent or lender for details. Or just call POWELL’S CITY OF BOOKS 1 8 0 0 C A LL FHA We ll show you just how close you are to becoming a homeowner 9 AM - 11 PM Monday through Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM On the #20 Bus Line • One hour free parking 1005 West Burnside Street 228-4651 W ell get you home. EQUAL HOUSING OFPORTVW nv U.S, Dcpt. of Housing and Urban Development »