Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 24, 1996, Page 5, Image 5

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    I'm: P o r u a n i ) O bserver « J uly 24, 1996
P agi : A 5
Donors Increase United Way Funding
T hanks to the g enerosity o f nearly
100,000 donors. U nited W ay of the
C o lu m b ia -W illa m e tte 's m e m b er
agencies w ill receive an 8 percent
increase in funding.
N early $14.7 m illion will be d is­
tributed to health and hum an service
o rg anizations in the next year, $ 12.2
m illion o f w hich will go directly to
U nited W ay m em ber agencies. The
rem ainder will go to non-m em ber
ag en cies and to other U nited W ays
through the D onor C hoice Program
“ W e had tw o things going for us
this y ear—a successful fall cam paign
and a careful m anaged budget th a t’s
brought ou r overhead costs to ju st
u nder 15 percent," said M ike M o r­
gan, chairm an o f U nited W a y 's board
o f d ire c to rs an d an a tto rn e y at
T onkon, T orp, G alen , M arm aduke
& Booth. This 15 percent total is
about half o f the average ch a rity ’s
overhead in O regon.
Funds are d isb u rsed to agencies
for specific program s. F unding re­
quests are review ed by com m ittees
o f local volunteers w ho decide how
m uch money each program will re­
ceive. United W ay is focusing on the
follow ing com m unity needs:
•strengthening fam ilies
•helping youth succeed
•supporting o ld er people
•increasing self-sufficiency
United W ay o f theC olum bia-W il-
lam ette is a 76-year-old organiza-
lion that raises and distributes funds
to health and hum an care program s
in C la c k a m a s, M u ltn o m a h an d
W ashington counties in O regon and
Clark County in W ashington
Navy Petty Officer Reenlisted
SlalcFairOffcrsEinplouiBcnf Opportunities
To assist empkiyers, the Otegi hi Em­
ployment LX*partmcnl will have an em ­
pk jyment trailer at the ( Xegon State Fair­
grounds beginning August 8. The trailer
will be in the Oak Grove, which is located
on the West side of 17th street across from
the Green Gate. The frailer will he open
from 12 noon-6pm, Monday - Friday
through August 21st. Beginning August
22nd, the trailer will be open 9 am - 6 pm
daily until the end of the Fair, September
2nd (including weekends).
Most jobs are available for applicants
ages 16 and up. Applicants under the age
of 18 need an original social security can!
AND a birth certificate, Oregon ID card
or driver's license/permit. A work permit
is no longer required.
F ir more information contact the Or­
egon State Fair at 378-3247 or the Or­
egon Employment Department (after
August 8th) at 373-17 0 1.
N avy Petty O fficer 3rd Class Fred E. T urner, son o f Kathy A. C urtis of
5200 SW L aurelw ood Drive, Portland, OR, recently reenlisted for four
years w hile serving with A ttack Squadron I 15, Naval Air Facility, Atsugi.
The 1990 graduate o f Reno H igh School o f Reno, Nev., joined the Navy
in A ugust 1992.
Siletz Tribes Hold Annual Pow Wow
T he traditional Pow W ow in the
N o rth w estern p art o f the U nited
States w as historically called a P ot­
latch. T his w as a tim e for fam ilies
and friends to be reunited, a tim e o f
trade, a tim e to give thanks, a tim e to
dance and socialize.
T o d ay ’s potlatch o r pow w ow has
changed with the tim es, m oving into
the m odern age. N ation-w ide there
are sim ilarities in as much as there is
dancing both socially and co m p eti­
tive, craft vendors, and good food.
H ow ever the tone o f each pow w ow
differs. T he them e “T he C ircle o f
F riendship” o f the N esika lllahee
“o u r land” Pow W ow reflects ex a ct­
ly the tone o f this annual event sp o n ­
sored by the C onfederated T ribes o f
Siletz. A lthough com petition d an c­
ing is an integral part o f this pow
wow, the social aspect far o v ersh ad ­
ow s this. For w hen the Siletz N ation
says “ W elcom e to N esika lllah e e”
and “jo in our circle o f friendship”
jtfJ u u n u u u k
they are exten d in g an invitation to
all those who w ould celebrate life as
it is.
Each year, on the second w eek­
end in A ugust the Siletz T ribe holds
their annual pow wow, one o f the
largest in the State, in the sm all tow n
o f Siletz located inland from N ew ­
port along the O regon Coast.
D ancing begins Friday evening
w hich is m ore a social evening than
com petition and continues th ro u g h ­
out the w eekend.
D ozens o f T ribes are represented
in these com petition and social danc­
es and hundreds o fco n testan ts com ­
An endless variety o f food, native
arts and crafts and jew elry are of­
fered by the n u m e ro u s v en d o rs
(around 70 will be present).
The sm ell o f Indian Fry Bread
and Indian T acos w afts through the
air com bining with the beat o f the
drum p ro je c tin g the scen ts and
sounds o f “ Pow W ow " com m on
along the pow wow circuit across the
United States.
The S iletz Tribe is recognized as
one o fth e m ost progressive tribes in
the United States.
R estored to Federal S tatus in
1977, the T ribe is proud to be one o f
the 23 T ribes in the U nited States to
have becom e part o fth e S elf-G over­
nance D em onstration Project giving
the T ribal governm ent m ore control
over the services provided to the
T rib e’s 2 ,8 0 0 members.
T hinking of trying a
w rinkle cream?
Start with realistic expectations,
and do a "split-face" test. If you are
40 and want to look 20, it ju st isn 't
going to happen," said Dr Suzanne
Bruce, associate professor o f d erm a­
tology at Baylor C ollege of M edi­
cine in H ouston. "H ow ever, som e of
the products are helping to sm ooth
fine lines, even blotchy pigm enta­
tion and soften dry spots."
Im provem ent, she says, will be
g rad u al and su b tle. S in ce m ost
wrinkle cream s are m arketed as cos­
m etics, Bruce encourages patients to
be cautious before buying.
" O th e r - th e - c o u n te r c o s m e tic
cream s have not been subjected to
rigorous scientific testing needed to
be sold as a drug,” she said. "Take a
look at the ingredients before buy­
The active ingredients found in
products sold as wrinkle cream s in­
clude glycolic acid, lactic acid, sali­
cylic acid, vitamin C o r Ethoxyhexy I
Only two prescription m edications
are currently used to com bat photo­
aging, or wrinkles from sun dam age.
These are Renova, w hich is approved
by the Food and Drug A dm inistra­
tion for im proving signs o f sun d am ­
age, and Lachydrin, w hich is ap ­
proved for dry skin
"C ream s, w hether prescription or
cosm etic, can cost from 40 to 100
dollars for a sm all supply," Bruce
said "T o m ake sure they are not
w asting m oney, I encourage patients
to do a split-face test for three to four
m onths."
By applying wrinkle cream to half
the face and applying their m oistur­
izer to the other half, patients can test
the cream ’s effectiveness.
“ It takes discipline, but it’s really
the best way for them to see if they
like the results,” she said. "If you
apply it to your w hole face from the
start, it will be difficult to judge how
well it is w orking."
A nother key factor in w rinkle
cream use is sun protection.
“ If you are still going to the tan­
ning salon or laying our, sun dam age
while triggering new dam age.”
Men and w om en should use a fa­
cial moisturizer with SPF 15 or higher
every day even if (hey do not use a
wrinkle cream.
“It's a good idea to discuss wrinkle
cream selection with a dermatologist,
especially if you skin has been easily
irritated in the past,” Bruce said.
I lappu Birthday Debbie Nullen-
Price Front Rena, Princella,
Toinini], and Piatii) Niilien
Tri-Met is Celebrating
MAX’S 10th Bi ' ‘
VTe’re celebrating 'cause M A X is 10
A n d we're asking kids to pick up a pen
To write a poem or very short story
Or color a picture in alt its glory
J u s t he sure to feature M A X
Then send it in hy m ail or fa x
I f yours is chosen, you w ill w in
So hurry now — send it in!
Kid’s Creative Contest
A ll aboard for fun! W e re celebrating M A X ’s 10th birthday w ith a contest for
kids. For an entry form and inform ation, ta ll 238-R ID E . G et entries in by
ttappy 50th (Birthday Qary 5tnn day tor
^.lortlanh (iPbsemer ‘fam ily
August 19 to be on track to w in great prizes. Three winners w ill be selected in
each age group (10 and under, 11 to 14, 15 to 18) and announced at M A X 's K ith
B irthday Party, noon, September 5 at Pioneer Square.
f M
Let Jose Feliciano light your fire at
Chinook W inds Casin
The exciting Chinook Winds Casino is finally open. Get ready to hear your
favorite recording artists with our Concerts By The Sea program. Early
shows begin at 7pm and later shows start at 10pm. Expect week after
week of the best headliner entertainment available. Then, enjoy over
800 slot machines, Blackjack, Bingo and fine dining. Tickets available
a t a ll Ticketmaster outlets, or charge by phone, (505) 224-4400.
Sammy Kershaw
Brenda Lee
Aug 10 & 11 • 7pm & 10pm September 6 & 7 • 7pm & 10pm
1777 NW 44th, Lincoln City, OR
Open 24 hours a day,
365 days ayear.