P age B ö J uly 24, 1996 • T he P oru and O bserver Ben & Jerry’s will Celebrate Grand Opening with $1.00 Cones Oregon’s first Ben & Jerry’ s lee Cream and Frozen Yogurt scoop shop, located at the corner o f SE 3hth St and Hawthorne Blvd., w ill be celebrating its grand opening on Sunday, July 21, 1996. from noon to 6.00 p.ni., with a day o f music, fes­ tivities, fun, and, o f course, icecream for the entire family. During the six- hour event. Ben & Jerry’ s w ill be selling $1.00 ice cream cones and w ill be donating all proceeds to three non-profit organizations: The Sis­ ters o f the Road Cafe, a restaurant located in the heart o f the Burnside com m unity that offers low -cost meals and job training to lo w -in ­ come and homeless residents; Harry’ s Mother, a runaway shelter located in Southeast Portland that severs 4,5(X) youth each year; and to local relief efforts within Tillam ook County that have been set up for fam ily farmers who were hit so hard during the Hoods o f this past winter. In addition to drawing attention to local and regional causes. Ben & Jerry ’ s grand opening event w ill fea­ ture a variety o f live music and en­ tertainm ent throughout the day. Headlining the music w ill be a well- known Portland-based band. The Tree Frogs, who w ill close out the day. "O ur grand opening event is a way for us to give back to the com­ munity that supports us," said Tim Watters, co-owner and manager o f Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt in Portland. “ W e’ re excited about being in Portland and want to share that excitement through this grand opening celebration,” added Kathy White, co-owner and man- ager o f Portland’ s Ben & Jerry’s. P ortland’ s Ben & J e rry’ s Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt is a l i ­ censed f ranchised scoop shop o f Ben & J e rr y ’ s H om em ade, In c ., Verm ont’ s Finest A ll Natural Ice Cream and Frozen Yogurt, which was founded in I97X in a renovated gas station in Burlington, Vermont, by childhood friends Ben Cohen and Jerry G reenfield. The company, which is known for its innovative flavors made front fresh Vermont m ilk and cream, currently distrib­ utes ice cream, frozen yogurt, and sorbet products in all 50 states and has over I (X) f ranchised scoop shops in 20 states. Ben & Jerry’ s interna­ tional operations include a jo int ven­ ture (Iceverks) in Karelia. Russia; licensees in Israel and Canada; and distribution in the United Kingdom. Dunbar Development Corporation To Honor Core’s Celes King, III Celes King, III, state chairman o f the Congress o f Racial Equality o f California and a long-time ci vii rights activist and businessman, w ill hon­ ored by the Dunbar Economic De­ velopment Corporation at Los Ange­ les' historic Dunbar Hotel on Friday, July 26, 1996, 6 p.m. King’ s father, the late Celes King, Jr. managed the world-renowned black-owned hotel for many years. The hotel was purchased by King's uncle, the late James Cullen Nelson, in 1936. It became the anchor busi­ ness along Central Avenue in South Central Los Angeles during the 1930’ s 1940’ sand 1950’ s. Billed the “ Historic Renaissance o f Central Avenue” the honoring o f King w ill kick o ff the Central A v ­ enue Jazz Festival beginning on Sat­ urday, July 27 next to the hotel at 42nd Street and Central Avenue. Among the artists to perform w ill be Buddy Collete and Patrice Rushen. King has been in the forefront o f the c iv il rights struggle in Los Ange­ les for more than a generation. “ There are no African American leaders in Los Angeles that have not been torched by his influence,” writes the Los Angeles Black Pages. Actively running his successful bail bond busi­ ness, he has always found time for community-related activities. Born in Chicago, King came to Los Angeles shortly after his father began managing the Dunbar Hotel. A fter graduating front Manual Arts High School, King joined the A ir Force and became a member o f the famed Tuskegee A irm en during W orld War II. Upon his return home, King helped build the fam ily busi­ ness and expanded the fa m ily ’ s real estate interests. In 19 5 1, King started his bail bond business and iater be­ came president of the most prom i­ nent bail bond association, both lo­ cally and nationally. W ell educated, King holds a law degree and two masters degrees, one in business and another in urban plan­ ning. K in g ’s community activities in­ clude: co-founder o f the Brother­ hood Crusade, former president o f the Los Angeles N A A C P ; former president o f the Los Angeles Human Relations Commission; co-founder, Los Angeles Rumor Control; mem­ ber, Century Freeway A ffirm ative Action Committee. In addition, King is a brigadier general in the C a lifo r­ nia State M ilita ry Reserve. K in g is m arried to the fo rm e r A n ita Lugo and has fo u r c h il­ dren. 7 Advised Fund Associate Fire/EMS Logistics Manager T h e O re g o n C o m m u n ity F o u n d a tio n Eugene, Oregon, is seeking a Fire/EMS Logistics Manager to supervise the supply, main­ tenance, and fleet manage­ ment operations within the Department of Public Safety’s Fire/EMS Division. The posi­ tion requires a releva nt bachelor’s degree and four years’ responsible experience in apparatus, equipment and supply maintenance manage­ ment, including direct experi­ ence in fire or emergency medical services delivery and at least two years of supervi­ sory experience, or any corrv bination of course work, ex­ perience, and training which provides the required knowl­ edge, skills, and abilities. Sal­ ary range: $3,503-4,385/mo. Ourgoal is to have a workforce that reflects the diversity found in our community so we en­ hance our ability to under­ stand and respond to a vari­ ety of service needs. Women and people of color are en­ couraged to consider this ca? reer opportunity. To obtain an application packet, contact Human Resource and Risk Services, (541)687-5061,777 Pearl Street, Room 101, Eu­ gene OR 97401 . Closing date: 8/16/96. AA/EOE Excellent opportunity for team- oriented, multi-faceted per­ son. Responsible for coordi­ nating and supporting Foun­ dation’s services for fund ad­ visors; assisting Oregonians in achieving their charitable objectives through their funds administered by the Founda­ tion. Specific responsibilities include information and advi­ sor communication, advised fund grant management and fund development support. Must have excellent general office skills, including knowl­ edge of Microsoft Office. Abil­ ity to work independently and under pressure. Experience and interest in community activities on charitable giving helpful. Salary high 20’s. Lo­ cated central downtown loca­ tion. Please send resumes by August 2 to: Advised Fund Associate Search, The Ore­ gon Community Foundation, 621 SW Morrison Ave., Suite 725, Portland, OR 97205. No calls please. Positions de­ scriptions available at The Oregon Community Founda­ tion. (Elje |Jo rtIa n h (Obscruer Tri Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a large variety of careers available statewide. Currently, openings exist in trie following agencies: OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION request application packet. Pavement Management Program Coordinator Oregon Departm ent o f Transportation seeks a leader with strong communication skills for a position In Salem, Oregon. You will manage the On 7-14-96 at 1537 Hrs M u lt­ nomah County S heriff’ s Deputies Along with Corbett Fire Rescue Units Responded to a a reported drowning in the Sandy River at Lewis and Clark park. Responding units found citizens administering CPRtoa Nineteen year old male victim. V ictim was trans­ ported to Mt Hood Medical Center where he was pronounced dead on arrival. Witnesses at the scene stated the victim a strong swimmer had swam approximately ten feel and went un­ der. He was quickly retrieved and the CPR attempts were made. The identification o f the victim is being withheld pending notification o f next o f kin (SPECIAL)— A new drug has been approved that is exciting researchers in the treatment o f pain. This material has been formulated into a new prod­ uct known as “Arthur IH stm ” and is being called a "Medical M iracle” by some, in the treatment o f debilitating conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, painful muscle aches, jo in t aches, simple backache, bruises, and more. Although the mechanism o f action is unclear, experiments ind i­ cate that Arthur IB stm relieves pain by first selectively attracting, and then destroying the messenger chemical which carries pain sensations to the brain, thus elim inating pain in the affected area. A r th u r ItisiM is an odorless, greaseless, non-staining cream and is available immediately without a prescription and is guaran­ teed to work. U » only as directed Accidental Drowning At Oxbow Park On 7-13-96 at 1827 Hrs M u lt­ nomah County S heriff’s Deputies Along with Corbett Fire Department Rescue Units Responded to Oxbow Park on a Reported Drowning. Responding Units Found that a 14 year old female had been body surf­ ing in some rapids when she bumped into some intertubers and was swept under. Portland Fire Bureau Dive team responded and the victim was lo­ cated at 2115 hrs. Identification o f the victim is be­ ing withheld pending the notification o f next o f kin. C 1995. Stellar Advertising Gmup. Inc AVAILABLE AT: Healthtek Pharmacy 1423 Lloyd Center 284-6978 Dickson Drug Co. 79.37 S. E. Stark St. 254-5595 Advertise In CL Ite s p o rtia nò (Oh s e m e r Cull (503) 288-0033 I to ’- \7 T ” ' 2 For other ODOT o p p o rtu n itie s c a ll our R ecruitm ent J0BUNE a t (5 03 ) 9 8 6 3 8 4 7 . OREGON LOTTERY Announcement No. 0CDT6216. Call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 -9 8 6 3 8 5 4 ) to Sandy River Drowning $1,869 - $2,486 monthly + excellent benefits. Completed application materials m ust be received by August 7,1996. Announcement No. 0CDT6201. Call (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 9 8 6 3 8 54 ) to request application packet. Work for the Oregon Lottery, recognized as a national leader! We invite Pavement Quality Engineer Pain may be eliminated for millions B rand N ew S ofa/ O nly Had For 5 M onths Cream w/Pilliow s ONLY $150.00 Please Call 239-9680 (0D 0T), is known throughout the nation as a progressive govern­ ment agency and as a leader in team developm ent and perfor­ mance m easures. ODOT is respon­ sible for th e coordination o f transportation programs between and am ong all governm ental organizations within the state. We have immediate opportunities for We are seeking applicants with strong problem-solving and communication skills for position in Salem, Oregon . This position has responsibility for monitoring the pavement construction program; and advising, assisting and coordinating between Operations Support and the regions to provide efficient communication, analysis of changes, and field interpretations of contract requirements. Requires a Bachelor's degree in civil or transportation- related Engineering; and four years of professional-level experience in the practice of transportation engineering; OR seven years o f engineering experience. Three of the seven years must have been performing professional level engineering duties equivalent to a Transportation Engineer 1. Registration as a Professional Engineer is required. Salary $3,156- $4,315 monthly + benefits. Completed application materials must be received by August 9 ,1 9 9 6 . wearing an L.A . Lakers knit cap and parka. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash reward o f up to $ 1.000 for informa­ tion that leads to an arrest in this case, or any unsolved felony crime, and you do not have to give your name. Call Crime Stoppers at 823-HELP Eugene is looking for people who want to work in a pro­ gressive, innovative police agency. Applicants must be at least 21, US citizens, and possess clean driving and criminal records. The position requires a high school diploma or equivalent and a combina­ tion of three years' experience/ education in criminal justice, social services, or related pub­ lic contact. Call (541) 687- 5199 to inquire about physi­ cal abilities and candidate preparation sessions or ma­ terials. The City of Eugene va lu e s d iv e rs ity in its workforce, and encourages women and people of color to considerthis opportunity. Pref­ erence for fluency in Spanish may be given. For further in­ formation or an application packet, contact City of Eu­ gene Human Resource and Risk Services, 777 Pearl Street, Room 101, Eugene OR 97401 or call (541) 465- 2676. Applications must be received by 5 00 pm on Sep­ tember 6, 1996. AA/EOE Oregon Department of Transportation the following positions: 22 years, 5' 11, 200 pounds, with a medium complexion and a large gap between his upper front teeth. Suspect #2 is a male black, 18 to 22 years, 6’ I. 180 pounds, with a medium complexion, a droopy right eyelid, and a two inch "rat ta il" in his hair. Suspect #3 is a male black, 18 to 22 years, 6 ’0, with astocky build and (R e c ru it/L a te ra l) C ity O f E u g e n e , O re g o n S a la ry : $2,741 -S 3 ,5 0 0 /m o n th Employment Residential Armed Robbery Portland Police, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, are asking for your help in identifying three sus­ pects in a residential armed robbery. On Wednesday, March 27, 1996, at approximately 7.30 in the evening, three men armed with hanuguns en­ tered and robbed a home in the 2(XX) block o f NE Highland Street. Suspect #1 is a male black, 18 to Police Officer Pavement Management Group; and ensure pavement Information affecting the planning, design, construction operation and maintenance o f the state's highway system is property investigated, interpreted, documented, and considered in the D epartm ent's decision-making process. Requires a Bachelor's degree In civil or transportatkxvrelated engineering and two years of professional-level experience in the practice of transportation engineering; OR five years of engineering experience. Two of the five years must have been performing professionaHevel engineering duties. Preference may be given to applicants who are Registered Professional Engineers. Salary $7,724 - $3,725 monthly + benefits. Completed application materials must be received by August 5, 1996. Announcement No. 0CDT6211. Ca» (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 503-9863854) to request application p a c k e t Transportation Analyst We have a challenging opportunity for an experienced individual for a position in Salem. Will develop, analyze and m aintain large quantities of transportation data for use in transportation and land use models; support solution selection and development, environmental analysis, and design analysis; and gather, organize and present technical data. Requires a Bachelor's degree in civil or transportation-related engineering and one year of professional-level experience in the practice of transportation engineering; OR four years of engineering experience. One of the four years must have been performing professional-level engineering duties. Must have strong communication, computer and analytical skills. Salary $2,352 - $3,219 monthly + excellent benefits. Completed application materials must be received by August 9 ,1 9 9 6 . Announcement No. 0CDT6219. Call (503) 9 8 6 4030 (TTY 5 0 3 -9 8 63 8 5 4) to request application packet. Workstation Support Consultant (Data Communications Technician 2) We are seeking an individual to provide technical support and leadership for client/server systems In ROSEBURG. The ideal candidate should have one year of experience which included the setup, pperation. maintenance, systems analysis, and trouble-shooting of data communications hardware and software; OR two years of technical training in data communications; OR an Associate's degree or certification in Computer Science and 6 month of experience. Salary $2,261 $3,008 monthly + benefits. Completed application materials must be received by August 1 2 .1 9 9 6 . Announcement No. OCDT6217. Call (503) 9 8 6 4030 (TTY 5 0 3 9 8 6 3 8 5 4 ) to request application packet. Structural Drafter We are seeking a Drafter for a position located in Salem. Will perform drafting in support of the facilities design and structural design teams. Requires an Associate's degree in Engineering Technology from a recognized community college or technical school of engineering and four years of experience directly related to engineering; OR five and one-hatf years (60 months) of sub­ applications for the following positions: Technical Writer The Technical Writeri acts as an information system specialist in the documentation of information system policies, procedures, processes, and programs. Salary is $2,262 to $3,309 monthly. Two years of experience equivalent to a computer programmer which included responsibility for documentation of information system projects is required. May substitute a college degree in Computer Science or Programming for one year of experience. Refer to job announcement for specific duties and responsibilities. Applications must be received in the Lottery Office by July 2 6 ,1 9 9 6 . Maintenance Technician The Maintenance Technician Is responsible for semi-skilled and skilled maintenance for the Lottery building and grounds including heating, cooling, plumbing, electrical and mechanical equipment; and carpentry, painting, janitorial and landscaping. Three years of building maintenance experience which provided a working knowledge of the following: carpentry, electrical, mechanical, painting, plumbing, janitorial, and/or landscaping is required. Refer to job announcement for specific duties and responsibilities. Applications must be received in the Lottery Office by July 2 6 ,1 9 9 6 . For these positions, you must complete a Lottery application or State of Oregon application form (PD100). job announcements and application forms are available at the Lottery office located a t 2 7 6 7 22nd Street SE In Salem, or at any local Employment Departm ent. Applicants are subject to an extensive background check. Women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. For more Information call (5 0 3 ) 3 7 3 0 3 5 3 . Send completed applications materials to the Oregon Lottery, Human Resources Department, P 0 Box 1 2 6 4 9 , Salem, Oregon 9 7 3 0 9 . DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN RESOURCES Encounter Data Liaison (Program Technician 1) The Office of Medical Assistance Programs has a vacancy for an energetic and innovative person with experience in quantitative techniques and models for analyzing, trending and forecasting various forms of data. This position is responsible for ensuring that Physician Care. Health Maintenance. Dental Care and Mental Health Organizations understand encounter data requirements and submit accurate and timely data for services provided to patients enrolled in the Oregon Health Plan. This position Is also responsible for developing and monitoring plan compliance, management reports and projections. This position is located in Salem. To qualify: You must have three (3) years of experience administering or coordinating parts or subsets of a project or program. A Bachelor's degree in Business Administration. Management, Public Administration, or a field directly related to the position will substitute for two years of required experience. Your background must give you the knowledge and skills identified in the Test Section of Announcement Number L f 960551. Salary $2,261 to $3,008 monthly. Excellent benefit package. To apply: Obtain State of Oregon Announcement Number L E 9 6 0 5 5 1 and application from a local Oregon Employment Departm ent office or most state agency personnel offices. II you have a disability and need an alternative format In order to complete the application form, you may call the Exam Unit at (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 2 1 3 0 or TTY ( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 4 7 6 2 for the hearing Impaired to leave a message about the alternative format needed. Applications must be received by July 3 1 ,1 9 9 6 to be accepted. BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMINERS Administrative Specialist Assistant to Chief Investigator If you enjoy a fast-paced environment and thrive on variety and challenge, this may be the job you're looking for. The Board of Medical Examiners, a licensing and disciplinary board, seeks a highly organized person with good supervisory skills to assist in the administration of its Investigations Department. Our successful candidate must have at least 2 years experience which included administrative support for a project, program, or operation, or at least 1 year of experience plus 1 year of postsecondary education. Good word processing and communications skills are very important. Some background in law and/or medicine affording a knowledge of terminology highly desirable. Salary range is $1.869 to $2,486 monthly with excellent benefits package Call (5 0 3 ) 2 2 8 58 7 3 ext 2 2 2 for application packet. Job closes August 2 ,1 9 9 6 . OREGON STATE HOSPITAL CNAs and Mental Health Therapists Salem & Portland Facilities 1996. Announcement No. 0CDT6214. Call (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 5 0 3 9 8 6 Now accepting applications for permanent and temporary Mental Health Therapists. Most positions require a currant CNA. Experience working with psychiatric patients Is desired, and is required for higher level positions. Apply immediately for current vacancies available on Geriatric, Child/Adolescent, Forensic, and Adult (Salem & Portland) wards. • Excellent Benefit Package (permanent staff) • Competitive Salaries • Ongoing Trailing Opportunities 3 8 5 4 ) to request application p a c k e t Application packets are available 8 :3 0 a m to 4 :00p m , fi8F at Oregon S tate professional engineering experience. A Bachelor s degree in tngineenng. Architecture, Geology, Mathematics, or Physics may be substituted for the Associate's Degree In Engineering Technoto#. Preference may be given to applicants with structural drafting experience. Salary $1,935 • $2,642 monthly + benefits. Completed application materials must be received by August 5, Administrative Specialist 2 (Safety & Health Assistant) Hospital, Employee Relations, Bldg. 2 9 , 2 6 0 0 Center S treet NE, Salem or call (5 0 3 ) 9 4 8 2 8 1 5 In Salem (Portland area call 5 0 3 7 3 1 - 8 6 2 8 ) TTY (5 0 3 )9 4 8 2 9 9 6 . We have an exciting opportunity for an expehenced individual In the Portland Metro Region. Will assist with the Region s safety and health programs to ensure a safe work environment and compliance with ODOT's safety goals. Requires two years o f providing administrative support for a project, program or operation which must have included performing duties such as: research and interpretation of laws, rules or regulations; collection and analysis of data and interpretation of findings: or review and evaluation of projects, processes and operations. Must have strong communication and analytical skills. Salary J/^iaaa are lust soma of the currant openings available w ith the State of Oregon. For additional Information, a copy of the Stats of Oregon Application Form and more complete announcement listings, c a * the State Jotadne (Oregonian Inside Une) (5 0 3 ) 2 2 8 5 5 5 5 # 7 7 7 7 , TTY (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 4 8 7 2 , visit your local Employment D epartm en t, or log onto our w eb site at h ttp ://w w w .das.state .or.us/)ob e/. The State of Oregon and all Its dMslons are proud to ba equal opportunity employer*. Î