Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 24, 1996, Image 1

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Volume X X V I, N um ber 30
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Committed tu cultural diversitv
Jul\ 24, 100b
Pow Wow Tribal
Shaq Scores
Big Deal
Brainwaves 10th
Siletz nation says "Welcome
to Nesika Illahee ” and
extends an invitation to all
who celebrate life as it is.
Shaquille O 'Neal signs a
$120 million contract with
the L.A. Lakers.
Improv comedy group comes
back to Portland to celebrate
ten years o f cooking up
See general news page A 5.
in c
100 More Bodies
See Sports, page B2.
M art lattò
See Entertainment, page B3.
M rs . F ra n c e s S c h o e n -N e w s p a p e r
U n i v e r s i t y o f O re g o n L i b r
E u q e n e , O re g o n
TWA Says Mechanical Fault Unlikely
WA Inc. (AMEX:TW A) chairman
maintenance has not been ruled out.”
and chief executive officer Jef­
He added: “T W A has had an excellent
frey Erickson said today th a t it
history o f wonderful maintenance with very
now appears less likely th a t mechanical
dedicated technicians.”
failure caused last w eek's crash of one
Erickson said the large section o f fuselage
of the carrier's 747s.
that was located on the ocean floor Monday
At a news conference at New Y o rk 's John
F. Kennedy airport, monitored on C N N ,
Erickson said: “ 1 think as they begin to get
into the clues..it seems to be becoming less
likely that it was indeed maintenance, but
was "indicative that w e'll be able to find the
rest o f the airplane and hopefully the rest o f
the human remains.”
Asked about the airline's finances and
operations in the aftermath o f the crash.
Erickson said T W A was in its strongest fi­
nancial position “ in over a decade. We are
very busy, we are flying lots o f people do­
mestically and internationally."
He said there had been some increase
in “no-shows" since the disaster and there
had been some downturn in international
bookings, but domestic reservations had in­
He said call volume to the airline’s St.
Louis reservations center may have been
Searchers have located an additional
60 to 100 bodies trapped in the undersea
wreckage o f T W A Flight 800, New Y o rk
G ov George Pataki said Tuesday. Inves­
tigators are hoping that further tests on
more bodies and debris recovered front
the crash site w ill help identify the cause
o f the crash, after initial F B I tests have
failed to give any conclusive sign that an
explosive device or mechanical failure
caused the incident.
“Today we mu urn the untimely
death o f a model police woman. Sue
H ilt was well-respected and well-liked
by her peers and the people she served
as a police detective. Her legacy will
not only be her many accomplish­
ments, including becoming the first-
ever fem ale hostage negotiator in
Portland, but also the friends and
memories she leaves behind.
“To the fam ily o f Sue Hill, and to
the fam ilies o f the hundreds o f other
victims, my prayers and sympathy go
out to you in this difficult tim e.”
The Senate voted to soften key provi­
sions o f a Republican welfare reform bill
as it moved toward passage today o f leg­
islation that would make the most dramat­
ic changes in anti-poverty programs since
the New Deal. The legislation would end
a 6 1-year federal entitlement to aid, re­
placing it with broad grants states could
use to design and run their own welfare
Terrorists Nuclear
Threat Real
T re e W illy’ Again
After two movies, W illy still isn’t free.
Free W illy 3” begins shooting this month
in Vancouver. Annie Corley, who played
Meryl Streep’s daughter in “The Bridges
o f Madison County,” jo in s the cast as a
scientist who saves W illy from whalers
who want to convert him to sashimi.
Japan Poisoning
Japan’s food poisoningepidemic wors­
ened dramatically Tuesday when two more
people, a schoolgirl and an old woman,
died within hours from a bacterial infec­
tion that has made thousands ill. Prime
Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, alarmed by
the authorities’ inability to stop the 12-
day-old epidemic, called in the head o f the
Japan Medical Association and demand­
ed action.
Tough Guy At The
Dolph Lundgren is among the many
celebrities in Atlanta for the Summer
Olym pics. But unlike others in the H o lly­
wood contingent, Lundgren is not simply
soaking up the atmosphere. He’s working.
Lundgren, bes, known as the Soviet bad-
guy boxing machine in “ Rocky IV ,” is the
manager o f the U.S. modern pentathlon
distorted since the accident, since the center
also was dealing with the support system for
relatives and friends o f those who died
Asked about criticism o f the way the air­
line had handled the initial process o f notify­
ing the next-of-kin about who was on board
the aircraft, Erickson said: “ We did it fast,
maybe not fast enough but faster than other
carriers. We wanted to do it right to make
sure that noneofthe families were erroneous­
ly notified.”
Statem ent By Mayor Katz
Regarding TWA Victim
Senate Considers
Welfare Reform
An international group o f physicians
warned on Tuesday that the likelihood o f
guerrillas acquiring and building crude
nuclear weapons had increased with the
end o f the Cold War.
“Terrorist groups seem more commit­
ted to demonstrating their capacity to in­
flict random, massive violence than they
are in achieving specific political objec­
tives,” Dr. Lachlan Forrow, chairman o f
International Physicians for the Preven­
tion o f Nuclear War (IP P N W ), said after
releasing the group’s report on crude nu­
clear weapons.
The Metropolitan Human Rights Commission has adopted a resolution recommending "that the Portland School Board
respectfully decline the donation from the Nike corporation until such time as the Nike Corporation allows independent
monitoring of the labor conditions o f workers producing Nike products and demonstrates a commitment to eliminating child
labor from its production systems and to providing conditions of employment for workers producing its products which are
consistent with those required by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. ” The complete resolution is attached. Copies of
the Universal Declaration o f Human rights are available from MHRC, 823-5136.
Japanese Guru Enters No Plea
apan took a controversial step
concern that it might violate human rights.
Thursday toward outlawing the
The investigation agency’s request was
doomsday cult accused of car­
made to the Public Security Commission,
rying out a deadly Tokyo subway comprising
seven jurists, scholars and media
attack that killed 1 1 and injured nearly
personnel appointed by the justice minister.
6 ,0 0 0 .
The panel is expected to rule in three months.
Shoko Asahara, guru o f the sect, has been
indicted on 17 charges, including murder and
attempted murder, in connection with last
year’s attack and has refused to shed light on
the charges against him.
The Public Security Investigation Agen­
cy, an arm o f the Justice Ministry, formally
requested that Aum Shinri K yo (Supreme
Truth Sect) be outlawed under a little-used
anti-subversion statute.
Since its enactment in 1952, the anti­
subversion law has never been invoked out o f
Voters Reject
Sizemore Attack
On Workers
Oregonians rejected B ill Sizem ore’s
vision for Oregon workers. That was the
conclusion which members o f the Oregon
Public Employees Union/SEIU Local 503
reached upon hearing that Sizem ore's
anti-worker. anti-Oregon hallnt measure
for eliminating workplace rights failed to
qualify for the November ballot.
“The message is clear," stated O P E IJ
President Karla Spence. “Voters are fed up
with B ill Sizemore’s attacks on working
Oregonians The right-to-work initiative he
circulated would have hurt more than pub­
lic workers--it would have hurt families and
communities throughout the state.”
If outlawed, members o f the group w ill be
banned from holding meetings, producing
publications or conducting any business that
could be construed as a group activity.
Even in the 1970s, when the Japan Red
Arm y and other leftist groups were accused
o f bombings and assassinations, the watch­
dog agency did not invoke the law.
Sect representatives argued that the law
violates the constitutional freedoms o f reli­
gion, speech and assembly.
"W e would like the Public Security Com ­
mission to fully understand the danger o f the
law and promptly reject the request,” sect
representative Tatsuko Muraoka said
“ We are not a dangerous group now,” she
told reporters.
V ictim s’ groups and conservative politi­
cians supported the move to apply the ban
while liberal groups voiced opposition.
A s well as being charged with the Tokyo
subway attack, Asahara has been accused o f
masterminding a nerve gas attack on Japa­
nese city o f Matsumoto in Ju ly 1994 that
killed seven people and made 600 ill.
The 40-year-old Asahara has refused to
enter pleas in all o f his trials. Bu, scores o f his
followers have testified in court that he or­
dered the gas attacks, kidnap-murders and
other serious crimes.
Furse Supports Welfare Reform
ast Thursday, Representative
must keep m oving the process fo rw ard .”
Elizabeth Furse voted in sup­
The b ill included language to protect
port of a sweeping welfare re­
O re g o n ’ s w aivers that enable the state to
form bill that will save $ 6 1 billion over
a ll w elfare recipien ts to get jobs
“ M y constituents support w elfare re­
form , but not if it punishes ch ild ren . At
the u rg in g o f the Dem ocrats and P re si­
dent C lin to n the R ep u b lican s today o f­
fered an im proved w elfare reform b ill
that doesn't cut school lunch, ch ild care,
or the W omen. Infant and C h ild re n ’ s
( W IC ) program ," said Representative
fu rs e . “ T w ic e before, I have voted
against the w elfare reform plans brought
by the R ep u b lican s But, today I voted
lo r this b ill because it is s ig n ific a n tly
im proved. The current system is broken,
and in order to truly reform w elfare, we
that move their fam ilies out o f poverty.
"I fought to keep the O regon w aivers
protected because we have a real su c­
cess story in the state o f O rego n ," added
Furse “ More o f our citize n s are w o rk ­
ing and e n jo y in g health care coverage
w hile sa vin g taxpayer d o lla rs. O ur w el­
fare caseload dropped s ig n ific a n tly . I
urge other states to m odel their p ro­
gram s after the su ccessfu l O regon plan ."
The state o f Oregon's program includes
an outstanding welfare-,o-work program that
has allowed Oregon to achieve one of the
n atio n 's steepest d e clin e s in w elfare
hree major Oregon physician
group practices have signed
a memorandum of understand­
ing to reorganize and merge, creating
the s tate's first physician practice!
[ management company (P P M ).
The new entity. Physician Partners, Inc.,
will be one o f the nation’s largest physi­
cian-owned and physician-governed PPMs. I
The company strives to reinstate the doc­
tor’s central role in the swiftly changing I
health care delivery industry and to enable
its affiliated group practices to improve |
the quality o f patient care.
Headquartered in Portland, Physician I
Partners, Inc w ill be the result o f the |
planned merger o f Corvallis-based C o r­
v a llis C lin ic , P C ., P o rtla n d -b a se d I
HealthFirst Medical Group, P C ., and
Medford-based Medford C lin ic, P C . The
three group practices combined have a
history o f 150 years o f group practice
expertise, record more than one m illion
patient visits per year and have revenues in
excess o f $170 m illion. They consist o f I
more than 300 care providers and employ I
more than 1,600 full- and part-time staff.
Physician Partners, Inc. w ill be owned I
by the physicians o f the three group prac­
tices. The company’s executive team w ill
consist o f David Goldberg, president and i
C E O ; Michael Bonazzola, M .D., senior]
vice president and chief medical officer;
and Tim Dupell, senior vice president and
chief financial officer.
“This is the next logical step in the I
consolidation o f health care del ¡very,” said
Goldberg. "Physicians have been
must continue to be — the most important
element o f health care delivery, but they
have been the slowest to organize. B y
bringing physician groups together. Physi­
cian Partners Inr w ill make the doctor a |
driving force in managed care.”
Physician Partners, Inc. w ill be the first I
PPM headquartered in the Pacific North-1
west. PPM s partner with physicians and
physician groups to provide sound busi­
ness and clinical leadership
Closing documents will be completed
and a registration statement wii I be filed with
the Securities and Exchange Commission, j
subject to shareholder approval this fall.